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Installing OpenDR toolkit

OpenDR can be installed in the following ways:

  1. By cloning this repository (CPU/GPU support)
  2. Using pip (CPU/GPU support)
  3. Using docker (CPU/GPU support)

The following table summarizes the installation options based on your system architecture and OS:

Installation Method CPU/GPU OS
Clone & Install Both Ubuntu 20.04 (x86-64)
pip Both Ubuntu 20.04 (x86-64)
docker Both Linux / Windows

Installing by cloning OpenDR repository (Ubuntu 20.04, x86, architecture)

This is the recommended way of installing the whole toolkit, since it allows for fully exploiting all the provided functionalities. To install the toolkit, please first make sure that you have git available on your system.

sudo apt install git

Then, clone the toolkit:

git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules -j8

You are then ready to install the toolkit:

cd opendr

The installation script automatically installs all the required dependencies. Note that this might take a while (~10-20min depending on your machine and network connection), while the script also makes system-wide changes. Using dockerfiles is strongly advised (please see below), unless you know what you are doing. Please also make sure that you have enough RAM available for the installation (about 4GB of free RAM is needed for the full installation/compilation).

If you want to install GPU-related dependencies, then you can appropriately set the OPENDR_DEVICE variable. The toolkit defaults to using CPU. Therefore, if you want to use GPU, please set this variable accordingly before running the installation script:

export OPENDR_DEVICE=gpu

The installation script creates a virtualenv, where the toolkit is installed. To activate OpenDR environment you can just source the

source ./bin/

Then, you are ready to use the toolkit!

NOTE: OPENDR_DEVICE does not alter the inference/training device at runtime. It only affects the dependency installation. You can use OpenDR API to change the inference device.

You can also verify the installation by using the supplied Python and C unit tests:

make unittest
make ctests

If you plan to use GPU-enabled functionalities, then you are advised to install CUDA 11.2, along with CuDNN.

HINT: All tests probe for the TEST_DEVICE enviromental variable when running. If this enviromental variable is set during testing, it allows for easily running all tests on a different device (e.g., setting TEST_DEVICE=cuda:0 runs all tests on the first GPU of the system).

Installing using pip

CPU-only installation

You can directly install the Python API of the OpenDR toolkit using pip. First, install the required dependencies:

sudo apt install python3.8-venv libfreetype6-dev git build-essential cmake python3-dev wget libopenblas-dev libsndfile1 libboost-dev libeigen3-dev 
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install wheel

Then, you install the Python API of the toolkit using pip:

export DISABLE_BCOLZ_AVX2=true
pip install opendr-toolkit-engine
pip install opendr-toolkit

pip wheels only install code that is available under the src/opendr folder of the toolkit. Tools provided in projects are not installed by pip. If you have a CPU that does not support AVX2, the please also export DISABLE_BCOLZ_AVX2=true before installing the toolkit. This is not needed for newer CPUs.

Enabling GPU-acceleration

The same OpenDR package is used for both CPU and GPU systems. However, you need to have the appropriate GPU-enabled dependencies installed to use a GPU with OpenDR. If you plan to use GPU, then you should first install mxnet-cuda and detectron2. For example, if you stick with the default PyTorch version (1.8) and use CUDA11.2, then you can simply follow:

sudo apt install python3.8-venv libfreetype6-dev git build-essential cmake python3-dev wget libopenblas-dev libsndfile1 libboost-dev libeigen3-dev 
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install wheel
pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f
pip install 'git+'
pip install mxnet-cu112==1.8.0post0
pip install opendr-toolkit-engine
pip install opendr-toolkit

If you encounter any issue installing the latest version of detectron, then you can try installing a previous commit:

pip install 'git+'

Installing only a particular tool using pip (CPU/GPU)

If you do not want to install the whole repository, you can only install a specific OpenDR tool. For example, if you just want to perform pose estimation you can just run:

pip install opendr-toolkit-engine
pip install opendr-toolkit-pose-estimation

Note that opendr-toolkit-engine must be always installed in your system, while multiple tools can be installed in this way. OpenDR distributes the following packages that can be installed:

  • opendr-toolkit-activity_recognition
  • opendr-toolkit-speech_recognition
  • opendr-toolkit-semantic_segmentation
  • opendr-toolkit-skeleton_based_action_recognition
  • opendr-toolkit-face_recognition
  • opendr-toolkit-facial_expression_recognition
  • opendr-toolkit-panoptic_segmentation
  • opendr-toolkit-pose_estimation
  • opendr-toolkit-compressive_learning
  • opendr-toolkit-hyperparameter_tuner
  • opendr-toolkit-heart_anomaly_detection
  • opendr-toolkit-human_model_generation
  • opendr-toolkit-multimodal_human_centric
  • opendr-toolkit-object_detection_2d
  • opendr-toolkit-object_tracking_2d
  • opendr-toolkit-object_detection_3d
  • opendr-toolkit-object_tracking_3d
  • opendr-toolkit-mobile_manipulation (requires a functional ROS installation)
  • opendr-toolkit-single_demo_grasp (requires a functional ROS installation)

Note that opendr-toolkit is actually just a metapackage that includes all the afformentioned packages.

Installing using docker

CPU docker

After installing docker, you can directly run the OpenDR image as:

sudo docker run -p 8888:8888 opendr/opendr-toolkit:cpu_latest

The docker automatically runs a Jupyter notebook server that listens at port 8888. When launched, you can access the Jupyter notebook by following the link provided in the console, it should be similar to In order to stop the container, please quit the Jupyter notebook.

If you do not wish to use Jupyter, you can also experiment by starting an interactive session by running:

sudo docker run -it opendr/opendr-toolkit:cpu_latest /bin/bash

In this case, do not forget to enable the virtual environment with:

source bin/

If you want to display GTK-based applications from the Docker container (e.g., visualize results using OpenCV imshow()), then you should mount the X server socket inside the container, e.g.,

xhost +local:root
sudo docker run -it -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY opendr/opendr-toolkit:cpu_v1.1.1 /bin/bash

GPU docker

If you want to use a CUDA-enabled container please install nvidia-docker. Then, you can directly run the latest image with the command:

sudo docker run --gpus all -p 8888:8888 opendr/opendr-toolkit:cuda_v1.1.1

or, for an interactive session:

sudo docker run --gpus all -it opendr/opendr-toolkit:cuda_v1.1.1 /bin/bash

In this case, do not forget to enable the virtual environment with:

source bin/

Build the docker images yourself (optional)

Alternatively you can also build the docker images locally using the Dockerfile (Dockerfile-cuda for cuda) provided in the root folder of the toolkit.

For the CPU image, execute the following commands:

git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules -j8
cd opendr
sudo docker build -t opendr/opendr-toolkit:cpu .

For the cuda-enabled image, first edit /etc/docker/daemon.json in order to set the default docker runtime:

    "runtimes": {
        "nvidia": {
            "path": "nvidia-container-runtime",
            "runtimeArgs": []
    "default-runtime": "nvidia"

Restart docker afterwards:

sudo systemctl restart docker.service

Then you can build the supplied dockerfile:

git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules -j8
cd opendr
sudo docker build -t opendr/opendr-toolkit:cuda -f Dockerfile-cuda .

In order to run them, the commands are respectively:

sudo docker run --gpus all -p 8888:8888 opendr/opendr-toolkit:cpu


sudo docker run --gpus all -p 8888:8888 opendr/opendr-toolkit:cuda