The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to The Essential... in Business and in Life
by Leo Babauta
- Originally read February 2011, revisited April 2016
- Our lives are filled with too much stuff, information, things to do
- When we have limits, like shopping, we choose things that matter (and buy less junk)
- We try to live without limits, but... we can't fit everything into our lives
It weakens us in so many ways. It dilutes our power and effectiveness. It spreads us too thin. It tires us out so that we don't have the energy to handle the important stuff. A life without limits is taking a cup of red dye and pouring it into the ocean, and watching the color dilute into nothingness. Limited focus is putting that same cup of dye into a gallon of water.
- "Limitless is weak. Learn to focus yourself with limits, and you'll increase your strength."
- A limitless life is overwhelming and ineffective; a life with limits brings focus and power
- Benefits
- "It simplifies things." → a simplified life is more manageable & less stressful
- "It focuses you." → focuses your fixed energy on less things
- "It focuses on what's important." → "you do only what's important to you"
- "It helps you achieve." → focus on the essential to complete projects & goals (vs. make incremental progress when we are spread too thin)
- "It shows others that your time is important." → send the message that you value your time & priorities, and others will value it in return
- "It makes you more effective." → "using your limited time and energy on something with lasting impact"
- Set limits on every area of your life that is overloaded / takes too much time
- Start with one area, ideally one that will be successful
- Some ideas
- daily tasks
- # of active projects
- amount of time reading on the web
- # of things on your desk
- Focus on one change until it becomes comfortable routine
- Your first attempt is a fairly arbitrary number, but grounded in your experience and what you is ideal in that activity
- Ex. If you check email 10-15 times a day, you might try 1-5 times
- Steps
- Set a limit
- Test it for a week and analyze if it's working
- If not, adjust the limit and test again
- Adjust until it becomes habit