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7. Websocket

Youchen Lee (isacl) edited this page May 2, 2018 · 25 revisions


This is a very important feature of this package. Generally in Laravel when you want to build a webscoket server, you have to rely on third party websocket server. The most common way is to use Pusher or provided by NodeJS and with combination of Broadcasting. There's no way to build a websocket server in Laravel.

Now with Swoole, it is possible and not difficult to integrate with Laravel. Nowadays when we talk about Websocket, the majority choose to be their solution. The good news is this package is compatible with protocol(partially). That means in the brower or other clients you can use client directly.

These features are not implemented:

  • namespace
  • path
  • long polling
  • sid (sid interacts with server will be ignored)
  • only supports text type data


After you run vendor:publish, you can find websocket.php in your routes folder. This is where you can register your websocket events. It looks pretty much like how you register a HTTP route in Laravel. You can register events with on function, and it supports callback function or handler path.


use SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Facades\Websocket;

| Websocket Routes
| Here is where you can register websocket events for your application.

Websocket::on('open', function ($websocket, $data) {
    // in open callback, data will be illuminate request 
    $websocket->emit('message', 'welcome');

Websocket::on('disconnect', function ($websocket) {

Websocket::on('example', function ($websocket, $data) {
    $websocket->emit('message', $data);

Websocket::on('test', 'ExampleController@method');

In callback functions, you can get $websocket and $data as parameters.

Parameter sequence doen't matter, but parameter names does.

Here's websocket's API:

function Parameters Description
on string $event, callable $callback Listen to a event name, and bind to handler
broadcast None Set current message to broadcast
to int string $value Assigned to specific fd, or specific room name
toAll array $values Assigned to multiple fds or rooms
join string $room Join current sender to a room
joinAll array $rooms Join current sender to multiple rooms
leave string $room Make current sender leave a specific room
leaveAll array $rooms Make current sender leave multiple rooms
emit string $event, mixed $data Emit an event with data
close None Close current connection
getSender None Get current sender's fd
getIsBroadcast None Get if is briadcast now
getTo None Get assigned fds and rooms
reset boolean $force Reset isBroadcast, to and sender (if force is true)

Usage Examples

The usage of websocket refers to, so they look a liitle bit similar.


use SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Facades\Websocket;

// sending to sender-client only
Websocket::emit('message', 'this is a test');

// sending to all clients except sender
Websocket::broadcast()->emit('message', 'this is a test');

// sending to all clients in 'game' room(channel) except sender
Websocket::broadcast()->to('game')->emit('message', 'nice game');

// sending to all clients in 'game' including sender client
Websocket::to('game')->emit('message', 'enjoy the game');

// sending to individual socketid 1
Websocket::broadcast()->to(1)->emit('message', 'for your eyes only');

// join to subscribe the socket to a given channel (server-side):
Websocket::join('some room');

// leave to unsubscribe the socket to a given channel (server-side)
Websocket::leave('some room');

use SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Facades\Room;

// get all fds in a 'game' room

// get all rooms of fd 1

// add fd 1 to a 'game' room
Room::add(1, 'room');

// add fd 1 to 'game' and 'test' rooms
Room::addAll(1, ['game', 'test']);

// delete fd 1 from a 'game' room
Room::delete(1, 'room');

// delete fd 1 from 'game' and 'test' rooms
Room::deleteAll(1, ['game', 'test']);


Default handler uses, but you can still use your customized websocket protocol.

There are few classes you need to implement:

  • Websocket Handler: Need to implement HandlerContract

namespace SwooleTW\Http\Websocket;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Swoole\Websocket\Frame;

interface HandlerContract
     * "onOpen" listener.
     * @param int $fd
     * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
    public function onOpen($fd, Request $request);

     * "onMessage" listener.
     *  only triggered when event handler not found
     * @param \Swoole\Websocket\Frame $frame
    public function onMessage(Frame $frame);

     * "onClose" listener.
     * @param int $fd
     * @param int $reactorId
    public function onClose($fd, $reactorId);
  • Packet Parser: Need to extend Parser

namespace SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Foo;

use Swoole\Websocket\Frame;
use SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\Parser;

class FooParser extends Parser
     * Strategy classes need to implement handle method.
    protected $strategies = [
        // optional

     * Encode output message for websocket push.
     * @return mixed
    public function encode($event, $data)
        // your logic
        return $result;

     * Decode message from websocket client.
     * Define and return payload here.
     * @param \Swoole\Websocket\Frame $frame
     * @return array
    public function decode(Frame $frame)
        // your logic
        return [
            'event' => $yourParsedEventName,
            'data' => $yourParsedData

And then configure them in swoole_websocket.php

'handler' => SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\SocketIO\WebsocketHandler::class,
'parser' => SwooleTW\Http\Websocket\SocketIO\SocketIOParser::class,
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