diff --git a/knowledge-base/treeview-change-expand-collapse-icons.md b/knowledge-base/treeview-change-expand-collapse-icons.md
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+++ b/knowledge-base/treeview-change-expand-collapse-icons.md
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+title: Change the Expand and Collapse Icons in TreeView
+description: Learn how to customize the expand and collapse icons in the Telerik TreeView component for Blazor.
+type: how-to
+page_title: How to Customize Expand and Collapse Icons in Blazor TreeView
+slug: treeview-kb-change-expand-collapse-icons
+tags: blazor, treeview, icons, expand, collapse
+res_type: kb
+ticketid: 1656109
+## Environment
TreeView for Blazor
+## Description
+I want to customize the icons used for expanding and collapsing items in the [TreeView for Blazor]({%slug treeview-overview%}).
+This knowledge base article answers the following questions:
+- How can I use custom icons for the TreeView expand and collapse functionality?
+- Is it possible to change the default expand and collapse icons in the TreeView for Blazor?
+## Solution
+You can change the expand/collapse icons in the TreeView by overriding the built-in icons with other icons using [custom CSS rules]({%slug themes-override%}). In addition, you can use the `Class` parameter of the TreeView to add a custom CSS Class and modify a specific instance of the TreeView, instead of all instances on the page.
+>caption Change the expand/collapse icons in TreeView
+@* In Telerik.UI.for.Blazor version 4.3.0 and later, the components use SVG icons by default. Use the following CSS for versions 4.3.0 and later. *@
+@* Render the desired SVG icon and inspect it with your dev tools to get its path. *@
+@* In Telerik.UI.for.Blazor version below 4.3.0, the components use Font icons by default. Use this CSS for versions prior to 4.3.0. *@
+@* Copy the unicode of your desired icon from the Progress Design System - https://www.telerik.com/design-system/docs/foundation/iconography/icon-list/ *@
+@* *@
+@code {
+ private IEnumerable FlatData { get; set; }
+ private IEnumerable