diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fb04d06..7c9c3d6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -68,32 +68,43 @@ for other platforms see [releases tab](https://github.com/tenox7/ttyplot/release ## examples ### cpu usage from vmstat using awk to pick the right column + +fflush() is needed to disable stdio buffering + ``` vmstat -n 1 | gawk '{ print 100-int($(NF-2)); fflush(); }' | ttyplot -s 100 -t "CPU Usage" -u "%" ``` -### memory usage from sar, using perl to pick the right column +### memory usage on Linux using free, grep, tr and cut + +stdbuf is used to disable stdio buffering throughout the pipeline + ``` -sar -r 1 | perl -lane 'BEGIN{$|=1} print "@F[5]"' | ttyplot -s 100 -t "memory used %" -u "%" +free -m -s 1 | stdbuf -o0 grep "^Mem:" | stdbuf -o0 tr -s " " | stdbuf -o0 cut -d" " -f3 | ttyplot -t "MEM Usage" -u "MB" ``` ### memory usage on macOS + ``` vm_stat 1 | awk '{ print int($2)*4096/1024^3; fflush(); }' | ttyplot -t "MacOS Memory Usage" -u GB ``` ### number of processes in running and io blocked state + ``` vmstat -n 1 | perl -lane 'BEGIN{$|=1} print "@F[0,1]"' | ttyplot -2 -t "procs in R and D state" ``` ### load average via uptime and awk + ``` { while true; do uptime | gawk '{ gsub(/,/, ""); print $(NF-2) }'; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -t "load average" -s load ``` ### ping plot with sed + on macOS change `-u` to `-l` + ``` ping | sed -u 's/^.*time=//g; s/ ms//g' | ttyplot -t "ping to" -u ms ```