diff --git a/knowledge-base/calendar-kb-customize-multiview-header.md b/knowledge-base/calendar-kb-customize-multiview-header.md
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+title: Customize Month Headers in MultiView Calendar
+description: Learn how to display the month name above each view in a MultiView Calendar using a custom header template and CSS in Telerik UI for Blazor.
+type: how-to
+page_title: How to Customize Month Headers in Telerik UI for Blazor MultiView Calendar
+slug: calendar-kb-customize-multiview-header
+tags: telerik, blazor, calendar, multiview
+res_type: kb
+ticketid: 1672888
+## Environment
+ Product |
+ Calendar for Blazor |
+## Description
+How to customize the header of a MultiView Calendar to display the month name above each month view?
+## Solution
+To display the month name above each view in a MultiView Calendar, use the [`HeaderTemplate`]({%slug calendar-templates-header%}) of the TelerikCalendar and apply custom CSS for styling for label positioning. The following example demonstrates how to achieve this customization. Note that the suggested approach is applicable only for `Horizontal` Calendar `Orientation`.
+>caption MultiView Calendar with Header Template.
+@using System.Globalization
+ @for (int i = 0; i < ViewCount; i++)
+ {
+ int monthNumber = CalendarValue.Month + i > 12 ? (CalendarValue.Month + i) % 12 : CalendarValue.Month + i;
+ string month = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(monthNumber);
+ }
+@code {
+ private int ViewCount { get; set; } = 3;
+ private DateTime CalendarDate { get; set; } = DateTime.Today;
+ private DateTime CalendarValue { get; set; } = DateTime.Today;
+ private CalendarView CalendarView { get; set; } = CalendarView.Month;
+## See Also
+* [Calendar Overview](https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/calendar/overview)
+* [Calendar Header Template](https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/calendar/templates/header-template)
+* [Calendar Views](https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/calendar/views)