Provides web components that will bring a modern login and registration experience to your users. It integrates the Hanko API, a backend that provides the underlying functionalities.
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- UI Customization
- Translations
- Experimental Features
- Live Demo
- Examples
- Frontend framework integrations
- Exports
- Browser support
- Bugs
- License
- User Authentication: Provides a secure and user-friendly way to handle user authentication within web applications.
- Authentication Flows: Supports various authentication flows, including passwordless authentication and biometric authentication.
- Web Component Library: Offers customizable web components that can be easily integrated into web applications.
- Profile Management: Allows users to view and manage their profile information through the profile component.
- Event Handling: Provides event listeners for authentication and session-related events, enabling customization and control over the user experience.
- Localization and Internationalization: Supports multiple languages and provides translation options for a global user base.
- Integration Flexibility: Offers versatile choices for integration, including CDN or npm. It supports both TypeScript and non-TypeScript environments, allowing flexibility based on the project requirements.
- Customization: Enables customization of visual styles, branding, and user interface elements to align with the overall application design.
- Documentation and Support: Offers documentation, example apps, frontend framework integration guides and support via Slack to assist with integration and troubleshooting.
To use the Hanko Elements module in your project, you can install it via npm, yarn, or pnpm. Alternatively, you can also import the module directly via a CDN.
# npm
npm install @teamhanko/hanko-elements
# yarn
yarn add @teamhanko/hanko-elements
# pnpm
pnpm install @teamhanko/hanko-elements
To integrate Hanko, you need to import and call the register()
function from the hanko-elements
module. Once this is
done, you can use the web components in your HTML code. For a functioning page, at least the <hanko-auth>
should be placed, so the users can sign in, and also, a handler for the "onSessionCreated" event should be added, to
customize the behaviour after the authentication flow has been completed (e.g. redirect to another page). These steps
will be described in the following sections.
To use the web components, you need to register them using the register()
function provided by the hanko-elements
If you're using a module bundler like webpack or Parcel, you can import the register()
function from the
package in your TypeScript or JavaScript file:
import { register } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements";
If you prefer using a CDN, you can include a script tag with the import statement pointing to the CDN URL where the
package is hosted:
<script type="module">
import { register } from "";
After importing the register()
function, call it with the URL of the Hanko API as an argument to register the Hanko
elements with the browser's CustomElementRegistry
const { hanko } = await register("");
You can also pass certain options:
const defaultOptions = {
shadow: true, // Set to false if you do not want the web component to be attached to the shadow DOM.
injectStyles: true, // Set to false if you do not want to inject any default styles.
enablePasskeys: true, // Set to false if you do not want to display passkey-related content.
hidePasskeyButtonOnLogin: false, // Hides the button to sign in with a passkey on the login page.
translations: null, // Additional translations can be added here. English is used when the option is not
// present or set to `null`, whereas setting an empty object `{}` prevents the elements
// from displaying any translations.
translationsLocation: "/i18n", // The URL or path where the translation files are located.
fallbackLanguage: "en", // The fallback language to be used if a translation is not available.
storageKey: "hanko", // The name of the cookie the session token is stored in and the prefix / name of local storage keys
cookieDomain: undefined, // The domain where the cookie set from the SDK is available. When undefined,
// defaults to the domain of the page where the cookie was created.
cookieSameSite: "lax", // Specify whether/when cookies are sent with cross-site requests.
sessionCheckInterval: 30000, // Interval for session validity checks in milliseconds. Must be greater than 3000 (3s).
const { hanko } = await register(
Replace "" with the actual URL of your Hanko API.
If you have followed the steps mentioned above, you should now be able to place the web components anywhere in the body of your HTML. A minimal example would look like this:
<hanko-auth id="authComponent"></hanko-auth>
<script type="module">
import { register } from "";
await register("");
const authComponent = document.getElementById("authComponent");
authComponent.addEventListener("onSessionCreated", () => {
// redirect to a different page
The individual web component are described in the following sections.
These three web components offer a user-friendly interface for user login or registration. The difference between
the components is, that <hanko-auth>
has the ability to switch between the login and
registration UI, whereas <hanko-login>
is dedicated to the login and <hanko-registration>
to the registration only.
Combined UI for login and registration:
Dedicated UI for the login:
Dedicated UI for the registration:
Used to prefill the email input field.prefilled-username
Used to prefill the username input field.lang
Used to specify the language of the content within the element. See Translations.experimental
A space-separated list of experimental features to be enabled. See experimental features.
A web component that allows to manage emails, passwords and passkeys.
Used to specify the language of the content within the element. See Translations.
A web component that allows to bind event handler to certain events, without displaying UI elements. Events can be
subscribed to with the <hanko-auth>
and <hanko-profile>
components in the same manner. Also, you can bind event
handler via the frontend-sdk
(see next section).
<hanko-events id="events"></hanko-events>
.addEventListener("onSessionCreated", console.log);
// more events are available (see "frontend-sdk" docs)...
The following examples will cover some common use-cases for the hanko-frontend-sdk
instance returned by
the register()
function, but please take a look into the
frontend-sdk docs for details.
Note that you can create a hanko-frontend-sdk
instance without having to register the web components as follows:
import { Hanko } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements";
const hanko = new Hanko("");
It is possible to bind callbacks to different custom events in use of the SDKs event listener functions. The callback function will be called when the event happens and an object will be passed in, containing event details.
Will be triggered after a session has been created and the user has completed possible additional steps (e.g. passkey registration, password recovery, etc.). It will also be triggered when the user logs in via another browser window. The event can be used to obtain the JWT claims.
hanko.onSessionCreated((sessionDetail) => {
// A new JWT has been issued."Session created",;
Will be triggered when the session has expired, or when the session has been removed in another browser window, because the user has logged out, or deleted the account.
hanko.onSessionExpired(() => {
// You can redirect the user to a login page or show the `<hanko-auth>` element, or to prompt the user to log in again."Session expired");
Will be triggered, when the user actively logs out. In other browser windows, a "hanko-session-expired" event will be triggered at the same time.
hanko.onUserLoggedOut(() => {
// You can redirect the user to a login page or show the `<hanko-auth>` element."User logged out");
Will be triggered when the user has deleted the account. In other browser windows, a "hanko-session-expired" event will be triggered at the same time.
hanko.onUserDeleted(() => {
// You can redirect the user to a login page or show the `<hanko-auth>` element."User has been deleted");
To learn what else you can do, check out the custom-events README.
Determine whether the user is logged in:
Getting the session details:
const session = hanko.session.get();
if (session) {`userID: ${session.userID}, jwt: ${session.jwt}`);
The SDK contains several client classes to make the communication with the Hanko-API easier. Here some examples of things you might want to do:
Getting the current user:
const user = await hanko.user.getCurrent();`id: ${}, email: ${}`);
Log out a user:
await hanko.user.logout();
To learn how error handling works and what else you can do with SDK, take a look into the frontend-sdk docs.
CSS variables can be used to style the hanko-auth
and hanko-profile
elements to your needs. A list of all CSS
variables including default values can be found below:
hanko-profile {
/* Color Scheme */
--color: #333333;
--color-shade-1: #8f9095;
--color-shade-2: #e5e6ef;
--brand-color: #506cf0;
--brand-color-shade-1: #6b84fb;
--brand-contrast-color: white;
--background-color: white;
--error-color: #e82020;
--link-color: #506cf0;
/* Font Styles */
--font-weight: 400;
--font-size: 16px;
--font-family: sans-serif;
/* Border Styles */
--border-radius: 8px;
--border-style: solid;
--border-width: 1px;
/* Item Styles */
--item-height: 34px;
--item-margin: 0.5rem 0;
/* Container Styles */
--container-padding: 30px;
--container-max-width: 410px;
/* Headline Styles */
--headline1-font-size: 24px;
--headline1-font-weight: 600;
--headline1-margin: 0 0 1rem;
--headline2-font-size: 16px;
--headline2-font-weight: 600;
--headline2-margin: 1rem 0 0.5rem;
/* Divider Styles */
--divider-padding: 0 42px;
--divider-visibility: visible;
/* Link Styles */
--link-text-decoration: none;
--link-text-decoration-hover: underline;
/* Input Styles */
--input-min-width: 14em;
/* Button Styles */
--button-min-width: max-content;
In addition to CSS variables, you can utilize the ::part
selector to customize the styles of various elements.
Please note that shadow parts only function when the web components are attached to the shadow DOM, which is the default behavior. You can enable the shadow DOM for the components using the following code snippet:
register("", { shadow: true });
// equals
The following parts are available:
- the UI containerheadline1
- the "h1" headlinesheadline2
- the "h2" headlinesparagraph
- the paragraph elementsbutton
- every button elementprimary-button
- the primary buttonsecondary-button
- the secondary button on the email login pageinput
- every input fieldtext-input
- every input field not used for passcodespasscode-input
- the passcode input fieldslink
- the links in the footer sectionerror
- the error message containererror-text
- the error messagedivider
- the horizontal divider on the login pagedivider-text
- the divider textdivider-line
- the line before and after thedivider-text
- the container of a form item, e.g. an input field or a button
The following examples demonstrate how to apply styles to specific shadow parts:
This example demonstrates how to force the input fields and buttons within the hanko-auth
component to stack
vertically. The ::part(form-item)
selector targets the form-item
shadow part within the hanko-auth component, which
is applied using the tag name.
hanko-auth::part(form-item) {
/* Force the input fields and buttons are on top of each other */
min-width: 100%;
This example shows how to adjust the main headlines for all hanko components by targeting the headline1
shadow part.
The .hankoComponent::part(headline1)
selector applies the styles to the headline1
shadow part within elements that
have the hankoComponent
.hankoComponent::part(headline1) {
/* Adjust the main headlines for all hanko components */
font-size: 1.3em;
font-weight: 400;
<hanko-auth class="hankoComponent"></hanko-auth>
<hanko-profile class="hankoComponent"></hanko-profile>
In this example, a box shadow is applied to the button
shadow part of the hanko-auth
component when hovering over
it. The #hankoAuth::part(button):hover
selector targets the button shadow part within the hanko-auth component using
the ID selector #hankoAuth
and applies the styles when the :hover
pseudo-class is active.
#hankoAuth::part(button):hover {
box-shadow: 3px 3px 2px #888;
<hanko-auth id="hankoAuth"></hanko-auth>
There is also the possibility to provide your own CSS rules when the web component has not been attached to the shadow DOM:
register("", { shadow: false });
Please take a look at the CSS example file to see which CSS rules can be used. If you only want to change specific properties you can override the predefined ones. For example if you like to change the background color, include the following CSS rule:
.hanko_container {
background-color: blue !important;
Also, you can prevent injecting any styles:
register("", {
shadow: false,
injectStyles: false,
so you don't need to override properties but provide the entirety of CSS rules:
.hanko_container {
background-color: blue;
/* more css rules... */
If this is your preferred approach, start with the CSS example file, change everything according to your needs and include the CSS in your page.
Keep in mind we made CSS classes available and added light DOM support only because a Safari bug is breaking the autocompletion of input elements while the web component is attached to the shadow DOM. You would normally prefer to attach the component to the shadow DOM and make use of CSS parts for UI customization when the CSS variables are not sufficient.
The hanko-elements
package includes English translations by default and the lang
attribute can be omitted.
Translations are currently available for the following languages:
- "bn" - Bengali
- "de" - German
- "en" - English
- "fr" - French
- "it" - Italian
- "ptBR" - Brazilian Portuguese
- "zh" - Simplified Chinese
You can import them individually:
// Replace the paths below with
// "{en|de|all|...}.js"
// if you're using CDN.
import { bn } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/bn";
import { de } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/de";
import { en } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/en";
import { fr } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/fr";
import { ptBR } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/pt-BR";
import { zh } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/zh";
Or import all translations at once:
import { all } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/all";
After importing, provide the translations through the register()
register("", { translations: { bn, de, en, fr, it, ptBR, zh } });
// or
register("", { translations: all });
You can now set the lang
attribute of the element to the desired language:
<hanko-auth lang="de"></hanko-auth>
You can modify existing translations as follows:
import { en } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/en";
en.errors.somethingWentWrong = "Aww, snap!";
register("", { translations: { en } });
If you need to create a new translation, pass an object that implements (or partially implements) the Translation
import { all } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/all";
import { Translation } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements"; // if you're using typescript
const myLang: Translation = {...}
register("", {translations: {...all, myLang}});
<hanko-auth lang="myLang"></hanko-auth>
For languages provided via the element's lang
attribute, or via the fallback language option,
that are not included in the object passed to the translations
option, the component will fetch a JSON file from the
location specified by the translationsLocation
option. For example, if "en" is missing due to an empty object being
passed, as shown in the example below, the component will fetch a file named "/i18n/en.json".
register("", {
translations: {}, // An empty object, so even the default "en" translation won't be available.
translationsLocation: "/i18n", // A public folder containing language files, e.g., "en.json".
<!-- Will fetch "/i18n/en.json" -->
<hanko-auth lang="en"></hanko-auth>
The fallbackLanguage
option is used to specify a fallback language for the web components when translations are
missing or incomplete for a particular language. By setting the fallbackLanguage
option to a valid language string
like "en" or "de", the missing translation strings will be automatically retrieved from the specified fallback language.
When the translation for the specified fallbackLanguage
is not available in the translations
option, the
web components will attempt to fetch it from an external file.
import { en } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements/i18n/en";
import { Translation } from "@teamhanko/hanko-elements";
const symbols: Partial<Translation> = {
labels: { continue: "➔" },
register("", {
fallbackLanguage: "en",
translations: { en, symbols },
<!-- Will appear in English, but the "continue" button label will be "➔" -->
<hanko-auth lang="symbols"></hanko-auth>
If you use Hanko Elements the language supplied to the lang
attribute of any of the components is also used to convey
to the Hanko API the language to use for outgoing emails. If you have disabled email delivery through Hanko and
configured a webhook for the email.send
event, the value for the lang
attribute is reflected in the JWT payload of
the token contained in the webhook request in the language
<hanko-auth [...] experimental="conditionalMediation" />
If the browser supports autofill assisted requests, it will hide the "Sign in with passkey" button on the login page and instead present the available passkeys via the email input's autocompletion menu. Enabling this feature will currently cause the following issues:
On iOS 16/Safari you may encounter an issue that WebAuthn credential registration is not working the first time you press the button or only after reloading the page.
Microsoft Edge v. 108 sometimes crashes or is not able to display the credential name properly.
Take a look at our live demo.
The following example implementations are currently available, demonstrating integration into both vanilla JavaScript and frontend framework environments:
- A single HTML file that implements most of the features mentioned on this page, with all the key details explained in the comments. You can host it on any HTTP server, including locally.
- Todo apps that demonstrate how integration works in various frontend frameworks and provide insights on managing backend communication and JWT validation.
To learn more about how to integrate the Hanko elements into frontend frameworks, see our guides in the official documentation and our example applications.
The @teamhanko/hanko-elements
package exports the functions and interfaces listed below and additionally every
declaration provided by the frontend-sdk.
- A function to register the web components with the browser's custom element registry.
- represents the options of theregister()
- represents the return value of theregister()
- represents a translation that can be provided through theRegisterOptions
- represents the<hanko-auth>
element properties.HankoProfileElementProps
- represents the<hanko-profile>
element properties.HankoEventsElementProps
- represents the<hanko-events>
element properties.
- Safari
- Firefox
- Opera
- Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Edge, Brave,...)
- Customizable UI: In Chrome the
selector is not working in combination with some pseudo classes. E.g.:disabled
is currently broken. See: chromium-issue-#1131396, chromium-issue-#953648
Found a bug? Please report on our GitHub page.
The elements
project is licensed under the MIT License.