表格样式 Excel.View.Sheets 提供了很多有关表格的公用接口。通过这些公用接口你可以很容易的管理和分析相互关联的数据。
var excel = $('#ss').data('workbook');
var sheet = excel.getActiveSheet();
var table = sheet.tables.add('table1', 0, 0, 4, 4, tableStyle);
'table1' === table.name(); //true
0 === table.headerIndex(); //true
3 === table.footerIndex(); //true
table.showHeader(true); //whether to display a header
table.showFooter(true); //whether to display a footer
table.bandRows(true); //whether to display an alternating row style
table.bandColumns(true); //whether to display an alternating column style
table.highlightFirstColumn(true); //whether to highlight the first column
table.highlightLastColumn(true); //whether to highlight the last column
var columnName = table.getColumnName(0); //get the header text width the specified table index.
table.setColumnName(1, 'column2'); //set the table header text.
table.setColumnFormula(0, '=SUM(A1:A4)'); //Set the table footer formula with the specified index
'SUM(B2:B5)' === table.getColumnFormula(0); //Gets the table footer formula with the specified index.
excel.Sheets 支持一些内置的表格样式,你也可以自己定制样式。比如:
var border = new Excel.View.Sheets.LineBorder();
var styleInfo = new Excel.View.Sheets.Tables.TableStyle('red', 'black', '10px arial', border, border, border, border, border, border);
var tableStyle = new Excel.View.Sheets.Tables.TableTheme();