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Advanced: asynchronous support

Manabu Nakamura edited this page Aug 7, 2013 · 8 revisions

Asynchronous Libraries Support

This feature is available since 0.10

You can use asynchronous libraries ( for example: ReactiveMongo, ScalikeJDBC-Async, and so on ) for User resolver and Authorizer.

trait AuthConfigImpl extends AuthConfig {


  def resolveUser(id: Id): Option[User] = throw new AssertionError("dont use!")

  override def resolveUserAsync(id: Id)(implicit context: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[User]] = 
    AsyncDB.withPool { implicit s => User.findById(id) }


That's it. No big deal.

AuthElement trait use the resolveUserAsync method always.

Old Style

If you use old style ( that Auth trait was used ), you can use AsyncAuth instead of Auth.

trait Messages extends Controller with AsyncAuth with AuthConfigImpl {


  def main = authorizedAction(NormalUser) { user => request =>
    val title = "message main"

  def list = authorizedAction(NormalUser) { user => request =>
    val title = "all messages"
