diff --git a/build/jQuery.SPServices-2.0.0-pre-alpha.js b/build/jQuery.SPServices-2.0.0-pre-alpha.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c697388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/jQuery.SPServices-2.0.0-pre-alpha.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6184 @@
+* spservices - Work with SharePoint's Web Services using jQuery
+* Version 2.0.0-pre-alpha
+* @requires jQuery v1.8 or greater - jQuery 1.10.x+ recommended
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Sympraxis Consulting LLC
+* Examples and docs at:
+* http://spservices.codeplex.com/
+* Licensed under the MIT license:
+* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+* @description SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
+* @type jQuery
+* @name spservices
+* @category Plugins/spservices
+* @author Sympraxis Consulting LLC/marc.anderson@sympraxisconsulting.com
+ * Original SPServices core modules...
+ */
+ "jquery",
+ "../utils/constants",
+ "../core/SPServices.utils"
+], function (
+ $,
+ constants,
+ utils
+) {
+ /* jshint undef: true */
+ "use strict";
+ var SOAPAction = "";
+ var SOAPEnvelope = {
+ header: "",
+ footer: "",
+ payload: ""
+ };
+ // Caching
+ var promisesCache = {};
+ // Web Service names
+ var webServices = {
+ ALERTS: "Alerts",
+ AUTHENTICATION: "Authentication",
+ COPY: "Copy",
+ FORMS: "Forms",
+ LISTS: "Lists",
+ MEETINGS: "Meetings",
+ OFFICIALFILE: "OfficialFile",
+ PEOPLE: "People",
+ PERMISSIONS: "Permissions",
+ PUBLISHEDLINKSSERVICE: "PublishedLinksService",
+ SEARCH: "Search",
+ SHAREPOINTDIAGNOSTICS: "SharePointDiagnostics",
+ SITEDATA: "SiteData",
+ SITES: "Sites",
+ SOCIALDATASERVICE: "SocialDataService",
+ SPELLCHECK: "SpellCheck",
+ TAXONOMYSERVICE: "TaxonomyClientService",
+ USERGROUP: "usergroup",
+ USERPROFILESERVICE: "UserProfileService",
+ VERSIONS: "Versions",
+ VIEWS: "Views",
+ WEBPARTPAGES: "WebPartPages",
+ WEBS: "Webs",
+ WORKFLOW: "Workflow",
+ /* Nintex Web Service*/
+ NINTEXWORKFLOW: "NintexWorkflow/Workflow"
+ };
+ var encodeOptionList = ["listName", "description"]; // Used to encode options which may contain special characters
+ // Array to store Web Service information
+ // WSops.OpName = [WebService, needs_SOAPAction];
+ // OpName The name of the Web Service operation -> These names are unique
+ // WebService The name of the WebService this operation belongs to
+ // needs_SOAPAction Boolean indicating whether the operation needs to have the SOAPAction passed in the setRequestHeaderfunction.
+ // true if the operation does a write, else false
+ var WSops = {};
+ WSops.GetAlerts = [webServices.ALERTS, false];
+ WSops.DeleteAlerts = [webServices.ALERTS, true];
+ WSops.Mode = [webServices.AUTHENTICATION, false];
+ WSops.Login = [webServices.AUTHENTICATION, false];
+ WSops.CopyIntoItems = [webServices.COPY, true];
+ WSops.CopyIntoItemsLocal = [webServices.COPY, true];
+ WSops.GetItem = [webServices.COPY, false];
+ WSops.GetForm = [webServices.FORMS, false];
+ WSops.GetFormCollection = [webServices.FORMS, false];
+ WSops.AddAttachment = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.AddDiscussionBoardItem = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.AddList = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.AddListFromFeature = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.ApplyContentTypeToList = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.CheckInFile = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.CheckOutFile = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.CreateContentType = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.DeleteAttachment = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.DeleteContentType = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.DeleteList = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.GetAttachmentCollection = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.GetList = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.GetListAndView = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.GetListCollection = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.GetListContentType = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.GetListContentTypes = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.GetListItemChanges = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.GetListItemChangesSinceToken = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.GetListItems = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.GetVersionCollection = [webServices.LISTS, false];
+ WSops.UndoCheckOut = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.UpdateContentType = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.UpdateList = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.UpdateListItems = [webServices.LISTS, true];
+ WSops.AddMeeting = [webServices.MEETINGS, true];
+ WSops.CreateWorkspace = [webServices.MEETINGS, true];
+ WSops.RemoveMeeting = [webServices.MEETINGS, true];
+ WSops.SetWorkSpaceTitle = [webServices.MEETINGS, true];
+ WSops.GetRecordRouting = [webServices.OFFICIALFILE, false];
+ WSops.GetRecordRoutingCollection = [webServices.OFFICIALFILE, false];
+ WSops.GetServerInfo = [webServices.OFFICIALFILE, false];
+ WSops.SubmitFile = [webServices.OFFICIALFILE, true];
+ WSops.ResolvePrincipals = [webServices.PEOPLE, true];
+ WSops.SearchPrincipals = [webServices.PEOPLE, false];
+ WSops.AddPermission = [webServices.PERMISSIONS, true];
+ WSops.AddPermissionCollection = [webServices.PERMISSIONS, true];
+ WSops.GetPermissionCollection = [webServices.PERMISSIONS, true];
+ WSops.RemovePermission = [webServices.PERMISSIONS, true];
+ WSops.RemovePermissionCollection = [webServices.PERMISSIONS, true];
+ WSops.UpdatePermission = [webServices.PERMISSIONS, true];
+ WSops.GetLinks = [webServices.PUBLISHEDLINKSSERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetPortalSearchInfo = [webServices.SEARCH, false];
+ WSops.GetQuerySuggestions = [webServices.SEARCH, false];
+ WSops.GetSearchMetadata = [webServices.SEARCH, false];
+ WSops.Query = [webServices.SEARCH, false];
+ WSops.QueryEx = [webServices.SEARCH, false];
+ WSops.Registration = [webServices.SEARCH, false];
+ WSops.Status = [webServices.SEARCH, false];
+ WSops.SendClientScriptErrorReport = [webServices.SHAREPOINTDIAGNOSTICS, true];
+ WSops.GetAttachments = [webServices.SITEDATA, false];
+ WSops.EnumerateFolder = [webServices.SITEDATA, false];
+ WSops.SiteDataGetList = [webServices.SITEDATA, false];
+ WSops.SiteDataGetListCollection = [webServices.SITEDATA, false];
+ WSops.SiteDataGetSite = [webServices.SITEDATA, false];
+ WSops.SiteDataGetSiteUrl = [webServices.SITEDATA, false];
+ WSops.SiteDataGetWeb = [webServices.SITEDATA, false];
+ WSops.CreateWeb = [webServices.SITES, true];
+ WSops.DeleteWeb = [webServices.SITES, true];
+ WSops.GetSite = [webServices.SITES, false];
+ WSops.GetSiteTemplates = [webServices.SITES, false];
+ WSops.AddComment = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.AddTag = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.AddTagByKeyword = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.CountCommentsOfUser = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.CountCommentsOfUserOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.CountCommentsOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.CountRatingsOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.CountTagsOfUser = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.DeleteComment = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.DeleteRating = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.DeleteTag = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.DeleteTagByKeyword = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.DeleteTags = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetAllTagTerms = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetAllTagTermsForUrlFolder = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetAllTagUrls = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetAllTagUrlsByKeyword = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetCommentsOfUser = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetCommentsOfUserOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetCommentsOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetRatingAverageOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetRatingOfUserOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetRatingOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetRatingsOfUser = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetRatingsOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetSocialDataForFullReplication = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetTags = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetTagsOfUser = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetTagTerms = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetTagTermsOfUser = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetTagTermsOnUrl = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetTagUrlsOfUser = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetTagUrlsOfUserByKeyword = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetTagUrls = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetTagUrlsByKeyword = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.SetRating = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.UpdateComment = [webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE, true];
+ WSops.SpellCheck = [webServices.SPELLCHECK, false];
+ // Taxonomy Service Calls
+ // Updated 2011.01.27 by Thomas McMillan
+ WSops.AddTerms = [webServices.TAXONOMYSERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetChildTermsInTerm = [webServices.TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetChildTermsInTermSet = [webServices.TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetKeywordTermsByGuids = [webServices.TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetTermsByLabel = [webServices.TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetTermSets = [webServices.TAXONOMYSERVICE, false];
+ WSops.AddGroup = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.AddGroupToRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.AddRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.AddRoleDef = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.AddUserCollectionToGroup = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.AddUserCollectionToRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.AddUserToGroup = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.AddUserToRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.GetAllUserCollectionFromWeb = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetGroupCollection = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetGroupCollectionFromRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetGroupCollectionFromSite = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetGroupCollectionFromUser = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetGroupCollectionFromWeb = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetGroupInfo = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetRoleCollection = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetRoleCollectionFromGroup = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetRoleCollectionFromUser = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetRoleCollectionFromWeb = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetRoleInfo = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetRolesAndPermissionsForCurrentUser = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetRolesAndPermissionsForSite = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetUserCollection = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetUserCollectionFromGroup = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetUserCollectionFromRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetUserCollectionFromSite = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetUserCollectionFromWeb = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetUserInfo = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.GetUserLoginFromEmail = [webServices.USERGROUP, false];
+ WSops.RemoveGroup = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.RemoveGroupFromRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.RemoveRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.RemoveUserCollectionFromGroup = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.RemoveUserCollectionFromRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.RemoveUserCollectionFromSite = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.RemoveUserFromGroup = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.RemoveUserFromRole = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.RemoveUserFromSite = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.RemoveUserFromWeb = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.UpdateGroupInfo = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.UpdateRoleDefInfo = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.UpdateRoleInfo = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.UpdateUserInfo = [webServices.USERGROUP, true];
+ WSops.AddColleague = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.AddLink = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.AddMembership = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.AddPinnedLink = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.CreateMemberGroup = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.CreateUserProfileByAccountName = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.GetCommonColleagues = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetCommonManager = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetCommonMemberships = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetInCommon = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetPropertyChoiceList = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserColleagues = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserLinks = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserMemberships = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserPinnedLinks = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserProfileByGuid = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserProfileByIndex = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserProfileByName = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserProfileCount = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserProfileSchema = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.GetUserPropertyByAccountName = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, false];
+ WSops.ModifyUserPropertyByAccountName = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.RemoveAllColleagues = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.RemoveAllLinks = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.RemoveAllMemberships = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.RemoveAllPinnedLinks = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.RemoveColleague = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.RemoveLink = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.RemoveMembership = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.RemovePinnedLink = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.UpdateColleaguePrivacy = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.UpdateLink = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.UpdateMembershipPrivacy = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.UpdatePinnedLink = [webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE, true];
+ WSops.DeleteAllVersions = [webServices.VERSIONS, true];
+ WSops.DeleteVersion = [webServices.VERSIONS, true];
+ WSops.GetVersions = [webServices.VERSIONS, false];
+ WSops.RestoreVersion = [webServices.VERSIONS, true];
+ WSops.AddView = [webServices.VIEWS, true];
+ WSops.DeleteView = [webServices.VIEWS, true];
+ WSops.GetView = [webServices.VIEWS, false];
+ WSops.GetViewHtml = [webServices.VIEWS, false];
+ WSops.GetViewCollection = [webServices.VIEWS, false];
+ WSops.UpdateView = [webServices.VIEWS, true];
+ WSops.UpdateViewHtml = [webServices.VIEWS, true];
+ WSops.AddWebPart = [webServices.WEBPARTPAGES, true];
+ WSops.AddWebPartToZone = [webServices.WEBPARTPAGES, true];
+ WSops.DeleteWebPart = [webServices.WEBPARTPAGES, true];
+ WSops.GetWebPart2 = [webServices.WEBPARTPAGES, false];
+ WSops.GetWebPartPage = [webServices.WEBPARTPAGES, false];
+ WSops.GetWebPartProperties = [webServices.WEBPARTPAGES, false];
+ WSops.GetWebPartProperties2 = [webServices.WEBPARTPAGES, false];
+ WSops.SaveWebPart2 = [webServices.WEBPARTPAGES, true];
+ WSops.WebsCreateContentType = [webServices.WEBS, true];
+ WSops.GetColumns = [webServices.WEBS, false];
+ WSops.GetContentType = [webServices.WEBS, false];
+ WSops.GetContentTypes = [webServices.WEBS, false];
+ WSops.GetCustomizedPageStatus = [webServices.WEBS, false];
+ WSops.GetListTemplates = [webServices.WEBS, false];
+ WSops.GetObjectIdFromUrl = [webServices.WEBS, false]; // 2010
+ WSops.GetWeb = [webServices.WEBS, false];
+ WSops.GetWebCollection = [webServices.WEBS, false];
+ WSops.GetAllSubWebCollection = [webServices.WEBS, false];
+ WSops.UpdateColumns = [webServices.WEBS, true];
+ WSops.WebsUpdateContentType = [webServices.WEBS, true];
+ WSops.WebUrlFromPageUrl = [webServices.WEBS, false];
+ WSops.AlterToDo = [webServices.WORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.ClaimReleaseTask = [webServices.WORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetTemplatesForItem = [webServices.WORKFLOW, false];
+ WSops.GetToDosForItem = [webServices.WORKFLOW, false];
+ WSops.GetWorkflowDataForItem = [webServices.WORKFLOW, false];
+ WSops.GetWorkflowTaskData = [webServices.WORKFLOW, false];
+ WSops.StartWorkflow = [webServices.WORKFLOW, true];
+ //Nintex
+ WSops.AddLongTermDelegationRule = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.AddWorkflowSchedule = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.AddWorkflowScheduleOnListItem = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.CheckGlobalReuseStatus = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.CheckInForms = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.DelegateAllTasks = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.DelegateTask = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.DeleteLongTermDelegationRule = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.DeleteSnippet = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.DeleteWorkflow = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.ExportWorkflow = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.FixWorkflowsInSiteFromTemplate = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetFolders = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetItemsPendingMyApproval = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetListContentTypes = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetOutcomesForFlexiTask = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetRunningWorkflowTasks = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetRunningWorkflowTasksCollection = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetRunningWorkflowTasksForCurrentUser = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetRunningWorkflowTasksForCurrentUserForListItem = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetRunningWorkflowTasksForListItem = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetTaskDetailsUsingStub = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetTaskStubsForCurrentUser = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetWorkflowHistory = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.GetWorkflowHistoryForListItem = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.HideTaskForApprover = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.HideWorkflow = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.ProcessFlexiTaskResponse = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.ProcessFlexiTaskResponse2 = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.ProcessTaskResponse = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.ProcessTaskResponse2 = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.ProcessTaskResponse3 = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.ProcessTaskResponseUsingToken = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.PublishFromNWF = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.PublishFromNWFNoOverwrite = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.PublishFromNWFSkipValidation = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.PublishFromNWFSkipValidationNoOverwrite = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.PublishFromNWFXml = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.PublishFromNWFXmlNoOverwrite = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.PublishFromNWFXmlSkipValidation = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.PublishFromNWFXmlSkipValidationNoOverwrite = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.PublishWorkflow = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.QueryForMessages = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.RemoveWorkflowSchedule = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.RemoveWorkflowScheduleOnListItem = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.SaveFromNWF = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.SaveFromNWFNoOverwrite = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.SaveFromNWFXml = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.SaveFromNWFXmlNoOverwrite = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.SaveSnippet = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.SaveTemplate = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.SaveTemplate2 = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.SaveWorkflow = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.SnippetExists = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.StartSiteWorkflow = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.NintexStartWorkflow = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.StartWorkflowOnListItem = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.TemplateExists = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.TerminateWorkflow = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.TerminateWorkflowByName = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.TerminateWorkflowByNameForListItem = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.WorkflowExists = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ WSops.WorkflowFormProductSelected = [webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW, true];
+ // Main function, which calls SharePoint's Web Services directly.
+ $.fn.SPServices = function (options) {
+ // If there are no options passed in, use the defaults. Extend replaces each default with the passed option.
+ var opt = $.extend({}, $.fn.SPServices.defaults, options);
+ // Encode options which may contain special character, esp. ampersand
+ for (var i = 0; i < encodeOptionList.length; i++) {
+ if (typeof opt[encodeOptionList[i]] === "string") {
+ opt[encodeOptionList[i]] = utils.encodeXml(opt[encodeOptionList[i]]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Put together operation header and SOAPAction for the SOAP call based on which Web Service we're calling
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " ";
+ switch (WSops[opt.operation][0]) {
+ case webServices.ALERTS:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/2002/1/alerts/' >";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/2002/1/alerts/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.MEETINGS:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/meetings/' >";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/meetings/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.OFFICIALFILE:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/recordsrepository/' >";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/recordsrepository/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.PERMISSIONS:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/directory/' >";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/directory/";
+ break;
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='http://microsoft.com/webservices/SharePointPortalServer/PublishedLinksService/' >";
+ SOAPAction = "http://microsoft.com/webservices/SharePointPortalServer/PublishedLinksService/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.SEARCH:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='urn:Microsoft.Search' >";
+ SOAPAction = "urn:Microsoft.Search/";
+ break;
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/diagnostics/' >";
+ SOAPAction = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/diagnostics/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.SOCIALDATASERVICE:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='http://microsoft.com/webservices/SharePointPortalServer/SocialDataService' >";
+ SOAPAction = "http://microsoft.com/webservices/SharePointPortalServer/SocialDataService/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.SPELLCHECK:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/publishing/spelling/' >";
+ SOAPAction = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/publishing/spelling/SpellCheck";
+ break;
+ case webServices.TAXONOMYSERVICE:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/taxonomy/soap/' >";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/taxonomy/soap/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.USERGROUP:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/directory/' >";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/directory/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.USERPROFILESERVICE:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='http://microsoft.com/webservices/SharePointPortalServer/UserProfileService' >";
+ SOAPAction = "http://microsoft.com/webservices/SharePointPortalServer/UserProfileService/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.WEBPARTPAGES:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='http://microsoft.com/sharepoint/webpartpages' >";
+ SOAPAction = "http://microsoft.com/sharepoint/webpartpages/";
+ break;
+ case webServices.WORKFLOW:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/workflow/' >";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/workflow/";
+ break;
+ default:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/'>";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMASharePoint + "/soap/";
+ break;
+ }
+ // Add the operation to the SOAPAction and opfooter
+ SOAPAction += opt.operation;
+ SOAPEnvelope.opfooter = "" + opt.operation + ">";
+ // Build the URL for the Ajax call based on which operation we're calling
+ // If the webURL has been provided, then use it, else use the current site
+ var ajaxURL = "_vti_bin/" + WSops[opt.operation][0] + ".asmx";
+ var webURL = opt.webURL !== undefined ? opt.webURL : opt.webUrl;
+ if (webURL.charAt(webURL.length - 1) === constants.SLASH) {
+ ajaxURL = webURL + ajaxURL;
+ } else if (webURL.length > 0) {
+ ajaxURL = webURL + constants.SLASH + ajaxURL;
+ } else {
+ var thisSite = $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite();
+ ajaxURL = thisSite + ((thisSite.charAt(thisSite.length - 1) === constants.SLASH) ? ajaxURL : (constants.SLASH + ajaxURL));
+ }
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload = "";
+ // Each operation requires a different set of values. This switch statement sets them up in the SOAPEnvelope.payload.
+ switch (opt.operation) {
+ case "GetAlerts":
+ break;
+ case "DeleteAlerts":
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ for (i = 0; i < opt.IDs.length; i++) {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += constants.wrapNode("string", opt.IDs[i]);
+ }
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ break;
+ case "Mode":
+ break;
+ case "Login":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["username", "password"]);
+ break;
+ case "CopyIntoItems":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["SourceUrl"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ for (i = 0; i < opt.DestinationUrls.length; i++) {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += utils.wrapNode("string", opt.DestinationUrls[i]);
+ }
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["Fields", "Stream", "Results"]);
+ break;
+ case "CopyIntoItemsLocal":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["SourceUrl"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ for (i = 0; i < opt.DestinationUrls.length; i++) {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += utils.wrapNode("string", opt.DestinationUrls[i]);
+ }
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ break;
+ case "GetItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["Url", "Fields", "Stream"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetForm":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "formUrl"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetFormCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddAttachment":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "listItemID", "fileName", "attachment"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddDiscussionBoardItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "message"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddList":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "description", "templateID"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddListFromFeature":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "description", "featureID", "templateID"]);
+ break;
+ case "ApplyContentTypeToList":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["webUrl", "contentTypeId", "listName"]);
+ break;
+ case "CheckInFile":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl", "comment", "CheckinType"]);
+ break;
+ case "CheckOutFile":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl", "checkoutToLocal", "lastmodified"]);
+ break;
+ case "CreateContentType":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "displayName", "parentType", "fields", "contentTypeProperties", "addToView"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteAttachment":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "listItemID", "url"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteContentType":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "contentTypeId"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "contentTypeId", "documentUri"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteList":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetAttachmentCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", ["listItemID", "ID"]]);
+ break;
+ case "GetList":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetListAndView":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetListCollection":
+ break;
+ case "GetListContentType":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "contentTypeId"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetListContentTypes":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetListItems":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewName", ["query", "CAMLQuery"],
+ ["viewFields", "CAMLViewFields"],
+ ["rowLimit", "CAMLRowLimit"],
+ ["queryOptions", "CAMLQueryOptions"]
+ ]);
+ break;
+ case "GetListItemChanges":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewFields", "since", "contains"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetListItemChangesSinceToken":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewName", ["query", "CAMLQuery"],
+ ["viewFields", "CAMLViewFields"],
+ ["rowLimit", "CAMLRowLimit"],
+ ["queryOptions", "CAMLQueryOptions"], {
+ name: "changeToken",
+ sendNull: false
+ }, {
+ name: "contains",
+ sendNull: false
+ }
+ ]);
+ break;
+ case "GetVersionCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["strlistID", "strlistItemID", "strFieldName"]);
+ break;
+ case "UndoCheckOut":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateContentType":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "contentTypeId", "contentTypeProperties", "newFields", "updateFields", "deleteFields", "addToView"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "newDocument"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "contentTypeId", "newDocument"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateList":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "listProperties", "newFields", "updateFields", "deleteFields", "listVersion"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateListItems":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName"]);
+ if (typeof opt.updates !== "undefined" && opt.updates.length > 0) {
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["updates"]);
+ } else {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ for (i = 0; i < opt.valuepairs.length; i++) {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "" + utils.escapeColumnValue(opt.valuepairs[i][1]) + "";
+ }
+ if (opt.batchCmd !== "New") {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "" + opt.ID + "";
+ }
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "AddMeeting":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["organizerEmail", "uid", "sequence", "utcDateStamp", "title", "location", "utcDateStart", "utcDateEnd", "nonGregorian"]);
+ break;
+ case "CreateWorkspace":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["title", "templateName", "lcid", "timeZoneInformation"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveMeeting":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["recurrenceId", "uid", "sequence", "utcDateStamp", "cancelMeeting"]);
+ break;
+ case "SetWorkspaceTitle":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["title"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRecordRouting":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["recordRouting"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRecordRoutingCollection":
+ break;
+ case "GetServerInfo":
+ break;
+ case "SubmitFile":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["fileToSubmit"], ["properties"], ["recordRouting"], ["sourceUrl"], ["userName"]);
+ break;
+ case "ResolvePrincipals":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["principalKeys", "principalType", "addToUserInfoList"]);
+ break;
+ case "SearchPrincipals":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["searchText", "maxResults", "principalType"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddPermission":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["objectName", "objectType", "permissionIdentifier", "permissionType", "permissionMask"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddPermissionCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["objectName", "objectType", "permissionsInfoXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetPermissionCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["objectName", "objectType"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemovePermission":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["objectName", "objectType", "permissionIdentifier", "permissionType"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemovePermissionCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["objectName", "objectType", "memberIdsXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdatePermission":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["objectName", "objectType", "permissionIdentifier", "permissionType", "permissionMask"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetLinks":
+ break;
+ case "GetPortalSearchInfo":
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " xmlns='http://microsoft.com/webservices/OfficeServer/QueryService'>";
+ SOAPAction = "http://microsoft.com/webservices/OfficeServer/QueryService/" + opt.operation;
+ break;
+ case "GetQuerySuggestions":
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " xmlns='http://microsoft.com/webservices/OfficeServer/QueryService'>";
+ SOAPAction = "http://microsoft.com/webservices/OfficeServer/QueryService/" + opt.operation;
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += utils.wrapNode("queryXml", constants.encodeXml(opt.queryXml));
+ break;
+ case "GetSearchMetadata":
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " xmlns='http://microsoft.com/webservices/OfficeServer/QueryService'>";
+ SOAPAction = "http://microsoft.com/webservices/OfficeServer/QueryService/" + opt.operation;
+ break;
+ case "Query":
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += utils.wrapNode("queryXml", constants.encodeXml(opt.queryXml));
+ break;
+ case "QueryEx":
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " xmlns='http://microsoft.com/webservices/OfficeServer/QueryService'>";
+ SOAPAction = "http://microsoft.com/webservices/OfficeServer/QueryService/" + opt.operation;
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += utils.wrapNode("queryXml", constants.encodeXml(opt.queryXml));
+ break;
+ case "Registration":
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += utils.wrapNode("registrationXml", constants.encodeXml(opt.registrationXml));
+ break;
+ case "Status":
+ break;
+ case "SendClientScriptErrorReport":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["message", "file", "line", "client", "stack", "team", "originalFile"]);
+ break;
+ case "EnumerateFolder":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["strFolderUrl"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetAttachments":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["strListName", "strItemId"]);
+ break;
+ case "SiteDataGetList":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["strListName"]);
+ // Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
+ SOAPEnvelope = constants.siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
+ break;
+ case "SiteDataGetListCollection":
+ // Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
+ SOAPEnvelope = constants.siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
+ break;
+ case "SiteDataGetSite":
+ // Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
+ SOAPEnvelope = constants.siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
+ break;
+ case "SiteDataGetSiteUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["Url"]);
+ // Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
+ SOAPEnvelope = constants.siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
+ break;
+ case "SiteDataGetWeb":
+ // Because this operation has a name which duplicates the Lists WS, need to handle
+ SOAPEnvelope = constants.siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope, opt.operation);
+ break;
+ case "CreateWeb":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "title", "description", "templateName", "language", "languageSpecified",
+ "locale", "localeSpecified", "collationLocale", "collationLocaleSpecified", "uniquePermissions",
+ "uniquePermissionsSpecified", "anonymous", "anonymousSpecified", "presence", "presenceSpecified"
+ ]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteWeb":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetSite":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["SiteUrl"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetSiteTemplates":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["LCID", "TemplateList"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddComment":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "comment", "isHighPriority", "title"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddTag":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "termID", "title", "isPrivate"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddTagByKeyword":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "keyword", "title", "isPrivate"]);
+ break;
+ case "CountCommentsOfUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "CountCommentsOfUserOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName", "url"]);
+ break;
+ case "CountCommentsOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url"]);
+ break;
+ case "CountRatingsOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url"]);
+ break;
+ case "CountTagsOfUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteComment":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "lastModifiedTime"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteRating":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteTag":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "termID"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteTagByKeyword":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "keyword"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteTags":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetAllTagTerms":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["maximumItemsToReturn"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetAllTagTermsForUrlFolder":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["urlFolder", "maximumItemsToReturn"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetAllTagUrls":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["termID"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetAllTagUrlsByKeyword":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["keyword"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetCommentsOfUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName", "maximumItemsToReturn", "startIndex"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetCommentsOfUserOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName", "url"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetCommentsOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "maximumItemsToReturn", "startIndex"]);
+ if (typeof opt.excludeItemsTime !== "undefined" && opt.excludeItemsTime.length > 0) {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += utils.wrapNode("excludeItemsTime", opt.excludeItemsTime);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "GetRatingAverageOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRatingOfUserOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName", "url"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRatingOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRatingsOfUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRatingsOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetSocialDataForFullReplication":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTags":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTagsOfUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName", "maximumItemsToReturn", "startIndex"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTagTerms":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["maximumItemsToReturn"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTagTermsOfUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userAccountName", "maximumItemsToReturn"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTagTermsOnUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "maximumItemsToReturn"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTagUrls":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["termID"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTagUrlsByKeyword":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["keyword"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTagUrlsOfUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["termID", "userAccountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTagUrlsOfUserByKeyword":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["keyword", "userAccountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "SetRating":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "rating", "title", "analysisDataEntry"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateComment":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["url", "lastModifiedTime", "comment", "isHighPriority"]);
+ break;
+ case "SpellCheck":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["chunksToSpell", "declaredLanguage", "useLad"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddTerms":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["sharedServiceId", "termSetId", "lcid", "newTerms"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetChildTermsInTerm":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["sspId", "lcid", "termId", "termSetId"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetChildTermsInTermSet":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["sspId", "lcid", "termSetId"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetKeywordTermsByGuids":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["termIds", "lcid"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTermsByLabel":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["label", "lcid", "matchOption", "resultCollectionSize", "termIds", "addIfNotFound"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTermSets":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["sharedServiceIds", "termSetIds", "lcid", "clientTimeStamps", "clientVersions"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddGroup":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName", "ownerIdentifier", "ownerType", "defaultUserLoginName", "description"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddGroupToRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName", "roleName"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName", "description", "permissionMask"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddRoleDef":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName", "description", "permissionMask"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddUserCollectionToGroup":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName", "usersInfoXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddUserCollectionToRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName", "usersInfoXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddUserToGroup":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName", "userName", "userLoginName", "userEmail", "userNotes"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddUserToRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName", "userName", "userLoginName", "userEmail", "userNotes"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetAllUserCollectionFromWeb":
+ break;
+ case "GetGroupCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupNamesXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetGroupCollectionFromRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetGroupCollectionFromSite":
+ break;
+ case "GetGroupCollectionFromUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userLoginName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetGroupCollectionFromWeb":
+ break;
+ case "GetGroupInfo":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRoleCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleNamesXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRoleCollectionFromGroup":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRoleCollectionFromUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userLoginName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRoleCollectionFromWeb":
+ break;
+ case "GetRoleInfo":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRolesAndPermissionsForCurrentUser":
+ break;
+ case "GetRolesAndPermissionsForSite":
+ break;
+ case "GetUserCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userLoginNamesXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserCollectionFromGroup":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserCollectionFromRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserCollectionFromSite":
+ break;
+ case "GetUserCollectionFromWeb":
+ break;
+ case "GetUserInfo":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userLoginName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserLoginFromEmail":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["emailXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveGroup":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveGroupFromRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName", "groupName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveUserCollectionFromGroup":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName", "userLoginNamesXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveUserCollectionFromRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName", "userLoginNamesXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveUserCollectionFromSite":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userLoginNamesXml"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveUserFromGroup":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["groupName", "userLoginName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveUserFromRole":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["roleName", "userLoginName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveUserFromSite":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userLoginName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveUserFromWeb":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userLoginName"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateGroupInfo":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["oldGroupName", "groupName", "ownerIdentifier", "ownerType", "description"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateRoleDefInfo":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["oldRoleName", "roleName", "description", "permissionMask"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateRoleInfo":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["oldRoleName", "roleName", "description", "permissionMask"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateUserInfo":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["userLoginName", "userName", "userEmail", "userNotes"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddColleague":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "colleagueAccountName", "group", "privacy", "isInWorkGroup"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddLink":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "name", "url", "group", "privacy"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddMembership":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "membershipInfo", "group", "privacy"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddPinnedLink":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "name", "url"]);
+ break;
+ case "CreateMemberGroup":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["membershipInfo"]);
+ break;
+ case "CreateUserProfileByAccountName":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetCommonColleagues":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetCommonManager":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetCommonMemberships":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetInCommon":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetPropertyChoiceList":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["propertyName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserColleagues":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserLinks":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserMemberships":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserPinnedLinks":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserProfileByGuid":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["guid"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserProfileByIndex":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["index"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetUserProfileByName":
+ // Note that this operation is inconsistent with the others, using AccountName rather than accountName
+ if (typeof opt.accountName !== "undefined" && opt.accountName.length > 0) {
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, [
+ ["AccountName", "accountName"]
+ ]);
+ } else {
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["AccountName"]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "GetUserProfileCount":
+ break;
+ case "GetUserProfileSchema":
+ break;
+ case "GetUserPropertyByAccountName":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "propertyName"]);
+ break;
+ case "ModifyUserPropertyByAccountName":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "newData"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveAllColleagues":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveAllLinks":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveAllMemberships":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveAllPinnedLinks":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveColleague":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "colleagueAccountName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveLink":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "id"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveMembership":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "sourceInternal", "sourceReference"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemovePinnedLink":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "id"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateColleaguePrivacy":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "colleagueAccountName", "newPrivacy"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateLink":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "data"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateMembershipPrivacy":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "sourceInternal", "sourceReference", "newPrivacy"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdatePinnedLink ":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["accountName", "data"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteAllVersions":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["fileName"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteVersion":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["fileName", "fileVersion"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetVersions":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["fileName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RestoreVersion":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["fileName", "fileVersion"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddView":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewName", "viewFields", "query", "rowLimit", "type", "makeViewDefault"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteView":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetView":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetViewCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetViewHtml":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewName"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateView":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewName", "viewProperties", "query", "viewFields", "aggregations", "formats", "rowLimit"]);
+ break;
+ case "UpdateViewHtml":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["listName", "viewName", "viewProperties", "toolbar", "viewHeader", "viewBody", "viewFooter", "viewEmpty", "rowLimitExceeded",
+ "query", "viewFields", "aggregations", "formats", "rowLimit"
+ ]);
+ break;
+ case "AddWebPart":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl", "webPartXml", "storage"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddWebPartToZone":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl", "webPartXml", "storage", "zoneId", "zoneIndex"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteWebPart":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl", "storageKey", "storage"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetWebPart2":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl", "storageKey", "storage", "behavior"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetWebPartPage":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["documentName", "behavior"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetWebPartProperties":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl", "storage"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetWebPartProperties2":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl", "storage", "behavior"]);
+ break;
+ case "SaveWebPart2":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["pageUrl", "storageKey", "webPartXml", "storage", "allowTypeChange"]);
+ break;
+ case "WebsCreateContentType":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["displayName", "parentType", "newFields", "contentTypeProperties"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetColumns":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["webUrl"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetContentType":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["contentTypeId"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetContentTypes":
+ break;
+ case "GetCustomizedPageStatus":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["fileUrl"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetListTemplates":
+ break;
+ case "GetObjectIdFromUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["objectUrl"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetWeb":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, [
+ ["webUrl", "webURL"]
+ ]);
+ break;
+ case "GetWebCollection":
+ break;
+ case "GetAllSubWebCollection":
+ break;
+ case "UpdateColumns":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["newFields", "updateFields", "deleteFields"]);
+ break;
+ case "WebsUpdateContentType":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["contentTypeId", "contentTypeProperties", "newFields", "updateFields", "deleteFields"]);
+ break;
+ case "WebUrlFromPageUrl":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, [
+ ["pageUrl", "pageURL"]
+ ]);
+ break;
+ case "AlterToDo":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["item", "todoId", "todoListId", "taskData"]);
+ break;
+ case "ClaimReleaseTask":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["item", "taskId", "listId", "fClaim"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTemplatesForItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["item"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetToDosForItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["item"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetWorkflowDataForItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["item"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetWorkflowTaskData":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["item", "listId", "taskId"]);
+ break;
+ case "StartWorkflow":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt, SOAPEnvelope, ["item", "templateId", "workflowParameters"]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Glue together the pieces of the SOAP message
+ var msg = SOAPEnvelope.header + SOAPEnvelope.opheader + SOAPEnvelope.payload + SOAPEnvelope.opfooter + SOAPEnvelope.footer;
+ // Check to see if we've already cached the results
+ var cachedPromise;
+ if (opt.cacheXML) {
+ cachedPromise = promisesCache[msg];
+ }
+ // Do we have any customHeaders?
+ var headers = opt.customHeaders ? opt.customHeaders : {};
+ if (typeof cachedPromise === "undefined") {
+ // Finally, make the Ajax call
+ var p = $.ajax({
+ // The relative URL for the AJAX call
+ url: ajaxURL,
+ // By default, the AJAX calls are asynchronous. You can specify false to require a synchronous call.
+ async: opt.async,
+ // Optionally, pass in headers
+ headers: headers,
+ // Before sending the msg, need to send the request header
+ beforeSend: function (xhr) {
+ // If we need to pass the SOAPAction, do so
+ if (WSops[opt.operation][1]) {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", SOAPAction);
+ }
+ },
+ // Always a POST
+ type: "POST",
+ // Here is the SOAP request we've built above
+ data: msg,
+ // We're getting XML; tell jQuery so that it doesn't need to do a best guess
+ dataType: "xml",
+ // and this is its content type
+ contentType: "text/xml;charset='utf-8'",
+ complete: function (xData, Status) {
+ // When the call is complete, call the completefunc if there is one
+ if ($.isFunction(opt.completefunc)) {
+ opt.completefunc(xData, Status);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(opt.cacheXML) {
+ promisesCache[msg] = p;
+ }
+ // Return the promise
+ return p;
+ } else {
+ // Call the completefunc if there is one
+ if ($.isFunction(opt.completefunc)) {
+ cachedPromise.done(function(data, status, jqXHR){
+ opt.completefunc(jqXHR, status);
+ });
+ }
+ // Return the cached promise
+ return cachedPromise;
+ }
+ }; // End $.fn.SPServices
+ //Main function which calls Nintex's Web Services directly
+ $.fn.NintexServices = function (options)
+ {
+ // If there are no options passed in, use the defaults. Extend replaces each default with the passed option.
+ var opt = $.extend({}, $.fn.SPServices.defaults, options);
+ // Encode options which may contain special character, esp. ampersand
+ for (var i = 0; i < encodeOptionList.length; i++) {
+ if (typeof opt[encodeOptionList[i]] === "string") {
+ opt[encodeOptionList[i]] = utils.encodeXml(opt[encodeOptionList[i]]);
+ }
+ }//end for
+ // Put together operation header and SOAPAction for the SOAP call based on which Web Service we're calling
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader = "<" + opt.operation + " ";
+ switch (WSops[opt.operation][0]) {
+ case webServices.NINTEXWORKFLOW:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMANintex + "'>";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMANintex + "/";
+ break;
+ default:
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader += "xmlns='" + constants.SCHEMANintex + "/soap/'>";
+ SOAPAction = constants.SCHEMANintex + "/soap/";
+ break;
+ }//end switch
+ // Add the operation to the SOAPAction and opfooter
+ SOAPAction += opt.operation;
+ SOAPEnvelope.opfooter = "" + opt.operation + ">";
+ // Build the URL for the Ajax call based on which operation we're calling
+ // If the webURL has been provided, then use it, else use the current site
+ var ajaxURL = "_vti_bin/" + WSops[opt.operation][0] + ".asmx";
+ var thisSite = $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite();
+ var webURL = opt.webURL !== undefined ? opt.webURL : opt.webUrl;
+ if (webURL.charAt(webURL.length - 1) === constants.SLASH) {
+ ajaxURL = webURL + ajaxURL;
+ } else if (webURL.length > 0) {
+ ajaxURL = webURL + constants.SLASH + ajaxURL;
+ } else {
+ ajaxURL = thisSite + ((thisSite.charAt(thisSite.length - 1) === constants.SLASH) ? ajaxURL : (constants.SLASH + ajaxURL));
+ }
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload = "";
+ // Each operation requires a different set of values. This switch statement sets them up in the SOAPEnvelope.payload.
+ switch (opt.operation) {
+ case "AddLongTermDelegationRule":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["fromTheBeginningOf","untilTheEndOf","delegateFrom","delegateTo","currentSiteOnly"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddWorkflowSchedule":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["fileUrl","workflowName","startDataXml"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["MaximumRepeats","WorkdaysOnly"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["Type","CountBetweenIntervals"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["EndOn","StartTime","EndTime"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["updateIfExists"]);
+ break;
+ case "AddWorkflowScheduleOnListItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["itemId","listName","workflowName","startDataXML"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["MaximumRepeats","WorkdaysOnly"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["Type","CountBetweenIntervals"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["EndOn","StartTime","EndTime"]);
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += "";
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["updateIfExists"]);
+ break;
+ case "CheckGlobalReuseStatus":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowName"]);
+ break;
+ case "CheckInForms":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowConfiguration","activityConfiguration","formType"]);
+ break;
+ case "DelegateAllTasks":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["currentUser","newUser","sendNotification","comments","global"]);
+ break;
+ case "DelegateTask":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["spTaskId","taskListName","targetUserName","comments","sendNotification"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteLongTermDelegationRule":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["id"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteSnippet":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["snippetId"]);
+ break;
+ case "DeleteWorkflow":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["listId","workflowId","workflowType"]);
+ break;
+ case "ExportWorkflow":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["listName","workflowType","workflowName"]);
+ break;
+ case "FixWorkflowsInSiteFromTemplate":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["FixWorkflowsInSiteFromTemplate"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetFolders":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["listGuid"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetItemsPendingMyApproval":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["uniquenessInfo"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetListContentTypes":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["listGuid"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetOutcomesForFlexiTask":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["spTaskId","taskListName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRunningWorkflowTasks":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["fileUrl"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRunningWorkflowTasksCollection":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["userlogin","teamsiteUrl","listName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRunningWorkflowTasksForCurrentUser":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["fileUrl"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRunningWorkflowTasksForCurrentUserForListItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["itemId","listName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetRunningWorkflowTasksForListItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["itemId","listName"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTaskDetailsUsingStub":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["taskToken"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetTaskStubsForCurrentUser":
+ break;
+ case "GetWorkflowHistory":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["fileUrl","stateFilter","workflowNameFilter"]);
+ break;
+ case "GetWorkflowHistoryForListItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["itemId","listName","stateFilter","workflowNameFilter"]);
+ break;
+ case "HideTaskForApprover":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["approverId","contentDbId"]);
+ break;
+ case "HideWorkflow":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["siteId","instanceId"]);
+ break;
+ case "ProcessFlexiTaskResponse":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["comments","outcome","spTaskId","taskListName"]);
+ break;
+ case "ProcessFlexiTaskResponse2":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["comments","outcome","spTaskId","taskListName"]);
+ break;
+ case "ProcessTaskResponse":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["comments","outcome","spTaskId"]);
+ break;
+ case "ProcessTaskResponse2":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["comments","outcome","spTaskId","taskListName"]);
+ break;
+ case "ProcessTaskResponse3":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["comments","outcome","spTaskId","taskListName"]);
+ break;
+ case "ProcessTaskResponseUsingToken":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["comments","outcome","taskToken","customOutcome"]);
+ break;
+ case "PublishFromNWF":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName","saveIfCannotPublish"]);
+ break;
+ case "PublishFromNWFNoOverwrite":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName","saveIfCannotPublish"]);
+ break;
+ case "PublishFromNWFSkipValidation":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName","saveIfCannotPublish"]);
+ break;
+ case "PublishFromNWFSkipValidationNoOverwrite":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName","saveIfCannotPublish"]);
+ break;
+ case "PublishFromNWFXml":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName","saveIfCannotPublish"]);
+ break;
+ case "PublishFromNWFXmlNoOverwrite":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName","saveIfCannotPublish"]);
+ break;
+ case "PublishFromNWFXmlSkipValidation":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName","saveIfCannotPublish"]);
+ break;
+ case "PublishFromNWFXmlSkipValidationNoOverwrite":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName","saveIfCannotPublish"]);
+ break;
+ case "PublishWorkflow":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["wfName","activityConfigs","listId","contentTypeId","changeNotes"]);
+ break;
+ case "QueryForMessages":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowInstanceId","messageId"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveWorkflowSchedule":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["fileUrl","workflowName"]);
+ break;
+ case "RemoveWorkflowScheduleOnListItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["itemId","listName","workflowName"]);
+ break;
+ case "SaveFromNWF":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName"]);
+ break;
+ case "SaveFromNWFNoOverwrite":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName"]);
+ break;
+ case "SaveFromNWFXml":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName"]);
+ break;
+ case "SaveFromNWFXmlNoOverwrite":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowFile","listName","workflowName"]);
+ break;
+ case "SaveSnippet":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["snippetName","activityConfigs"]);
+ break;
+ case "SaveTemplate":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["templateName","templateDescription","category","activityConfigs"]);
+ break;
+ case "SaveTemplate2":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["templateName","templateDescription","category","activityConfigs","lcid"]);
+ break;
+ case "SaveWorkflow":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["wfName","activityConfigs","listId","contentTypeId","changeNotes"]);
+ break;
+ case "SnippetExists":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["snippetName"]);
+ break;
+ case "StartSiteWorkflow":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowName","associationData"]);
+ break;
+ case "StartWorkflow":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["fileUrl","workflowName","associationData"]);
+ break;
+ case "StartWorkflowOnListItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["itemId","listName","workflowName","associationData"]);
+ break;
+ case "TemplateExists":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["templateName"]);
+ break;
+ case "TerminateWorkflow":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["listId","itemId","instanceId"]);
+ break;
+ case "TerminateWorkflowByName":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["fileUrl","workflowName","terminatePreviousInstances"]);
+ break;
+ case "TerminateWorkflowByNameForListItem":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["listName","itemId","workflowName","terminatePreviousInstances"]);
+ break;
+ case "WorkflowExists":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowName","listId","workflowType"]);
+ break;
+ case "WorkflowFormProductSelected":
+ utils.addToPayload(opt,["workflowConfiguration","activityConfiguration","product","formType"]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }//end switch
+ // Glue together the pieces of the SOAP message
+ var msg = SOAPEnvelope.header + SOAPEnvelope.opheader + SOAPEnvelope.payload + SOAPEnvelope.opfooter + SOAPEnvelope.footer;
+ // Check to see if we've already cached the results
+ var cachedPromise;
+ if (opt.cacheXML) {
+ cachedPromise = promisesCache[msg];
+ }
+ if (typeof cachedPromise === "undefined") {
+ // Finally, make the Ajax call
+ var p = $.ajax({
+ // The relative URL for the AJAX call
+ url: ajaxURL,
+ // By default, the AJAX calls are asynchronous. You can specify false to require a synchronous call.
+ async: opt.async,
+ // Before sending the msg, need to send the request header
+ beforeSend: function (xhr) {
+ // If we need to pass the SOAPAction, do so
+ if (WSops[opt.operation][1]) {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", SOAPAction);
+ }
+ },
+ // Always a POST
+ type: "POST",
+ // Here is the SOAP request we've built above
+ data: msg,
+ // We're getting XML; tell jQuery so that it doesn't need to do a best guess
+ dataType: "xml",
+ // and this is its content type
+ contentType: "text/xml;charset='utf-8'",
+ complete: function (xData, Status) {
+ // When the call is complete, call the completefunc if there is one
+ if ($.isFunction(opt.completefunc)) {
+ opt.completefunc(xData, Status);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(opt.cacheXML) {
+ promisesCache[msg] = p;
+ }
+ // Return the promise
+ return p;
+ } else {
+ // Call the completefunc if there is one
+ if ($.isFunction(opt.completefunc)) {
+ cachedPromise.done(function(data, status, jqXHR){
+ opt.completefunc(jqXHR, status);
+ });
+ }
+ // Return the cached promise
+ return cachedPromise;
+ }
+ };//end NintexServices
+ // Defaults added as a function in our library means that the caller can override the defaults
+ // for their session by calling this function. Each operation requires a different set of options;
+ // we allow for all in a standardized way.
+ $.fn.SPServices.defaults = {
+ cacheXML: false, // If true, we'll cache the XML results with jQuery's .data() function
+ operation: "", // The Web Service operation
+ webURL: "", // URL of the target Web
+ customHeaders: {},
+ makeViewDefault: false, // true to make the view the default view for the list
+ // For operations requiring CAML, these options will override any abstractions
+ viewName: "", // View name in CAML format.
+ CAMLQuery: "", // Query in CAML format
+ CAMLViewFields: "", // View fields in CAML format
+ CAMLRowLimit: 0, // Row limit as a string representation of an integer
+ CAMLQueryOptions: "", // Query options in CAML format
+ // Abstractions for CAML syntax
+ batchCmd: "Update", // Method Cmd for UpdateListItems
+ valuepairs: [], // Fieldname / Fieldvalue pairs for UpdateListItems
+ // As of v0.7.1, removed all options which were assigned an empty string ("")
+ DestinationUrls: [], // Array of destination URLs for copy operations
+ behavior: "Version3", // An SPWebServiceBehavior indicating whether the client supports Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: {Version2 | Version3 }
+ storage: "Shared", // A Storage value indicating how the Web Part is stored: {None | Personal | Shared}
+ objectType: "List", // objectType for operations which require it
+ cancelMeeting: true, // true to delete a meeting;false to remove its association with a Meeting Workspace site
+ nonGregorian: false, // true if the calendar is set to a format other than Gregorian;otherwise, false.
+ fClaim: false, // Specifies if the action is a claim or a release. Specifies true for a claim and false for a release.
+ recurrenceId: 0, // The recurrence ID for the meeting that needs its association removed. This parameter can be set to 0 for single-instance meetings.
+ sequence: 0, // An integer that is used to determine the ordering of updates in case they arrive out of sequence. Updates with a lower-than-current sequence are discarded. If the sequence is equal to the current sequence, the latest update are applied.
+ maximumItemsToReturn: 0, // SocialDataService maximumItemsToReturn
+ startIndex: 0, // SocialDataService startIndex
+ isHighPriority: false, // SocialDataService isHighPriority
+ isPrivate: false, // SocialDataService isPrivate
+ rating: 1, // SocialDataService rating
+ maxResults: 10, // Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of principals that can be returned from a provider is 10.
+ principalType: "User", // Specifies user scope and other information: [None | User | DistributionList | SecurityGroup | SharePointGroup | All]
+ async: true, // Allow the user to force async
+ completefunc: null // Function to call on completion
+ }; // End $.fn.SPServices.defaults
+* spservices - Work with SharePoint's Web Services using jQuery
+* Version 2.0.0-pre-alpha
+* @requires jQuery v1.8 or greater - jQuery 1.10.x+ recommended
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Sympraxis Consulting LLC
+* Examples and docs at:
+* http://spservices.codeplex.com/
+* Licensed under the MIT license:
+* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+* @description SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
+* @type jQuery
+* @name spservices
+* @category Plugins/spservices
+* @author Sympraxis Consulting LLC/marc.anderson@sympraxisconsulting.com
+ * General purpose utilities
+ *
+ * @namespace spservices.utils
+ */
+ "jquery",
+ '../utils/constants'
+], function(
+ $,
+ constants
+ "use strict";
+ var utils = /** @lends spservices.utils */{
+ // Get the current context (as much as we can) on startup
+ // See: http://johnliu.net/blog/2012/2/3/sharepoint-javascript-current-page-context-info.html
+ SPServicesContext: function(options) {
+ var opt = $.extend({}, {
+ listName: "", // The list the form is working with. This is useful if the form is not in the list context.
+ thisUserId: "" // The current user's id in the site Collection.
+ }, options);
+ // The SharePoint variables only give us a relative path. to match the result from WebUrlFromPageUrl, we need to add the protocol, host, and (if present) port.
+ var siteRoot = location.protocol + "//" + location.host; // + (location.port !== "" ? location.port : "");
+ var thisContext = {};
+ // SharePoint 2010+ gives us a context variable
+ if (typeof _spPageContextInfo !== "undefined") {
+ thisContext.thisSite = siteRoot + _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl;
+ thisContext.thisList = opt.listName ? opt.listName : _spPageContextInfo.pageListId;
+ thisContext.thisUserId = opt.thisUserId ? opt.thisUserId : _spPageContextInfo.userId;
+ // In SharePoint 2007, we know the UserID only
+ } else {
+ thisContext.thisSite = (typeof L_Menu_BaseUrl !== "undefined") ? siteRoot + L_Menu_BaseUrl : "";
+ thisContext.thisList = opt.listName ? opt.listName : "";
+ thisContext.thisUserId = opt.thisUserId ? opt.thisUserId : ((typeof _spUserId !== "undefined") ? _spUserId : undefined);
+ }
+ return thisContext;
+ }, // End of function SPServicesContext
+ // Global variables
+// currentContext: new this.SPServicesContext(), // Variable to hold the current context as we figure it out
+ /**
+ * Wrap an XML node (n) around a value (v)
+ *
+ */
+ wrapNode: function(n, v) {
+ var thisValue = typeof v !== "undefined" ? v : "";
+ return "<" + n + ">" + thisValue + "" + n + ">";
+ },
+ /**
+ * Generate a random number for sorting arrays randomly
+ */
+ randOrd: function() {
+ return (Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5);
+ },
+ /**
+ * If a string is a URL, format it as a link, else return the string as-is
+ */
+ checkLink: function(s) {
+ return ((s.indexOf("http") === 0) || (s.indexOf("/") === 0)) ? "" + s + "" : s;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the filename from the full URL
+ */
+ fileName: function (s) {
+ return s.substring(s.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, s.length);
+ },
+ /**
+ * A map of special characters to XML escaped characters.
+ * Taken from {@link http://dracoblue.net/dev/encodedecode-special-xml-characters-in-javascript/155/}
+ *
+ * @type {Object}
+ */
+ xml_special_to_escaped_one_map: {
+ '&': '&',
+ '"': '"',
+ '<': '<',
+ '>': '>'
+ },
+ // Paul T., 2015.05.01: Commented out since its not currently used.
+ // var escaped_one_to_xml_special_map = {
+ // '&': '&',
+ // '"': '"',
+ // '<': '<',
+ // '>': '>'
+ // };
+ /**
+ * Encode XML characters in a string
+ *
+ * @param {String} string
+ */
+ encodeXml: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/([\&"<>])/g, function (str, item) {
+ return this.xml_special_to_escaped_one_map[item];
+ });
+ },
+ // Paul T., 2015-05-02: Commented out since its not currently used.
+ // function decodeXml(string) {
+ // return string.replace(/("|<|>|&)/g,
+ // function (str, item) {
+ // return escaped_one_to_xml_special_map[item];
+ // });
+ // }
+ /* Taken from http://dracoblue.net/dev/encodedecode-special-xml-characters-in-javascript/155/ */
+ /**
+ * Escape column values
+ */
+ escapeColumnValue: function(s) {
+ if (typeof s === "string") {
+ return s.replace(/&(?![a-zA-Z]{1,8};)/g, "&");
+ } else {
+ return s;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Escape Url
+ */
+ escapeUrl: function (u) {
+ return u.replace(/&/g, '%26');
+ },
+ /**
+ * Split values like 1;#value into id and value
+ * @type Class
+ */
+ SplitIndex: function(s) {
+ var spl = s.split(constants.spDelim);
+ this.id = spl[0];
+ this.value = spl[1];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Pad single digits with a zero
+ *
+ * @param {Number} n
+ */
+ pad: function (n) {
+ return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n;
+ },
+// TODO
+ // James Padolsey's Regex Selector for jQuery http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/regex-selector-for-jquery/
+ /* $.expr[':'].regex = function (elem, index, match) {
+ var matchParams = match[3].split(','),
+ validLabels = /^(data|css):/,
+ attr = {
+ method: matchParams[0].match(validLabels) ?
+ matchParams[0].split(':')[0] : 'attr',
+ property: matchParams.shift().replace(validLabels, '')
+ },
+ regexFlags = 'ig',
+ regex = new RegExp(matchParams.join('').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''), regexFlags);
+ return regex.test($(elem)[attr.method](attr.property));
+ };
+ */
+ /**
+ * Build an error message based on passed parameters
+ */
+ errBox: function(func, param, msg) {
+ var errMsg = "Error in function " + func + " " +
+ "Parameter " + param + " " +
+ "Message " + msg + "
" +
+ "Click to continue";
+ modalBox(errMsg);
+ }, // End of function errBox
+ // Finds the td which contains a form field in default forms using the comment which contains:
+ //
+ // as the "anchor" to find it. Necessary because SharePoint doesn't give all field types ids or specific classes.
+ findFormField: function(v) {
+ var $formBody = $("td.ms-formbody, td.ms-formbodysurvey"),
+ // Borrowed from MDN.
+ // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
+ escapeRegExp = function (v){
+ return v.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
+ },
+ columnName = escapeRegExp(v),
+ rcommentValidation = new RegExp("(?:Field|FieldInternal)Name=\"" + columnName + "\"", "i"),
+ $columnNode = $formBody.contents().filter(function () {
+ return this.nodeType === 8 && rcommentValidation.test(this.nodeValue);
+ })
+ ;
+ return $columnNode.parent("td");
+ }, // End of function findFormField
+ // Show a single attribute of a node, enclosed in a table
+ // node The XML node
+ // opt The current set of options
+ showAttrs: function(node) {
+ var i;
+ var out = "
+ for (i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
+ out += "
+ return out;
+ }, // End of function showAttrs
+ // Add the option values to the SPServices.SOAPEnvelope.payload for the operation
+ // opt = options for the call
+ // SOAPEnvelope = envelope to add to
+ // paramArray = an array of option names to add to the payload
+ // "paramName" if the parameter name and the option name match
+ // ["paramName", "optionName"] if the parameter name and the option name are different (this handles early "wrappings" with inconsistent naming)
+ // {name: "paramName", sendNull: false} indicates the element is marked as "add to payload only if non-null"
+ addToPayload: function(opt, SOAPEnvelope, paramArray) {
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0; i < paramArray.length; i++) {
+ // the parameter name and the option name match
+ if (typeof paramArray[i] === "string") {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += utils.wrapNode(paramArray[i], opt[paramArray[i]]);
+ // the parameter name and the option name are different
+ } else if ($.isArray(paramArray[i]) && paramArray[i].length === 2) {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += utils.wrapNode(paramArray[i][0], opt[paramArray[i][1]]);
+ // the element not a string or an array and is marked as "add to payload only if non-null"
+ } else if ((typeof paramArray[i] === "object") && (paramArray[i].sendNull !== undefined)) {
+ SOAPEnvelope.payload += ((opt[paramArray[i].name] === undefined) || (opt[paramArray[i].name].length === 0)) ? "" : utils.wrapNode(paramArray[i].name, opt[paramArray[i].name]);
+ // something isn't right, so report it
+ } else {
+ utils.errBox(opt.operation, "paramArray[" + i + "]: " + paramArray[i], "Invalid paramArray element passed to addToPayload()");
+ }
+ }
+ }, // End of function addToPayload
+ // The SiteData operations have the same names as other Web Service operations. To make them easy to call and unique, I'm using
+ // the SiteData prefix on their names. This function replaces that name with the right name in the SPServices.SOAPEnvelope.
+ siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope: function(SOAPEnvelope, siteDataOperation) {
+ var siteDataOp = siteDataOperation.substring(8);
+ SOAPEnvelope.opheader = SOAPEnvelope.opheader.replace(siteDataOperation, siteDataOp);
+ SOAPEnvelope.opfooter = SOAPEnvelope.opfooter.replace(siteDataOperation, siteDataOp);
+ return SOAPEnvelope;
+ }, // End of function siteDataFixSOAPEnvelope
+ /**
+ * Get the URL for a specified form for a list
+ *
+ * @param {Object} l
+ * @param {Object} f
+ */
+ getListFormUrl: function(l, f) {
+ var u;
+ $().SPServices({
+ operation: "GetFormCollection",
+ async: false,
+ listName: l,
+ completefunc: function (xData) {
+ u = $(xData.responseXML).find("Form[Type='" + f + "']").attr("Url");
+ }
+ });
+ return u;
+ }, // End of function getListFormUrl
+ /**
+ * Returns the selected value(s) for a dropdown in an array. Expects a dropdown
+ * object as returned by the DropdownCtl function.
+ * If matchOnId is true, returns the ids rather than the text values for the
+ * selection options(s).
+ *
+ * @param {Object} columnSelect
+ * @param {Object} matchOnId
+ */
+ getDropdownSelected: function (columnSelect, matchOnId) {
+ var columnSelectSelected = [];
+ switch (columnSelect.Type) {
+ case constants.dropdownType.simple:
+ if (matchOnId) {
+ columnSelectSelected.push(columnSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").val() || []);
+ } else {
+ columnSelectSelected.push(columnSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").text() || []);
+ }
+ break;
+ case constants.dropdownType.complex:
+ if (matchOnId) {
+ columnSelectSelected.push(columnSelect.optHid.val() || []);
+ } else {
+ columnSelectSelected.push(columnSelect.Obj.val() || []);
+ }
+ break;
+ case constants.dropdownType.multiSelect:
+ $(columnSelect.master.resultControl).find("option").each(function () {
+ if (matchOnId) {
+ columnSelectSelected.push($(this).val());
+ } else {
+ columnSelectSelected.push($(this).html());
+ }
+ });
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return columnSelectSelected;
+ }, // End of function getDropdownSelected
+ /**
+ * Generate a unique id for a containing div using the function name and the column display name.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} funcname
+ * @param {Object} columnName
+ * @param {Object} listName
+ */
+ genContainerId: function(funcname, columnName, listName) {
+ var l = listName !== undefined ? listName : $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl();
+ return funcname + "_" + $().SPServices.SPGetStaticFromDisplay({
+ listName: l,
+ columnDisplayName: columnName
+ });
+ } // End of function genContainerId
+ }, //end: utils
+ //-----------[ PRIVATE METHODS BELOW ]---------------------
+ // These should all be defined against a local variable so
+ // that we get smaller minified files
+ /**
+ * Call this function to pop up a branded modal msgBox
+ * @private
+ */
+ modalBox = function(msg) {
+ var boxCSS = "position:absolute;width:300px;height:150px;padding:10px;background-color:#000000;color:#ffffff;z-index:30;font-family:'Arial';font-size:12px;display:none;";
+ $("#aspnetForm").parent().append("
" + msg);
+ var msgBoxObj = $("#SPServices_msgBox");
+ var height = msgBoxObj.height();
+ var width = msgBoxObj.width();
+ var leftVal = ($(window).width() / 2) - (width / 2) + "px";
+ var topVal = ($(window).height() / 2) - (height / 2) - 100 + "px";
+ msgBoxObj.css({
+ border: '5px #C02000 solid',
+ left: leftVal,
+ top: topVal
+ }).show().fadeTo("slow", 0.75).click(function () {
+ $(this).fadeOut("3000", function () {
+ $(this).remove();
+ });
+ });
+ }; // End of function modalBox;
+ return utils;
+* spservices - Work with SharePoint's Web Services using jQuery
+* Version 2.0.0-pre-alpha
+* @requires jQuery v1.8 or greater - jQuery 1.10.x+ recommended
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Sympraxis Consulting LLC
+* Examples and docs at:
+* http://spservices.codeplex.com/
+* Licensed under the MIT license:
+* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+* @description SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
+* @type jQuery
+* @name spservices
+* @category Plugins/spservices
+* @author Sympraxis Consulting LLC/marc.anderson@sympraxisconsulting.com
+ 'jquery',
+ '../utils/constants',
+ //---------------------------
+ // We don't need local variables for these dependencies
+ // because they are added to the jQuery namespace.
+ '../core/SPServices.core'
+], function (
+ $,
+ constants
+) {
+ "use strict";
+ // Return the current version of SPServices as a string
+ $.fn.SPServices.Version = function () {
+ return constants.VERSION;
+ }; // End $.fn.SPServices.Version
+ return $;
+* spservices - Work with SharePoint's Web Services using jQuery
+* Version 2.0.0-pre-alpha
+* @requires jQuery v1.8 or greater - jQuery 1.10.x+ recommended
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Sympraxis Consulting LLC
+* Examples and docs at:
+* http://spservices.codeplex.com/
+* Licensed under the MIT license:
+* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+* @description SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
+* @type jQuery
+* @name spservices
+* @category Plugins/spservices
+* @author Sympraxis Consulting LLC/marc.anderson@sympraxisconsulting.com
+define([], function () {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ * Maintains a set of constants for SPServices.
+ *
+ * @namespace constants
+ */
+ var constants = {
+ // Version info
+ VERSION: "@VERSION", // update it in package.json... build takes care of the rest
+ // Simple strings
+ spDelim: ";#",
+ SLASH: "/",
+ TXTColumnNotFound: "Column not found on page",
+ // String constants
+ // General
+ SCHEMASharePoint: "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint",
+ SCHEMANintex: "http://nintex.com",
+ multiLookupPrefix: "MultiLookupPicker",
+ multiLookupPrefix2013: "MultiLookup",
+ // Dropdown Types
+ dropdownType: {
+ simple: "S",
+ complex: "C",
+ multiSelect: "M"
+ },
+ // Known list field types - See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/microsoft.sharepoint.spfieldtype(v=office.15).aspx
+ spListFieldTypes: [
+ "Integer",
+ "Text",
+ "Note",
+ "DateTime",
+ "Counter",
+ "Choice",
+ "Lookup",
+ "Boolean",
+ "Number",
+ "Currency",
+ "URL",
+// "Computed", // NEW
+// "Threading", // NEW
+// "Guid", // NEW
+ "MultiChoice",
+// "GridChoice", // NEW
+ "Calculated",
+ "File",
+ "Attachments",
+ "User",
+ "Recurrence", // Recurring event indicator (boolean) [0 | 1]
+// "CrossProjectLink", // NEW
+ "ModStat",
+ "ContentTypeId",
+// "PageSeparator", // NEW
+// "ThreadIndex", // NEW
+ "WorkflowStatus", // NEW
+ "AllDayEvent", // All day event indicator (boolean) [0 | 1]
+// "WorkflowEventType", // NEW
+// "Geolocation", // NEW
+// "OutcomeChoice", // NEW
+ "RelatedItems", // Related Items in a Workflow Tasks list
+ // Also seen
+ "UserMulti", // Multiselect users
+ "LookupMulti", // Multi-select lookup
+ "datetime", // Calculated date/time result
+ "float", // Calculated float
+ "Calc" // General calculated
+ ]
+ };
+ return constants;
+* spservices - Work with SharePoint's Web Services using jQuery
+* Version 2.0.0-pre-alpha
+* @requires jQuery v1.8 or greater - jQuery 1.10.x+ recommended
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Sympraxis Consulting LLC
+* Examples and docs at:
+* http://spservices.codeplex.com/
+* Licensed under the MIT license:
+* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+* @description SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
+* @type jQuery
+* @name spservices
+* @category Plugins/spservices
+* @author Sympraxis Consulting LLC/marc.anderson@sympraxisconsulting.com
+ 'jquery',
+ '../utils/constants',
+ '../core/SPServices.utils',
+ //---------------------------
+ // We don't need local variables for these dependencies
+ // because they are added to the jQuery namespace.
+ '../core/SPServices.core'
+], function (
+ $,
+ constants,
+ utils
+) {
+ "use strict";
+ // Convert a JavaScript date to the ISO 8601 format required by SharePoint to update list items
+ $.fn.SPServices.SPConvertDateToISO = function (options) {
+ var opt = $.extend({}, {
+ dateToConvert: new Date(), // The JavaScript date we'd like to convert. If no date is passed, the function returns the current date/time
+ dateOffset: "-05:00" // The time zone offset requested. Default is EST
+ }, options);
+ //Generate ISO 8601 date/time formatted string
+ var s = "";
+ var d = opt.dateToConvert;
+ s += d.getFullYear() + "-";
+ s += utils.pad(d.getMonth() + 1) + "-";
+ s += utils.pad(d.getDate());
+ s += "T" + utils.pad(d.getHours()) + ":";
+ s += utils.pad(d.getMinutes()) + ":";
+ s += utils.pad(d.getSeconds()) + "Z" + opt.dateOffset;
+ //Return the ISO8601 date string
+ return s;
+ }; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPConvertDateToISO
+ return $;
+* spservices - Work with SharePoint's Web Services using jQuery
+* Version 2.0.0-pre-alpha
+* @requires jQuery v1.8 or greater - jQuery 1.10.x+ recommended
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Sympraxis Consulting LLC
+* Examples and docs at:
+* http://spservices.codeplex.com/
+* Licensed under the MIT license:
+* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+* @description SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
+* @type jQuery
+* @name spservices
+* @category Plugins/spservices
+* @author Sympraxis Consulting LLC/marc.anderson@sympraxisconsulting.com
+ 'jquery',
+ '../core/SPServices.utils',
+ //---------------------------
+ // We don't need local variables for these dependencies
+ // because they are added to the jQuery namespace.
+ '../core/SPServices.core.js'
+], function (
+ $,
+ utils
+) {
+ "use strict";
+ // Utility function to show the results of a Web Service call formatted well in the browser.
+ $.fn.SPServices.SPDebugXMLHttpResult = function (options) {
+ var opt = $.extend({}, {
+ node: null, // An XMLHttpResult object from an ajax call
+ indent: 0 // Number of indents
+ }, options);
+ var i;
+ var NODE_TEXT = 3;
+ var outString = "";
+ // For each new subnode, begin rendering a new TABLE
+ outString += "
+ // DisplayPatterns are a bit unique, so let's handle them differently
+ if (opt.node.nodeName === "DisplayPattern") {
+ outString += "
" + opt.node.nodeName +
+ "
+ // A node which has no children
+ } else if (!opt.node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ outString += "
+ // Return the HTML which we have built up
+ return outString;
+ }; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPDebugXMLHttpResult
+ return $;
+* spservices - Work with SharePoint's Web Services using jQuery
+* Version 2.0.0-pre-alpha
+* @requires jQuery v1.8 or greater - jQuery 1.10.x+ recommended
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Sympraxis Consulting LLC
+* Examples and docs at:
+* http://spservices.codeplex.com/
+* Licensed under the MIT license:
+* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+* @description SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
+* @type jQuery
+* @name spservices
+* @category Plugins/spservices
+* @author Sympraxis Consulting LLC/marc.anderson@sympraxisconsulting.com
+ 'jquery',
+ '../core/SPServices.utils',
+ "../utils/constants",
+ //---------------------------
+ // We don't need local variables for these dependencies
+ // because they are added to the jQuery namespace.
+ '../core/SPServices.core'
+], function (
+ $,
+ utils,
+ constants
+) {
+ "use strict";
+ // Find a dropdown (or multi-select) in the DOM. Returns the dropdown object and its type:
+ // S = Simple (select)
+ // C = Compound (input + select hybrid)
+ // M = Multi-select (select hybrid)
+ $.fn.SPServices.SPDropdownCtl = function (options) {
+ var opt = $.extend({}, {
+ displayName: "" // The displayName of the column on the form
+ }, options);
+ var columnObj = {};
+// Paul T., 2015.05.02: Commented out since is not currently used
+ // var colStaticName = $().SPServices.SPGetStaticFromDisplay({
+ // listName: $().SPServices.SPListNameFromUrl(),
+ // columnDisplayName: opt.displayName
+ // });
+ // Simple, where the select's title attribute is colName (DisplayName)
+ // Examples:
+ // SP2013