It is possible to define a custom name for a cell or a range of cells in the Spreadsheet. As a result, instead of typing the range in formulas later on, you can directly refer to the range by its name.
-Name |
-Sample value |
-Description |
-$font-size |
- 14px
- |
-Base font size across all components.
- |
-$font-family |
- inherit
- |
-Font family across all components.
- |
-$font-family-monospace |
- Consolas, "Ubuntu Mono", "Lucida Console", "Courier New", monospace
- |
-Font family for monospaced text. Used for styling the code.
- |
-$line-height |
- (20 / 14)
- |
-Line height used along with $font-size.
- |
-$border-radius |
- 2px
- |
-Border radius for all components.
- |
-$accent |
- #ff6358
- |
-The color that focuses the user attention.
-Used for primary buttons and for elements of primary importance across the theme.
- |
-$accent-contrast |
- #ffffff
- |
-The color used along with the accent color denoted by $accent.
-Used to provide contrast between the background and foreground colors.
- |
-$base-text |
- #656565
- |
-The text color of the components' chrome area.
- |
-$base-bg |
- #f6f6f6
- |
-The background of the components' chrome area.
- |
-$base-border |
- rgba( black, .08 )
- |
-The border color of the components' chrome area.
- |
-$base-gradient |
- $base-bg, darken( $base-bg, 2% )
- |
-The gradient background of the components' chrome area.
- |
-$hover-text |
- #656565
- |
-The text color of hovered items.
- |
-$hover-bg |
- #ededed
- |
-The background of hovered items.
- |
-$hover-border |
- rgba( black, .15 )
- |
-The border color of hovered items.
- |
-$hover-gradient |
- $hover-bg, darken( $hover-bg, 2% )
- |
-The gradient background of hovered items.
- |
-$selected-text |
- $accent-contrast
- |
-The text color of selected items.
- |
-$selected-bg |
- $accent
- |
-The background of selected items.
- |
-$selected-border |
- rgba( black, .1 )
- |
-The border color of selected items.
- |
-$selected-gradient |
- none
- |
-The gradient background of selected items.
- |
-$error |
- #f5503e
- |
-The color for error messages and states.
- |
-$warning |
- #fdce3e
- |
-The color for warning messages and states.
- |
-$success |
- #5ec232
- |
-The color for success messages and states.
- |
-$info |
- #3e80ed
- |
-The color for informational messages and states.
- |
+## Overriding Theme Styles
-The following example demonstrates how to configure the Buttons.
+You can [override theme styles with custom CSS]({%slug themes-override-kendoui%}), no matter if the app is using a built-in or custom theme. This approach makes sense only for a relatively small number of customizations. Beyond that, choose some of the other alternatives on this page.
-Name |
-Sample value |
-Description |
-$kendo-button-text |
+Upgrading may require changes to the additional custom CSS code, but only if there are breaking changes in the HTML output and styling.
- $base-text
- |
-The text color of the buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-bg |
- $base-bg
- |
-The background of the buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-border |
- $base-border
- |
-The border color of the buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-gradient |
- $base-gradient
- |
-The background gradient of the buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-hover-text |
- $hover-text
- |
-The text color of hovered buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-hover-bg |
- $hover-bg
- |
-The background of hovered buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-hover-border |
- $hover-border
- |
-The border color of hovered buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-hover-gradient |
- $hover-gradient
- |
-The background gradient of hovered buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-pressed-text |
- $selected-text
- |
-The text color of pressed buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-pressed-bg |
- $selected-bg
- |
-The background color of pressed buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-pressed-border |
- $selected-border
- |
-The border color of pressed buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-pressed-gradient |
- none
- |
-The background gradient of pressed buttons.
- |
-$kendo-button-focus-shadow |
- 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .06)
- |
-The shadow of focused buttons.
- |
-The following example demonstrates how to configure the Charts.