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Releases: teambit/bit


18 Jun 14:10
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With over 35 new features, changes and bug fixes, Bit's v13 is focused on increased stability with over 20 bug fixes and support for common workflows including webpack resolve, tsconfig resolving, Vue resolve alias (Vue Webpack template) , Babel module resolver etc. Here are some of v13's highlights.

  • add ability to configure custom module resolution in Bit (paths and aliases), to support absolute import statements for projects that use similar features using Webpack, Typescript, Babel, Vue alias etc. PR-#980, #852, #865, #869
  • over 20 bug fixes including max call stack, import of binary files and more.
  • environments transformed and refactored to act as native Bit extensions. PR-#931
  • support "export X from Y" syntax of ES6 without importing X first. PR-#981
  • support mixed mode of common-js and ES6. PR-#1036
  • support Installing Bit using NPM using sudo. commit.
  • introducing new flags for bit init including --reset and --reset-hard. PR-#1012

As a reminder, we're switching to major versions to indicate that we, like many others, have been using Bit in production for a long time. v13 follows the previous v0.12 and looking forward we'll continue to follow semver like we've done since 2016.


  • add ability to configure custom module resolution in Bit (paths and aliases), to support absolute import statements for projects that use similar features using Webpack, Typescript, Babel, etc.
  • support "export X from Y" syntax of ES6 without importing X first.
  • environments transformed and refactored to act as native Bit extensions
  • introduce a new flag bit init --reset-hard to delete Bit files in order to start with a clean workspace
  • introduce a new flag bit init --reset to recreate bit.json and .bitmap files in case they are corrupted
  • add fork level to the bit test command
  • inject dist dir to node_path variable during test process in order for the author to tag and test custom-resolved components
  • added missing programmatic flags for bit isolate cmd
  • support mixed mode of common-js and ES6 ("require" and "import" together)
  • recognize packages required from d.ts files


  • remove alias t from bit test command (conflicts with tag command)
  • do not override existing bit.json on bit init
  • rename no-launch-browser to suppress-browser-launch in bit login flag
  • version validation during bit tag

Bug fixes

  • fix import of binary files
  • fix error "Maximum call stack size exceeded" when tagging or building a large file
  • handle bit diff for local components without specifying a scope
  • backward compatibility for components with environments with latest version
  • show dependent component id when trying to install missing environment
  • prevent overriding local tags from remote components upon import
  • throw an error when auto tag components have a newer version
  • after auto-tagging a component with a pending update it no longer becomes modified
  • support for running bit log on local components without specifying scope name
  • handle adding the same file with different letter cases (uppercase/lowercase)
  • improve environments error handling
  • support bit move and bit import --path when running from an inner directory
  • bit init now recreates the scope.json if it does not exist


09 May 09:29
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  • add bit show --compare data into bit diff to easily see why a component is modified in one command
  • when running bit login, also configure bitsrc registry for npm
  • adding scss to support ~
  • support components with cyclic dependencies


  • remove --write flag from bit import, the newly introduced --merge flag takes care of that
  • improve merge-conflict error on export to show all components with conflicts

Bug Fixes

  • fix bit remove to not delete dependencies when they were imported directly
  • add error handling to bit login
  • improve the error-message "unexpected network error has occurred" to provide some useful data


29 Apr 14:21
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  • introduce a new command bit diff to show the files diff for modified components
  • support importing component on top of a modified one and merging the changes by adding --merge flag to bit import
  • add -x flag to import (short for --extension)

Bug Fixes

  • fix an end of line issue between os
  • #927 fix a case of link file (file that only requires another file) is part of the component
  • fix bit-move of a directly imported dependency
  • fix importing a different version of a dependent when dependencies are not saved as components
  • fix Yarn install when a relative path is written into package.json
  • fix bit-merge and bit-checkout commands for Windows
  • bug fix - import after tag command was showing an error "Cannot read property 'hash' of undefined"
  • fix bit-add to enable marking files as tests of existing components
  • bug fix - in some circumstances, same link files were written in parallel, resulting in invalid content


10 Apr 14:46
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  • introduce a new command bit merge for merging a different version into the current version
  • introduce a new command bit use for switching between versions
  • add anonymous analytics usage with prompt
  • support merging modified component to an older version of the component


  • rename the command bit use to bit checkout
  • block tagging when a component has a newer version locally, unless --ignore-newest-version flag is used
  • rename --force flag of bit import to --override
  • change bit list to show only the authored and imported components, unless --scope flag is used
  • bit remove removes components from a remote scope only when --remote flag is used
  • improve the output of import command to show the imported versions

Bug Fixes

  • fix bit-install to work from an inner directory
  • improve external test and build errors to show the stack
  • support export { default as } syntax when extracting relevant dependencies from link files


21 Mar 17:05
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  • track directories for files changes and update .bitmap automatically
  • show a component as modified (bit status) in case a new file has added to its rootDir or one of the files has renamed
  • support updating dependencies versions from bit.json, package.json and bitmap files
  • add an option to install peer dependencies in an isolated environment
  • add the main file to file list if not specified during bit add
  • add --all flag to bit untrack command


  • ignore files named 'LICENSE'
  • test components candidates for auto-tag before tagging them

Bug Fixes

  • fix an issue with stylus dependencies from Vue files
  • fix catastrophic backtracking when using Regex to find JSDoc
  • fix environment import of latest version when an older version is imported
  • fix exit status when ci-update fails
  • fix bugs when running bit commands not from the workspace root


14 Mar 13:29
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  • fix bug with exporting component to a very old scopes


12 Mar 11:41
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  • send component's metadata to compilers
  • fix bit tag with --force flag to force tagging when exceptions occurred during a test
  • fix bit test error message to display the actual exception if occurred
  • improve error message of bit tag --verbose when tests failed to include tests results
  • improve handling of errors from compilers which return promises
  • merge process.env from the main process to tester process fork
  • symlink tester env in isolated envs
  • bug fix - tests files were ignored during bit add when they're weren't part of the files array and .gitignore contained a record with leading exclamation mark


05 Mar 15:32
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  • bug fix - specifying a component and its dependency as ids for bit remove was not working
  • bug fix - fix remove component


27 Feb 09:35
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  • introduced a new command bit untag for reverting un-exported tags.
  • support .vue files
  • support bit install of specific ids
  • init local scope inside .git
  • support peerDependencies
  • support passing arguments/flags to the package-manager by specifying them after '--' (e.g. bit import -- --no-optional)
  • support compilers which return promises


  • save bit dev-dependencies components inside devDependencies section of package.json
  • bit status shows a list of staged versions in 'staged components' section

Bug Fixes

  • show npm-client's warnings when they are about missing peer-dependencies
  • fix outdated to print correct version numbers
  • remove a modified component message
  • resolving .gitignore files
  • #729 fix bit cc to clear module cache
  • #769 - prevent duplicate ids in bitmap when adding existing files
  • #736 - .gitignore is blocking everything


07 Feb 10:44
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  • default bit import with no id to import objects only, unless --write flag is used
  • decrease verbosity of npm during bit test
  • added --objects flag to bit import for fetching objects only and making no changes to the filesystem
  • bug fix - dists had incorrect paths in the model when originallySharedDir was the same as dist.entry
  • strip dist.entry for imported and authored components only, not for nested.
  • write .bitmap on bit init command
  • aggregate dependencies and package dependencies in bit show
  • add entered username from prompt to context for server side hooks