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175 lines (141 loc) · 7.85 KB

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175 lines (141 loc) · 7.85 KB

Standard Version License

Web MP3 Player 🎧 and Media Library Manager

Web MP3 Player Logo

mp3 web player audio library manager

Live Demo

👉 Premium Music Collection 👈

:octocat: Credits

Scope Role Name Version Description
Host Installer Composer 1.6.3 Dependency Manager for PHP
Back Engine Laravel 5.5.49 PHP Framework
Front Library require.js 2.3.6 A file and module loader for JavaScript
Front Library jQuery 3.5.1 JavaScript Library
Front Library Lodash 4.17.15 A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.
Front Framework Bootstrap 3.3.7 HTML, CSS, and JS framework
Front Library Font-Awesome 4.7.0 The iconic font and CSS toolkit
Front Library Noty 2.4.1 A Dependency-free notification library
Front Library animate.css 3.7.2 A cross-browser library of CSS animations
Front Plugin Bootstrap Tagsinput 0.8.0 jQuery tags input plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap


1 - Download

$ git clone -b latest && cd mp3web

2 - Configure

Edit file src/.env.rc (or create your own, e.g. src/.env.rc.local) - change values of build variables in it (e.g. DB_HOST, APP_URL, etc.)

3 - Build

With make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs

In fact you just need to type in your terminal:

$ make

To get additional info and usage examples type make usage|help|list command:

$ make help
          │   __  __ _____ ______          ________ ____    │
          │  |  \/  |  __ \___ \ \        / /  ____|  _ \   │
          │  | \  / | |__) |__) \ \  /\  / /| |__  | |_) |  │
          │  | |\/| |  ___/|__ < \ \/  \/ / |  __| |  _ <   │
          │  | |  | | |    ___) | \  /\  /  | |____| |_) |  │
          │  |_|  |_|_|   |____/   \/  \/   |______|____/   │
          │                                                 │

Available commands:
  list        - LIST all targets defined in this makefile
  clean       - CLEAR directories and delete files
  setup       - check for php, node and bower installations
  engine      - setup and build engine
  build       - BUILD project from sources
  release     - COMPILE project distro
  deploy      - DEPLOY compiled project to "webroot" directory
  all         - Run all operations for current stage from NODE_ENV file
  rebuild     - Execute [build, release, deploy] tasks
  redeploy    - Execute [release, deploy] tasks

4 - Deploy

$ make all

5 - Enjoy

Directory structure

├── .bowerrc              --> bower configuration
├── .gitattributes        --> git editor settings
├── .gitconfig            --> git client settings
├── .gitignore            --> specifies untracked files to git
├── .gitmodules           --> git submodules definition
├── .jshintignore         --> specifies untracked files to jshint
├── .npmrc                --> npm settings
├── bower.json            --> specified third party libs & dependencies for frontend application
├── gulpfile.js           --> configuration for gulp tasks
├── Makefile              --> main orchestration scenario
├── package.json          --> main project description file used by npm
├──             --> this file
├── config                --> project configuration files
├── dist                  --> compiled project
├── node_modules          --> node modules
├── src                   --> application sources
│   ├── app               --> core code of server-side application
│   │   ├── Classes       --> project classes and objects
│   │   ├── Console       --> custom Artisan commands
│   │   ├── Events        --> houses event classes
│   │   ├── Exceptions    --> exception handler and is also a good place to hold any exceptions thrown by application
│   │   ├── Http          --> controllers, middleware, and form requests
│   │   ├── Jobs          --> TBD
│   │   ├── Listeners     --> N/A
│   │   ├── Mail          -->
│   │   ├── Notifications -->
│   │   ├── Policies      -->
│   │   ├── Providers     -->
│   │   ├── Rules         -->
│   │   ├── Repositories  -->
│   │   ├── Common        --> common factories, services, directives, filters, helpers for all project
│   ├── bootstrap         --> files which bootstraps the framework
│   ├── config            --> application configuration files
│   ├── database          --> database migrations, model factories, and seeds
│   ├── public            --> entry point for all requests entering your application
│   ├── resources         --> contains views as well as raw, un-compiled assets such as LESS, SASS, or JavaScript
|   │   ├── assets        --> folder for application assets
|   │   │   ├──fonts      --> folder for application fonts
|   │   │   ├──i18n       --> internationalization
|   │   │   ├──img        --> folder for application images
|   │   │   ├──css        --> application stylesheets and theme settings
|   │   │   ├──js         --> javascript files
|   │   │      ├──app     --> application scripts
|   │   │      ├──lib     --> third party libs
|   │   ├── views         --> raw Blade templates
│   ├── routes            --> route definitions for application
│   ├── storage           --> compiled Blade templates, sessions, caches, and other files generated by the framework
│   ├── tests             --> automated tests
│   ├── vendor            --> contains Composer dependencies


  • Implement search through items.


See Changelog file for details

🔗 More Info

📆 Developed on 11th of September 2016