This repository contains data and Matlab/Octave code to generate the images from the paper "Shape Optimization of Rotating Electric Machines using Isogeometric Analysis and Harmonic Stator-Rotor Coupling" and the original and optimized rotor geometry
- run "figures" in Octave/Matlab to generate the images from the paper
- import IGES files "stator.igs", "rotor_original.igs" (Fig. 6a), "rotor_optimized.igs" (Fig. 6b) and "rotor_optimized_constrained.igs" (Fig. 10) to CAE software to see stator and rotor geometry
This work is supported by the German BMBF by the PASIROM project (grant nr. 05M2018RDA), the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments and by the Graduate School of Computational Engineering at Technische Universität Darmstadt.