The versioning scheme we refer is Semantic Versioning
Type | Description | Commit Title | Commit Message |
Major | Incompatible API changes | major-x.0.0 | version x.0.0 released / add: A / add: B / improve:A / ... |
Minor | Adding functionality in a backwards-compatible | minor-x.x.0 | add:A |
Patch | Bug fixes or improving functionality. | patch-x.x.x | fix: A, improve: B, refactor: C, style: D |
- major-x.0.0 : Major update with summarizing multiple commits
- minor-x.x.0 : Minor update with summarizing multiple commits
- patch-x.x.x : Patch with summarizing multiple commits
- add : Add a new function
- fix : Fixed a bug of functions
- improve : Improve performance or convenience of functions
- refactor : Change of source code or file name without improvement
- style : Change of appearance of UI.
- asset : Edit image, icon, audio or movie materials, etc.
- doc : Edit documents.
- dir : Change directory structure.
- Roadmap - [ ] unchecked
- History - [x] checked
- 0. beta release
- 1. production release
- 1. add Watcher, FTP, Task runner,Processor (SCSS, Postcss, Imagemin) support
- 2. add Babel transpiler
- [] 3. add SFTP support
- [] 4. add HTML copy with appending cache parameter
- improve - handling of promise rejection for exec
- fix - mkdir in remote
- fix - require in Config
- add - Watcher.throttle
- improve - npm root path expression
- improve - Watcher.runAtStart
- fix - install scripts
- improve - downgrade node version 10.17 -> 10.13
- fix - disable ftp disconnect
- refactor - remote path calculation