Table of Contents
- Spacemacs Documentation
- Philosophy
- Goals
- Screenshots
- Who can benefit from this ?
- Configuration layers
- Dotfile Configuration
- Using the package list buffer
- Main principles
- Differences between Vim, Evil and Spacemacs
- Color theme
- UI elements
- Base packages
- Font
- Commands
- Reserved prefix command for user
- Escaping
- Executing Vim, Emacs and shell commands
- Navigating
- Searching
- Editing
- Project management
- Registers
- Errors handling
- Compiling
- Modes
- Emacs Server
- Tips
- Achievements
- Thank you
Three core pillars: Easy, Consistency, "Crowd-Configured".
organizes key bindings by mnemonic namespaces. If you are looking
for commands to operate on your buffer, they are right under SPC b,
if you want to operate on your project, then it is SPC p, etc...
comes with a dedicated major mode spacemacs-mode
. Its goal is to
give useful feedbacks and perform maintenance tasks easily.
Similar functionalities should have the same key binding. For instance if you are
looking for the definition of a function, the binding is SPC m g,
for major mode
and g
for go to
. And no matter what is the major mode it
should be the same binding.
This term does not really exist but I'm sure you know what it means.
This is the most powerful feature of Spacemacs
. Anybody can submit upstream
his or her configuration layer and anybody can use it in a second by adding it
in a dotfile and by optionally filtering it (ie. removing unwanted packages).
So by cloning this repository you have a centralized place of configured
packages tuned by expert in their domain. And most importantly it should be
consistent with the whole experience provided by Spacemacs
If some packages are missing from core Spacemacs
but they are present in
several contribution layers, chances are that they should be in core and we
can easily move them there.
If any of this core pillars are violated open an issue and we'll try to fix this.
Bring the power of modal editing to the powerful Emacs editing platform.
Integrate nicely with
states (Vim
tries to keep your fingers on the home row as much as possible, no matter the mode you are in. -
Crowed-configured: Contribute your own personal layer upstream and everybody can use it.
Minimalistic and nice UI, keep your available screen space for what matters: your text files.
Mnemonic and consistent key bindings which should be easier to learn and remember.
Fast boot time.
Lower the risk of RSI.
Hopefully, if it's not already the case:
Ɛ>Ɛ>Ɛ> make you love modal editing! <3<3<3
Note: Even though screenshots are updated frequently, Spacemacs
is evolving
quickly and the screenshots may not reflect exactly the current state of the
is first intended to be used by Vim users who want to go to the
next level by using Emacs.
It is also a good fit for people wanting to lower the risk of RSI induced by the default Emacs key bindings.
Emacs users wanting to learn a different way to edit files or wanting to learn Vim key bindings (see Tips for Emacs users).
As a side note, if you are a programmer and you don't know Vim key bindings yet, I deeply recommend you to learn the basics as recommended in Sacha Chua's one-page guide about how to learn Emacs.
This part of Spacemacs is still in beta, the structure can change over time. Refer to commit messages for more information in case of big changes.
Configuration is organized in layers. Each layer has the following structure:
|__ [extensions]
| |__ [mode 1]
| | ...
| |__ [mode n]
|__ config.el
|__ extensions.el
|__ funcs.el
|__ keybindings.el
|__ packages.el
[] = directory
File | Usage
------------------|----------------------------------------------------------- config.el | Emacs built-in configuration or mandatory configuration extensions.el | The list of extensions to load and the functions to initialize them funcs.el | Various functions and macros (often used in keybindings.el) keybindings.el | Emacs built-in key bindings or mandatory key bindings packages.el | The list of packages to install and the functions to initialize them
are ELPA
packages which can be installed from an ELPA
repository, and Extensions
are generally elisp code from git submodules.
and Packages
are declared in variables <layer>-pre-extensions
and <layer>-packages
where <layer>
is the layer
name. Pre-Extensions
are loaded before Packages
and Post-Extensions
loaded after Packages
They are processed in alphabetical order so sometimes you'll have to use
some eval-after-load
black magic.
(defvar <layer>-packages
To initialize an extension or a package xxx
, define a function with this
format in extensions.el
or packages.el
(defun <layer>/init-xxx ()
It is common to define the body with the use-package macro.
It is possible to exclude some packages from Spacemacs
in a per layer basis.
This is useful when a configuration layer aims to replace a stock package
declared in the Spacemacs
To do so add the package names to exclude to the variable
(defvar <layer>-excluded-packages
features a synchronization engine for the ELPA packages. It means
that Spacemacs
will auto-install the new packages in <layer>-packages
and auto-delete orphan packages in your elpa
It effectively makes Spacemacs
to behave like Vundle.
There are three types of configuration layers:
- core (this is the
layer) - private (in the
directory, they are ignored by Git) - contrib (in the
directory, those layers are contributions shared by the community and merged upstream).
If you decide to provide a contrib
configuration layer, please check
the contribution guidelines in
This is a simple contrib
configuration layer listing a bunch of themes,
you can find it here.
To install it, just add themes-megapack
to your ~/.spacemacs
like so:
dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(themes-megapack)
You have now installed around 100 themes you are free to try with SPC T h (helm-themes).
configuration system is flexible enough to let you manage your
private layers in different ways.
Everything in the private directory is ignored by Git so it is a good place to store private layers. There is a huge drawback to this approach though: your layers are not source controlled.
This is the recommended way to manage your private layers.
The best approach is to store all your private layers into an external Git
repository. It is especially a good practice to store them in your dotfiles
repository if you have one. Put also your ~/.spacemacs
file in it.
Then you are free to symlink your layers into ~/emacs.d/private
or let
them anywhere you want and reference the parent directory in the variable
of your ~/.spacemacs
Note that you could also have a dedicated repository for all your private
layers and then directly clone this repository in ~/.emacs.d/private
The final main way to manage your private layers is to push them in a personal
branch that you keep up to date with upstream master
or develop
User configuration can be stored in your ~/.spacemacs
is an optional file. If you want to use it you have to copy it
manually from the template file ~/.emacs.d/core/templates/.spacemacs.template
$ cp ~/.emacs.d/core/templates/.spacemacs.template ~/.spacemacs
To use a configuration layer, add it to the dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
variable of your ~/.spacemacs
For instance to add the configuration layer of RMS:
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(rms))
If this layer does not exist you can still try another one in
the contrib
Configuration layers are expected to be stored in ~/.emacs.d/private
. But you are free to keep them somewhere else by declaring
additional paths where Spacemacs
can look for configuration layers.
This is done by setting the list
in your ~/.spacemacs
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path '("~/.myconfig/"))
You can exclude packages you don't want to install with the variable
, this variable can exclude both packages and
extensions (see Configuration layers for more info
on packages and extensions).
For instance to disable the rainbow-delimiters
(setq-default dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '(rainbow-delimiters))
When you exclude a package, Spacemacs
will automatically delete it for you
the next time you launch Emacs. All the orphan dependencies are as well
delete automatically.
Two special functions of the ~/.spacemacs
file can be used to perform
configuration at the beginning and end of Spacemacs
loading process.
is triggered at the very beginning ofSpacemacs
is triggered at the very end ofSpacemacs
Custom variables configuration from M-x customize-group
which are
automatically saved by Emacs are stored at the end of your ~/.spacemacs
The package list buffer is where you can selectively update one or all packages installed in your configuration as well as browse for all available packages in the different Elpa repositories.
replaces the default package list buffer with Paradox.
Paradox enhances the package list buffer with better feedbacks, new
filters and Github information like the number of stars. Optionally you
can also star packages directly in the buffer.
Important Note Don't install new packages from the package list
buffer. If those packages are not referenced in a configuration layer
then Spacemacs
will treat them as orphans during the next start of
Emacs and they will be deleted.
Key Binding | Description
/ | evil-search
f k | filter by keywords
f r | filter by regexp
f u | display only installed package with updates available
h | go left
H | show help (not accurate)
j | go down
k | go up
l | go right
L | show last commits
n | next search occurrence
N | previous search occurrence
o | open package homepage
r | refresh
S P | sort by package name
S S | sort by status (installed, available, etc...)
S * | sort by Github stars
v | visual state
V | visual-line state
x | execute (action flags)
To update all the buffers:
- open paradox: SPC a P
- filter packages (optional): f u
- update all: U x y
When asked for old packages deletion hit y
uses the evil mode to emulate Vim key bindings. It is a
very complete emulation, maybe the most advanced. In fact, Evil is much more
than just a Vim emulation. It has more states than Vim for instance.
has 8 states:
- Normal (orange) - like the
normal mode of Vim
, used to execute and combine commands - Insert (green) - like the
insert mode of Vim
, used to actually insert text - Visual (gray) - like the
visual mode of Vim
, used to make text selection - Motion (purple) - exclusive to
, used to navigate read only buffers - Emacs (blue) - exclusive to
, using this state is like using a regular Emacs without Vim - Lisp (pink) - exclusive to
, used to navigate Lisp code and modify it (see Editing Lisp code) - Iedit (red) - exclusive to
, used to navigate between multiple regions of text usingiedit
(see Replacing text with iedit) - Iedit Insert (red) - exclusive to
, used to replace multiple regions of text usingiedit
(see Replacing text with iedit)
Note: Technically speaking there are also the operator
and replace
(I apologize in advance for the number of repetition of the word state
this section, but I encourage you to read again this section until you correctly
grasp the concept of base state
since it is an important concept in
has a notion of base state
. A base state
is the state you are
when leaving the insert state
The typical base state
in Vim is the normal state
and it is the only one.
has more than one base state, here is the list:
- normal
- lisp
This allows a coder of Lisp to completely replace the normal state
by the
lisp state
. Indeed, once you fire up the lisp state
you can just go back
and forth between the insert state
and the lisp state
Of course there is a rule to break this in order to be able to go back to the
normal state
. It is pretty simple:
When in a base state
or the key chord fd
will always set you back to the
normal state
So to go back to the normal state
while in lisp state
just hit ESC
or hit both
heavily uses the evil-leader mode which brings the
Vim leader key to the Emacs world.
This leader key is commonly set to ,
by Vim users, in Spacemacs
the leader
key is set on SPC (space bar, this is why the name spacemacs
This key is the most accessible key on a keyboard and it is pressed with the
thumb which is a good choice to lower the risk of RSI.
So with Spacemacs
there is no need to remap your keyboard modifiers to
attempt to reduce the risk of RSI, every command can be executed very easily
while you are in normal
mode by pressing the SPC leader key,
here are a few examples:
- Save a buffer: SPC f s
- Save all opened buffers: SPC f S
- Open (switch) to a buffer with
: SPC b s
The universal argument C-u
is an important command in Emacs but it is also
a very handy Vim key binding to scroll up.
binds C-u to scroll-up
and change the universal
argument binding to SPC u.
defines a wide variety of micro-states
(temporary overlay maps)
where it makes sense. This prevent from repetitive and tedious presses on the
SPC key.
When a micro-state
is active, a documentation is displayed in the minibuffer.
Additional information may as well be displayed in the minibuffer.
Auto-highlight-symbol micro-state:
No doubt that Evil
is one of the most advanced Vim
emulation and you should
not see big difference between Vim
and Emacs
. I did not find any command I
used in Vim that I missed in Emacs with Evil
Send a PR to add the differences you found in this section.
There is one obvious visible difference though. It is not between Evil
but between Spacemacs
and vim-surround: the surround
command is
on S in vim-surround
whereas it is on s in Spacemacs
This is something that can surprise some Vim users so let me explain why this is the case:
do the same thing invisual state
is only useful to delete one character and add more than one character which is a very narrow use case,c
accept motions and can do everythings
can do innormal state
,- this is also true for
is more useful because it stays innormal state
. surround
command is just a more powerful command thats
If you are not convinced, then here is the snippet to revert back to the default
Vim + vim-surround
setup (add it to your dotspacemacs/config
function or
your ~/.spacemacs
(evil-define-key 'visual evil-surround-mode-map "s" 'evil-substitute)
(evil-define-key 'visual evil-surround-mode-map "S" 'evil-surround-region)
By default, Spacemacs
uses the theme solarized-light.
It is possible to define your default theme in your ~/.spacemacs
the variable dotspacemacs-default-theme
. For instance, to specify zenburn
;; Default theme applied at startup
dotspacemacs-default-theme 'zenburn)
Some themes are supported by Spacemacs
It is possible to set any other themes but their compatibility with Spacemacs
is not guaranteed (i.e. there may be some missing faces etc...).
Key Binding | Description
SPC T n | switch to next theme supported by Spacemacs
SPC h t | select a theme using a helm
Note: Due to the inner working of themes in Emacs, switching theme during the same session may have some weird side effects. Although these side effects should be pretty rare (especially when switching to a supported theme).
Hint If you are an Org
user, leuven-theme is amazing.
has a minimalistic and distraction free UI with a lot of subtle
customization which make it unique compared to other kits:
- beautiful custom powerline mode-line with color feedback according to current Flycheck status
- unicode symbols for minor mode lighters which appear in the mode-line
- custom fringe bitmaps and error feedbacks for Flycheck
- custom fringe bitmaps for [git gutter][]
- dedicated startup page with a mode aimed at easily managing
Some UI indicators can be toggled on and off (toggles start with t
Key Binding | Description
----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC t 8 | display a mark on the 80th column SPC t F | toggle frame fullscreen SPC t f | toggle display of the fringe SPC t i | toggle aggressive indent SPC t l | toggle truncate lines SPC t L | toggle visual lines SPC t M | toggle frame maximize SPC t n | show the absolute line numbers SPC t t | toggle frame transparency
The mode line is an heavily customized powerline with the following capabilities:
- show the window number
- color code for current state
- show the number of search occurrences via anzu
- toggle flycheck info
- toggle battery info
- toggle minor mode lighters
Reminder of the color codes for the states:
Evil State | Color |
Normal | Orange |
Insert | Green |
Visual | Grey |
Emacs | Blue |
Motion | Purple |
Lisp | Pink |
Iedit/Iedit-Insert | Red |
Some elements can be dynamically toggled:
Key Binding | Description
-----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC t m m | toggle the minor mode lighters SPC t m b | toggle the battery status SPC t m f | toggle the flycheck info
When Flycheck minor mode is enabled, a new element appears showing the number of errors, warnings and info.
Anzu shows the number of occurrence when performing a search. Spacemacs
integrates nicely the Anzu status by displaying it temporarily when n
or N
being pressed. See the 5/6
segment on the screenshot below.
fancy-battery displays the percentage of total charge of the battery as well as the time remaining to charge or discharge completely the battery.
A color code is used for the battery status:
Battery State | Color |
Charging | Green |
Discharging | Orange |
Critical | Red |
Note the these colors may vary depending on your theme.
It is possible to easily customize the powerline separator
by setting the
variable in your ~./spacemacs
. For instance
if you want to set back the separator to the well-known arrow
add the following snippet to your configuration file:
(defun dotspacemacs/config ()
"This is were you can ultimately override default Spacemacs configuration.
This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs initialization."
(setq powerline-default-separator 'arrow)
To save you the time to try all the possible separators provided by the powerline, here is an exhaustive set of screenshots:
Separator | Screenshot
uses diminish mode to reduce the size of minor mode
The minor mode area can be toggled on and off with:
<SPC> t m m
Unicode symbols are displayed by default. Setting the variable
to nil
in your ~/.spacemacs
display ASCII characters instead (may be useful in terminal).
Unicode | ASCII | Mode |
⊞ |
G | golden-ratio mode |
Ⓐ |
A | auto-complete mode |
Ⓒ |
C | centered-cursor mode |
Ⓔ |
E | evil-org mode |
Ⓕ |
F | flycheck mode |
Ⓚ |
K | guide-key mode |
Ⓘ |
I | aggressive indent mode |
(Ⓟ) |
(P) | paredit mode |
Ⓢ |
S | flyspell mode |
(Ⓢ) |
(S) | smartparens mode |
Ⓦ |
W | whitespace mode |
Ⓨ |
Y | yasnippet mode |
main mechanics rely largely on Evil
and Helm
base packages.
They are both extended with various packages to build on their foundations.
ships with the following evil plugins:
Mode | Description
evil-leader | vim leader that bring a new layer of keys in normal mode
evil-indent-textobject | add text object based on indentation level
evil-visualstar | search for current selection with *
evil-exchange | port of vim-exchange
evil-surround | port of vim-surround
evil-nerd-commenter | port of nerdcommenter
[evil-search-highlight-persist][] | emulation of hlsearch behavior
evil-numbers | like C-a/C-x in vim
evil-args | motions and text objects for arguments
evil-jumper | jump list emulation
NeoTree | mimic NERD Tree
The default font used by Spacemacs
is source code pro by Adobe. It is
recommended to install it on your system.
Basic font support is provided in Spacemacs
, you can change the font and
its size using the function spacemacs/set-font
in the dotspacemacs/config
function of your ~/.spacemacs
(defun dotspacemacs/config ()
(spacemacs/set-font "DejaVu Sans Mono" 10)
Every sequences must be performed in normal
SPC o is reserved for the user. Setting key bindings behind <SPC> o
is guaranteed to never conflict with Spacemacs
defaults key bindings.
uses evil-escape to easily switch between insert state
normal state
with the key chord fd
The choice of fd
was made to be able to use the same sequence to escape from
"everything" in Emacs:
- escape from all evil states to normal state
- escape from evil-lisp-state to normal state
- abort evil ex command
- quit minibuffer
- abort isearch
- quit magit buffers
- quit help buffers
- quit apropos buffers
- quit ert buffers
- quit undo-tree buffer
- quit paradox
- quit gist-list menu
- hide neotree buffer
This sequence can be customized in your ~/.spacemacs
, but evil-escape
is not guaranteed to work properly with sequences based on h j k or l
it is recommended to avoid defining sequences like jj
or jk
Example to set it to jn
(it is important to put it in dotspacemacs/init
(defun dotspacemacs/init ()
(setq-default evil-escape-key-sequence (kbd "jn"))
Command | Key Binding
Vim (ex-command) | :
Emacs (M-x) | SPC :
Shell | SPC ! or just !
The command key :
can be easily changed with the variable
of your ~/.spacemacs
. Note that is will change both
and SPC :
bindings to keep the symmetry between Vim and Emacs. A good
key can be ,
for example.
Navigation is performed using the Vi key bindings hjkl
Key Binding | Description |
h |
move cursor left |
j |
move cursor down |
k |
move cursor up |
l |
move cursor right |
H |
move quickly up (10 lines at a time) |
L |
move quickly down (10 lines at a time) |
SPC j h | go to the beginning of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line) |
SPC j l | go to the end of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line) |
SPC z z | lock the cursor at the center of the screen |
smooth-scrolling prevent the point to jump when it reaches the top or bottom of the screen. It is enabled by default.
On Windows, you may want to disable it. To disable the smooth scrolling set
the dotspacemacs-smooth-scrolling
variable in your ~/.spacemacs
to nil
(setq-default dotspacemacs-smooth-scrolling t)
If dotspacemacs-feature-toggle-leader-on-jk
is non nil, pressing jk
in insert state
will trigger the evil leader as if you pressed SPC in
normal mode.
uses the evil
integration of ace-jump mode which
enables the invocation of ace-jump-mode
during motions.
It is useful for deleting visually a set of lines, try the following sequence in a buffer containing some text:
d <SPC> l
Key Binding | Description |
SPC SPC | initiate ace jump word mode |
SPC l | initiate ace jump line mode |
SPC ` | go back to the previous location (before the jump) |
Hint: you may change to char mode by C-c C-c
in word mode.
Every window has a number displayed at the start of the mode-line and can
be quickly accessed using <SPC> number
Key Binding | Description |
SPC 1 | go to first window |
SPC 2 | go to window number 2 |
SPC 3 | go to window number 3 |
SPC 4 | go to window number 4 |
SPC 5 | go to window number 5 |
SPC 6 | go to window number 6 |
SPC 7 | go to window number 7 |
SPC 8 | go to window number 8 |
SPC 9 | go to window number 9 |
SPC 0 | go to window number 10 |
Windows manipulation commands (start with w
Key Binding | Description |
SPC w c | close a window |
SPC w d | toggle window dedication (dedicated window cannot be reused by a mode) |
SPC w H | move window to the left |
SPC w J | move window to the bottom |
SPC w K | move window to the top |
SPC w L | move window to the right |
SPC w m | maximize/minimize a window |
SPC w M | maximize/minimize a window, when maximized the buffer is centered |
SPC w o | cycle and focus between frames |
SPC w p m | open messages buffer in a popup window |
SPC w p p | close the current sticky popup window |
SPC w r | initiate window size micro-state |
SPC w R | rotate windows clockwise |
SPC w s or SPC w / | horizontal split |
SPC w S | horizontal split and focus new window |
SPC w u | undo window layout (used to effectively undo a closed window) |
SPC w U | redo window layout |
SPC w v or SPC w - | vertical split |
SPC w V | vertical split and focus new window |
SPC w w | cycle and focus between windows |
defines a micro-state to resize windows.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC w S | initiate micro-state |
H | shrink window horizontally |
J | shrink window vertically |
K | enlarge window vertically |
L | enlarge window horizontally |
Any other key | leave the micro-state |
The micro-state text in minibuffer display the following information:
[WidthxHeight] Resize window: (H/L) shrink/enlarge horizontally, (J/K) shrink/enlarge vertically
Key Binding | Description |
z f | Make current function or comments visible |
z f
tries to accommodate current function or comments into window as much as possible.
If you resize windows like crazy you may want to give a try to golden-ratio.
resizes windows dynamically depending on whether they are
selected or not. By default golden-ratio
is off.
The mode can be toggled on and off with:
<SPC> t g
uses ido
for opening files since ido
way to navigate
the file system is better than helm
in my opinion (especially because ido
remember the last selected directories and buffers, maybe helm can do this ?).
is also used to kill buffers.
Buffer manipulation commands (start with b
Key Binding | Description |
SPC b b or SPC TAB | switch to alternate buffer (switch back and forth) |
SPC b d | delete the current buffer and file (ask for confirmation) |
SPC b e | erase the content of the buffer (ask for confirmation) |
SPC b k | kill the current buffer |
SPC b K | kill all buffers except the current one |
SPC b C-K | kill all buffers matching the regexp |
SPC b m h | move a buffer to the left |
SPC b m j | move a buffer to the bottom |
SPC b m k | move a buffer to the top |
SPC b m l | move a buffer to the right |
SPC b n | switch to next buffer |
SPC b p | switch to previous buffer |
SPC b r | rename the current buffer |
SPC b R | revert the current buffer (reload from disk) |
SPC b s | switch to a buffer using helm |
SPC b w | toggle read-only (writable state) |
Files manipulation commands (start with f
Key Binding | Description |
SPC f f | open a file using ido |
SPC f s | save a file |
SPC f S | save all files |
SPC f t | toggle file tree side bar using NeoTree |
SPC f y | show current file absolute path in the minibuffer |
Convenient key bindings are located under the prefix SPC f e to
quickly navigate between Emacs
and Spacemacs
specific files.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC f e c | open ido in the contrib folder |
SPC f e d | open the spacemacs dotfile (~/.spacemacs ) |
SPC f e h | discover Spacemacs layers and packages using helm |
SPC f e i | open the all mighty init.el |
SPC f e s | open ido in the spacemacs layer folder |
displays the ido
minibuffer vertically thanks to the
Basic ido
operations can be done with Ctrl
Key Binding | Description |
C- | open a dired buffer |
C-b | open selected file in a horizontally split window |
C-d | delete selected file (ask for confirmation) |
C-h | go to parent directory |
C-j | select next file or directory |
C-S-j | go to next directory |
C-k | select previous file or directory |
C-S-k | go to previous directory |
C-l | open the selected file |
C-n | next history element |
C-p | previous history element |
C-t | open selected file in a new frame |
C-v | open selected file in a vertically split window |
C-x | open selected file in other window |
If dotspacemacs-feature-toggle-leader-on-jk
is non nil, pressing jk
in ido
minibuffer will trigger the evil leader.
When evil leader is triggered the following commands are available:
Key Binding | Description |
b | open selected file in a horizontally split window |
t | open selected file in a new frame |
v | open selected file in a vertically split window |
x | open selected file in other window |
provides a quick and simple way to navigate in an unknown project
file tree with NeoTree.
To toggle the NeoTree
buffer press:
<SPC> f t
Navigation is centered on the hjkl
with the hope to provide a fast navigation
experience like in [ranger][]:
Key Binding | Description |
h | collapse directory |
j | next file or directory |
J | next expanded directory on level down |
k | previous file or directory |
K | parent directory, when reaching the root change it to parent directory |
l | expand directory |
L or RET | open file |
Note: The point is automatically set to the first letter of a node for a smoother experience.
By default a file is opened in the last active window. It is possible to choose window number where to open a file by using a numeric argument, for instance 2 L or 2 RET will open the current file in the windows 2. It is also possible to open the file in a split window with | and -:
Key Binding | Description |
L or RET | open file in last active window |
# L or 2 RET | open file in window number # |
- | open file in an horizontally split window |
Key Binding | Description |
TAB | toggle stretching of the buffer |
c | create a node |
d | delete a node |
g | refresh |
H | toggle hidden files |
q or fd | hide NeoTree buffer |
r | rename a node |
The mode-line has the following format [x/y] d (D:a, F:b)
is the index of the current selected file or directoryy
the total number of items (file and directory) in the current directoryd
the name of the current directorya
the number of directories in the current directoryb
the number of files in the current directory
Key Binding | Description |
C-j | next item in history |
C-k | previous item in history |
SPC m h | browse history with helm (works in eshell and shell ) |
Navigating in shell buffers can be tricky because it is not possible to use the
leader in insert state
. Switching back and forth between normal and insert
states can be tedious.
There are two solutions for this:
- use C-o then use the leader key
- enable the leader on
experimental feature.
Bookmarks can be set anywhere in a file. Bookmarks are persistent. They are very
useful to jump to/open a known project. Spacemacs
used helm-bookmarks
manage them.
Open an helm
window with the current bookmarks by pressing:
<SPC> h b
Then in the helm-bookmarks
Key Binding | Description |
CTRL+d | delete the selected bookmark |
CTRL+e | edit the selected bookmark |
CTRL+f | toggle filename location |
CTRL+o | open the selected bookmark in another window |
To save a new bookmark, just type the name of the bookmark and press RET
Key Binding | Description |
SPC / or SPC a | with The Silver Searcher |
SPC A | with ack |
SPC g | with grep |
SPC h l | show last helm popup |
uses evil-search-highlight-persist
to keep the searched expression
highlighted until the next search. It is also possible to clear the
highlighting by pressing SPC s c or executing the ex command :noh
With [hl-anything][] it is possible to highlight all occurrences of the word under point. The highlights can be stacked.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC h c | clear the highlightings |
SPC h g c | clear the highlightings globally (all opened buffers) |
SPC h h | highlight all occurrence of the word at point |
SPC h g h | highlight all occurrence of the word at point globally (all opened buffers) |
SPC h n | next highlighted occurrence |
SPC h N | previous highlighted occurrence |
SPC h p | toggle auto-highlight of the enclosing parenthesis |
SPC h r | restore saved highlights in the current buffer |
SPC h s | save current highlights |
supports highlighting of the current symbol on demand (provided by
the auto-highlight-symbol mode) and add a micro-state to
easily navigate and rename this symbol.
It is also possible to change the range of the navigation on the fly to:
- buffer
- function
- visible area
To initiate the highlighting of the current symbol under point press SPC s h.
Navigation between the highlighted symbols can be done with the commands:
Key Binding | Description |
* | initiate navigation micro-state |
SPC s b | go to the last searched occurrence of the last highlighted symbol |
SPC s e | edit all occurrences of the current symbol(*) |
SPC s h | highlight the current symbol and all its occurrence within the current range |
SPC s R | change range to default (whole buffer ) |
In 'Spacemacs' highlight symbol micro-state:
Key Binding | Description |
e | edit occurrences (*) |
n | go to next occurrence |
N | go to previous occurrence |
d | go to next definition occurrence |
D | go to previous definition occurrence |
r | change range (function , display area , whole buffer ) |
R | go to home occurrence (reset position to starting occurrence) |
Any other key | leave the navigation micro-state |
(*) using iedit or the default implementation of auto-highlight-symbol
The micro-state text in minibuffer display the following information:
<M> [6/11]* press (n/N) to navigate, (e) to edit, (r) to change range or (R) for reset
Where <M> [x/y]*
- M: the current range mode
: whole buffer range<D>
: current display range<F>
: current function range
: the index of the current highlighted occurrencey
: the total number of occurrences*
: appears if there is at least one occurrence which is not currently visible.
With evil-visualstar you can search for the next occurrence of the current selection.
It is pretty useful combined with the expand-region bindings.
Note: If the current state is not the visual state
then pressing *
auto-highlight-symbol and its micro-state.
Use helm-semantic-or-imenu
command from Helm
to quickly navigate between
the symbols in a buffer.
To list all the symbols of a buffer press:
<SPC> s l
This is very similar to moccur
, it displays a helm
buffer with all the
occurrences of the word under point. You can then change the search query
in real-time and navigate between them easily.
You can even edit the occurrences directly in the helm
buffer and apply
the modifications to the buffer.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC s s | execute helm-swoop |
SPC s S | execute helm-multi-swoop |
SPC s C-s | execute helm-multi-swoop-all |
Text related commands (start with x
Key Binding | Description
-----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC x u | set the selected text to lower case SPC x U | set the selected text to upper case SPC x d w | delete trailing whitespaces SPC x g l | set languages used by translate commands SPC x g t | translate current word using Google Translate SPC x g T | reverse source and target languages SPC x m j | move down a line of text SPC x m k | move up a line of text SPC x t c | swap (transpose) the current character with the previous one SPC x t w | swap (transpose) the current word with the previous one SPC x t l | swap (transpose) the current line with the previous one SPC x w c | count the number of words in the selection region SPC x w C | count the number of occurrences per word in the select region
Smartparens comes with a strict mode which prevents deletion of parenthesis if the result is unbalanced.
This mode can be frustrating for novices, this is why it is not enabled by default.
It is possible to enable it easily for all programming modes with the
variable dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode
of you ~/.spacemacs
(setq-default dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode t)
The font size of the current buffer can be adjusted with the commands:
Key Binding | Description |
SPC z x + | scale up the font and initiate the font scaling micro-state |
SPC z x - | scale down the font and initiate the font scaling micro-state |
SPC z x = | reset the font size (no scaling) and initiate the font scaling micro-state |
+ | increase the font size |
- | decrease the font size |
= | reset the font size |
Any other key | leave the font scaling micro-state |
Note that only the text of the current buffer is scaled, the other buffers,
the mode-line and the minibuffer are not affected. To zoom the whole content of
a frame use the zoom frame
bindings (see next section).
You can zoom in and out the whole content of the frame with the commands:
Key Binding | Description |
SPC z f + | zoom in the frame content |
SPC z f - | zoom out the frame content |
SPC z f = | reset the frame content size |
+ | zoom in |
- | zoom out |
= | reset zoom |
Any other key | leave the zoom frame micro-state |
uses evil-numbers to easily increase or increase numbers.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC n + | increase the number under point by one and initiate micro-state |
SPC n - | decrease the number under point by one and initiate micro-state |
In micro-state:
Key Binding | Description |
+ | increase the number under point by one |
- | decrease the number under point by one |
Any other key | leave the micro-state |
Tips: you can increase or decrease a value by more that once by using a
prefix argument (ie. 10 SPC n +
will add 10 to the number under point).
Spell checking commands start with S
Key Binding | Description
SPC S c | list of corrections in a helm
SPC S d | change dictionary language
SPC S n | go to the next spell check error
Vi Visual
modes are all supported by evil
adds another Visual
mode via the expand-region mode.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC v | initiate expand-region mode then... |
v | expand the region by one semantic unit |
V | contract the region by one semantic unit |
r | reset the region to initial selection |
ESC | leave expand-region mode |
With evil-indent-textobject the following action can be performed in
normal state
- ii - Inner Indentation: the surrounding textblock with the same indentation
- ai - Above and Indentation: ii + the line above with a different indentation
- aI - Above and Indentation+: ai + the line below with a different indentation
Example (|
is the point):
(while (not done)
(messa|ge "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."))
(1+ 41)
- vii will select the line with message
- vai will select the whole while loop
- vaI will select the whole fragment
The displayed text of a buffer can be narrowed with the commands
(start with n
Key Binding | Description |
SPC n f | narrow the buffer to the current function |
SPC n p | narrow the buffer to the visible page |
SPC n r | narrow the buffer to the selected text |
SPC n w | widen, i.e show the whole buffer again |
performs go to the line below point and indent it
SPC j k.
You may repeat this operation with evil-repeat
if you need to indent many lines.
Line formatting commands start with j
Key Binding | Description
---------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ J | join the current line with the next line SPC j j | same as SPC j k but will split the current line at point SPC J | split a quoted string or s-expression in place SPC j J | split a quoted string or s-expression and auto-indent SPC j k | go to next line and indent it using auto-indent rules
Used together these key bindings are very powerful to quickly reformat the code.
uses auto-complete auto-completion engine.
Key Binding | Description
-------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ C-j | select next candidate C-k | select previous candidate TAB | expand selection or select next candidate S-TAB | select previous candidate return | complete word, if word is already completed insert a carriage return
uses the powerful iedit mode through evil-iedit-state to
quickly edit multiple occurrences of a symbol or selection.
defines two new evil states:
iedit state
iedit-insert state
The color code for these states is red
has also a nice integration with expand-region for quick
edition of the current selected text by pressing e.
Key Binding | From | To
-------------------|:------------------:|:-------------------------: SPC s e | normal or visual | iedit e | expand-region | iedit ESC | iedit | normal C-g | iedit | normal fd | iedit | normal ESC | iedit-insert | iedit C-g | iedit-insert | normal fd | iedit-insert | normal
To sum-up, in iedit-insert state
you have to press ESC twice to
go back to the normal state
. You can also at any time press C-g
or fd to return to normal state
Note: evil commands which switch to insert state
will switch in
iedit-insert state
iedit state
inherits from normal state
, the following key bindings are
specific to iedit state
Key Binding | Description
ESC | go back to normal state
TAB | toggle current occurrence
0 | go to the beginning of the current occurrence
$ | go to the end of the current occurrence
# | prefix all occurrences with an increasing number (SPC u to choose the starting number).
A | go to the end of the current occurrence and switch to iedit-insert state
D | delete the occurrences
F | restrict the scope to the function
gg | go to first occurrence
G | go to last occurrence
I | go to the beginning of the current occurrence and switch to iedit-insert state
J | increase the edition scope by one line below
K | increase the edition scope by one line above
L | restrict the scope to the current line
n | go to next occurrence
N | go to previous occurrence
p | replace occurrences with last yanked (copied) text
S | (substitute) delete the occurrences and switch to iedit-insert state
V | toggle visibility of lines with no occurrence
U | Up-case the occurrences
C-U | down-case the occurrences
Note: 0, $, A and I have the default Vim behavior when used outside of an occurrence.
Key Binding | Description
ESC | go back to iedit state
C-g | go back to normal state
- manual selection of several words then replace: v w w SPC s e S "toto" ESC ESC
- append text to a word on two lines: v i w SPC s e J i "toto" ESC ESC
- substitute symbol with expand-region: SPC v v e S "toto" ESC ESC
- replace symbol with yanked (copied) text with expand region: SPC v e p ESC ESC
Comments are handled by evil-nerd-commenter, it's bound to the following keys.
Key Binding | Description
---------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC ; | comment operator SPC c i | comment invert SPC c l | comment lines SPC c p | comment paragraphs SPC c r | comment region SPC c t | comment to line SPC c y | comment and yank
Tips: To comment efficiently a block of line use the combo:
<SPC> ; <SPC> l
Deletion is configured to send deleted files to system trash.
On OS X the trash
program is required. It can be installed with
[homebrew][] with the following command:
$ brew install trash
To disable the trash you can set the variable delete-by-moving-to-trash
to nil
in your ~/.spacemacs
Lisp navigation and edition is performed with a custom evil lisp state
provided by evil-lisp-state package.
Intuitive navigation model:
behaves like in the default normal state
Next sexp on the same level (sibling)
- L next sexp
- H previous sexp
Change level (parent/children)
- J go to next sexp one level down
- K go to previous one level up
And that's it! All these commands always put the point at the beginning of the sexp.
Key Binding | Function |
a | evil-append |
c | evil-change |
d | evil-delete |
h | previous char |
i | evil-insert-state |
I | evil-insert-line |
j | next visual line |
k | previous visual line |
l | next char |
o | evil-insert-below |
O | evil-insert-above |
p | evil-past-after |
P | evil-past-before |
r | evil-replace |
C-r | undo-tree-redo |
u | undo-tree-undo |
x | evil-delete-char |
X | evil-delete-backward-char |
y | evil-yank |
ESC | evil-normal-state |
In this table we assume that evil-lisp-state-backward-prefix
is set to
default <tab>
Key Binding | Function |
( | insert sibling before sexp and switch to insert state |
) | insert sibling after sexp and switch to insert state |
$ | sp-end-of-sexp |
0 | sp-beginning-of-sexp |
A | sp-absorb-sexp |
b | sp-forward-barf-sexp |
b | sp-backward-barf-sexp |
C | sp-convolute-sexp |
Dd | sp-kill-hybrid-sexp |
Dx | sp-kill-sexp |
Dx | sp-backward-kill-sexp |
Ds | sp-kill-symbol |
Ds | sp-backward-kill-symbol |
Dw | sp-kill-word |
Dw | sp-backward-kill-word |
E$ | evil-lisp-state-eval-sexp-end-of-line |
Ee | eval-last-sexp |
Ef | eval-defun |
gs | go to source of symbol under point |
gt | sp-transpose-sexp |
gT | sp-transpose-hybrid-sexp |
H | previous sexp at the same level |
J | next sexp one level down |
K | previous sexp one level up |
L | next sexp of the same level |
M | sp-join-sexp (think about merge-sexp ) |
R | sp-raise-sexp |
s | sp-forward-slurp-sexp |
s | sp-backward-slurp-sexp |
S | sp-splice-sexp-killing-forward |
S | sp-splice-sexp-killing-backward |
w | wrap sexp |
W | unwrap sexp |
W | sp-backward-unwrap-sexp |
Y | sp-copy-sexp |
y | sp-backward-copy-sexp |
backspace | sp-backward-delete-char |
S-backspace | sp-delete-char |
RET | indent next line |
S-RET | insert new line char and switch to insert state |
lisp state
is a base state which means that leaving
the insert state
when the previous state was lisp
will set you back
in lisp state
To go back to normal state
press <ESC>
or fd
while in lisp state
Projects in Spacemacs
are managed with projectile. In
projects are defined implicitly, for instance the root of a
project is found when a .git
repository or .projectile
file is
encountered in the file tree.
is used whenever it is possible.
To search in a project see project searching.
commands start with p:
Key Binding | Description
SPC p / | run ag
SPC p a | run ag
SPC p A | run ack
SPC p b | switch to project buffer
SPC p d | find directory
SPC p D | open project root in dired
SPC p f | find file
SPC p g | run grep
SPC p h | find file using helm
SPC p I | invalidate the projectile cache
SPC p j | find a tag
SPC p k | kill all project buffers
SPC p o | run multi-occur
SPC p R | regenerate the project's [e|g]tags
SPC p r | replace a string
SPC p s | switch project
SPC p t | find tags
SPC p T | find test files
SPC p v | open project root in vc-dir
or magit
Access commands to the various registers start with r
Key Binding | Description
---------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC r e | show evil yank and named registers SPC r m | show marks register SPC r r | show helm register SPC r y | show kill ring
uses Flycheck to gives error feedback on the fly.
The checks are only performed at save time by default.
Errors management commands (star with e
Key Binding | Description
SPC e c | clear all errors
SPC e f | toggle flycheck
SPC e l | display the flycheck
list of errors/warnings
SPC e n | go to the next error
SPC e p | go to the previous error
Custom fringe bitmaps:
Symbol | Description |
Error | |
warning | |
Info |
binds a few commands to support compiling a project.
Key Binding | Description
SPC c c | use helm-make
via projectile
SPC c C | compile
SPC c r | recompile
Key bindings specific to the current major mode
start with SPC m.
For convenience a shortcut key called the major mode leader key is set by
default on , which saves one precious keystroke.
It is possible to change the major mode leader key by defining the variable
in your ~/.spacemacs
. For example to
setup the key on tabulation:
(setq-default dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key "<tab>")
add hjkl
navigation to helm
Key Binding | Description
------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ CTRL+h | go to previous page CTRL+j | go to previous item CTRL+k | go to next item CTRL+l | go to next page
If dotspacemacs-feature-toggle-leader-on-jk
is non nil, pressing jk
in helm
buffer will trigger the evil leader.
When evil leader is triggered the following commands are available:
Key Binding | Description |
1 | execute action 0 |
2 | execute action 1 |
3 | execute action 2 |
4 | execute action 3 |
5 | execute action 4 |
6 | execute action 5 |
7 | execute action 6 |
8 | execute action 7 |
9 | execute action 8 |
0 | execute action 9 |
a | toggle action selection menu |
Key Binding | Description
-------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m a | add a transaction SPC m d | delete current transaction
In org
, evil-org-mode is activated.
Key Binding | Description
----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC m a | org-agenda SPC m A | org-archive-subtree SPC m c | org-capture SPC m C | evil-org-recompute-clocks SPC m d | org-deadline SPC m e | org-export-dispatch SPC m i | org-clock-in SPC m l | evil-org-open-links SPC m m | org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c SPC m o | org-clock-out SPC m r | org-refile SPC m s | org-schedule SPC m t | org-show-todo-tree gh | outline-up-heading gj | org-forward-heading-same-level gk | org-backward-heading-same-level gl | outline-next-visible-heading t | org-todo T | org-insert-todo-heading nil H | org-beginning-of-line L | org-end-of-line o | always-insert-item O | org-insert-heading $ | org-end-of-line ^ | org-beginning-of-line < | org-metaleft > | org-metaright TAB | org-cycle M-l | org-metaright M-h | org-metaleft M-k | org-metaup M-j | org-metadown M-L | org-shiftmetaright M-H | org-shiftmetaleft M-K | org-shiftmetaup M-J | org-shiftmetadown M-o | org-insert-heading+org-metaright M-t | org-insert-todo-heading nil+ org-metaright
Writing python code with spacemacs is supported by python contribution. Please see python contribution documentation for detail.
More featured JavaScript support is provided by the javascript contribution. Please see javascript contribution documentation for detail.
Key Binding | Description
------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ CTRL+j | next item in command history CTRL+k | previous item in command history
HTML contribution provides support for editing HTML, CSS, Scss and Less files. Please see html contribution documentation for detail.
starts a server at launch. This server is killed whenever you close
your Emacs windows.
It is possible to keep the server alive when you close Emacs by setting the
variable dotspacemacs-persistent-server
to t
in your ~./spacemacs
(setq-default dotspacemacs-persistent-server t)
When this variable is set to t
, the only way to quit Emacs and kill the
server is to use the following bindings:
Key Binding | Description
-------------------|------------------------------------------------------------ SPC q q | Quit Emacs and kill the server SPC q s | Save the buffers, quit Emacs and kill the server
If during the first boot of Emacs nothing seems to happen or if the
installation seems to abort prematurely, you can check for an error message
by opening the *Warning*
C-x b warning RET
('C-x b' means 'Ctrl + x then b' and 'RET' means 'return')
Then you can copy/paste the error in a Github issue, thank you.
You have to manually copy the ~/.emacs.d/core/templates/.spacemacs.template
file to ~/.spacemacs
To Make lisp state
the default state in Emacs Lisp
buffers, insert in
your ~/.spacemacs
the following snippet:
(defun dotspacemacs/config ()
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'evil-lisp-state))
It is possible to activate an experimental feature which allows to trigger the
evil leader in insert state
, in ido
minibuffer and in helm
To activate it, set dotspacemacs-feature-toggle-leader-on-jk
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-feature-toggle-leader-on-jk t)
More info on this feature:
Achievements | Account |
First contribution | trishume |
First contribution layer | trishume |
First blog article on Spacemacs | Wolfy87 |
First contributed banner | chrisbarrett |
100th issue (PR) | danielwuz |
200th issue (question) | justrajdeep |
300th issue (PR) | danielwuz |
100th pull request | bru |
PR gunner (8 PRs in a row) | ralesi |
100th star | Jackneill |
200th star | jb55 |
400th star | dbohdan |
Jokes aside, thank you Richard for this great piece of software.
Thank you to all the contributors and the whole Emacs community from core developers to elisp hackers!