- Build the bin (not in release mode)
- cargo build
- rust-gdb ../target/debug/rustgdb_1
- Add a breakpoint on our program main function
- break rustgdb_1::main
- Run the program
- run
- Display current source:
- layout src
- Display variables:
- print hero1
- Add a breakpoint on our program main function
- Display current variables:
- info locals
- Display current function arguments:
- info args
- Breakpoint on a function
- break rustgdb_1::create_wizard
- Breakpoint on a struct method
- break rustgdb_1::Character::take_damages
- Print self value:
- print *self
- print self.first_name
- print self.is_dead()
- break on a generic struct?
- break on struct method with condition?
Build all examples
- cargo build --examples
- rust-gdb ../target/debug/examples/hero_try_1
- break hero_try_1::main
- rust-gdb ../target/debug/examples/hero_try_1
Build unit tests:
- cargo test --no-run
- Please check the console output with info like:
Executable unittests src/main.rs (../target/debug/deps/rustgdb_1-a8611619000a999)
- rust-gdb ../target/debug/deps/rustgdb_1-a8611619000a999
- b rustgdb_1::tests::attack_1