Adds several helpers to the base SilverStripe testing framework to simplify hooking the testing process into CI servers such as Jenkins, by parameterising several configuration options.
Additionally, the module provides the SymbioteSeleniumTestCase
which provides a
simpler API for writing Selenium powered tests.
To help with test execution, there's a few parameters that can be used to assist in speeding things up if you're repeatedly running tests.
- do not perform a dev/build during test initialisationclean=0
- do not wipe out existing database stateflush=0
- do not perform a manifest flush during test initialisation
To run just the selenium tests, a commandline such as
php vendor/silverstripe/framework/cli-script.php dev/tests/module/test-assist \
flush=1 build=1 selenium_host= browser=firefox \
test_url= test_type=SymbioteSeleniumTestCase SkipTests=symbioteseleniumtestcase \
admin_user=admin admin_pass=admin
Note: The trailing slash in the URL is important!
should get you going. Note that you will need to have selenium server running for this to work. A command such as the following will start selenium server in a virtual framebuffer, meaning the windows don't launch all over your screen!
/usr/bin/xvfb-run -e /var/log/selenium/xvfb-selenium.log -n 10 \
-s "-screen 10 1024x768x8" \
java -jar /home/path/to/programs/selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar \
-port 4444 -log /var/log/selenium/server.log
However it can be useful to run the selenium server directly from the commandline to debug why a test has failed.
Swap from using MySQLDatabase to DevMySQLDatabase in your DB config
Name: dev_filters
- %$QueryDisplayFilter
- %$RequestTimerFilter
To hook codeception up for your project, you will need to create a codeception.yml config file at the top level of your project.
- mymodule/codeception
log: path/to/logdir
codeception.yml defines the paths of modules to be included in the test runs.
Within your module, you can then create a namespaced project specific set of tests to be included in that top level path.
- mkdir modulename/codeception
- cd modulename/codeception
- ../../vendor/bin/codecept bootstrap --namespace modulenamespace
- mv codeception.yml codeception.dist.yml
- touch .gitignore
Note that 'modulenamespace' can be anything, as long as it's a valid PHP namespace string
Next, create a new codeception.yml
file that contains just your local
environment codeception configuration; this will typically be the local URL
for developer testing, ie
url: http://project.clients.sslocal
browser: chrome
Update modulename/codeception/tests/functional.suite.xml
and add a couple of
class_name: FunctionalTester
- \modulename\Helper\Functional
- WebDriver # new
- \Symbiote\TestAssist\SilverstripeFunctional # new
Update modulename/codeception/tests/_bootstrap.php
to include the
SilverstripFunctional helper
// This is global bootstrap for autoloading
include_once 'test-assist/code/codeception/SilverstripeFunctional.php';
Update modulename/codeception/tests/unit/_bootstrap.php
to set up the
environment for unit testing:
// Unit testing specific setup
include_once 'vendor/silverstripe/framework/tests/bootstrap.php';
Now, add the following to .gitignore
Include your module in the top level codeception.yml
- modulename/codeception
And lastly, start writing tests! In modulename/codeception/tests/functional/FirstTestCept.php
use \Codeception\Util\Locator;
$I = new \modulenamespace\FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo("Test the homepage");
In modulename/codeception/tests/unit/SmokeTest.php
class PageTest extends SapphireTest {
public function testMyMethod() {
$this->assertEquals(2, Page::MyMethod());
From the top level of the project
$ ./vendor/bin/codecept run
Some of the in-built helper methods won't work if better buttons is installed. If this the case, add
\Symbiote\TestAssist\SilverstripeFunctional.use_better_buttons: true
in codeception.dist.yml