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File metadata and controls

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Rustserve is a runtime agnostic async HTTP web framework written in Rust.

📖How it works

The main component in a Rustserve webserver is a Controller. Controllers have methods that map to the HTTP methods, GET, POST, PUT, etc. All of the Controller methods have defaults that return 404, you don't have to implement any of them. The Controller trait, along with a Route allow you to define custom behavior for a route at a specific HTTP method.

Throughout this README we are going to build up an example server. The full implementation can be found here. Lets implement a Controller.

struct MyController {


impl Controller for MyController {


That's it! Lets go over some details about whats going on here.

impl Controller for MyController {


This is the implementation of Controller for the MyController struct. All of the methods in the Controller trait have defaults that return 404. Lets implement the get method for MyController so that it returns a 200 instead

impl Controller for MyController {
   fn get<'a>(
       self: Arc<Self>,
       _req: Request<&'a [u8]>,
       _params: HashMap<String, String>,
   ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = anyhow::Result<Response<Vec<u8>>>> + Send + 'a>> {
       Box::pin(async move {

Ok! There is a lot going on here, lets break it down

impl Controller for MyController {
   // We are implementing the `get` method, meaning GET requests to this
   // controller will use our `get` implementation
   fn get<'a>(
       // Self is an Arc<Self>, meaning that you can only use controller
       // methods when your controller is an Arc<dyn Controller>.
       self: Arc<Self>,
       // The request with its body as a series of bytes
       _req: Request<&'a [u8]>,
       // The params parsed out of the uri such as /:version/
       _params: HashMap<String, String>,
   // The return type is a Future that outputs a Result<Response<Vec<u8>>>
   ) -> BoxFuture<'a, anyhow::Result<Response<Vec<u8>>>> {
       // Create a Future
       Box::pin(async move {
         // Return a Result<Response<Vec<u8>>>

Cool! So now GET requests to this controller return a 200 and an empty body. At this point we have covered the basics of the Controller trait. It provides the standard HTTP methods to MyController and when we implement any of the Controller methods, those methods get used when a request comes in.


Lets implement an Error<'a, T> method so we can understand more about how our errors are being handled in our get implementation.

struct MyError;

impl<'a> Error<'a, MyError, 500> for MyController {}

Whew! Again there is a lot going on, lets break it down

// Derive serialize for the error message
// The actual error message
struct MyError;

// Implementation of the Error trait parameterized with our message and the
// HTTP status code for the error.
impl<'a> Error<'a, MyError, 500> for MyController {}

So whats going on here? We implemented the get method, that seems to make sense, but we are never using MyError, why is it necessary?

That's a great question. Various kinds of errors can occur in your web server, sometimes something is broken or wrong resulting in a 500 or a request is malformed and results in a 400, all of these errors can be represented by the Error<'a, T> trait. The idea is that when something goes wrong in your controller, your controller defines what happens on a per error basis.

With that in mind, lets re-implement the get method implementation to return an error.

impl Controller for MyController {
   fn get<'a>(
       self: Arc<Self>,
       _req: Request<&'a [u8]>,
       _params: HashMap<String, String>,
   ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = anyhow::Result<Response<Vec<u8>>>> + Send + 'a>> {
       Box::pin(async move {
           self.error(MyError {}).await

Wow! Thats actually really simple. When we implement the Error trait for MyController the controller gains a method called self.error. Lets dive into the Error trait a bit more.

impl<'a> Error<'a, MyError, 500> for MyController {}

//                    ^      ^            ^
//                    |      |            |
//                    |      |            |

Lets break this down. First we can see that the Error trait takes in a few generic arguments, MyError and 500. The first generic parameter is the error message, it can be anything that implements serde::Serialize, the second argument is the HTTP status code that accompanies the returned error. This means that we can use the same error message with different error codes. Next we can see that we are implementing the Error trait for MyController, this provides MyController a self.error method that expects an instance of MyError. As we can see in the example above, self.error is an async function and must be .await'ed. The Error trait can be implemented multiple times for the same controller. This allows controllers to use self.error with any error messages supported by the controller. The returned type from calling self.error is a future that yields anyhow::Result<Response<Vec<u8>> or in other terms, a future that yields an HTTP response with the serialized message as the response body.


Cool! Now we know how to return errors, but what if we want to return a 200 ok with a response body?

Thats another great question! Lets take another look at our example where we returned a 200 ok with an empty body.

impl Controller for MyController {
   fn get<'a>(
       self: Arc<Self>,
       _req: Request<&'a [u8]>,
       _params: HashMap<String, String>,
   ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = anyhow::Result<Response<Vec<u8>>>> + Send + 'a>> {
       Box::pin(async move {

Here we are manually crafting a response with a 200 status code and empty body, Thats fine but theres a better way.

struct MyMessage {}

impl Reply<'a, MyMessage> for MyController {}

impl Controller for MyController {
   fn get<'a>(
       self: Arc<Self>,
       _req: Request<&'a [u8]>,
       _params: HashMap<String, String>,
   ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = anyhow::Result<Response<Vec<u8>>>> + Send + 'a>> {
       Box::pin(async move {

Woah woah slow down, whats this Reply trait?

Thats another great question! Lets dive into it.