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Contributing to Psi4NumPy

Welcome to the Psi4NumPy Developer Community!

The single largest factor which makes this repository an effective resource is that it was inspired by, designed for, and maintained by the quantum & computational chemistry community. Therefore, your contributions to this project are vital -- through reporting issues, contributing to discussions on posts and pull requests, and/or submitting code of your own, you can impact how this project moves forward and how well we serve yours as well as the needs of the community.

The following are a set of suggestions for the best way to contribute to the Psi4NumPy project. Just like the Code of the Pirate Brethren set forth by Morgan and Bartholomew, they're more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. Hopefully, however, this document (and the guidelines inside) will make contributing to Psi4NumPy both easier and more effective for everyone.

Good luck & happy coding!

-- The Psi4NumPy Developers

Table of Contents

  1. What do I need to know before starting to contribute to Psi4NumPy?
  2. How can I contribute to Psi4NumPy?
  3. Styleguides
    1. Python Styleguide
    2. Citation Styleguide
    3. Header Styleguide
    4. Documentation Sytleguide
  4. Possible development workflow

What do I need to know before starting to contribute to Psi4NumPy?

The strategic goals of the Psi4NumPy project are to provide the quantum chemistry community with

  • a programming environment for rapid prototyping and method development,
  • a repository for reference implementations of existing and novel quantum chemical methods, and
  • an interactive educational framework which combines theory and implementation to effectively teach the programming of quantum chemical methods.

For more information on these goals, refer to the reference implementation and interactive tutorial sections below, as well as the project overview here. This repository contains

  • reference implementations, which provide working Python scripts implementing various quantum chemical methods, and
  • interactive tutorials, which provide Jupyter notebooks presenting a hybrid theory-and-implementation educational framework for learning to program quantum chemistry methods.

Reference implementations are organized into top-level directories corresponding to the over-arching theory upon which each method is based, i.e., both EOM-CCSD and TD-CCSD are contained in the Coupled-Cluster directory. All interactive tutorials are contained in the top-level directory Tutorials. These tutorials are organized in logical order of progression, which is enumerated in detail here.

How can I contribute to Psi4NumPy?

There are several ways to become involved with Psi4NumPy, including

  • participating in discussions on pull requests and issues,
  • updating/adding features to existing content, and
  • submitting new content to the repository.

Each of these possible contributions are highly valuable, and will help Psi4NumPy to better serve the needs of the quantum/computational chemistry community at large. Therefore, your contribution is crucial to the success of this project!

Below, guidelines for submitting new content are discussed, first for reference implementations and then for [interactive tutorials(#interactive-tutorials). For convenience, a possible development workflow is given here.

Reference Implementations

Reference implementations of quantum chemical methods should take the form of a self-contained Python script which presents a complete program that successfully implements the target method. Each such script should contain

In some cases, particularly with SAPT, CC, and CI theories, a fully self-contained script may be long and complex enough that a self-contained script may be too extensive to retain maximum readability, or multiple scripts within the same method directory might benefit from some central machinery. To address both of these points:

  1. for post-Hartree--Fock methods, call Psi4 for the HF energy & wavefunction with
scf_e, scf_wfn ='scf', return_wfn=True)

before implementing the target method, or 2. creating a (or adding to an existing) method helper module which contains helper classes and functions that refactors some of the method's implementation.

If attempting to refactor the implementation to make use of a helper module/class, it is critical to ensure that the reference implementation itself is still explicit -- after all, one of the goals of Psi4NumPy is to provide clear, readable implementations, even at the expense of program speed.

Interactive Tutorials

Interactive tutorials provide a hybrid theory-and-implementation educational framework within a Jupyter notebook for the reader to learn general information about a method's formulation and detailed information with respect to the method's implementation. A good tutorial is not just about clear, correct code (like the reference implementations) but also requires that each detail be motivated logically and explained fully. Each tutorial contains

Theory Overview

As the purpose of these tutorials is not to completely derive a method, it is better to provide a broad-strokes overview of the formulation of the method, as well as explicitly providing (or referencing) all equations to be implemented. Fortunately, markdown cells within Jupyter notebooks support LaTeX math formatting, and GitHub is capable of rendering these equations when viewing the notebook. This allows for provided equations to be typeset correctly and labeled accordingly, using both equation and align environments. For example, the time-independent Schrödinger equation as given in Szabo:1996 can be typeset & labeled with

\widehat{H}\vert\Phi\rangle = E\vert\Phi\rangle \tag{[Szabo:1996], pp. 31, Eqn. 1.141}


This section should describe the details of the implementation, with particular focus on why a certain algorithm or coding decision is made, not just what the decision is. For example, the naive O(N^8) integral transformation within MP2 is discussed in the conventional MP2 tutorial here before the factored O(N^5) transformation is introduced. This section benefits from alternating markdown and code cells, so that the reader can execute the cells alongside reading about the implementation. Again, specific equations within publications should be referenced with [LNFA:yy:pp] keys, which should match those references within the Tutorial References section (see below).

Note: Every tutorial should be accompanied by a corresponding reference implementation. This is because the interactive tutorials are like a classroom, while the reference implementation is like a textbook. While a more adventurous student may skip class to rely on reading the book, every class needs an accompanying textbook for supporting material. The accompanying reference implementation can be as simple as reproducing the code cells in a single script, or potentially more complex if supplemented by helper functions/classes/modules.

Note: Before committing changes on a Jupyter notebook, please restart the Python kernel so that minimal notebook metadata is stored. This will help to prevent spurious merge conflicts generated by different notebook extensions and execution counts.

Value Comparison

To ensure the continued health of contributed reference implementations and interactive tutorials as Psi4 and NumPy development continues, provide one or more psi4.compare_values() statements (documented here) toward the end of your scripts/tutorials. These can contain a hard-coded reference value or (if available) an equivalent pure-Psi4 computation:

psi4.compare_values(expected, computed, digits, label)

where expected is the reference value, and computed is the final output of the script/tutorial.

Also for the health of the repository and to ensure continued compatibility with Psi4 and NumPy advances, all reference implementations and interactive tutorials should be added to the testing framework. See tests/test_RI_*py and tests/test_TU_*py for very simple models to follow. If running requires any special tools (a latest version of Psi4 or NumPy, scipy, etc.), mark with decorators from tests/ If running takes longer than ~40s on Travis, additionally add @pytest.mark.long decorator to suppress CI testing.


Python Styleguide

All Python code should should conform to the PEP8 Python style guide conventions. This code should be compliant with Python versions 2.7/3.5/3.6, meaning that print must be called as a function, i.e., print('Compliant with Python 3') and not print 'This will break Python 3!'.

Citation Styleguide

TL;DR: Citations, including equation numbers, should be provided in close proximity (docstrings or comments) to the code. It can also be handy to collect all citations into the nearest (for reference implementations) or final cell (for tutorials).

For both reference implementations and interactive tutorials, a complete list of citations from which the content was drawn must be provided. Such citation lists should contain entries of the form (in Markdown):

1. [LNFA:yy:pp]( J. Doe *et al.* *J. Abbrev.* **Issue**, pages (year)

The LNFA:yy:pp citation key contains the last name of the first author (LNFA), the publication year (yy), and the publication pages (pp), and the full citation should be supplied in AIP format (see link section Refernces -- By Number).

For reference implementations, citations should appear

  • as full list items in the "References" section of the relevant method directory's file (see Repository Organization above), and
  • as keys followed by relevant equation information in code comments/function docstrings.

This final point is important when specific equations from a publication are implemented within the script. In this case, a Python comment containing this publication's citation key and the equation number for the expression beingimplemented should be given nearby. For example, to implement a function which builds the Wmnij intermediate from equation 6 of J. F. Stanton et al.'s paper,

def build_Wmnij():
    """Implements [Stanton:1991:4334] Eqn. 6"""
    code code code

For interactive tutorials, unlike for reference implementations, a references section within each tutorial should be included in a markdown cell at the very end of the notebook. This cell should contain a citation list of the form above. Since the tutorials are effectively standalone entities, however, this Tutorial References section should not be augmented with a central references section within the method's README. Additionally, specific equations should be referenced within tutorials using the citation key for the appropriate publication.

Header Styleguide

Each reference implementation script and tutorial notebook should begin with a statement about the purpose of the script, author and contributor information, and copyright, license, and date information (in YYYY-MM-DD format):

A simple explanation of script contents.

Algorithms taken from:
Equations taken from: [LNFA:yy:pp] and [LNFA:yy:pp]

__authors__   =  "John and Jane Doe"
__credits__   =  ["John Doe", "Jane Doe", "John Q. Sample"]

__copyright__ = "(c) 2014-2018, The Psi4NumPy Developers"
__license__   = "BSD-3-Clause"
__date__      = "2017-05-23"

The difference between __authors__ and __credits__ is largely semantic; one possible delineation can be summarized by

  • __author__: individuals who have written/modified large parts of the script/code
  • __credits__ : individuals who cleaned up or modified the code slightly.

In this way, all contributions are recognized and retained, no matter the scope.

Documentation Styleguide

Documentation for the contents of the Psi4NumPy repository is contained in files in each directory.

For reference implementations, files in the method-dir should contain

  • a very brief overview of the most important aspects of the theory,
  • a description of the primary arrays, variables, and indices for the method,
  • a description of the proper use and capabilities of any helper classes or modules, and
  • a list containing relevant citations for all scripts in the method-dir (see above) See the SAPT README here for an example.

For interactive tutorials, two levels of files exist. First, the README for the main Tutorials folder here contains a list of available tutorials grouped by module. Second, in each module-dir/, a more detailed list of the module and individual tutorial contents is given. See the Hartree--Fock module README here for an example.

Development Workflow

The Psi4NumPy repository has adopted the forking workflow within Github: the what and how (replace psi4.git with psi4numpy.git) of this process has been discussed elsewhere. Additionally, the GitHub guide provides a graphical representation which visualizes this process.