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File metadata and controls

119 lines (83 loc) · 5.65 KB

Background Tasks

This is an example for running background tasks in an AWS Lambda function.

Background tasks allow code to execute asynchronously after the main response has been returned, enabling additional processing without affecting response latency. This approach is ideal for scenarios like logging, data updates, or notifications that can be deferred. The code leverages Lambda's "Response Streaming" feature, which is effective for balancing real-time user responsiveness with the ability to perform extended tasks post-response.

For more information about Lambda background tasks, see this AWS blog post.


The sample code creates a BackgroundProcessingHandler struct that conforms to the LambdaWithBackgroundProcessingHandler protocol provided by the Swift AWS Lambda Runtime.

The BackgroundProcessingHandler struct defines the input and output JSON received and returned by the Handler.

The handle(...) method of this protocol receives incoming events as Input and returns the output as a Greeting. The handle(...) methods receives an outputWriter parameter to write the output before the function returns, giving some opportunities to run long-lasting tasks after the response has been returned to the client but before the function returns.

The handle(...) method uses the outputWriter to return the response as soon as possible. It then waits for 10 seconds to simulate a long background work. When the 10 seconds elapsed, the function returns. The billing cycle ends when the function returns.

The handle(...) method is marked as mutating to allow handlers to be implemented with a struct.

Once the struct is created and the handle(...) method is defined, the sample code creates a LambdaCodableAdapter adapter to adapt the LambdaWithBackgroundProcessingHandler to a type accepted by the LambdaRuntime struct. Then, the sample code initializes the LambdaRuntime with the adapter just created. Finally, the code calls run() to start the interaction with the AWS Lambda control plane.

Build & Package

To build & archive the package, type the following commands.

swift package archive --allow-network-connections docker

If there is no error, there is a ZIP file ready to deploy. The ZIP file is located at .build/plugins/AWSLambdaPackager/outputs/AWSLambdaPackager/BackgroundTasks/

Deploy with the AWS CLI

Here is how to deploy using the aws command line.

Create the function

aws lambda create-function \
--function-name BackgroundTasks \
--zip-file fileb://.build/plugins/AWSLambdaPackager/outputs/AWSLambdaPackager/BackgroundTasks/ \
--runtime provided.al2 \
--handler provided  \
--architectures arm64 \
--role arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/lambda_basic_execution \
--environment "Variables={LOG_LEVEL=debug}" \
--timeout 15


The timeout value must be bigger than the time it takes for your function to complete its background tasks. Otherwise, the Lambda control plane will terminate the execution environment before your code has a chance to finish the tasks. Here, the sample function waits for 10 seconds and we set the timeout for 15 seconds.

The --environment arguments sets the LOG_LEVEL environment variable to debug. This will ensure the debugging statements in the handler context.logger.debug("...") are printed in the Lambda function logs.

The --architectures flag is only required when you build the binary on an Apple Silicon machine (Apple M1 or more recent). It defaults to x64.

Be sure to set AWS_ACCOUNT_ID with your actual AWS account ID (for example: 012345678901).

Invoke your Lambda function

To invoke the Lambda function, use aws command line.

aws lambda invoke \
  --function-name BackgroundTasks \
  --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
  --payload '{ "message" : "Hello Background Tasks" }' \

This should immediately output the following result.

    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"

The response is visible in the response.json file.

cat response.json 
{"echoedMessage":"Hello Background Tasks"}

View the function's logs

You can observe additional messages being logged after the response is received.

To tail the log, use the AWS CLI:

aws logs tail /aws/lambda/BackgroundTasks --follow

This produces an output like:

INIT_START Runtime Version: provided:al2.v59      Runtime Version ARN: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1::runtime:974c4a90f22278a2ef1c3f53c5c152167318aaf123fbb07c055a4885a4e97e52
START RequestId: 4c8edd74-d776-4df9-9714-19086ab59bfd Version: $LATEST
debug LambdaRuntime : [BackgroundTasks] BackgroundProcessingHandler - message received
debug LambdaRuntime : [BackgroundTasks] BackgroundProcessingHandler - response sent. Performing background tasks.
debug LambdaRuntime : [BackgroundTasks] BackgroundProcessingHandler - Background tasks completed. Returning
END RequestId: 4c8edd74-d776-4df9-9714-19086ab59bfd
REPORT RequestId: 4c8edd74-d776-4df9-9714-19086ab59bfd    Duration: 10160.89 ms   Billed Duration: 10250 ms       Memory Size: 128 MB     Max Memory Used: 27 MB  Init Duration: 88.20 ms


The debug message are sent by the code inside the handler() function. Note that the Duration and Billed Duration on the last line are for 10.1 and 10.2 seconds respectively.

Type CTRL-C to stop tailing the logs.


When done testing, you can delete the Lambda function with this command.

aws lambda delete-function --function-name BackgroundTasks