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File metadata and controls

377 lines (283 loc) · 11.1 KB

Laravel Datatable API

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This is a collection of classes for filters and sorts, extending from the spatie/laravel-query-builder package, in addition to providing the possibility of applying these filters and sorting in related models using join through from the kirschbaum-development/eloquent-power-joins package.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require teamq/laravel-datatables

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-datatable-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'parameters' => [
        'per_page' => 'per_page',

    'per_page' => [
        // Represents the value to be sent by the user, to obtain all records, if using the result method.
        'all' => 'all',



This package uses Laravel pagination by default; However, it allows you to specify through parameters of queries, the number of records to obtain, you can even obtain all the records.

GET /books?per_page=30

It is recommended to use the result method instead of paginate or get. Since result encapsulates the logic of both yes, it is requested to show all, below result will use get but if you want to see a number of records below will use paginate with the amount provided.

use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\TextFilter;

$query = QueryBuilder::for(Book::class);



Filter Class Operators
Text TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\TextFilter Text
Number TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\NumberFilter Number
Date TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\DateFilter Number
Global TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\GlobalFilter -
HasRelationship TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\HasRelationshipFilter -
Text comparison operators
Comparison operator Key
Equal $eq
Not Equal $notEq
Start With $startWith
Not Start With $notStartWith
End With $endWith
Not End With $notEndWith
Contains $contains
Not Contains $notContains
In $in
Not In $notIn
Filled $filled
Not Filled $notFilled
Number comparison operators
Comparison operator Key
Equal $eq
Not Equal $notEq
Greater Than $gt
Greater Than Or Equal $gte
Less Than $lt
Less Than Or Equal $lte
Between $between
Not Between $notBetween
In $in
Not In $notIn
Filled $filled
Not Filled $notFilled

You can use advanced filters that have support for multiple comparison operators. The available comparison operators are located in TeamQ\Datatables\Enums\Comparators

To use these advanced filters, just call them as custom filters:

GET /books?filter[isbn][value]=54213&filter[isbn][operator]=$lt
use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\TextFilter;

            AllowedFilter::custom('isbn', new TextFilter()),

If you want to handle relationships using join, you must pass false as the first parameter to the filter and pass the type of join to use.

use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\TextFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Enums\JoinType;

            AllowedFilter::custom('isbn', new TextFilter(false, JoinType::Inner)),

Text Filter

The following example uses the comparison operator $endWith isbn 54213

GET /books?filter[isbn][value]=54213&filter[isbn][operator]=$endWith
select *
from `books`
where lower(`isbn`) like '%54213'
use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\TextFilter;

            AllowedFilter::custom('isbn', new TextFilter()),

Number Filter

The following example uses the comparison operator $in 1, 5 or 9

For this example an array of values was used. Arraying values is supported by all types of operators (text and number).

GET /books?filter[id][value][0]=1&filter[id][value][1]=5&filter[id][value][2]=9&filter[id][operator]=$in
select *
from `books`
where id in (1, 5, 9)
use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\NumberFilter;

            AllowedFilter::custom('id', new NumberFilter()),

Date Filter

The following example uses the comparison operator $notBetween, created at 2019-08-01 and 2019-08-10

For this example an array of values was used. Arraying values is supported by all types of operators (text and number).

GET /books?filter[created_at][value][0]=2019-08-01&filter[created_at][value][1]=2019-08-10&filter[created_at][operator]=$notBetween
select *
from `books`
where created_at not between '2019-08-01' and '2019-08-10'
use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\DateFilter;

            AllowedFilter::custom('created_at', new DateFilter()),

Global Filter

The global filter implements general search functionality for the model and its relationships.

This is not a global search engine between entities!!! For that you can use the package spatie/laravel-searchable

To use this filter, you must pass the model fields to be filtered or their relationships.

GET /books?filter[search]='Luis'
select *
from `books`
where (
          exists (select *
                  from `authors`
                  where `books`.`author_id` = `authors`.`id`
                    and lower(`authors`.`name`) LIKE '%Luis%')
          lower(`books`.`title`) LIKE '%Luis%'
use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\GlobalFilter;

            AllowedFilter::custom('search', new GlobalFilter([

Has Relationship Filter

This filter accepts two possible values:

  • 1 to filter by "Has"
  • 0 to filter by "Does not have"

Use this filter when you want the user to be able to filter on records that have associated models/relationships, For example, you may be interested in obtaining all authors who have books.

GET /books?filter[has_books]=1
select *
from `authors`
where exists (select * from `books` where `authors`.`id` = `books`.`author_id`)
use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Filters\HasRelationshipFilter;

            AllowedFilter::custom('has_books', new HasRelationshipFilter(), 'books'),


Sort Class
Relation TeamQ\Datatables\Sorts\RelationSort
Case TeamQ\Datatables\Sorts\CaseSort


To sort by fields of related tables you must use join, there is no easy way to do it from eloquent, so you can use RelationSort, this class receives the type of join as a parameter.

use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Sorts\RelationSort;

            AllowedSort::custom('', new RelationSort(JoinType::Inner)),


If you use enums or states, where each enum or state is represented by a number, you may want to sort by name of that enum or state and not by the number, then you can use CaseSort.

You must pass an array [$key => $value], which will be used to generate the sort.

As a second parameter you can specify the type of Join that you want to use, if the ordering is by the field of a related model. By default, it is Inner Join.

use Spatie\QueryBuilder\AllowedFilter;
use TeamQ\Datatables\QueryBuilder;
use TeamQ\Datatables\Sorts\CaseSort;

            AllowedSort::custom('state', new CaseSort([
                1 => 'Active',
                2 => 'Rejected',
                3 => 'Deleted',
                4 => 'Completed',


Can use docker-compose to run

docker-compose exec app composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.