The skeleton_based_action_recognition module contains the SpatioTemporalGCNLearner and ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner classes, which inherits from the abstract class Learner.
Download the NTU-RGB+D skeleton data from here and the kinetics-skeleton dataset from here. Then run the following function to preprocess the NTU-RGB+D and Kinetics skeleton data for ST-GCN methods:
from opendr.perception.skeleton_based_action_recognition.algorithm.datasets import ntu_gendata
from opendr.perception.skeleton_based_action_recognition.algorithm.datasets import kinetics_gendata
python3 --data_path ./data/nturgbd_raw_skeletons --ignored_sample_path ./algorithm/datasets/ntu_samples_with_missing_skeletons.txt --out_folder ./data/preprocessed_nturgbd
python3 --data_path ./data/kinetics_raw_skeletons --out_folder ./data/preprocessed_kinetics_skeletons
You need to specify the path of the downloaded data as --data_path
and the path of the processed data as --out_folder
ntu_samples_with_missing_skeletons.txt provides the NTU-RGB+D sample indices which don't contain any skeleton.
You need to specify the path of this file with --ignored_sample_path.
Bases: engine.learners.Learner
The SpatioTemporalGCNLearner class is a wrapper of the ST-GCN [1] and the proposed methods TA-GCN [2] and ST-BLN [3] for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition. This implementation of ST-GCN can be found in OpenMMLAB toolbox. It can be used to perform the baseline method ST-GCN and the proposed methods TA-GCN [2] and ST-BLN [3] for skeleton-based action recognition. The TA-GCN and ST-BLN methods are proposed on top of ST-GCN and make it more efficient in terms of number of model parameters and floating point operations.
The SpatioTemporalGCNLearner class has the following public methods:
SpatioTemporalGCNLearner(self, lr, batch_size, optimizer_name, lr_schedule,
checkpoint_after_iter, checkpoint_load_iter, temp_path,
device, num_workers, epochs, experiment_name,
device_ind, val_batch_size, drop_after_epoch,
start_epoch, dataset_name, num_class, num_point,
num_person, in_channels, method_name,
stbln_symmetric, num_frames, num_subframes)
Constructor parameters:
- lr: float, default=0.1
Specifies the initial learning rate to be used during training. - batch_size: int, default=128
Specifies number of skeleton sequences to be bundled up in a batch during training. This heavily affects memory usage, adjust according to your system. - optimizer_name: str {'sgd', 'adam'}, default='sgd'
Specifies the optimizer type that should be used. - lr_schedule: str, default=' '
Specifies the learning rate scheduler. - checkpoint_after_iter: int, default=0 Specifies per how many training iterations a checkpoint should be saved. If it is set to 0 no checkpoints will be saved.
- checkpoint_load_iter: int, default=0
Specifies which checkpoint should be loaded. If it is set to 0, no checkpoints will be loaded. - temp_path: str, default=''
Specifies a path where the algorithm saves the checkpoints and onnx optimized model (if needed). - device: {'cpu', 'cuda'}, default='cuda'
Specifies the device to be used. - num_workers: int, default=32
Specifies the number of workers to be used by the data loader. - epochs: int, default=50
Specifies the number of epochs the training should run for. - experiment_name: str, default='stgcn_nturgbd'
String name to attach to checkpoints. - device_ind: list, default=[0]
List of GPU indices to be used if the device is 'cuda'. - val_batch_size: int, default=256
Specifies number of skeleton sequences to be bundled up in a batch during evaluation. This heavily affects memory usage, adjust according to your system. - drop_after_epoch: list, default=[30,40]
List of epoch numbers in which the optimizer drops the learning rate. - start_epoch: int, default=0
Specifies the starting epoch number for training. - dataset_name: str {'kinetics', 'nturgbd_cv', 'nturgbd_cs'}, default='nturgbd_cv'
Specifies the name of dataset that is used for training and evaluation. - num_class: int, default=60
Specifies the number of classes for the action dataset. - num_point: int, default=25
Specifies the number of body joints in each skeleton. - num_person: int, default=2
Specifies the number of body skeletons in each frame. - in_channels: int, default=3
Specifies the number of input channels for each body joint. - graph_type: str {'kinetics', 'ntu'}, default='ntu'
Specifies the type of graph structure associated with the dataset. - method_name: str {'stgcn', 'stbln', 'tagcn'}, default='stgcn'
Specifies the name of method to be trained and evaluated. For each method, a different model is trained. - stbln_symmetric: bool, default=False
Specifies if the random graph in stbln method is symmetric or not. This parameter is used if method_name is 'stbln'. - num_frames: int, default=300
Specifies the number of frames in each skeleton sequence. This parameter is used if the method_name is 'tagcn'. - num_subframes: int, default=100
Specifies the number of sub-frames that are going to be selected by the tagcn model. This parameter is used if the method_name is 'tagcn'., dataset, val_dataset, logging_path, silent, verbose,
momentum, nesterov, weight_decay, train_data_filename,
train_labels_filename, val_data_filename,
val_labels_filename, skeleton_data_type)
This method is used for training the algorithm on a train dataset and validating on a val dataset. Parameters:
- dataset: object
Object that holds the training dataset. Can be of typeExternalDataset
or a custom dataset inheriting fromDatasetIterator
. - val_dataset: object Object that holds the validation dataset.
- logging_path: str, default=''
Path to save TensorBoard log files and the training log files. If set to None or '', TensorBoard logging is disabled and no log file is created. - silent: bool, default=False
If set to True, disables all printing of training progress reports and other information to STDOUT. - verbose: bool, default=True**
If set to True, enables the maximum verbosity. - momentum: float, default=0.9
Specifies the momentum value for optimizer. - nesterov: bool, default=True**
If set to true, the optimizer uses Nesterov's momentum. - weight_decay: float, default=0.0001**
Specifies the weight_decay value of the optimizer. - train_data_filename: str, default='train_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the training data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a file name, not a path. - train_labels_filename: str, default='train_labels.pkl'
Filename of the labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - val_data_filename: str, default='val_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the validation data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a filename, not a path. - val_labels_filename: str, default='val_labels.pkl'
Filename of the validation labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - skeleton_data_type: str {'joint', 'bone', 'motion'}, default='joint'
The data stream that should be used for training and evaluation.
SpatioTemporalGCNLearner.eval(self, val_dataset, val_loader, epoch, silent, verbose,
val_data_filename, val_labels_filename, skeleton_data_type,
save_score, wrong_file, result_file, show_topk)
This method is used to evaluate a trained model on an evaluation dataset.
Returns a dictionary containing stats regarding evaluation.
- val_dataset: object
Object that holds the evaluation dataset. Can be of typeExternalDataset
or a custom dataset inheriting fromDatasetIterator
. - val_loader: object, default=None
Object that holds a Python iterable over the evaluation dataset. Object
class. - epoch: int, default=0
The training epoch in which the model is evaluated. - silent: bool, default=False
If set to True, disables all printing of evaluation progress reports and other information to STDOUT. - verbose: bool, default=True
If set to True, enables the maximum verbosity. - val_data_filename: str, default='val_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the validation data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a filename, not a path. - val_labels_filename: str, default='val_labels.pkl'
Filename of the validation labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - skeleton_data_type: str {'joint', 'bone', 'motion'}, default='joint'
The data stream that should be used for training and evaluation. - save_score: bool, default=False
If set to True, it saves the classification score of all samples in differenc classes in a log file. Default to False. - wrong_file: str, default=None
If set to True, it saves the results of wrongly classified samples. Default to False. - result_file: str, default=None
If set to True, it saves the classification results of all samples. Default to False. - show_topk: list, default=[1, 5]
Is set to a list of integer numbers defining the k in top-k accuracy. Default is set to [1,5].
This method is used to initialize the imported model and its loss function.
SpatioTemporalGCNLearner.infer(self, SkeletonSeq_batch)
This method is used to perform action recognition on a sequence of skeletons.
It returns the action category as an object of
if a proper input object
is given.
- SkeletonSeq_batch: object**
Object of type, path, model_name, verbose)
This method is used to save a trained model. Provided with the path "/my/path" (absolute or relative), it creates the "path" directory, if it does not already exist. Inside this folder, the model is saved as "" and the metadata file as "model_name.json". If the directory already exists, the "" and "model_name.json" files are overwritten.
If self.optimize
was run previously, it saves the optimized ONNX model in
a similar fashion with an ".onnx" extension, by copying it from the self.temp_path it was saved previously
during conversion.
- path: str
Path to save the model. - model_name: str
The file name to be saved. - verbose: bool, default=False
If set to True, prints a message on success.
SpatioTemporalGCNLearner.load(self, path, model_name, verbose)
This method is used to load a previously saved model from its saved folder. Loads the model from inside the directory of the path provided, using the metadata .json file included.
- path: str
Path of the model to be loaded. - model_name: str
The file name to be loaded. - verbose: bool, default=False
If set to True, prints a message on success.
SpatioTemporalGCNLearner.optimize(self, do_constant_folding)
This method is used to optimize a trained model to ONNX format which can be then used for inference.
- do_constant_folding: bool, default=False
ONNX format optimization. If True, the constant-folding optimization is applied to the model during export. Constant-folding optimization will replace some of the operations that have all constant inputs, with pre-computed constant nodes.
SpatioTemporalGCNLearner.multi_stream_eval(self, dataset, scores, data_filename,
labels_filename, skeleton_data_type,
verbose, silent)
This method is used to ensemble the classification results of the model on two or more data streams like joints, bones and motions. It returns the top-k classification performance of ensembled model.
- dataset: object
Object that holds the dataset. Can be of typeExternalDataset
or a custom dataset inheriting fromDatasetIterator
. - score: list
A list of score arrays. Each array in the list contains the evaluation results for a data stream. - data_filename: str, default='val_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the validation data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a filename, not a path. - labels_filename: str, default='val_labels.pkl'
Filename of the validation labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - skeleton_data_type: str {'joint', 'bone', 'motion'}, default='joint'
The data stream that should be used for training and evaluation. - silent: bool, default=False
If set to True, disables all printing of evaluation progress reports and other information to STDOUT. - verbose: bool, default=True
If set to True, enables the maximum verbosity.
@staticmethod, path, mode, verbose, url, file_name)
Download utility for various skeleton-based action recognition components. Downloads files depending on mode and saves them in the path provided. It supports downloading:
- the pretrained weights for stgcn, tagcn and stbln models.
- a dataset containing one or more skeleton sequences and its labels.
- path: str, default=None
Local path to save the files, defaults to self.parent_dir if None. - mode: str, default="pretrained"
What file to download, can be one of "pretrained", "train_data", "val_data", "test_data" - verbose: bool, default=False
Whether to print messages in the console. - url: str, default=OpenDR FTP URL
URL of the FTP server. - file_name: str
The name of the file containing the pretrained model.
Training example using an
The training and evaluation dataset should be present in the path provided, along with the labels file. Thebatch_size
argument should be adjusted according to available memory.from opendr.perception.skeleton_based_action_recognition.spatio_temporal_gcn_learner import SpatioTemporalGCNLearner from opendr.engine.datasets import ExternalDataset training_dataset = ExternalDataset(path='./data/preprocessed_nturgbd/xview', dataset_type='NTURGBD') validation_dataset = ExternalDataset(path='./data/preprocessed_nturgbd/xview', dataset_type='NTURGBD') stgcn_learner = SpatioTemporalGCNLearner(temp_path='./parent_dir', batch_size=64, epochs=50, checkpoint_after_iter=10, val_batch_size=128, dataset_name='nturgbd_cv', experiment_name='stgcn_nturgbd', method_name='stgcn'), val_dataset=validation_dataset, logging_path='./logs', silent=True, train_data_filename='train_joints.npy', train_labels_filename='train_labels.pkl', val_data_filename='val_joints.npy', val_labels_filename='val_labels.pkl', skeleton_data_type='joint')'./saved_models/stgcn_nturgbd_cv_checkpoints', model_name='test_stgcn')
In a similar manner train the TA-GCN model by specifying the number of important frames that the model selects as num_subframes. The number of frames in both NTU-RGB+D and Kinetics-skeleton is 300.
tagcn_learner = SpatioTemporalGCNLearner(temp_path='./parent_dir', batch_size=64, epochs=50, checkpoint_after_iter=10, val_batch_size=128, dataset_name='nturgbd_cv', experiment_name='tagcn_nturgbd', method_name='tagcn', num_frames=300, num_subframes=100), val_dataset=validation_dataset, logging_path='./logs', silent=True, train_data_filename='train_joints.npy', train_labels_filename='train_labels.pkl', val_data_filename='val_joints.npy', val_labels_filename='val_labels.pkl', skeleton_data_type='joint')'./saved_models/tagcn_nturgbd_cv_checkpoints', model_name='test_tagcn')
For training the ST-BLN model, set the method_name to 'stbln' and specify if the model uses a symmetric attention matrix or not by setting stbln_symmetric to True or False.
stbln_learner = SpatioTemporalGCNLearner(temp_path='./parent_dir', batch_size=64, epochs=50, checkpoint_after_iter=10, val_batch_size=128, dataset_name='nturgbd_cv', experiment_name='stbln_nturgbd', method_name='stbln', stbln_symmetric=False), val_dataset=validation_dataset, logging_path='./logs', silent=True, train_data_filename='train_joints.npy', train_labels_filename='train_labels.pkl', val_data_filename='val_joints.npy', val_labels_filename='val_labels.pkl', skeleton_data_type='joint')'./saved_models/stbln_nturgbd_cv_checkpoints', model_name='test_stbln')
Inference on a test skeleton sequence
from opendr.perception.skeleton_based_action_recognition.spatio_temporal_gcn_learner import SpatioTemporalGCNLearner import numpy stgcn_learner = SpatioTemporalGCNLearner(temp_path='./parent_dir', batch_size=64, epochs=50, checkpoint_after_iter=10, val_batch_size=128, dataset_name='nturgbd_cv', experiment_name='stgcn_nturgbd', method_name='stgcn') # Download the default pretrained stgcn model in the parent_dir mode="pretrained", path='./parent_dir/pretrained_models', file_name='pretrained_stgcn') stgcn_learner.load('./parent_dir/pretrained_models', model_name='pretrained_stgcn') test_data_path ="test_data") # Download a test data test_data = numpy.load(test_data_path) action_category = stgcn_learner.infer(test_data)
Optimization example for a previously trained model. Inference can be run with the trained model after running self.optimize.
from opendr.perception.skeleton_based_action_recognition.spatio_temporal_gcn_learner import SpatioTemporalGCNLearner stgcn_learner = SpatioTemporalGCNLearner(temp_path='./parent_dir', batch_size=64, epochs=50, checkpoint_after_iter=10, val_batch_size=128, dataset_name='nturgbd_cv', experiment_name='stgcn_nturgbd', method_name='stgcn') mode="pretrained", path='./parent_dir/pretrained_models', file_name='pretrained_stgcn') stgcn_learner.load(path='./parent_dir/pretrained_models', file_name='pretrained_stgcn') stgcn_learner.optimize(do_constant_folding=True)'./parent_dir/optimized_model', model_name='optimized_stgcn')
The inference and optimization can be performed for TA-GCN and ST-BLN methods in a similar manner only by specifying the method_name to 'tagcn' or 'stbln', respectively in the learner class constructor.
Bases: engine.learners.Learner
The ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner class is an implementation of the proposed method PST-GCN [4] for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition. It finds an optimized and data dependant spatio-temporal graph convolutional network topology for skeleton-based action recognition. The ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner class has the following public methods:
ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner(self, lr, batch_size, optimizer_name, lr_schedule,
checkpoint_after_iter, checkpoint_load_iter, temp_path,
device, num_workers, epochs, experiment_name,
device_ind, val_batch_size, drop_after_epoch,
start_epoch, dataset_name,
blocksize, numblocks, numlayers, topology,
layer_threshold, block_threshold)
Constructor parameters:
- lr: float, default=0.1
Specifies the initial learning rate to be used during training. - batch_size: int, default=128
Specifies number of skeleton sequences to be bundled up in a batch during training. This heavily affects memory usage, adjust according to your system. - optimizer_name: str {'sgd', 'adam'}, default='sgd'
Specifies the optimizer type that should be used. - lr_schedule: str, default=' '
Specifies the learning rate scheduler. - checkpoint_after_iter: int, default=0 Specifies per how many training iterations a checkpoint should be saved. If it is set to 0 no checkpoints will be saved.
- checkpoint_load_iter: int, default=0
Specifies which checkpoint should be loaded. If it is set to 0, no checkpoints will be loaded. - temp_path: str, default=''
Specifies a path where the algorithm saves the checkpoints and onnx optimized model (if needed). - device: {'cpu', 'cuda'}, default='cuda'
Specifies the device to be used. - num_workers: int, default=32
Specifies the number of workers to be used by the data loader. - epochs: int, default=50
Specifies the number of epochs the training should run for. - experiment_name: str, default='stgcn_nturgbd'
String name to attach to checkpoints. - device_ind: list, default=[0]
List of GPU indices to be used if the device is 'cuda'. - val_batch_size: int, default=256
Specifies number of skeleton sequences to be bundled up in a batch during evaluation. This heavily affects memory usage, adjust according to your system. - drop_after_epoch: list, default=[30,40]
List of epoch numbers in which the optimizer drops the learning rate. - start_epoch: int, default=0
Specifies the starting epoch number for training. - dataset_name: str {'kinetics', 'nturgbd_cv', 'nturgbd_cs'}, default='nturgbd_cv'
Specifies the name of dataset that is used for training and evaluation. - num_class: int, default=60
Specifies the number of classes for the action dataset. - num_point: int, default=25
Specifies the number of body joints in each skeleton. - num_person: int, default=2
Specifies the number of body skeletons in each frame. - in_channels: int, default=3
Specifies the number of input channels for each body joint. - graph_type: str {'kinetics', 'ntu'}, default='ntu'
Specifies the type of graph structure associated with the dataset. - block_size: int, default=20
Specifies the number of output channels (or neurons) that are added to each layer of the network at each progression iteration. - numblocks: int, default=10
Specifies the maximum number of blocks that are added to each layer of the network at each progression iteration. - numlayers: int, default=10
Specifies the maximum number of layers that are built for the network. - topology: list, default=[]
Specifies the initial topology of the network. The default is set to [], since the method gets an empty network as input and builds it progressively. - layer_threshold: float, default=1e-4
Specifies the threshold which is used by the method to identify when it should stop adding new layers. - block_threshold: float, default=1e-4
Specifies the threshold which is used by the model to identify when it should stop adding new blocks in each layer., dataset, val_dataset, logging_path, silent, verbose,
momentum, nesterov, weight_decay, train_data_filename,
train_labels_filename, val_data_filename,
val_labels_filename, skeleton_data_type)
This method is used for training the algorithm on a train dataset and validating on a val dataset. Parameters:
- dataset: object
Object that holds the training dataset. Can be of typeExternalDataset
or a custom dataset inheriting fromDatasetIterator
. - val_dataset: object Object that holds the validation dataset.
- logging_path: str, default=''
Path to save TensorBoard log files and the training log files. If set to None or '', TensorBoard logging is disabled and no log file is created. - silent: bool, default=False
If set to True, disables all printing of training progress reports and other information to STDOUT. - verbose: bool, default=True**
If set to True, enables the maximum verbosity. - momentum: float, default=0.9
Specifies the momentum value for optimizer. - nesterov: bool, default=True**
If set to true, the optimizer uses Nesterov's momentum. - weight_decay: float, default=0.0001**
Specifies the weight_decay value of the optimizer. - train_data_filename: str, default='train_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the training data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a file name, not a path. - train_labels_filename: str, default='train_labels.pkl'
Filename of the labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - val_data_filename: str, default='val_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the validation data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a filename, not a path. - val_labels_filename: str, default='val_labels.pkl'
Filename of the validation labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - skeleton_data_type: str {'joint', 'bone', 'motion'}, default='joint'
The data stream that should be used for training and evaluation.
ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner.eval(self, val_dataset, val_loader, epoch, silent, verbose,
val_data_filename, val_labels_filename, skeleton_data_type,
save_score, wrong_file, result_file, show_topk)
This method is used to evaluate a trained model on an evaluation dataset.
Returns a dictionary containing stats regarding evaluation.
- val_dataset: object
Object that holds the evaluation dataset. Can be of typeExternalDataset
or a custom dataset inheriting fromDatasetIterator
. - val_loader: object, default=None
Object that holds a Python iterable over the evaluation dataset. Object
class. - epoch: int, default=0
The training epoch in which the model is evaluated. - silent: bool, default=False
If set to True, disables all printing of evaluation progress reports and other information to STDOUT. - verbose: bool, default=True
If set to True, enables the maximum verbosity. - val_data_filename: str, default='val_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the validation data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a filename, not a path. - val_labels_filename: str, default='val_labels.pkl'
Filename of the validation labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - skeleton_data_type: str {'joint', 'bone', 'motion'}, default='joint'
The data stream that should be used for training and evaluation. - save_score: bool, default=False
If set to True, it saves the classification score of all samples in differenc classes in a log file. Default to False. - wrong_file: str, default=None
If set to True, it saves the results of wrongly classified samples. Default to False. - result_file: str, default=None
If set to True, it saves the classification results of all samples. Default to False. - show_topk: list, default=[1, 5]
Is set to a list of integer numbers defining the k in top-k accuracy. Default is set to [1,5].
This method is used to initialize the imported model and its loss function.
ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner.network_builder(self, dataset, val_dataset, train_data_filename,
train_labels_filename, val_data_filename,
val_labels_filename, skeleton_data_type, verbose)
This method implement the ST-GCN Augmentation Module (ST-GCN-AM) which builds the network topology progressively. Parameters:
- dataset: object
Object that holds the training dataset. - val_dataset: object
Object that holds the evaluation dataset. Can be of typeExternalDataset
or a custom dataset inheriting fromDatasetIterator
. - train_data_filename: str, default='train_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the training data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a file name, not a path. - train_labels_filename: str, default='train_labels.pkl'
Filename of the labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - val_data_filename: str, default='val_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the validation data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a filename, not a path. - val_labels_filename: str, default='val_labels.pkl'
Filename of the validation labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - skeleton_data_type: str {'joint', 'bone', 'motion'}, default='joint'
The data stream that should be used for training and evaluation. - verbose: bool, default=True**
Whether to print messages in the console.
ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner.infer(self, SkeletonSeq_batch)
This method is used to perform action recognition on a sequence of skeletons.
It returns the action category as an object of
if a proper input object
is given.
- SkeletonSeq_batch: object**
Object of type, path, model_name, verbose)
This method is used to save a trained model. Provided with the path "/my/path" (absolute or relative), it creates the "path" directory, if it does not already exist. Inside this folder, the model is saved as "" and the metadata file as "model_name.json". If the directory already exists, the "" and "model_name.json" files are overwritten.
If self.optimize
was run previously, it saves the optimized ONNX model in
a similar fashion with an ".onnx" extension, by copying it from the self.temp_path it was saved previously
during conversion.
- path: str
Path to save the model. - model_name: str
The file name to be saved. - verbose: bool, default=False
If set to True, prints a message on success.
ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner.load(self, path, model_name, verbose)
This method is used to load a previously saved model from its saved folder. Loads the model from inside the directory of the path provided, using the metadata .json file included.
- path: str
Path of the model to be loaded. - model_name: str
The file name to be loaded. - verbose: bool, default=False
If set to True, prints a message on success.
ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner.optimize(self, do_constant_folding)
This method is used to optimize a trained model to ONNX format which can be then used for inference.
- do_constant_folding: bool, default=False
ONNX format optimization. If True, the constant-folding optimization is applied to the model during export. Constant-folding optimization will replace some of the operations that have all constant inputs, with pre-computed constant nodes.
ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner.multi_stream_eval(self, dataset, scores, data_filename,
labels_filename, skeleton_data_type,
verbose, silent)
This method is used to ensemble the classification results of the model on two or more data streams like joints, bones and motions. It returns the top-k classification performance of ensembled model.
- dataset: object
Object that holds the dataset. Can be of typeExternalDataset
or a custom dataset inheriting fromDatasetIterator
. - score: list
A list of score arrays. Each array in the list contains the evaluation results for a data stream. - data_filename: str, default='val_joints.npy'
Filename that contains the validation data. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. Note that this is a filename, not a path. - labels_filename: str, default='val_labels.pkl'
Filename of the validation labels .pkl file. This file should be contained in the dataset path provided. - skeleton_data_type: str {'joint', 'bone', 'motion'}, default='joint'
The data stream that should be used for training and evaluation. - silent: bool, default=False
If set to True, disables all printing of evaluation progress reports and other information to STDOUT. - verbose: bool, default=True
If set to True, enables the maximum verbosity.
@staticmethod, path, mode, verbose, url, file_name)
Download utility for various skeleton-based action recognition components. Downloads files depending on mode and saves them in the path provided. It supports downloading:
- the pretrained weights for stgcn, tagcn and stbln models.
- a dataset containing one or more skeleton sequences and its labels.
- path: str, default=None
Local path to save the files, defaults to self.parent_dir if None. - mode: str, default="pretrained"
What file to download, can be one of "pretrained", "train_data", "val_data", "test_data" - verbose: bool, default=False
Whether to print messages in the console. - url: str, default=OpenDR FTP URL
URL of the FTP server. - file_name: str
The name of the file containing the pretrained model.
Finding an optimized spatio-temporal GCN architecture based on training dataset defined as an
The training and evaluation dataset should be present in the path provided, along with the labels file. Thebatch_size
argument should be adjusted according to available memory.from opendr.perception.skeleton_based_action_recognition.progressive_spatio_temporal_gcn_learner import ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner from opendr.engine.datasets import ExternalDataset training_dataset = ExternalDataset(path='./data/preprocessed_nturgbd/xview', dataset_type='NTURGBD') validation_dataset = ExternalDataset(path='./data/preprocessed_nturgbd/xview', dataset_type='NTURGBD') pstgcn_learner = ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner(temp_path='./parent_dir', batch_size=64, epochs=65, checkpoint_after_iter=10, val_batch_size=128, dataset_name='nturgbd_cv', experiment_name='pstgcn_nturgbd', blocksize=20, numblocks=1, numlayers=1, topology=[], layer_threshold=1e-4, block_threshold=1e-4) pstgcn_learner.network_builder(dataset=training_dataset, val_dataset=validation_dataset, train_data_filename='train_joints.npy', train_labels_filename='train_labels.pkl', val_data_filename="val_joints.npy", val_labels_filename="val_labels.pkl", skeleton_data_type='joint')'./saved_models/pstgcn_nturgbd_cv_checkpoints', model_name='test_pstgcn')
Inference on a test skeleton sequence
import numpy from opendr.perception.skeleton_based_action_recognition.progressive_spatio_temporal_gcn_learner import ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner pstgcn_learner = ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner(temp_path='./parent_dir', batch_size=64, epochs=65, checkpoint_after_iter=10, val_batch_size=128, dataset_name='nturgbd_cv', experiment_name='pstgcn_nturgbd', blocksize=20, numblocks=1, numlayers=1, topology=[], layer_threshold=1e-4, block_threshold=1e-4) # Download the default pretrained pstgcn model in the parent_dir mode="pretrained", path='./parent_dir/pretrained_models', file_name='pretrained_pstgcn') pstgcn_learner.load('./parent_dir/pretrained_models', model_name='pretrained_stgcn') test_data_path ="test_data") # Download a test data test_data = numpy.load(test_data_path) action_category = pstgcn_learner.infer(test_data)
Optimization example for a previously trained model. Inference can be run with the trained model after running self.optimize.
from opendr.perception.skeleton_based_action_recognition.progressive_spatio_temporal_gcn_learner import ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner pstgcn_learner = ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner(temp_path='./parent_dir', batch_size=64, epochs=65, checkpoint_after_iter=10, val_batch_size=128, dataset_name='nturgbd_cv', experiment_name='pstgcn_nturgbd', blocksize=20, numblocks=1, numlayers=1, topology=[], layer_threshold=1e-4, block_threshold=1e-4) mode="pretrained", path='./parent_dir/pretrained_models', file_name='pretrained_pstgcn') pstgcn_learner.load(path='./parent_dir/pretrained_models', file_name='pretrained_pstgcn') pstgcn_learner.optimize(do_constant_folding=True)'./parent_dir/optimized_model', model_name='optimized_pstgcn')
The tests were conducted on the following computational devices:
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6230R CPU on server
- Nvidia Jetson TX2
- Nvidia Jetson Xavier AGX
- Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti GPU on server with Intel Xeon Gold processors
Inference time is measured as the time taken to transfer the input to the model (e.g., from CPU to GPU), run inference using the algorithm, and return results to CPU. The ST-GCN, TAGCN and ST-BLN models are implemented in SpatioTemporalGCNLearner and the PST-GCN model is implemented in ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner.
Note that the models receive each input sample as a sequence of 300 skeletons, and the pose estimation process is not involved in this benchmarking. The skeletal data is from NTU-RGBD dataset. We report speed (single sample per inference) as the mean of 100 runs. The noted memory is the maximum allocated memory on GPU during inference.
The performance evaluation results of the SpatioTemporalGCNLearner and ProgressiveSpatioTemporalGCNLearner in terms of prediction accuracy on NTU-RGBD-60, parameter count and maximum allocated memory are reported in the following Tables. The performance of TA-GCN is reported when it selects 100 frames out of 300 (T=100). PST-GCN finds different architectures for two different dataset settings (CV and CS) which leads to different classification accuracy, number of parameters and memory allocation.
Method | Acc. (%) | Params (M) | Mem. (MB) |
ST-GCN | 88.3 | 3.12 | 47.37 |
TA-GCN (T=100) | 94.2 | 2.24 | 42.65 |
ST-BLN | 93.8 | 5.3 | 55.77 |
PST-GCN (CV) | 94.33 | 0.63 | 31.65 |
PST-GCN (CS) | 87.9 | 0.92 | 32.2 |
The inference speed (evaluations/second) of both learners on various computational devices are as follows:
Method | CPU | Jetson TX2 | Jetson Xavier | RTX 2080 Ti |
ST-GCN | 13.26 | 4.89 | 15.27 | 63.32 |
TA-GCN (T=100) | 20.47 | 10.6 | 25.43 | 93.33 |
ST-BLN | 7.69 | 3.57 | 12.56 | 55.98 |
PST-GCN (CV) | 15.38 | 6.57 | 20.25 | 83.10 |
PST-GCN (CS) | 13.07 | 5.53 | 19.41 | 77.57 |
Energy (Joules) of both learners’ inference on embedded devices is shown in the following:
Method | Jetson TX2 | Jetson Xavier |
ST-GCN | 6.07 | 1.38 |
TA-GCN (T=100) | 2.23 | 0.59 |
ST-BLN | 9.26 | 2.01 |
PST-GCN (CV) | 4.13 | 1.00 |
PST-GCN (CS) | 5.54 | 1.12 |
The platform compatibility evaluation is also reported below:
Platform | Compatibility Evaluation |
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (bare installation - CPU) | ✔️ |
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (bare installation - GPU) | ✔️ |
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (pip installation) | ✔️ |
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (CPU docker) | ✔️ |
x86 - Ubuntu 20.04 (GPU docker) | ✔️ |
NVIDIA Jetson TX2 | ✔️ |
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX | ✔️ |
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