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CenterNetDetectorLearner module

The centernet module contains the CenterNetDetectorLearner class, which inherits from the abstract class Learner.

Class CenterNetDetectorLearner

Bases: engine.learners.Learner

The CenterNetDetectorLearner class is a wrapper of the CenterNet detector[1] GluonCV implementation. It can be used to perform object detection on images (inference) as well as train new object detection models.

The CenterNetDetectorLearner class has the following public methods:

CenterNetDetectorLearner constructor

CenterNetDetectorLearner(self, lr, epochs, batch_size, device, backbone, img_size,
                         lr_schedule, temp_path, checkpoint_after_iter, checkpoint_load_iter,
                         val_after, log_after, num_workers, weight_decay, momentum,
                         scale, topk, wh_weight, center_reg_weight,
                         lr_decay_epoch, lr_decay, warmup_epochs, flip_validation)

Constructor parameters:

  • lr: float, default=0.0001
    Specifies the initial learning rate to be used during training.
  • epochs: int, default=100
    Specifies the number of epochs to be used during training.
  • batch_size: int, default=2
    Specifies the batch size to be used during training.
  • device: {'cuda', 'cpu'}, default='cuda'
    Specifies the device to be used.
  • backbone: {'resnet50_v1b'}, default='resnet50_v1b'
    Specifies the backbone architecture. Currently only 'resnet50_v1b' is supported.
  • img_size: int, default=512
    Specifies the image size to be used during training.
  • lr_schedule: {'constant', 'step', 'linear', 'poly', 'cosine'}, default='step'
    Specifies the desired learning rate schedule.
  • temp_path: str, default=''
    Specifies a path to be used for storage of checkpoints during training.
  • checkpoint_after_iter: int, default=0
    Specifies the epoch interval between checkpoints during training. If set to 0 no checkpoint will be saved.
  • checkpoint_load_iter: int, default=0
    Specifies the epoch to load a saved checkpoint from. If set to 0 no checkpoint will be loaded.
  • val_after: int, default=5
    Epoch interval between evaluations during training.
  • log_after: int, default=100
    Specifies interval (in iterations/batches) between information logging on stdout.\
  • num_workers: int, default=8 Specifies the number of workers to be used when loading the dataset.
  • weight_decay: float, default=5e-4
    Specifies the weight decay to be used during training.
  • momentum: float, default=0.9
    Specifies the momentum to be used for optimizer during training.
  • mixup: bool default=False
    Specifies whether to use an image mixing strategy during training.
  • no_mixup_epochs: int, default=0
    If mixup is True, specifies the number of epochs for which mixup is disabled in the beginning of the training process.
  • label_smoothing: bool default=False
    Specifies whether to use label smoothing during training.
  • random_shape: bool, default=False
    Specifies whether to resize input images during training to random multiples of 32.
  • warmup_epochs: int, default=0
    Specifies the number of epochs at the beginning of training, during which the learning rate is annealed until it reaches the specified lr.
  • lr_decay_period: int, default=0
    Specifies the interval at which the learning rate drops.
  • lr_decay_epoch: str, default='80,100'
    Specifies the epochs at which the learning rate is dropped during training. Must be a string using commas as a delimiter. Ignored if lr_decay_period is set to a value larger than 0.
  • lr_decay: float, default=0.1
    Specifies the rate by which the learning rate drops during training., dataset, val_dataset, verbose)

This method is used to train the algorithm on a DetectionDataset or ExternalDataset dataset and also performs evaluation on a validation set using the trained model. Returns a dictionary containing stats regarding the training process.


  • dataset: object
    Object that holds the training dataset.
  • val_dataset: object, default=None
    Object that holds the validation dataset.
  • verbose: bool, default=True
    If True, enables maximum verbosity.


CenterNetDetectorLearner.eval(self, dataset, use_subset, subset_size, verbose)

Performs evaluation on a dataset or a subset of a dataset.


  • dataset: object
    Object that holds dataset to perform evaluation on.
  • use_subset: bool, default=False
    If True, evaluation is perform on a random subset of subset_size images from the dataset.
  • subset_size: int, default=250
    Only used if used_subset=True. Specifies the number of images to perform evaluation on.
  • verbose: bool default=True
    If True, enables maximum verbosity.


CenterNetDetectorLearner.infer(self, img, threshold, keep_size)

Performs inference on a single image.


  • img: object
    Object of type
  • threshold: float, default=0.2
    Defines the detection threshold. Bounding boxes with confidence under this value are discarded.
  • keep_size: bool, default=False
    Specifies whether to resize the input image to self.img_size or keep original image dimensions., path, verbose)

Saves a model in OpenDR format at the specified path. The model name is extracted from the base folder in the specified path.


  • path: str
    Specifies the folder where the model will be saved. The model name is extracted from the base folder of this path.
  • verbose: bool default=True
    If True, enables maximum verbosity.


CenterNetDetectorLearner.load(self, path, verbose)

Loads a model which was previously saved in OpenDR format at the specified path.


  • path: str
    Specifies the folder where the model will be loaded from.
  • verbose: bool default=True
    If True, enables maximum verbosity., path, mode, verbose, url)

Downloads data needed for the various functions of the learner, e.g., pretrained models as well as test data.


  • path: str, default=None
    Specifies the folder where data will be downloaded. If None, the self.temp_path directory is used instead.
  • mode: {'pretrained', 'images', 'test_data'}, default='pretrained'
    If 'pretrained', downloads a pretrained detector model. If 'images', downloads an image to perform inference on. If 'test_data' downloads a dummy dataset for testing purposes.
  • verbose: bool default=True
    If True, enables maximum verbosity.
  • url: str, default=OpenDR FTP URL
    URL of the FTP server.


  • Training example using an ExternalDataset. To train properly, the backbone weights are downloaded automatically in the temp_path. Default backbone is 'resnet50_v1b'. The VOC and COCO datasets are supported as ExternalDataset types. This example assumes the data has been downloaded and placed in the directory referenced by data_root.

    from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import CenterNetDetectorLearner
    from opendr.engine.datasets import ExternalDataset
    centernet = CenterNetDetectorLearner(device=device, batch_size=batch_size,
                                         lr=lr, val_after=val_after,
                                         epochs=n_epochs, backbone=backbone)
    dataset = ExternalDataset(data_root, 'voc')
    val_dataset = ExternalDataset(data_root, 'voc'), val_dataset)'./trained_models/centernet_model')

    Training with DetetionDataset types is also supported. Example using the WiderPersonDataset (assuming data has been downloaded in data_root folder):

    from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import CenterNetDetectorLearner
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import WiderPersonDataset
    centernet = CenterNetDetectorLearner(device=device, batch_size=batch_size,
                                         lr=lr, val_after=val_after,
                                         epochs=n_epochs, backbone=backbone)
    dataset = WiderPersonDataset(root=data_root, splits=['train'])
    val_dataset = WiderPersonDataset(root=data_root, splits=['val']), val_dataset)'./trained_models/centernet_model')

    Custom datasets are supported by inheriting the DetectionDataset class.

  • Inference and result drawing example on a test .jpg image using OpenCV.

    from import Image
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import CenterNetDetectorLearner
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import draw_bounding_boxes
    centernet = CenterNetDetectorLearner(device=device)".", mode="pretrained")
    centernet.load("./centernet_default", verbose=True)".", mode="images")
    img ="./bicycles.jpg")
    boxes = centernet.infer(img)
    draw_bounding_boxes(img.opencv(), boxes, class_names=centernet.classes, show=True)

Performance Evaluation

In terms of speed, the performance of CenterNet is summarized in the table below (in FPS).

Method RTX 2070 TX2 AGX
CenterNet 88 19 14

Apart from the inference speed, we also report the memory usage, as well as energy consumption on a reference platform in the Table below. The measurement was made on a Jetson TX2 module.

Method Memory (MB) Energy (Joules) - Total per inference
CenterNet 4784 12.01

Finally, we measure the performance on the COCO dataset, using the corresponding metrics.

Metric CenterNet
mAP 7.5
[email protected] 24.5
[email protected] 1.0
mAP (S) 0.9
mAP (M) 5.4
mAP (L) 17.0
AR 14.9
AR (S) 2.9
AR (M) 12.9
AR (L) 30.3

The platform compatibility evaluation is also reported below:

Platform Compatibility Evaluation
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (bare installation - CPU) ✔️
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (bare installation - GPU) ✔️
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (pip installation) ✔️
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (CPU docker) ✔️
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (GPU docker) ✔️
NVIDIA Jetson TX2 ✔️
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX ✔️
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX ✔️


[1] CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object Detection, arXiv.