├── src
| ├── index.js
| ├── components
| └── scenes
| ├── mainPages
| └── subPages
1.0.1 (2021-04-08)
- FirstInBackdrop: fix compile warning (e2a82e9)
- Implementation: fix input format (181e21b)
- ModuleProgress: fix top border radius to 0 (d9f1255)
- PseudoAssertion: fix code in bubble (93a1253)
1.0.0 (2021-04-02)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2021-03-31)
- Set: fix link to github page (2529ba0)
- fix warning in compile time (16bb52b)
- firstI bug: fix bug (7a80312)
- package.json: fix windows icon issue (d8eeea3)
- package.json: update the windows packager script (f626a6c)
- packager: build and package the software (c721eeb)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2021-03-29)
- AnimationCode: fix issue of pre, div in p ele (c52464c)
- assertion bug: fix assertion content (da6d58d)
- BackDrop: fix backdrop cannot fill scene (34314b3)
- BackDrop: modify backDrop styles (9855905)
- buttom name: change button name (e93cc99)
- Correctness: fix intro and quick sort (4279b2d)
- Correctness: fix reset button position issue (13d189c)
- CorrectnessHelp: fix card size changing issue (870a5bf)
- CorrectnessProve: fix function call issue (6e3c15b)
- explanationBar: fix issue od naming props (7d206cc)
- ExplanationBox: fix typo of expanation (5e97222)
- ExplanationFrame: fix consistency problem in size (b558dc9)
- Expression: fix title merge issue (fb1ec04)
- FirstIn: fix snack bar bottom position issue (3f1fb09)
- FirstIn: fix text align of welcome (fe1b9df)
- firstin bug: fix bug (cab19bc)
- FirstInBackdrop: fix borderRadius (54efd21)
- Help: fix card size changing issue (386aa0d)
- Help: modify help pages of correctness and tutorial (fb55cac)
- Implementation: change typography to div (66102c5)
- InputBar: fix the problem of losing focus (d014630)
- InputTutorial: fix a typo of capital letter (8da3e0d)
- InputTutorial: fix firstDayOfWeek issue (1fe64d7)
- Loop: adjust css (78d2722)
- Loop: fix warning, change == to === (60acedc)
- Loop: modify wrong pseudocode (a03b9ac)
- MergeSort: fix merge sort code correspondance (eb06445)
- MergeSort: fix pseudo code of merge (0fc3623)
- MergeSort.jsx: fix blockNums trace (bf64d80)
- Prcedure: fix component calling issue (d7efec7)
- PseudoAssertion: fix missing return (41c5ea9)
- PseudoAssertion: fix pseudo code of insertion and heap (11c81c4)
- PseudoAssertion: fix wrong classname for assertion (84c0bb9)
- QuickSort: fix pseudo code and trace of quick sort (cc8685d)
- Set: fix border issue (47e5134)
- Set: fix cursor pointer at setting page (75cc627)
- snapshot: update snapshot (9be79ce)
- snapshot: update snapshot (993e226)
- Snapshot: update snapshot (28b86ed)
- Snapshots: update snapshots (192173d)
- styleguide: add PDF config (f2c971b)
- SwapTutorial: fix divider issue (7141ed1)
- SwapTutorial: fix introduction script too long issue (e650638)
- Tern: fix style of code cards (f2dd273)
- Tutorial: update snapshot (e0bb08a)
- fix blockNums (cb16bf7)
- AnimationControl: opptimise tooltip style (f032703)
- App: fix naming issue of onClick (b131f66)
- CHelp: add imports deleted (2f61556)
- correctness: delete unfinished files. (fc95b76)
- Correctness Tutorial: fix CorrectnessTutorial menu structure (ab7570b)
- correctnessTutorial: fix css bugs (a18f18c)
- correctnessTutorial: fix local storage (04a2add)
- CorrectnessTutorial: fix css (15b0640)
- ExplainationBox: fix console warning (4539275)
- ExplainationBox: fix related css problem (b1f4dd0)
- HeapSort: add description and color change (1a252fa)
- HeapSort: fix description mistake & add finish (82ac852)
- index: solve loading pictures problem (369a6f9)
- InputBar: add focusVisible in makeStyles to fix warning (e113656)
- InputBar: add prompt asking user to use comma (46c58e6)
- InsertionSort: fix animation issue of insertion (c4a3a68)
- InsertionSort.jsx: fixed color chang bugs (667f7b6)
- javascript: fix some prop use problem (aa7742b)
- mainPages: fix the window size (294bcd7)
- mainPages: store progress info in local webpage (72699a0)
- module: fix lost test (65953b2)
- Module: fix padding and border issues (2819d0f)
- ModuleButton: fix height messes up display (3d5b813)
- ModuleProgress, Efficiency, Procedure: warning (25b758a)
- package.json: add dependencies (0bbae59)
- Partial: fix table animation errors (e5c5e6f)
- procedureSubPage: add animation (24c98d2)
- public: add two gifs (a623dfd)
- Routers: add new routes to subpages. (a522453)
- scenes: fix the subpages structure and finish routes (b25cca6)
- SetAndHelp: fix SetAndHelp functions (2c4a431)
- styleguidist: fix config (2a3b935)
- SwitchAnimation: fix array out of bound issue (0ab2d50)
- SwitchAnimation: fix bars change with trace (520708f)
- SwitchAnimation: fix improper width of EBox (9ebb784)
- SwitchSort: fix height issue (939620e)
- table: fix size problem (ab2f146)
- fix the css styles (2abc549)
- styleguide: fix config to load pictures (008fd51)
- styleguidist: fix config (7381a0b)
- SwitchAnimation: fix disable button not working (f28f59d)
- SwitchAnimation: fix next step issue (2a43c12)
- SwitchAnimationTest: fix render returen null issue (6cb424d)
- SwitchSort: parseInt from arr to fix string issue (f7c7bdc)
- fixed color and description bugs of sel sort (51f9922)
- correctness assertion: add prove feat (223d4a8)
- CorrectnessProof: add assertion for quick sort (9fb40e5)
- correctnessProve: new feature (7237463)
- CorrectnessTutorial: add Partial_Def and total_Def page (05ac0ec)
- electron: update icon and title (ed6729b)
- Example: add backdrop for example subpage (f10f37d)
- Example.jsx: add merge sort example (c1efc34)
- Example.jsx: add selection&insertion Example (c622be5)
- firstin: add help button firstin, and effect (ca29fb6)
- FirstIn: add onHover effect (b4171f8)
- fonts.css: add font css file (35bbbeb)
- Implementation: add export pdf function (daecf25)
- Implementation: add inputBar (8ca9aa9)
- Implementation: add pseudo code (b9020af)
- Implementation: add pseudocode and animation (1708b60)
- InputBar: able to accept space (9e30546)
- InputBar: accept return key to checkformat (e86cf41)
- InputTotorial: add algorithm name instruction (5cba29c)
- Intro: add merge and quick intro (0cf0630)
- Intro: add more specific introduction (54daba3)
- Introduction: add introduction for heapsort (9a9d676)
- link: new feature (3dd718d)
- Loop: add i bar to forloop example (c589b4c)
- Loop: add pop-up window (5f20fe9)
- Loop: add tutorial loop example (9b7d8eb)
- mainPages: add last visit function and progress bar for correctness and tutorial module (65a113d)
- MainPages: add animation (f838069)
- Merge.jsx: add implementaion (d975f97)
- MergeSort: add merge sort into procedure (7dbbdf5)
- MergeSort: animate only element (55eecfc)
- ModuleButton: add transition to opacity (388d058)
- Procedure: add gifs for heap and merge (e0c1e92)
- Proof: add sorting proof page (30a3250)
- ProofHelp: add help page for correctness proof (476252e)
- ProofHelp: update help with instruction on pseudo code (f1a8f7b)
- PseudoAssertion: add assertion to b, s, i (11742b9)
- RetrunValu.jsx: add page return value (66d701a)
- Set: add open in broswer (14d8426)
- SwapTutorial: add animation for swap tutorial (9d354a4)
- SwapTutorial: add table (cca8358)
- Termination: add interminable code example (d2a59cb)
- Termination: add tipframe (6f391c7)
- Termination: change terminating example (10507b8)
- add mergesort implementation (17d2460)
- add terminology page (4185b58)
- set: add feature to setting button (98206c3)
- set: reset history (ad673c5)
- SwapTutorial: add introductionfor swap tutorial (7cc3b60)
- Tutorial: add swipe animation for tutorial and correctness (fe36220)
- add trace to implementaion (eac7cc4)
- add trace to implementaion (83e1e56)
- Bar.jsx: add new components Bar; (004bf0f)
- component: add components (547e7b5)
- components: add Module, Progress and Button (5129cb3)
- Components: add component ExplainationBox (59ddbba)
- correctness: add new page for CorrectnessTutorial (3acafce)
- Correctness Tutorial: add Partial_Def and Total_Def pages (1ef3a05)
- CorrectnessTutorial: add CorrectnessTutorial page (8aea205)
- ExplainationBox: integrate components (bd2720e)
- explanation link: add link (83c8741)
- export: add export PDF function (17bc9ed)
- HeapSort.jsx: add heap sort (a7975b8)
- help button: add new feature (7ebe3e9)
- help button: add new feature (b8a2ee8)
- icansort: create new react app (17da7f5)
- Input: add new feature (4e91fd4)
- InputBar: add show error message function (75e84bd)
- InputBar: integrate InputBar. (cb5530f)
- InputCorrectness: add intro to input (8c64af8)
- InputTutoial: add weekday algorithm as display (674b7f1)
- InputTutorial: add error message for input (da05f3a)
- InputTutorial: add interruption feature to play button (6149a89)
- InputTutorial: modify time interval (b400e85)
- intro: add sample for introduction (ddb953b)
- Intro: add introduction animation (398c865)
- Introduction: add introduction to the expla box (e24f6ce)
- link: add link (fc13e5d)
- Partial: add partial and total tags (35f42db)
- procedure: add insertion sort and selection sort animation (cf5fdeb)
- Procedure: add gifs for four SAs (b7b4c61)
- Procedure: add quick, heap and merge sort (60ab10f)
- ProcedureMainPage: ModuleProgress grows as the learning progress (276d508)
- ProcedureSubPage: add animations in operation pages (7a40c99)
- QuickSort: finish basic feature of quick sort (9065ad4)
- QuickSort: start making QuickSort (e428c87)
- QuickSort: visualise pivot using an icon (8ba6591)
- shuffle: allow user to shuffle the array randomly (4954ea1)
- shuffle: for inputbox (2d64de7)
- shuffle: new feature (dd01d18)
- subPages: add intro messages for algorithms (a7bd24f)
- SwitchAnimation: add a slider to control progress (203d8ea)
- SwitchAnimation: add animation control (be668e0)
- SwitchAnimation: add bub, sel and ins sort (0751fd6)
- SwitchAnimation: add disable function (776c187)
- SwitchAnimation: add speed adjust menu (8069534)
- SwitchAnimation: add switch animation feature (109737a)
- SwitchAnimation: last & next step (4af1810)
- SwitchSort: add heap sort (203f3c1)
- SwitchSort: change correct input format (f7fdbc0)
- SwitchSort: error msg won't show enter input (0247d0e)
- termination: add terminable code example (7d3c4d8)
- Termination: add termination example (f3a5e54)
- Termination: change code background color (3c3858e)
- tutorial: tutorial entry (98766f9)
- tutoriallink: add new feature (78ac36f)