- 类定义
abstract class Colorable(var color: Int)
class Point(protected var xc: Int, protected var yc: Int, color: Int) extends Colorable(color) {
def this() = this(Int.MaxValue, Int.MaxValue, Int.MaxValue)
def this(x: Int, y: Int) = this(x, y, Int.MaxValue)
def step(dx: Int, dy: Int) {
this.xc = this.xc + dx
this.xc = this.xc + dy
def move(x: Int, y: Int) = {
this.xc = x
this.yc = y
private def doSomething() {
override def toString(): String = s"($xc, $yc, $color)"
val pt = new Point (1,2,3)
class Name(var value: String)
// 完全等价于
class Name(s: String) {
private var _value: String = s
def value: String = _value
def value_=(v: String): Unit = { // convention that allow user drop the "_" in client code
this._value = v
val a = new Name("Cheng Hao")
a.value_=("Hao Cheng")
a.value = "Cheng"
import scala.beans.BeanProperty // to follow the java Accessor pattern, getter/setter method
class Name(@BeanProperty var value: String)
class Name(val value: String)
// 完全等价于
class Name(s: String) {
private var _value: String = s
def value: String = _value
- Case Class
case class Point (x: Int, y: Int, color: Int)
val pt = Point(1, 2, 3)
abstract class Colorable {
def color: Int
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, color: Int) extends Colorable
val pt = Point(1, 2, 3)
// Case class is the subclass of Product
// Immutable
// equals/toString are implemented
// no need `new` when constructing the object
- Trait
trait Similarity[T] {
var threshold: Int = 100
def isSimilar(x: T): Boolean
def isNotSimilar(x: T): Boolean = !isSimilar(x)
trait Moveable[T] {
def move(other: T): T
abstract class Colorable(val color: Int)
class Point(var x: Int, var y: Int, color: Int) extends Colorable(color) with Similarity[Point] with Moveable[Point] {
def isSimilar(that: Point): Boolean = if (that == null) {
} else if (Math.abs(x - that.x) < threshold && Math.abs(y - that.y) < threshold) {
} else {
override def move(other: Point) = {
this.x = other.x
this.y = other.y
- 匿名类
trait SimpleTrait {
def add1(x: Int) = { x + 1 }
def add2(x: Int)
abstract class SimpleClass {
def add3(x: Int) = { x + 3 }
def add4(x: Int)
val a = new SimpleClass {
def add4(x: Int) = x + 4
val a = new SimpleTrait {
def add2(x: Int) = x + 2
val a = new SimpleClass with SimpleTrait {
def add2(x: Int) = x + 2
def add4(x: Int) = x + 4
- 对象与内部类
object DBManager {
class ResultSet()
class Connection()
def createConnection(url: String, user: String, pass: String): Connection = new Connection()
def createResultSet(conn: Connection, sql: String): ResultSet = new ResultSet()
val conn = DBManager.createConnection("","","")
val rs = DBManager.createResultSet(conn, "")
object MySharp extends Colorable(12)
object Base extends Point(0, 0)
case object RED extends Colorable(0xFF0000)
case object GREEN extends Colorable(0xFF00)
case object BLUE extends Colorable(0xFF)
- Implicit Class
object Helpers {
implicit class IntWithTimes(x: Int) {
def times[A](f: => A): Unit = {
def loop(current: Int): Unit = if(current > 0) {
loop(current - 1)
import Helpers._
- 更为复杂的例子
// example 1
class RDD(data: String) {
def collect() = data
def compute() = println("processing..")
abstract class SQLContext {
def env: String
def sql(strText: String): RDD = new RDD(s"[$env]result of executing $strText")
object LocalMode {
implicit object sqlContext extends SQLContext {
def env = "LocalMode"
object ClusterMode {
implicit object sqlContext extends SQLContext {
def env = "ClusterMode"
object myApp { // will search SQLContext instance from the scope
implicit class SqlExecutor(sql: String)(implicit context: SQLContext) {
def run = {
val rdd = context.sql(sql)
import myApp._
import ClusterMode._ // import LocalMode._
"select * from src".run
- Operator
case class N(x: Int) {
def +(that: N) = N(x + that.x)
def add(that: N) = this + that
def -(that: N) = N(x - that.x)
def minus(that: N) = this - that
def - = N(-x)
def negate = this -
def unary_- = this -
-(N(2) + N(3)) // functional style
((N(2).+(N(3)))).- // OO style
- 对象与伴生对象(Companion Object)
class Point (val x: Int, val y: Int, val color: Int)
object ConstantShape {
val defaultColor = Int.MinValue
} // object is singleton
object Point {
// companion object with the same name of the class, must defined in the file of the class
val defaultColor = ConstantShape.defaultColor
// built-in function
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Point = new Point(x, y, defaultColor)
def apply(x: Int, y: Int, color: Int): Point = new Point(x, y, color)
Point(1, 2) // Point.apply(1, 2), without the companion object we have to add the “new” e.g. val a = new Point(1,2,3)
Point(1, 2, 3) // Point.apply(1, 2, 3)
class Row(val values: Array[Any]) {
def apply(ordinal: Int): Any = values(ordinal)
def apply(ordinal: Int, defaultValue: Any): Any = {
if (values(ordinal) == null) {
} else {
def update(ordinal: Int, value: Any) {
values(ordinal) = value
val row = new Row(Array(1, "abc"))
row(0) = null // update
println(row(0)) // call the apply version 1
println(row(0, "aaaa")) // call the apply version 2
- Explicity Self-Type引用
abstract class ConnectionPool {
def getConnection: java.sql.Connection
abstract class MySQLConnectionPool extends ConnectionPool {
def getConnection: java.sql.Connection = {
println("getting MySQL connection")
trait SQLServerConnectionPool extends ConnectionPool {
def getConnection: java.sql.Connection = {
println("getting SQL Server connection")
trait UserDao {
self: ConnectionPool =>
def authenticate(user: String, pass: String) = {
val conn = getConnection
println ("authenticating..")
trait BusinessDao {
self: ConnectionPool =>
def makeDeal(fromUser: String, toUser: String, deal: Int) {
val conn = getConnection
println(s"making deal $fromUser -> $toUser: deal: $deal")
// Dependencies Injection
val dao = new SQLServerConnectionPool with UserDao
dao.authenticate("user1", "pass1")
val dao2 = new MySQLConnectionPool with UserDao with BusinessDao
dao2.authenticate("user1", "pass1")
- 闭包(Clousre)
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x = 0;
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
x = 1; // compilation error
var constant=1
def addX(x: Int) = x + constant
def updateConstant(x: Int) {
constant = x
println(addX(100)) // prints 101
println(constant) // prints 100
println(addX(100)) // prints 200
println(addX(100)) // prints 200