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+title: Add LinkedIn Login
+sidebarTitle: LinkedIn
+description: In this guide you will learn how to add a login with LinkedIn to your application.
+ This feature is not yet available on Hanko Cloud.
+## Prerequisites
+1. You need a Hanko Cloud account and a project. Learn more on how to set them up [here](https://docs.hanko.io/setup-hanko-cloud).
+2. You need a LinkedIn account. You can create an account [here](https://www.linkedin.com/signup).
+## Get your provider redirect URL
+When creating an LinkedIn application, you need to provide a redirect URL that determines where the third party
+provider redirects after a successful login. This redirect URL consists of the base URL of the Hanko API
+and the [`/thirdparty/callback`](http://docs.hanko.io/api/public#tag/Third-Party/operation/thirdPartyCallback) endpoint. You can always view your redirect URL in the Hanko Cloud Console:
+1. Sign in to [cloud.hanko.io](https://cloud.hanko.io).
+2. Select your `Organization`.
+3. Select your `Project`.
+4. In the left sidebar, click `Settings`, then select `Identity providers`.
+5. Find your redirect URL in the `Redirect URL` input.
+You need the redirect URL for [creating a new LinkedIn application](#create-a-new-linkedin-application) in the next step and
+[configuring your credentials with Hanko](#configure-credentials-with-hanko) (you will also configure the remaining
+configuration options visible in the above screen in this step).
+## Create a new LinkedIn application
+1. Navigate to and log in to the [LinkedIn developer portal](https://www.linkedin.com/developers/login).
+2. Click on the `Create app` button.
+3. Enter your application name in `App name`.
+4. Enter your LinkedIn company page url in `LinkedIn Page` or create one.
+5. (Optional) Enter your privacy policy page url in `Privacy policy URL`.
+6. Upload a logo for your application.
+7. Accept the terms and conditions.
+8. Click on the `Create app` button.
+9. Search for the `Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect` card from the product list.
+10. Click `Request access`.
+11. Accept the terms and conditions.
+12. Click on the `Request access` Button.
+13. The card should now show as added product.
+14. Click on `Auth` and scroll to `OAuth 2.0 settings`
+15. Click on the `pencil` next to `Authorized redirect URLs for your app`
+16. Click on `+ Add redirect URL`
+17. Enter the `Redirect URL` you obtained in the [first step](#get-your-provider-redirect-url) as the value.
+18. Click on the `Update` button.
+## Get your client ID and secret
+You can view the client ID as well as the secret of your app in the `Auth` tab on your app page.
+You will need this when [configuring your credentials with Hanko](#configure-credentials-with-hanko)
+## Configure credentials with Hanko
+1. In the Hanko Cloud Console, navigate to your project `Settings` and select `Identity providers`.
+2. Configure the following:
+ - **Error Redirect URL**: This is the URL target in your frontend the Hanko API redirects to if an error occurs during third
+ party sign-in. If your frontend [uses the `hanko-elements` web components](#frontend-integration), this URL should be the URL of the
+ page that embeds the web component such that errors can be processed properly by the web component.
+ - **Allowed Redirect URL**: This is the URL target in your frontend the Hanko API is allowed to redirect to after third party
+ authentication was successful. If your frontend [uses the `hanko-elements` web components](#frontend-integration), this URL should be
+ the URL of the page that embeds the web component.
+ The allowed redirect URL supports wildcard matching through globbing:
+ - `https://*.example.com` matches `https://foo.example.com` and `https://bar.example.com`.
+ - `https://foo.example.com/*` matches URLs like `https://foo.example.com/page1` and `https://foo.example.com/page2`.
+ - Use ** to act as a super-wildcard/match-all.
+2. In the `Providers` section, select `LinkedIn` and use the `Enable provider` toggle to enable the provider.
+3. Provide the `Client ID` and `Client Secret` you obtained in one of the [previous section](#get-your-client-id-and-secret)
+in the remaining inputs.
+4. Click `Save`.
+## Frontend integration
+To enable a login with LinkedIn in your frontend application we recommend using either our pre-built UI as
+provided by the [`@teamhanko/hanko-elements`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@teamhanko/hanko-elements) package or building a custom UI using
+the [`@teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk).
+ We recommend following one of our [quickstart guides](https://docs.hanko.io/quickstarts) to integrate
+ the `` component from our `@teamhanko/hanko-elements` package in your frontend application .
+ On successful integration, the component will display a button for signing in with `LinkedIn` in the login view
+ of the component.
+ Make sure to configure the page the web component is embedded on as your `error redirect URL` as well as an
+ `allowed redirect URL` (see the [previous step](#configure-credentials-with-hanko)).
+ On successful authentication with the provider, the backend issues a session cookie and the web component
+ continues the usual component flow on success. Errors that occur during third party
+ provider authentication are also picked up and displayed in the web component accordingly.
+ When building your own UI, you can use the `@teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk` to initialize third party sign in.
+ Create a [`Hanko` client](https://teamhanko.github.io/hanko/jsdoc/hanko-frontend-sdk/Client.html) instance and call the
+ `thirdParty.auth` method with `linkedin` as your provider and the target URL in your app you want to redirect
+ to after authentication.
+ ```js
+ import { Hanko } from "@teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk";
+ // you can find the Hanko API URL on the dashboard of your project
+ // in the Hanko Cloud Console
+ const hanko = new Hanko("");
+ async function signInWithLinkedIn() {
+ try {
+ // the redirect url argument must be one of the allowed redirect URLs
+ // configured in the previous step.
+ await hanko.thirdParty.auth("linkedin", "");
+ } catch (error) {
+ // handle error
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ On successful authentication, the API redirects you to the given redirect URL. The URL query includes a one time
+ token that must be exchanged for a JWT. Use the `token.validate` method on your client to validate the token:
+ ```js
+ import { Hanko } from "@teamhanko/hanko-frontend-sdk";
+ const hanko = new Hanko("");
+ async function onLoad() {
+ try {
+ await hanko.token.validate();
+ } catch (error) {
+ // handle error
+ }
+ // you should now have a JWT cookie set
+ }
+ ```
+ On success, the API issues a JWT which is then set by the SDK as a cookie (hanko). All other SDK methods
+ can now use the cookie to make authenticated requests to the API.
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- "guides/authentication-methods/oauth/microsoft"
+ "guides/authentication-methods/oauth/microsoft",
+ "guides/authentication-methods/oauth/linkedin"