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angular Cell Cursor

Simple excel like spreadsheet development kit for angularJs.

  • display table cell cursor like Excel.
    • user can move cursor by mouse or keyboad ( ARROW ).
  • range selection like Excel (mouse drag or shift+ARROW , ESC to deselect).
  • user can copy range values to Excel (ctrl+C).
  • user can paste range values from Excel (ctrl+V).
  • user can edit cell value (ENTER,F2, or direct input for example a).
  • user can drag to resize column or row.
  • Easy to extend.






bind cell-cursor. export CellCursor object.

  <div ng-init="items=[{id:1,name:'apple'},{id:2,name:'orange'},{id:3,name:'banana'}]">
    <!-- bind CellCursor to scope.x -->
    <!-- table need tablindex attribute for directive catch keydown events. -->
    <table tabindex="0" cell-cursor="x">
    	<tbody><!-- cursor can move in tbody -->
	    	<tr ng-repeat="i in items">
    <!-- you can access CellCursor Object -->


cell-cursor emit event to scope.

  • $emit("cellCursor", cellCursor, name)
    • on initialized. name is string of cell-cursor attrubtue.
    • cellCursor is controller.

cell-cursor emit event to cellCursor.

  • $emit("", {pos, expanding, size, selected})
    • on before move cursor and area.
    • pos is {row:number, col:number} of next selected.cursor.
    • expanding is {row:number, col:number} of next selected.start.
      • when expanding is true, next selected.start=selected.start
      • when expanding is false, next selected.start=pos
    • can cancel select by call event.preventDefault()
    • can modify pos and expanding to change move.
    • this event is fired if pos and expanding is not moved.
  • $emit("")
    • on after move cursor and area.
    • this event is fired only if pos and expanding is changed.
  • $emit("cellCursor.editor.opening", td, cellCursorOptionsController)
    • on before open editor.
    • td is HTMLCellElement of editor opening.
    • cellCursorOptionsController is CellCursorOptionsController of this cell.
    • can cancel select by call event.preventDefault()
  • $emit('cellCursor.editor.finished', td, cellCursorOptionsController)
    • on after close editor.
    • td is HTMLCellElement of editor opening.
    • cellCursorOptionsController is CellCursorOptionsController of this cell.



When copy called, then set data to clipboard.

  <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="rootCtrl">
    <table tabindex="0" cell-cursor="x" cell-cursor-copy="x.getSelectedCellValues()|cellCursorToTsv">
	    	<tr ng-repeat="i in items">
	    		<!-- if you use ng-model on `td`, getSelectedCellValues() get data by ngModelControll.$viewValue -->
	    		<td ng-model="">{{}}</td>
	    		<!-- if you use cell-options on `td`, getSelectedCellValues() get data by getter() -->
	    		<td cell-cursor-options="{getter:getName(i)}">{{}}</td>
		// create getter
			return function(){
				return "[""]";



When press ctrl+v called, then get data from clipboard.

Expression scope has $data it is clipboard data.

  <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="rootCtrl">
    <table tabindex="0" cell-cursor="x" cell-cursor-paste="x.setSelectedCellValues($data)">
	    	<tr ng-repeat="i in items">
	    		<!-- if you use ng-model on `td`, setSelectedCellValues() set data by ngModelControll.$setViewValue -->
	    		<!-- if td has readonly attributes, setSelectedCellValues dose not effect -->
	    		<td ng-model="" ng-readonly="readonly">{{}}</td>
	    		<!-- if you use cell-options on `td`, setSelectedCellValues() set data by setter() -->
	    		<td cell-cursor-options="{setter:setName(i)}">{{}}</td>
    <button ng-click="readonly=!readonly">readonly({{readonly}})</button>
		// create setter
			return function(v){



set option object. set to cell( td or th ) element.

  "setter":"function|string|boolean: cell value setter",
  "getter":"function|string|boolean: cell value getter",
  "model":"string: expression for bind value in scope",
  "locked":"function|string|boolean: can set cell value?",
  "input":"string: querySelector for input element(that has ngModel)",
  "editor":"string: editor type name. it defined by cellCursorEditorFactory service",
  "on[event]":"function: called on events"

Order of getters/setter definitions is getter|setter > bind > ngModel > input.

If locked is true, cell value can't set from all method, and can't open editor.

Event function signeture is function (event, option:(cell-cursor-options), cellCursorOptionsController, cellCursor, td:HTMLCellElement):boolean.

event called now keydown|keypress|keydown|compositionstart|compositionupdate|compositionend|input only.

  <div ng-init="items=[{name:'apple'},{name:'orange'},{name:'banana'}]">
    <table cell-cursor="x">
    	<tr ng-repeat="i in items"><td cell-cursor-options="{model:'',editor:'text'}">{{}}</td></tr>

You can set function or string or boolean for getter/setter. like belows.

if setter/getter is function, cellCursor call it.

  <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="rootCtrl">
    <table cell-cursor="x">
      <tr ng-repeat="i in items"><td cell-cursor-options="{getter:nameGetter(i),setter:nameSetter(i)}">{{}}</td></tr>
    // create getter/setter
      return function(){ return i; }
      return function(v){
        if(v!="badname"){ return; }

if setter/getter is string, cellCursor eval it with scope of there.

  <!-- string -->
  <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="rootCtrl">
    <table cell-cursor="x">
      <!-- $data is data for setter -->
      <tr ng-repeat="i in items"><td cell-cursor-options="{getter:'i.getName()',setter:'i.setName($data)}">{{}}</td></tr>
  function Item(data){
  // create getter/setter
  Item.prototype.getName = function(){
  Item.prototype.setName = function(v){
    if(v!="badname"){ return; }
    $scope.items=[new Item({id:1,name:'apple'}),new Item({id:2,name:'orange'}), new Item({id:3,name:'banana'})];

if setter/getter is true, cellCursor eval 'model' value for getter/setter.

{model:'',getter:true,setter:true" is the same as {getter:'i.getName()',setter:'i.setName($data)}".

if setter/getter is false, value readonly/writeonly.

{model:'',getter:false,setter:false" is the same as {getter:'noop()',setter:'noop()".



set option object. set to cell( td or th ) element.

and, it directive wrap inner content <div style="overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap"></div> (this tag hide overflow content).

cell-cursor-cell is extended cell-cursor-options directive.

  "setter","getter",..."on[event]":"same as `cell-cursor-options`",
  "hide":"boolean: td visible or hide (it works like ng-if)",
  "width":"number: set td style 'width' and 'max-width' and 'min-width'"



expression indicate CellCursor object.

  <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="rootCtrl">
    <table tabindex="0" cell-cursor="x">
        <tr ng-repeat="i in items">
          <td ng-model="" ng-readonly="readonly" cell-cursor-drag="x">{{}}</td>
    // after initialized handler
    $scope.$on("cellCursor",function(e, cellCursor, name){
        // set drag handler
        cellCursor.$on("cellCursor.drag",function(e, fromPos, toPos){
            // cut & paste
            var s = $scope.items.splice(fromPos.row,1);
            fromPos.row = toPos.row;


cell-cursor-drag emit event to cellCursor.

  • $emit("cellCursor.drag.start", pos)
    • on mousedown
  • $emit("cellCursor.drag", fromPos, toPos)
    • on mousemove to othre cell
  • $emit("cellCursor.drag.end", pos)
    • on mouseup

argument pos is target cell position object {row, col}.



expression indicate event data object.

drag resize handler. User can drag and resize to column width. ( in html, set style 'max-width' and 'min-width' to all cell elements. ) and reset by dblclick.

    <!-- set handler as class name -->
    <!-- wrap content div that has 'overflow:hidden' if you need -->
    <td><div cell-cursor-col-resize="'A'"></div><div style="overflow:hidden">This name is 'A'.</div></td>
    <td><div cell-cursor-col-resize="'B'"></div><div style="overflow:hidden">This name is 'B'.</div></td>
    <td><div cell-cursor-col-resize="'C'"></div><div style="overflow:hidden">This name is 'C'.</div></td>


cell-cursor-row-resize emit event to cellCursor.

  • $emit("cellCursor.colResize.start", pos, size, data)
    • on mousedown
    • can cancel by call event.preventDefault().
  • $emit("cellCursor.colResize.resizing", pos, newSize, oldSize, data)
    • on mousemove before resize
    • can cancel by call event.preventDefault().
    • can modify size by modify argument newSize.width.
  • $emit("cellCursor.colResize.resized", pos, size, data)
    • on mousemove after resize
  • $emit("cellCursor.colResize.end, pos, size, data)`
    • on mouseup
  • $emit("cellCursor.colResize.reset, pos, size, data)`
    • on dblclick
    • can cancel by call event.preventDefault().

argument pos is target cell position object {row, col}. argument size is target cell size object {width, height}. argument data is value of attribute cell-cursor-col-resize.



expression indicate event data object.

drag resize handler. User can drag and resize to row height. ( in html, set style 'max-height' and 'min-height' to tr elements. ) and reset by dblclick.

    <!-- set handler as class name -->
    <td><div cell-cursor-row-resize="'A'"></div>A</td>
    <td><div cell-cursor-row-resize="'B'"></div>B</td>
    <td><div cell-cursor-row-resize="'C'"></div>C</td>


cell-cursor-row-resize emit event to cellCursor.

  • $emit("cellCursor.rowResize.start", pos, size, data)
    • on mousedown
    • can cancel by call event.preventDefault().
  • $emit("cellCursor.rowResize.resizing", pos, newSize, oldSize, data)
    • on mousemove before resize
    • can cancel by call event.preventDefault().
    • can modify size by modify argument newSize.height.
  • $emit("cellCursor.rowResize.resized", pos, size, data)
    • on mousemove after resize
  • $emit("cellCursor.rowResize.end, pos, size, data)`
    • on mouseup
  • $emit("cellCursor.rowResize.reset, pos, size, data)`
    • on dblclick
    • can cancel by call event.preventDefault().

argument pos is target cell position object {row, col}. argument size is target cell size object {width, height}. argument data is value of attribute cell-cursor-row-resize.