NodeJS Tidy Exit - api hooks to detect shutdown and perform cleanup actions for a graceful tidy application exit.
Successfully finish processing in-progress requests before shutting down instead of abruptly abandoning them.
- Listen to process shutdown events
- When an event occurs
- stop accepting new requests
- close existing connections
- wait to finish processing exisitng requests
- exit process after a timeout or when all requests are done
- ExpressJS
- NodeJS Net Server
var tidy_exit = require('tidy-exit');
tidy_exit.addTidyExitHandler(function(err, done) {
console.log('Shutting down');
var app = express();
var handle = tidy_exit.hookExpressApp(app);
var server = http.createServer(app);
var handle = tidy_exit.hookHttpServer(server);
# if intentionally closing app before process shutdown (test cases, etc.)