All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.2.4 (2021-10-25)
- add env.secrets values (5a4e90c)
0.2.3 (2021-10-25)
- PodDisruptionBudget v1 (bc2232c)
0.2.2 (2021-10-25)
- ingress (80759da)
0.2.1 (2021-10-25)
- destination bug (1440de3)
0.2.0 (2021-10-25)
- add values "image.tag"
- tag ver (9fcaec2)
0.1.29 (2021-10-25)
- license (d8c55d6)
0.1.28 (2021-10-25)
- build-pages (a0a5f0b)
0.1.27 (2021-10-25)
- app-version (61933ae)
0.1.26 (2021-10-24)
- helm dtzar (fe6eaba)
0.1.25 (2021-10-24)
- helm err (41f8829)
0.1.24 (2021-10-24)
- helm upd (15f8297)
0.1.23 (2021-10-24)
- index url (dc40fac)
0.1.22 (2021-10-24)
- index dir (76de440)
0.1.21 (2021-10-24)
- index yaml (f134242)
0.1.20 (2021-10-24)
- without bumpFiles (cdea478)
0.1.19 (2021-10-24)
- tagPrefix version without "v" (564984a)
0.1.18 (2021-10-24)
0.1.17 (2021-10-24)
- tagPrefix (2b31b91)
0.1.16 (2021-10-24)
- oci root (f8eccb0)
0.1.15 (2021-10-23)
- package name (8ac8506)
0.1.14 (2021-10-23)
- chart name (c6d5fbb)
0.1.13 (2021-10-22)
- (41f0ffb)
0.1.12 (2021-10-22)
- save latest (9c9fb67)
0.1.11 (2021-10-22)
- registry latest (ac6f6c2)
0.1.10 (2021-10-22)
- registry image (3c07279)
0.1.9 (2021-10-22)
- api-url (38a505b)
0.1.8 (2021-10-22)
- ci registry (19397fe)
0.1.7 (2021-10-22)
- apk git (b1f36f7)
- apk git (3a483ba)
- ci project name (99519c9)
- cm-push (57e7331)
- could not find protocol (22f4ae7)
- gitlab-ci helm (3516232)
- image helm-kubectl (9688fe9)
- package tag ver (1cf9458)
0.1.6 (2021-10-22)
- ci package name (b311dfb)
0.1.5 (2021-10-22)
- ci package version (f53f381)
0.1.4 (2021-10-22)
- build-package (e21b6e8)
0.1.3 (2021-10-22)
- remove deploy stage (86e801a)
0.1.2 (2021-10-22)
- ci build path (ce9b1a8)
0.1.1 (2021-10-22)
- ci deploy path (06cc584)