Compact Lua by sygh.
This is a library forked from Lua in order to use it in Windows Store Apps (WinRT-based applications).
- Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10 (Desktop)
- Windows 8.1/Windows 10 (WinRT)
- Download Lua and copy "src" folder to "lua5"
- Download Luabind and copy "luabind" and "src" folders to "luabind"
- Install Boost C++ (not required to build) and append the global include and library directory paths to it
- Build Lua by "lua5/_sln_vs2012/lua_vs2012.sln" or "lua5/_sln_vs2012_win8/lua_vs2012_win8.sln"
- Build Luabind by "luabind/_sln_vs2012/LuabindLib_vs2012.sln" or "luabind/_sln_vs2012_win8/LuabindLib_vs2012_win8.sln"
- Build test project by "StoreAppLuaTest1/StoreAppLuaTest1.sln"
You can append the global include and library directory paths above by editing "Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props" or "Microsoft.Cpp.x64.user.props" in "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0".
2022-10-29, sygh.