This is a simple python project that implements Google's tesseract-ocr and it's python wrapper (pytesseract) in order to count the latin characters from a given image that also contains arabic and/or chinese characters.
This script utilizes pytesseract as such you must have Tesseract OCR installed on system. This script also assumes that you have Tesseract added to your PATH. If you don't have it added to PATH for some or other reasons you need to uncomment this line of code in
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r"C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe"
For more info check Tesseract documentation.
pip dependencies can be installed via
pip install -r requirements.txt
Creating a python virtual environment is recommended
Results obtained running this script are really dependent on source image that you are using. The script in it's current version works really well with document-like text as seen with the test images. Technically it should work with images that are a bit more complex however your results might vary from case to case. Unfortunately that's just the reality of using OCR technology.
Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" Galati
Facultatea de Automatica, Calculatoare, Inginerie Electrica si Electronica
Autor: Naval Cristian
Grupa: 22C22B
Profesor coordonator: Simona Moldovanu