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author: Jon Nordby [email protected] date: PyCode 2019, Gdansk title: Recognizing sounds with Machine Learning and Python width: 1280 height: 960 margin: 0 css: style.css


Jon Nordby

Internet of Things specialist

  • B.Eng in Electronics (2010)
  • 9 years as Software developer
  • M.Sc in Data Science (2019)



::: notes Provide Noise Monitoring and Audio Condition Monitoring solutions that are used in Real-Estate, Industry, and Smart Cities.

Perform Machine Learning for sound classification on sensor. :::

Goal of this talk

a Python programmer

without expertice in sound processing and limited machine learning experience

can solve basic Audio Classification problems


  • Example task. Urban sounds
  • Digital sound. A primer
  • Audio Classification basics
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Pointers to more information

Slides and more:

Not included

  • Running on constrained embedded device

::: notes Very practically oriented.

Will try to define the neccesary Machine Learning concepts as we go along :::

Practical task

Demo video

<iframe src="" controls width="1000" height="700"/></iframe>

::: notes

Recognizing Urban sounds

Environmental Sound Classification


Problem formulation

Given an audio signal

of environmental sound

determine which class it belongs to

Classification simplifications

  • Single output. One class at a time
  • Discrete. Exists or not
  • Closed set. Must be known class

::: notes

Classification. Each input is mapped to a single discrete output. Only a single class sound per audio clip.

Alt: multi-label "tagging"

Closed-set. Sound has to be one of the N defined classes. Cannot handle out-of-domain inputs.

Alt: open-set

Ok, so how do we realize such a system?


Supervised Learning

In principle...{width=70%}

::: notes

Supervised learning: using (large amounts of) labeled data, for training. Optimizes a particular metric. Estimated on a parts of the dataset.

In principle, needs no more guidance. In practice, we need to peek inside the black box.

AutoML. Field of creating that magical black-box.


Learning process


::: notes


  • Labeled dataset. Many audio samples, each already labeled (by humans) with the associated class
  • Model architecture. An untrained model for recognizing sounds (more generally).
  • Goal specification. The metric we want to optimize for. Ex: average accuracy


  • A trained model. That can classify Environmental Sounds with high accuracy. Hopefully also sounds similar to, but not from the Urbansound8k dataset.
  • Results. Metrics, plots of how well the model did.

How to get dataset? See if there are publically available dataset. General rule. 1k samples per class. But, tricks exist for cases where there is less data available. "Low resource" datasets.

What kind of model architecture to use? Find the most similar usecase to yours. Start simple!

How to specify goal? Analyze your business/usecase. What aspect of model performance are critical. What kind of errors are more acceptable?



10 classes, ~8k samples, ~4s long. ~9 hours total{width=80%}

State-of-the-art accuracy: 79% - 82%

::: notes

  • Classes from an urban sound taxonomy,
  • Based on noise complains in New York City
  • Most sounds around 4 seconds.
  • Some classes around 1 second
  • Saliency annotated (foreground/background)


Digital sound primer

Audio Mixtures

Sounds mix together{width=80%}

::: notes

Channel effects

  • Noise
  • Frequency response
  • Reverberation


Audio acquisition


Digital sound representation

  • Quantized in time (ex: 44100 Hz)
  • Quantizied in amplitude (ex: 16 bit)
  • N channels. Mono/Stereo
  • Uncompressed formats: PCM .WAV
  • Lossless compression: .FLAC
  • Lossy compression: .MP3


Time-Frequency representation{width=100%}

::: notes

Short-Time-Fourier-Transform (STFT)


Basic Audio Classification pipeline



::: notes


Choices... ?

  • Window size. How long in time? Problem dependent!
  • Spectrogram. Mel-filter, log-scale, standardize.
  • Params. ~64 bands. ~25 ms frame hop.
  • Model. Convolutional Neural Network.
  • Voting. Soft voting

::: notes

Window size (in time). Decides how much the model "sees" at a time.

Longer when phenomenon of interest is longer. Shorter if needing predictions more often (event detection). Shorter window is beneficial. Smaller input, smaller model. Easier to train, lower inference time, lower storage/RAM requirements.

  • pretrained image models often want rectangular inputs. Ex: 128x128

Mel-spectrogram. First try what everyone else uses. Look at the spectrograms. Check that you can see the phenomenon in question! And see differences between spectrograms of different classes.

  • Mel-filters. 40-128
  • log-scale compression
  • Standardize. Subtract mean, divide by std

Per recording or per analysis window Global clip/dataset analysis for normalization not possible when streaming


Feature preprocessing

def load_audio_windows(path, ...):

    y, sr = librosa.load(path, sr=samplerate)
    S = librosa.core.stft(y, n_fft=n_fft,
                            hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length)
    mels = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=y, sr=sr, S=S,
                                            n_mels=n_mels, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax)

    # Truncate at end to only have windows full data. Alternative: zero-pad
    start_frame = window_size
    end_frame = window_hop * math.floor(float(frames.shape[1]) / window_hop)
    windows = []
    for frame_idx in range(start_frame, end_frame, window_hop):

        window = mels[:, frame_idx-window_size:frame_idx]

        mels = numpy.log(window + 1e-9)
        mels -= numpy.mean(mels)
        mels /= numpy.std(mels)

        assert mels.shape == (n_mels, window_size)

    return windows

::: notes

TODO: update to corrected code


Convolutional Neural Network


Img: Data Science Central, Albelwi2017

::: notes

A Framework for Designing the Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

1: Spectrograms are image-like

2: CNNs are best-in-class for image-classification

=> Will CNNs work well on spectrograms?


  • Spectrogram axes not equivalent to eachother. One is frequency, other is time. Shifting does not mean the same in each axis.
  • No direct ability to model larger frequency patterns (overtones, formants)
  • Longer-term time information is lost
  • Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks (CRNN)


  • Practices from image classification apply! Much bigger field.



Salamon & Bello, 2016{height=80%,max-width=100%}

::: notes

  • 40 mels
  • 61 frames


Keras model

from keras.layers import ...
def build_model(....):
    block1 = [
        Convolution2D(filters, kernel, padding='same', strides=strides, input_shape=(bands, frames, channels)),
    block2 = [
        Convolution2D(filters*kernels_growth, kernel, padding='same', strides=strides),
    block3 = [
        Convolution2D(filters*kernels_growth, kernel, padding='valid', strides=strides),
    backend = [
        Dense(fully_connected, kernel_regularizer=l2(0.001)),
        Dense(num_labels, kernel_regularizer=l2(0.001)),
    model = Sequential(block1 + block2 + block3 + backend)
    return model

Aggregating analysis windows

from keras import Model
from keras.layers import Input, TimeDistributed, GlobalAveragePooling1D

def build_multi_instance(base, windows=6, bands=32, frames=72, channels=1):

    input = Input(shape=(windows, bands, frames, channels))

    x = input
    x = TimeDistributed(base)(x)
    x = GlobalAveragePooling1D()(x)
    model = Model(input,x)
    return model

GlobalAveragePooling -> "Probabilistic voting"

::: notes

  • Max pooling
  • Majority vote
  • Trained classifier


Tips and Tricks

Data Augmentation


  • Adding noise. Random/sampled
  • Mixup. Mixing two samples, adjusting class labels
  • SpecAugment. Mask spectrogram sections to augment

::: notes

Synthesizing samples to increase size of dataset. Adding variations (that may occur in real-life), without changing the label.

Mostly done in time-domain, but can also be done in spectrograms

Mixup: Create new sample using weighted combination of two samples. Image: Xu2018{width=60%}

SpecAugment: Mask spectrogram sections to augment. Image: Neurohive{width=60%}

Xu2018: :::

Transfer Learning from images

::: notes

Image Identifying Medical Diagnoses and Treatable Diseases by Image-Based Deep Learning Kermany et al

TODO: code example using Keras Applications MobileNet ?

Transfer Learning from image data works! => Can use models pretrained on ImageNet

Easy to use tools in all deep learning frameworks Ex. keras.applications


  • Particular input size requirements. Ex 128x128
  • If RGB input, should fill all 3 channels
  • Usually need to fine tune the model. Some or all layers


Audio Embeddings

  • Model pretrained for sound, feature-extracting only
  • Papers: "Look, Listen, Learn (more)".
  • Outputs per 1 second, a 512-d vector
  • Only need to add a simple classifier on this
  • Uses a CNN under the hood
import openl3
import soundfile

audio, sr ='audio/file.wav')
embeddings, times = openl3.get_embedding(audio, sr)

::: notes

FIXME: finish code example using OpenL3 ?

1 second time frame

Waveform. 16-44.1 kHz
Spectrogram frame. 128x128 16k
Audio embedding. 512 dim

Dimensionality reduction: > 30x

Only need to add a simple classifier! Linear. Random Forest.

Can OpenL3 be used with real-time streaming? marl/openl3#36

Other embedding models:

EdgeL3 SoundNet


Annotating audio


import pandas

labels = pandas.read_csv(path, sep='\t', header=None,
    names=['start', 'end', 'annotation'],

::: notes

  • Use Audacity
  • Label track
  • Keyboard shortcuts to add
  • Annotation file is a basic CSV
  • Tools. Editing. Spectrogram view. Noise removal



Summary 1/3

Try the standard audio pipeline shown!

  • Fixed-length analysis windows
  • Use log-mel spectrograms as features
  • Convolutional Neural Network as model
  • Aggregate prediction from each window

Summary 2/3

Start simple!

  1. Audio Embeddings (OpenL3)
  2. Transfer Learning from pretrained CNN (ImageNet)
  3. Train simple CNN from scratch ...

Summary 3/3

Use Data Augmentation!

  1. Time-shift
  2. Time-stretch, pitch-shift, noise-add
  3. Mixup, SpecAugment

::: notes

FIXME: style sensibly


More learning

Slides and more:

Hands-on: TensorFlow tutorial, Simple Audio Recognition

Book: Computational Analysis of Sound Scenes and Events (Virtanen/Plumbley/Ellis, 2018)


Environmental Sound Classification on Microcontrollers using Convolutional Neural Networks

Report & Code:{height=600px}


Slides and more:


Interested in Audio Classification or Machine Hearing generally? Get in touch!

Twitter: @jononor

Email: [email protected]


More advanced problem formulations

Audio Event Detection

Return: time something occurred.

  • Ex: "Bird singing started", "Bird singing stopped"
  • Classification-as-detection. Classifier on short time-frames
  • Monophonic: Returns most prominent event

Aka: Onset detection

::: notes

  • Avoid time-shift augmentation



Return: sections of audio containing desired class

  • Postprocesing on Event Detection time-stamps
  • Pre-processing to specialized classifiers

::: notes

Eg: Extract only birdcall audio, then perform bird species identification

  • Can alternatively be done unsupervised
  • Can be real-time / single-pass, or multi-pass



Return: All classes/events that occurred in audio.


  • separate classifiers per 'track'
  • joint model: multi-label classifier

Classification limitations

Out-of-domain data

::: notes

Problem. Out of domain data. What happends when the audio input is not one of the classes represented? The model will...

Solution A) Threshold on model output probabilities

Can be integrated as Active learning. Record input signal, store and mark for labeling.

Solution B) Add "Other" to your training data, as its own class.

Ex using data from AudioSet. Or compiling yourself from Freesound


Interpreting noise


When audio volume is low, normalization will blow up noise. Can easily cause spurious classifications.


Compute RMS energy of the input. If RMS low, disregard classifier output, mark as Silence instead.

::: notes

interpresting the tealeafs

"gate" the classification by audio input level

TODO: make a schematic drawing



Analysis windows

Splitting audio stream into windows of fixed length, with overlap. Image: Sajjad2019{width=80%}

::: notes


@misc{Sajjad2019, author = {Abdoli, Sajjad and Cardinal, Patrick and Koerich, Alessandro}, year = {2019}, month = {04}, pages = {}, title = {End-to-End Environmental Sound Classification using a 1D Convolutional Neural Network} }


  • Window length
  • Window hop / overlap

Depends primarily on how often you want predictions but beneficial to limit window size:

  • lower input dimensionality, easier to learn
  • smaller model size
  • lower inference time
  • lower RAM consumption
  • pretrained image models often want rectangular inputs. Ex: 128x128

if using a short window compared to label/prediction time, need to aggregate the predictions somehow

if we want output on a shorter time-basis than labels are available for, we have a 'weak labeling' scenario



Mel-scale triangular filters. Applied to linear spectrogram (STFT) => mel-spectrogram{width=80%}

::: notes


  • Samplerate (44.1/48kHz originals. 22kHz commonly used, 16 kHz sometimes)
  • Mel filters
  • Hop length
  • Filter frequency range

(window function: Hann, overlap 50%)

In Python:

  • librosa.feature.melspectrogram() CPU only. Numpy
  • Kapre Melspectrogram layer. GPU. Using Tensorflow STFT operation


Spectrogram normalization

  • log-scale compression
  • Subtract mean
  • Standard scale


::: notes



Real-time classification

  • Global clip/dataset analysis for normalization not possible

::: notes

TODO: document how to do in Python


Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)

  • MFCC = DCT(mel-spectrogram)
  • Popular in Speech Detection
  • Compresses: 13-20 coefficients
  • Decorrelates: Beneficial with linear models

On general audio, with strong classifier, performs worse than log mel-spectrogram

End2End learning

Using the raw audio input as features with Deep Neural Networks.

Need to learn also the time-frequency decomposition, normally performed by the spectrogram.

Actively researched using advanced models and large datasets.

TODO: link EnvNet

Sequence models

Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks

Bla bla

Why Audio Classification

  • Rich source of information
  • Any physical motion creates sound
  • Sound
  • Good compliment to image/video
  • Humans use our hearing


Audio sub-fields

  • Speech Recognition. Keyword spotting.
  • Music Analysis. Genre classification.
  • General / other


  • Eco-acoustics. Analyze bird migrations
  • Wildlife preservation. Detect poachers in protected areas
  • Manufacturing Quality Control. Testing electric car seat motors
  • Security: Highlighting CCTV feeds with verbal agression
  • Medical. Detect heart murmurs
  • Process industry. Advance process once audible event happens (popcorn)