diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index bbc911e5..188e9b0d 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -15,18 +15,8 @@ on:
- name: test-py-${{ matrix.python }}
- runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- strategy:
- matrix:
- os: [ubuntu-20.04]
- python: ["3.10"]
- include:
- - os: ubuntu-20.04
- python: 3.10
- # the following has no effect with manual trigger
- # where the ramp-workflow is specified anyway
- ramp_workflow_version: master
+ name: test-py-3.10
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@@ -49,22 +39,23 @@ jobs:
update-conda: true
activate-conda: false
- python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
+ python-version: 3.10
conda-channels: anaconda
- name: Create envs
run: |
conda install --yes mamba -n base -c conda-forge
+ rm -f /usr/share/miniconda/pkgs/cache/*.json # workaround for mamba-org/mamba#488
mamba create --yes -n testenv python=$PYTHON_VERSION
mamba env update -n testenv -f environment.yml
mamba env create -f ci_tools/environment_iris_kit.yml
- PYTHON_VERSION: ${{ matrix.python }}
- name: Install ramp-board
run: |
source activate testenv
- if [ "$PYTHON_VERSION" == "3.8" ]; then
+ if [ "$PYTHON_VERSION" == "3.10" ]; then
python -m pip install "dask==2021.4.1" "distributed==2021.4.1"
if [ "${{ matrix.ramp_workflow_version }}" == "master" ]; then
@@ -124,13 +115,10 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
name: Install Python
- python-version: '3.7'
+ python-version: '3.10'
- name: Install dependencies
run: pip install flake8 black==22.3.0
- - name: Run flake8
- run: flake8 ramp-*
- name: Run black
run: black --check .
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index abe84ddd..1389d28b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ db_engine.yml
diff --git a/doc/workers.rst b/doc/workers.rst
index 77571296..c2a48bcc 100644
--- a/doc/workers.rst
+++ b/doc/workers.rst
@@ -551,7 +551,11 @@ Create an event config.yml (see :ref:`deploy-ramp-event`) and update the
console, 'Instances' tab on the left, under 'availability zone'.
* ``ami_image_name``: name you gave to the image you prepared (see
:ref:`prepare_instance`). This can be found in the EC2 console, under
- 'Images' -> 'AMI' tab.
+ 'Images' -> 'AMI' tab. Note: you don't have to put the entire image name
+ and if you indicate the generic name you chose, it will automatically take
+ the latest version of the image created running the pipeline (e.g.
+ 'challenge-iris' will point to 'challenge-iris 2022-04-19T17-19-18.405Z'
+ if it's the latest one)
* ``ami_user_name``: user name you used to ssh into your instance.
Commonly 'ec2-user' or 'ubuntu'.
* ``instance_type``: found in the EC2 console, 'Instances' tab, 'Description'
diff --git a/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/event.py b/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/event.py
index b1e928ef..ebfa359a 100644
--- a/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/event.py
+++ b/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/event.py
@@ -287,11 +287,11 @@ def add_event(
- X_train, y_train = event.problem.get_train_data()
- cv = event.problem.module.get_cv(X_train, y_train)
- for train_indices, test_indices in cv:
- cv_fold = CVFold(event=event, train_is=train_indices, test_is=test_indices)
- session.add(cv_fold)
+ # X_train, y_train = event.problem.get_train_data()
+ # cv = event.problem.module.get_cv(X_train, y_train)
+ # for train_indices, test_indices in cv:
+ # cv_fold = CVFold(event=event, train_is=train_indices, test_is=test_indices)
+ # session.add(cv_fold)
score_types = event.problem.module.score_types
for score_type in score_types:
diff --git a/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/leaderboard.py b/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/leaderboard.py
index c22f21ad..51bc9e5e 100644
--- a/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/leaderboard.py
+++ b/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/leaderboard.py
@@ -46,80 +46,20 @@ def _compute_leaderboard(
record_score = []
event = session.query(Event).filter_by(name=event_name).one()
- map_score_precision = {
- score_type.name: score_type.precision for score_type in event.score_types
- }
for sub in submissions:
# take only max n bag
- df_scores_bag = get_bagged_scores(session, sub.id)
- highest_level = df_scores_bag.index.get_level_values("n_bag").max()
- df_scores_bag = df_scores_bag.loc[(slice(None), highest_level), :]
- df_scores_bag.index = df_scores_bag.index.droplevel("n_bag")
- df_scores_bag = df_scores_bag.round(map_score_precision)
- df_scores = get_scores(session, sub.id)
- df_scores = df_scores.round(map_score_precision)
- df_time = get_time(session, sub.id)
- df_time = df_time.stack().to_frame()
- df_time.index = df_time.index.set_names(["fold", "step"])
- df_time = df_time.rename(columns={0: "time"})
- df_time = df_time.groupby(level="step").sum().T
- df_scores_mean = df_scores.groupby("step").mean()
- df_scores_std = df_scores.groupby("step").std()
- df_scores_std.fillna(0, inplace=True)
- # select only the validation and testing steps and rename them to
- # public and private
- map_renaming = {"valid": "public", "test": "private"}
- df_scores_mean = (
- df_scores_mean.loc[list(map_renaming.keys())]
- .rename(index=map_renaming)
- .stack()
+ df = (
+ get_bagged_scores(session, sub.id)
+ .reset_index(drop=True)
+ .max(axis=0)
- df_scores_std = (
- df_scores_std.loc[list(map_renaming.keys())]
- .rename(index=map_renaming)
- .stack()
- .to_frame()
- .T
- )
- df_scores_bag = df_scores_bag.rename(index=map_renaming).stack().to_frame().T
- df = pd.concat(
- [df_scores_bag, df_scores_mean, df_scores_std],
- axis=1,
- keys=["bag", "mean", "std"],
- )
- df.columns = df.columns.set_names(["stat", "set", "score"])
- # change the multi-index into a stacked index
- df.columns = df.columns.map(lambda x: " ".join(x))
- # add the aggregated time information
- df_time.index = df.index
- df_time = df_time.rename(
- columns={
- "train": "train time [s]",
- "valid": "validation time [s]",
- "test": "test time [s]",
- }
- )
- df = pd.concat([df, df_time], axis=1)
if leaderboard_type == "private":
df["submission ID"] = sub.basename.replace("submission_", "")
df["team"] = sub.team.name
df["submission"] = sub.name_with_link if with_links else sub.name
- df["contributivity"] = int(round(100 * sub.contributivity))
- df["historical contributivity"] = int(
- round(100 * sub.historical_contributivity)
- )
- df["max RAM [MB]"] = get_submission_max_ram(session, sub.id)
df["submitted at (UTC)"] = pd.Timestamp(sub.submission_timestamp)
@@ -128,53 +68,9 @@ def _compute_leaderboard(
# keep only second precision for the time stamp
df["submitted at (UTC)"] = df["submitted at (UTC)"].astype("datetime64[s]")
+ df.columns.name = None
- # reordered the column
- stats_order = ["bag", "mean", "std"] if leaderboard_type == "private" else ["bag"]
- dataset_order = (
- ["public", "private"] if leaderboard_type == "private" else ["public"]
- )
- score_order = [event.official_score_name] + [
- score_type.name
- for score_type in event.score_types
- if score_type.name != event.official_score_name
- ]
- score_list = [
- "{} {} {}".format(stat, dataset, score)
- for dataset, score, stat in product(dataset_order, score_order, stats_order)
- ]
- # Only display train and validation time for the public leaderboard
- time_list = (
- ["train time [s]", "validation time [s]", "test time [s]"]
- if leaderboard_type == "private"
- else ["train time [s]", "validation time [s]"]
- )
- col_ordered = (
- ["team", "submission"]
- + score_list
- + ["contributivity", "historical contributivity"]
- + time_list
- + ["max RAM [MB]", "submitted at (UTC)"]
- )
- if leaderboard_type == "private":
- col_ordered = ["submission ID"] + col_ordered
- df = df[col_ordered]
- # check if the contributivity columns are null
- contrib_columns = ["contributivity", "historical contributivity"]
- if (df[contrib_columns] == 0).all(axis=0).all():
- df = df.drop(columns=contrib_columns)
- df = df.sort_values(
- "bag {} {}".format(leaderboard_type, event.official_score_name),
- ascending=event.get_official_score_type(session).is_lower_the_better,
- )
- # rename the column name for the public leaderboard
- if leaderboard_type == "public":
- df = df.rename(
- columns={key: value for key, value in zip(score_list, score_order)}
- )
+ df = df.sort_values(by="submitted at (UTC)", ascending=False)
return df
@@ -207,105 +103,18 @@ def _compute_competition_leaderboard(
session, submissions, "private", event_name, with_links=False
- time_list = (
- ["train time [s]", "validation time [s]", "test time [s]"]
- if leaderboard_type == "private"
- else ["train time [s]", "validation time [s]"]
- )
- col_selected_private = (
- ["team", "submission"]
- + ["bag private " + score_name, "bag public " + score_name]
- + time_list
- + ["submitted at (UTC)"]
- )
- leaderboard_df = private_leaderboard[col_selected_private]
- leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.rename(
- columns={
- "bag private " + score_name: "private " + score_name,
- "bag public " + score_name: "public " + score_name,
- }
- )
+ def _select_best_submission(df):
+ df = df.sort_values('Total cost')
+ # Take lowest score
+ del df['team']
+ return df.iloc[0]
# select best submission for each team
- best_df = (
- leaderboard_df.groupby("team").min()
- if score_type.is_lower_the_better
- else leaderboard_df.groupby("team").max()
- )
- best_df = best_df[["public " + score_name]].reset_index()
- best_df["best"] = True
- # merge to get a best indicator column then select best
- leaderboard_df = pd.merge(
- leaderboard_df,
- best_df,
- how="left",
- left_on=["team", "public " + score_name],
- right_on=["team", "public " + score_name],
- )
- leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.fillna(False)
- leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df[leaderboard_df["best"]]
- leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.drop(columns="best")
- # dealing with ties: we need the lowest timestamp
- best_df = leaderboard_df.groupby("team").min()
- best_df = best_df[["submitted at (UTC)"]].reset_index()
- best_df["best"] = True
- leaderboard_df = pd.merge(
- leaderboard_df,
- best_df,
- how="left",
- left_on=["team", "submitted at (UTC)"],
- right_on=["team", "submitted at (UTC)"],
- )
- leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.fillna(False)
- leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df[leaderboard_df["best"]]
- leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.drop(columns="best")
- # sort by public score then by submission timestamp, compute rank
- leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.sort_values(
- by=["public " + score_name, "submitted at (UTC)"],
- ascending=[score_type.is_lower_the_better, True],
- )
- leaderboard_df["public rank"] = np.arange(len(leaderboard_df)) + 1
+ best_df = private_leaderboard.groupby("team").apply(_select_best_submission).reset_index()
+ best_df = best_df.sort_values(by="Total cost")
+ best_df.insert(0, 'rank', np.arange(1, best_df.shape[0]+1, dtype=np.int32))
- # sort by private score then by submission timestamp, compute rank
- leaderboard_df = leaderboard_df.sort_values(
- by=["private " + score_name, "submitted at (UTC)"],
- ascending=[score_type.is_lower_the_better, True],
- )
- leaderboard_df["private rank"] = np.arange(len(leaderboard_df)) + 1
- leaderboard_df["move"] = (
- leaderboard_df["public rank"] - leaderboard_df["private rank"]
- )
- leaderboard_df["move"] = [
- "{:+d}".format(m) if m != 0 else "-" for m in leaderboard_df["move"]
- ]
- col_selected = (
- [
- leaderboard_type + " rank",
- "team",
- "submission",
- leaderboard_type + " " + score_name,
- ]
- + time_list
- + ["submitted at (UTC)"]
- )
- if leaderboard_type == "private":
- col_selected.insert(1, "move")
- df = leaderboard_df[col_selected]
- df = df.rename(
- columns={
- leaderboard_type + " " + score_name: score_name,
- leaderboard_type + " rank": "rank",
- }
- )
- df = df.sort_values(by="rank")
- return df
+ return best_df
def get_leaderboard_all_info(session, event_name):
@@ -429,7 +238,7 @@ def get_leaderboard(
"submitted at (UTC)",
- "wating list",
+ "waiting list",
columns = ["team", "submission", "submitted at (UTC)", "error"]
@@ -447,7 +256,7 @@ def get_leaderboard(
- if leaderboard_type == "error"
+ if leaderboard_type == "failed"
else sub.state
diff --git a/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/submission.py b/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/submission.py
index 1e8287f0..ed2dc7c1 100644
--- a/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/submission.py
+++ b/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/submission.py
@@ -446,6 +446,7 @@ def get_time(session, submission_id):
for step in ("train", "valid", "test"):
results[step].append(getattr(cv_fold, "{}_time".format(step)))
+ breakpoint()
return pd.DataFrame(results).set_index("fold")
@@ -717,21 +718,13 @@ def set_bagged_scores(session, submission_id, path_predictions):
The path where the results files are located.
submission = select_submission_by_id(session, submission_id)
- df = pd.read_csv(
- os.path.join(path_predictions, "bagged_scores.csv"), index_col=[0, 1]
- )
- df_steps = df.index.get_level_values("step").unique().tolist()
+ with open(os.path.join(path_predictions, "score.txt")) as fh:
+ cost_value = float(fh.read().strip())
for score in submission.scores:
for step in ("valid", "test"):
- highest_n_bag = df.index.get_level_values("n_bag").max()
- if step in df_steps:
- score_last_bag = float(df.loc[(step, highest_n_bag), score.score_name])
- score_all_bags = df.loc[(step, slice(None)), score.score_name].tolist()
- else:
- score_last_bag = float(score.event_score_type.worst)
- score_all_bags = None
- setattr(score, "{}_score_cv_bag".format(step), score_last_bag)
- setattr(score, "{}_score_cv_bags".format(step), score_all_bags)
+ setattr(score, "{}_score_cv_bag".format(step), cost_value)
+ setattr(score, "{}_score_cv_bags".format(step), [cost_value])
diff --git a/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/tests/test_leaderboard.py b/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/tests/test_leaderboard.py
index cb2e1117..535fb75b 100644
--- a/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/tests/test_leaderboard.py
+++ b/ramp-database/ramp_database/tools/tests/test_leaderboard.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import re
import shutil
import pytest
@@ -170,6 +171,8 @@ def test_get_leaderboard(session_toy_db):
session_toy_db, "failed", "iris_test", "test_user"
assert leaderboard_failed.count("
") == 1
+ # check that we have a link to the log of the failed submission
+ assert re.match(r".*.*", leaderboard_failed, flags=re.DOTALL)
# the remaining submission should be successful
leaderboard_public = get_leaderboard(session_toy_db, "public", "iris_test")
diff --git a/ramp-database/ramp_database/utils.py b/ramp-database/ramp_database/utils.py
index 82940410..48c75a83 100644
--- a/ramp-database/ramp_database/utils.py
+++ b/ramp-database/ramp_database/utils.py
@@ -106,4 +106,8 @@ def check_password(password, hashed_password):
is_same_password : bool
Return True if the two passwords are identical.
- return bcrypt.checkpw(_encode_string(password), _encode_string(hashed_password))
+ try:
+ return bcrypt.checkpw(_encode_string(password), _encode_string(hashed_password))
+ except ValueError:
+ # Some manually created password don't have an invalid salt, ignore it.
+ return False
diff --git a/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/__init__.py b/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/__init__.py
index c9895e78..fed821cc 100644
--- a/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/__init__.py
+++ b/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from .aws import AWSWorker
from .dispatcher import Dispatcher # noqa
from .local import CondaEnvWorker
+from .cpp_runner import CppCondaEnvWorker
from .remote import DaskWorker
from ._version import __version__
@@ -9,6 +10,7 @@
"conda": CondaEnvWorker,
"aws": AWSWorker,
"dask": DaskWorker,
+ "conda-cpp": CppCondaEnvWorker,
__all__ = [
diff --git a/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/base.py b/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/base.py
index 63cc66b5..6da837f5 100644
--- a/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/base.py
+++ b/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/base.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
import subprocess
+import re
logger = logging.getLogger("RAMP-WORKER")
@@ -191,4 +192,14 @@ def _get_traceback(content):
cut_exception_text = content.find("Traceback")
if cut_exception_text > 0:
content = content[cut_exception_text:]
+ else:
+ content = content[-3000:]
+ # strip paths
+ content = re.sub("/[^\s]+/", '', content)
+ if content:
+ # Take only the last 2 lines
+ content = "\n".join(content.splitlines()[-3:])
+ # If data is suspiciosly long truncate it
+ if len(content) > 150:
+ content = content[-150:]
return content
diff --git a/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/cpp_runner.py b/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/cpp_runner.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46e24e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/cpp_runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+import logging
+import sys
+import os
+import shutil
+from datetime import datetime
+import time
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+from .base import _get_traceback
+from .conda import _conda_info_envs, _get_conda_env_path
+from .local import CondaEnvWorker
+logger = logging.getLogger("RAMP-WORKER")
+def get_conda_cmd(cmd: list[str], options: list[str] = None, memory="512m", with_java: bool=True) -> list[str]:
+ if options is None:
+ options = []
+ if with_java:
+ image = "tomcat:10-jdk11"
+ else:
+ image = "ubuntu:kinetic-20220830"
+ cmd_full = (
+ [
+ "docker",
+ "run",
+ "-i",
+ "--rm",
+ "--network",
+ "none",
+ "-v",
+ "/home/ubuntu/miniforge3/:/home/ubuntu/miniforge3/:ro",
+ "-v",
+ "/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro",
+ "-v",
+ "/etc/group:/etc/group:ro",
+ ]
+ + options
+ + ["-m", memory, image]
+ + cmd
+ )
+ return cmd_full
+class CppCondaEnvWorker(CondaEnvWorker):
+ """Local worker which uses conda environment to dispatch submission.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ config : dict
+ Configuration dictionary to set the worker. The following parameter
+ should be set:
+ * 'conda_env': the name of the conda environment to use. If not
+ specified, the base environment will be used.
+ * 'kit_dir': path to the directory of the RAMP kit;
+ * 'data_dir': path to the directory of the data;
+ * 'submissions_dir': path to the directory containing the
+ submissions;
+ * `logs_dir`: path to the directory where the log of the
+ submission will be stored;
+ * `predictions_dir`: path to the directory where the
+ predictions of the submission will be stored.
+ * 'timeout': timeout after a given number of seconds when
+ running the worker. If not provided, a default of 7200
+ is used.
+ submission : str
+ Name of the RAMP submission to be handle by the worker.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ status : str
+ The status of the worker. It should be one of the following state:
+ * 'initialized': the worker has been instanciated.
+ * 'setup': the worker has been set up.
+ * 'error': setup failed / training couldn't be started
+ * 'running': the worker is training the submission.
+ * 'finished': the worker finished to train the submission.
+ * 'collected': the results of the training have been collected.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config, submission):
+ super().__init__(config=config, submission=submission)
+ def setup(self):
+ """Set up the worker.
+ The worker will find the path to the conda environment to use using
+ the configuration passed when instantiating the worker.
+ """
+ # sanity check for the configuration variable
+ for required_param in (
+ "kit_dir",
+ "data_dir",
+ "submissions_dir",
+ "logs_dir",
+ "predictions_dir",
+ ):
+ self._check_config_name(self.config, required_param)
+ # find the path to the conda environment
+ env_name = self.config.get("conda_env", "base")
+ conda_info = _conda_info_envs()
+ self._python_bin_path = _get_conda_env_path(conda_info, env_name, self)
+ super().setup()
+ def teardown(self):
+ """Remove the predictions stores within the submission."""
+ if self.status not in ("collected", "retry"):
+ raise ValueError("Collect the results before to kill the worker.")
+ output_training_dir = os.path.join(
+ self.config["kit_dir"],
+ "submissions",
+ self.submission,
+ "training_output",
+ )
+ if os.path.exists(output_training_dir):
+ shutil.rmtree(output_training_dir)
+ super().teardown()
+ def is_cpp_submission(self) -> bool:
+ """Return True if submission is C++, False if it's a Python one"""
+ submission_dir = Path(self.config["submissions_dir"]) / self.submission
+ if (submission_dir / "solution.cpp").exists() and (
+ len((submission_dir / "solution.cpp").read_text().strip()) > 10
+ ):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def launch_submission(self):
+ """Launch the submission.
+ Basically, it comes to run ``ramp_test_submission`` using the conda
+ environment given in the configuration. The submission is launched in
+ a subprocess to free to not lock the Python main process.
+ """
+ if self.status == "running":
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Wait that the submission is processed before to " "launch a new one."
+ )
+ self._log_dir = os.path.join(self.config["logs_dir"], self.submission)
+ os.makedirs(self._log_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ self._log_file = open(os.path.join(self._log_dir, "log"), "wb+")
+ submission_dir = os.path.join(
+ self.config["submissions_dir"],
+ self.submission,
+ )
+ output_dir = os.path.join(submission_dir, "training_output")
+ os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ INCLUDE_DIR = Path(self.config["data_dir"]).resolve()
+ DATA_DIR = Path(self.config["data_dir"]).resolve()
+ self.status = "finished"
+ self._return_code = 0
+ is_cpp = self.is_cpp_submission()
+ if is_cpp:
+ bin_path = os.path.join(submission_dir, "main")
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ "gcc",
+ os.path.join(submission_dir, "solution.cpp"),
+ #f"-I{INCLUDE_DIR / 'include' / 'cpp'}",
+ "-lstdc++",
+ "-O3",
+ "-w",
+ "-o",
+ bin_path,
+ ],
+ stderr=self._log_file,
+ stdout=self._log_file,
+ )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
+ self._return_code = COMPILATION_ERROR
+ return
+ else:
+ bin_path = os.path.join(submission_dir, "main")
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ "javac",
+ os.path.join(submission_dir, "Main.java"),
+ ],
+ stderr=self._log_file,
+ stdout=self._log_file,
+ )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
+ self._return_code = COMPILATION_ERROR
+ return
+ # Compilation passed, clean up the log
+ shutil.copy(
+ os.path.join(self._log_dir, "log"),
+ os.path.join(self._log_dir, "compilation-log"),
+ )
+ self._log_file.truncate(0)
+ # Run solution in batches
+ batch_size = 5
+ (Path(output_dir) / "output").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ for n_batch in range(4):
+ t0 = time.perf_counter()
+ procs = []
+ for sub_idx in range(batch_size):
+ idx = batch_size * n_batch + sub_idx
+ # We have 9 test cases in total
+ if idx > 9:
+ continue
+ if is_cpp:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(
+ get_conda_cmd(
+ # Make sure the process is killed as we cannot kill it from outside
+ ["timeout", "22", str(bin_path)],
+ options=["-v", f"{submission_dir}:{submission_dir}:ro"],
+ ),
+ stdout=open(os.path.join(output_dir, f"output/case{idx}.out"), "wb+"),
+ stderr=self._log_file,
+ stdin=open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f"input/case{idx}.in"), "rb"),
+ )
+ else:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(
+ get_conda_cmd(
+ # Make sure the process is killed as we cannot kill it from outside
+ ["timeout", "22", "java", "Main"],
+ options=["-v", f"{submission_dir}:{submission_dir}:ro", "-w", f"{submission_dir}"],
+ ),
+ stdout=open(os.path.join(output_dir, f"output/case{idx}.out"), "wb+"),
+ stderr=self._log_file,
+ stdin=open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f"input/case{idx}.in"), "rb"),
+ )
+ procs.append(p)
+ for p in procs:
+ # Time remaining for this batch (evaluated in parallel)
+ dt = max(t0 + self.timeout - time.perf_counter(), 0)
+ if dt == 0:
+ self.status = "timeout"
+ self._return_code = 124
+ return
+ try:
+ p.communicate(timeout=dt)
+ self._return_code = max(p.returncode, self._return_code)
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+ for p in procs:
+ p.kill()
+ self.status = "timeout"
+ self._return_code = 124
+ return
+ if self._return_code > 0:
+ return
+ # Running the model passed, clean up the log
+ shutil.copy(
+ os.path.join(self._log_dir, "log"), os.path.join(self._log_dir, "run-log")
+ )
+ self._log_file.truncate(0)
+ # Score the solution
+ judger_path = os.path.join(
+ self.config["data_dir"], "validation/judge_ramp.py"
+ )
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ os.path.join(self._python_bin_path, "python"),
+ judger_path,
+ os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "input"),
+ os.path.join(output_dir, "output"),
+ output_dir,
+ ],
+ stderr=self._log_file,
+ stdout=self._log_file,
+ )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
+ self._return_code = SCORING_ERROR
+ return
+ def collect_results(self):
+ """Collect the results after that the submission is completed.
+ Be aware that calling ``collect_results()`` before that the submission
+ finished will lock the Python main process awaiting for the submission
+ to be processed. Use ``worker.status`` to know the status of the worker
+ beforehand.
+ """
+ if self.status == "initialized":
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The worker has not been setup and no submission "
+ "was launched. Call the method setup() and "
+ "launch_submission() before to collect the "
+ "results."
+ )
+ elif self.status == "setup":
+ raise ValueError(
+ "No submission was launched. Call the method "
+ "launch_submission() and then try again to "
+ "collect the results."
+ )
+ if self.status in ["finished", "running", "timeout"]:
+ with open(os.path.join(self._log_dir, "log"), "rb") as f:
+ log_output = f.read()
+ error_msg = _get_traceback(log_output.decode("utf-8"))
+ if self.status == "timeout":
+ error_msg += "\nWorker killed due to timeout after {}s.".format(
+ self.timeout
+ )
+ if self.status == "timeout":
+ returncode = 124
+ else:
+ returncode = self._return_code
+ pred_dir = os.path.join(self.config["predictions_dir"], self.submission)
+ output_training_dir = os.path.join(
+ self.config["submissions_dir"],
+ self.submission,
+ "training_output",
+ )
+ if returncode:
+ if returncode == 139:
+ error_msg = "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
+ # copy the predictions into the disk
+ # no need to create the directory, it will be handled by copytree
+ shutil.rmtree(pred_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+ shutil.copytree(output_training_dir, pred_dir)
+ self.status = "collected"
+ return (returncode, error_msg)
+ def check_timeout(self):
+ """We use a different timeout mechanism"""
+ return None
+ def _is_submission_finished():
+ """The parallelism happens at the level of test cases"""
+ return True
diff --git a/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/tests/test_conda_worker.py b/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/tests/test_conda_worker.py
index 6d55787a..f5471cbf 100644
--- a/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/tests/test_conda_worker.py
+++ b/ramp-engine/ramp_engine/tests/test_conda_worker.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
from ramp_engine.local import CondaEnvWorker
from ramp_engine.remote import DaskWorker
from ramp_engine.conda import _conda_info_envs
+from ramp
ALL_WORKERS = [CondaEnvWorker, DaskWorker]
diff --git a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/event.html b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/event.html
index 7700de76..31668ba4 100644
--- a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/event.html
+++ b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/event.html
@@ -52,12 +52,16 @@ {{ category }}
{% if approved %}
@@ -80,8 +84,11 @@ {{ category }}
+ Please refer to the PDF for the problem description.
@@ -99,4 +106,4 @@ {{ category }}
parseInt(i) + "px";
-{% endblock %} {% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
+{% endblock %} {% endblock %}
diff --git a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/sandbox.html b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/sandbox.html
index 995582ff..c67a22cd 100644
--- a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/sandbox.html
+++ b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/sandbox.html
@@ -206,7 +206,8 @@ {{ category }}
- Note that once you make a submission, all participants of your team will be locked to the current team.
+ Note that once you make a submission, all participants of your team will be locked to the current team.
+ By default, the C++ solution (solution.cpp) is run. To run the Java Main.java, change `solution.cpp` to be an empty file.
diff --git a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/update_profile.html b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/update_profile.html
index 3a301964..2bd8ca74 100644
--- a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/update_profile.html
+++ b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/templates/update_profile.html
@@ -70,10 +70,11 @@
{{ category }}
[{{ error }}]
{% endfor %}
{% if config['SIGN_UP_ASK_SOCIAL_MEDIA'] %}
LinkedIn URL
diff --git a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/admin.py b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/admin.py
index 863d5ca8..86ad7f0f 100644
--- a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/admin.py
+++ b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/admin.py
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def approve_users():
f"Dear {user.firstname},\n\n"
f"Your xianti.fr account has been approved. You will now be able to sign-up for any RAMP Data Challenge, subject to eligibility, once it is open.\n\n"
f"Also please join the Huawei RAMP Slack\n"
- f"(https://join.slack.com/t/huaweiramp/shared_invite/zt-qbf4vy9s-0NS4~V898h40x8cI2KHEfQ)\n"
+ f"(https://join.slack.com/t/layoutsmartfactory/shared_invite/zt-1ge14ywqa-yVCSyQSxAO~f~6A0G0_HtA)\n"
f"where all event related announcements will be made. For example, if you encounter any difficulties with the process or the platform, you can also ask questions there.\n\n"
f"Best regards,\n"
f"The Huawei - RAMP team"
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def approve_users():
f"You can now proceed to your sandbox for this event and make "
f"Please note that by signing up to this event, you accept the Challenge Rules "
- f"(https://xianti.fr/june-2021-challenge#rules).\n\n"
+ f".\n\n"
f"See you on the RAMP website!\n"
f"The Huawei - RAMP team"
diff --git a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/auth.py b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/auth.py
index ac7a7dde..56679d5e 100644
--- a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/auth.py
+++ b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/auth.py
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ def sign_up():
f" {recover_url} \n\n"
f"Please note that your signup request will be approved "
f"after you send your proof of student status and expected "
- f"date of graduation to Jiao Li (li.jiao@huawei.com). \n\n"
+ f"date of graduation to (contact@xianti.fr). \n\n"
f"Please also note that by signing up, you accept the Terms of "
f"Use [1], the Privacy Notice [2], and the Cookies Policy [3].\n\n"
f" [1] https://xianti.fr/terms-of-usage \n"
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ def user_confirm_email(token):
return redirect(url_for("auth.login"))
elif user.access_level == "asked":
- "Your email address has already been confirmed. Please send your proof of student status to Jiao Li
if you haven't yet done so. If you have, we will approve your sign-up request as soon as possible.",
+ "Your email address has already been confirmed. Please send your proof of student status to contact@xianti.fr if you haven't yet done so. If you have, we will approve your sign-up request as soon as possible.",
return redirect(url_for("general.index"))
@@ -371,6 +371,6 @@ def user_confirm_email(token):
body += "of this user: {}".format(url_approve)
send_mail_with_context(admin.email, subject, body)
- "Please send your proof of student status to Jiao Li if you haven't yet done so. If you have, we will approve your sign-up request as soon as possible."
+ "Please send your proof of student status to contact@xianti.fr if you haven't yet done so. If you have, we will approve your sign-up request as soon as possible."
return redirect(url_for("auth.login"))
diff --git a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/visualization.py b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/visualization.py
index 4e6196b5..29e6a9a5 100644
--- a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/visualization.py
+++ b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/views/visualization.py
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def color_gradient(rgb, factor_array):
colors = rgb2gray(colors)
colors = gray2rgb(
255 - np.array([color * factor for color, factor in zip(colors, factor_array)])
- )[:, :, 0]
+ )[:, 0]
return colors
diff --git a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/wsgi.py b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/wsgi.py
index 5cd0f6b0..2c84d5fb 100644
--- a/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/wsgi.py
+++ b/ramp-frontend/ramp_frontend/wsgi.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from ramp_utils import generate_flask_config
from ramp_utils import read_config
+import os
from ramp_frontend import create_app
@@ -18,7 +19,20 @@ def make_app(config_file):
app : Flask
The Flask app created.
+ try:
+ import sentry_sdk
+ if "SENTRY_DSN" in os.environ:
+ sentry_sdk.init(
+ dsn=os.environ['SENTRY_DSN'],
+ # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100%
+ # of transactions for performance monitoring.
+ # We recommend adjusting this value in production.
+ traces_sample_rate=0.5
+ )
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
config = read_config(config_file)
flask_config = generate_flask_config(config)
app = create_app(flask_config)
return app