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Generate pull request

Temco Controls edited this page May 7, 2018 · 17 revisions

Now next step would be to generate pull request once commits are pushed to Steps for the same would be as follows:

  1. Open up Github client and select the correct branch

This is the view from the Github client, make sure you select the correct branch at Tab10. Hit the 'Fetch Origin' at Tab11 to make sure you have the latest changes if any, from github. At Tab 12 you can see all the files on your PC which are different from those on the github repo. When you are ready to push the latest changes to your personal repo give the changes a name and add some notes a Tab13. When you are done, hit the Push Origin icon at Tab14 to send the changes to github. Log into github, select the repo and branch to see the changes at Tab15.

Pushing changes to github

  1. Now generate the Pull Request A Pull Request is simply a notification to other members of the team to let them know you have done some work and would like to see it merged to the main project. Go to your personal repository on and select the branch where you have done your work. Then click on the 'Pull Request' at Tab16 as shown in the snapshot below. A dialog pops up at Tab17 where you can select your local repo->branch and the target repo->branch on the main repo. Add some notes at Tab18 and hit the Create Pull request button at Tab 19.

Creating the Pull Request

  1. Now all that remains is for the main repo administrator to approve the changes and merge to the main repository. Here is the screen where that gets done for your reference, you need not take care of this step unless you are the Administrator for the repo. Merging the pull request

  2. Enter title and long message for the new pull request. The long message has to be descriptive enough to help reviewers. Read the message entered in the snapshot below. Click on send pull request button.

  3. Following snapshot shows the screen which appears once Pull Request is successfully generated.

Now, generation of pull request is over. Next would be to review and approve the pull request by reviewer.

Pushing changes to github

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