- Upgrade mocha, addressing CVE-2019-10744
- npm fixup
- Upgrade mocha, addressing code injection vulnerability in mocha dependency.
- Example: Formatter for update game event handles more game data.
- Bulk: The threshold handling works now correct. The threshold counts the incominge messages and flushes the bulk if the count of messages consumed are greater or equal the threshold.
- Bulk: LobbyRemove-Message flushes the bulk. Stopped games are immediately announced.
- On plain http servers use ws-Protocol.
- Example: use my name.
- Documentation: game events documented.
- Example: show only milestones.
- Example: No messages for place changes in branches.
- Event/Update: added functionality to detect branch changes.
- Example: Start event formatter creates now watch url.
- ServerInfo: Lobby expects now a server url. WebSocket-Url and Watch-Url can then computed.
- Sinks: You can now add multiple sinks.
- Example: spectator info removed. It was to spammy.
- Example: Superfluous space in stop formatter removed.
- Fixed typo in README.md
- Added a keyword to package.json.
- Initial release.