- Introduction. 5 mins
- Application. 5 mins
- Data. 5 mins
- SED model. 5 mins
- SED system. 5 mins
- Outro. 2 minutes
- Questions. 5 minutes
Approx 40 minutes 5 minutes of Q&A.
Previous talk spent 30 minutes before model/system. Should be more like 20.
Do a full run-through of presentation
Upload/link slides on webpage
Update bio and picture on webpage
Moved to Bonus
Semi-automatic labeling
Streaming inference
Youtube data collection
Less weakly labeled data
Analysis window details
Do a techcheck on Streamyard https://support.streamyard.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043726731-Screen-Sharing https://support.streamyard.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043291612-Guest-instructions
Review speaker documentation Check speaker video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgQFlw66O4o
15 minutes before, join Matrix backstage
Post link to Github project and slides in Matrix
Tech will give Streamyard invite link
Display Name. Jon
Start your webcam and audio !! Use share Chrome tab. Include "share audio" Screen sharing a video with audio
Tell your session chair that you are ready in StreamYard’s Private Chat
The session chair introduces you and your talk
!!! The session chair will ask a few questions, and then let you start the presentation
MP4 container AAC-LC, stereo, 48kHz H.264, progressive, high profile, variable bitrate 5-8 Mbps bitrate 24, 25 or 30 frames per second; higher rates are also acceptable as long as the file size remains reasonable 720p or 1080p (non-interlaced)
Add in call for data
Expand a bit on evaluation Window-wise versus event-wise Precision/recall-tradeoff Higher-level, BPM accuracy
45 minute slot. 5-10 minutes Q&A.
35 minutes presentation
Live presentation preferred Recording as backup. Deadline 21 July
Audio events What is an audio event. Onset/offset Definition of AED task. Input/outputs
Typical audio ML pipeline Analysis windows Features over time Spectrogram
Post-processing. Counting. Threshold above X Event-rate
How to evaluate performance Window-wise vs event-wise sed_eval: https://tut-arg.github.io/sed_eval/ tolerances
What we will (mostly) assume that people know
- Basic digital audio
- Basic Machine Learning. Supervised classification
- Typical Neural Networks. CNN/RNN ?
What people do not need to understand
- ? Weakly labeled data
- Making efficient networks
Tips & tricks
Error analysis Manually examining mistakes that your algorithm is making
Labeling strategies Semi-supervised Alignment tools
Pretrained model OpenL3 / YAMNET / PANN
- Out-of-distribution data Device. Environment. Data augmentation