The goal of this project was to summarize the UCI HAR Dataset found here:
The training and test data sets were combined. Only the features which were means or standard deviations were retained, leaving a total of 66 variables. There were a total of 10299 observations of these 66 variables, each corresponding to one of 30 experimental subjects engaged in one of 6 physical activities. For each activity and subject, the average value of each of the 66 features was computed.
The output is a CSV file with a header row containing the column names and 180 data rows for each combination of the 30 subjects and 6 activities. There are 68 columns, composed of the "activity" and "subject" key columns, and the average values of the 66 features. These columns are described in detail in the "Column descriptions" section.
Please see the file for details of how to regenerate the CSV output using the provided R script.
- subject an integer starting at 1 identifying from which of the 30 subjects the measurements were taken
- tBodyAcc-mean()-X the average value of the feature "tBodyAcc-mean()-X" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAcc-mean()-Y the average value of the feature "tBodyAcc-mean()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAcc-mean()-Z the average value of the feature "tBodyAcc-mean()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAcc-std()-X the average value of the feature "tBodyAcc-std()-X" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAcc-std()-Y the average value of the feature "tBodyAcc-std()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAcc-std()-Z the average value of the feature "tBodyAcc-std()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tGravityAcc-mean()-X the average value of the feature "tGravityAcc-mean()-X" for this subject and activity
- tGravityAcc-mean()-Y the average value of the feature "tGravityAcc-mean()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tGravityAcc-mean()-Z the average value of the feature "tGravityAcc-mean()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tGravityAcc-std()-X the average value of the feature "tGravityAcc-std()-X" for this subject and activity
- tGravityAcc-std()-Y the average value of the feature "tGravityAcc-std()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tGravityAcc-std()-Z the average value of the feature "tGravityAcc-std()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccJerk-mean()-X the average value of the feature "tBodyAccJerk-mean()-X" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y the average value of the feature "tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z the average value of the feature "tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccJerk-std()-X the average value of the feature "tBodyAccJerk-std()-X" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccJerk-std()-Y the average value of the feature "tBodyAccJerk-std()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccJerk-std()-Z the average value of the feature "tBodyAccJerk-std()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyro-mean()-X the average value of the feature "tBodyGyro-mean()-X" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyro-mean()-Y the average value of the feature "tBodyGyro-mean()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyro-mean()-Z the average value of the feature "tBodyGyro-mean()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyro-std()-X the average value of the feature "tBodyGyro-std()-X" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyro-std()-Y the average value of the feature "tBodyGyro-std()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyro-std()-Z the average value of the feature "tBodyGyro-std()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-X the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-X" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Y the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Z the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroJerk-std()-X the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroJerk-std()-X" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Y the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Y" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Z the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Z" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccMag-mean() the average value of the feature "tBodyAccMag-mean()" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccMag-std() the average value of the feature "tBodyAccMag-std()" for this subject and activity
- tGravityAccMag-mean() the average value of the feature "tGravityAccMag-mean()" for this subject and activity
- tGravityAccMag-std() the average value of the feature "tGravityAccMag-std()" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccJerkMag-mean() the average value of the feature "tBodyAccJerkMag-mean()" for this subject and activity
- tBodyAccJerkMag-std() the average value of the feature "tBodyAccJerkMag-std()" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroMag-mean() the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroMag-mean()" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroMag-std() the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroMag-std()" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean()" for this subject and activity
- tBodyGyroJerkMag-std() the average value of the feature "tBodyGyroJerkMag-std()" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAcc-mean()-X the average value of the feature "fBodyAcc-mean()-X" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAcc-mean()-Y the average value of the feature "fBodyAcc-mean()-Y" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAcc-mean()-Z the average value of the feature "fBodyAcc-mean()-Z" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAcc-std()-X the average value of the feature "fBodyAcc-std()-X" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAcc-std()-Y the average value of the feature "fBodyAcc-std()-Y" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAcc-std()-Z the average value of the feature "fBodyAcc-std()-Z" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAccJerk-mean()-X the average value of the feature "fBodyAccJerk-mean()-X" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y the average value of the feature "fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z the average value of the feature "fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAccJerk-std()-X the average value of the feature "fBodyAccJerk-std()-X" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAccJerk-std()-Y the average value of the feature "fBodyAccJerk-std()-Y" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAccJerk-std()-Z the average value of the feature "fBodyAccJerk-std()-Z" for this subject and activity
- fBodyGyro-mean()-X the average value of the feature "fBodyGyro-mean()-X" for this subject and activity
- fBodyGyro-mean()-Y the average value of the feature "fBodyGyro-mean()-Y" for this subject and activity
- fBodyGyro-mean()-Z the average value of the feature "fBodyGyro-mean()-Z" for this subject and activity
- fBodyGyro-std()-X the average value of the feature "fBodyGyro-std()-X" for this subject and activity
- fBodyGyro-std()-Y the average value of the feature "fBodyGyro-std()-Y" for this subject and activity
- fBodyGyro-std()-Z the average value of the feature "fBodyGyro-std()-Z" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAccMag-mean() the average value of the feature "fBodyAccMag-mean()" for this subject and activity
- fBodyAccMag-std() the average value of the feature "fBodyAccMag-std()" for this subject and activity
- fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean() the average value of the feature "fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean()" for this subject and activity
- fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std() the average value of the feature "fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std()" for this subject and activity
- fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean() the average value of the feature "fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean()" for this subject and activity
- fBodyBodyGyroMag-std() the average value of the feature "fBodyBodyGyroMag-std()" for this subject and activity
- fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() the average value of the feature "fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean()" for this subject and activity
- fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std() the average value of the feature "fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std()" for this subject and activity