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Notes: Pure Stateless vs Stateful implementation

gakuzzzz edited this page Dec 26, 2012 · 3 revisions

Stateless vs Stateful implementation.

Play2x-Auth follows the Play framework's stateless policy. However, Play2x-Auth's default implementation is stateful, because the stateless implementation has the following security risk:

If user logs-in to your application in a internet-cafe, then returns home neglecting to logout. If the user logs in again at home they will not invalidate the session.

Nevertheless, you want to use a fully stateless implementation then just override the idContainer method of AuthConfig like this:

trait AuthConfigImpl extends AuthConfig {

  // Other settings omitted.

  override lazy val idContainer: IdContainer[Id] = new CookieIdContainer[Id]


You could also store the session data in a Relational Database by overriding the resolver.

Note: CookieIdContainer doesn't support session timeout.