The TF-GNN library supports high-performance file input and preprocessing of
training data for Graph Neural Networks. It uses the tfgnn.GraphTensor
to represent graphs and their attached features. This doc expects that you have
read the intro to GraphTensor already.
The two main topics covered here are:
- Using to read many "structurally similar" GraphTensors in an efficient way from files with tf.Example protos.
- Common techniques for transforming such GraphTensors into batches of training inputs.
For the preceding step of converting source data into TF-GNN's tf.Example format and defining a schema for it, please see guides on Describing your graph and Data preparation.
This doc provides an in-depth explanation, sufficient to implement your own input pipeline. For rapid experimentation, we recommend starting with the TF-GNN Runner and its built-in file input and model export. (You can return here to find more details when needed.)
TF-GNN follows TensorFlow's general approach to store training data on disk as
records of serialized tf.Example protocol buffers, which are read into a
and streamed through series of transformations, such as
shuffling and batching
(covered by the documentation),
parsing tensor values, and applying problem-specific feature transformations.
A tfgnn.GraphTensor
a composite tensor (like tf.SparseTensor
or tf.RaggedTensor
so it can be used as a value in a Dataset. Like any composite tensor,
it comes with a subclass of tf.TypeSpec
, called
which defines its node sets and edge sets, and contains the type specs
for all features attached to the graph.
The function graph = tfgnn.parse_single_example(spec, serialized)
[doc] returns a
GraphTensor of shape []
that conforms to the given GraphTensorSpec and holds
the values parsed from the tf.string Tensor serialized
of shape []
Likewise, for batched datasets, graph = tfgnn.parse_example(spec, serialized)
[doc] parses a tf.string Tensor
of shape [n]
into a GraphTensor of shape [n]
, such that each element
conforms to the given spec
Notice that the GraphTensorSpec must be known up-front and passed into the
parsing code. It cannot be inferred from the tf.Example data. Besides, requires its element_spec to be known before any data is read.
To address this, and similar needs of non-TensorFlow tools that handle graph
data, TF-GNN defines the tfgnn.GraphSchema
protocol buffer. Whenever
GraphTensor data is saved to disk, we recommend serializing the applicable
GraphSchema with protobuf.text_format.MessageToString()
and saving it to
a file graph_schema.pbtxt
next to the actual graph data.
This lets you write code like
dataset =["/tmp/my_graph/data.tfrecord"])
graph_schema = tfgnn.read_schema("/tmp/my_graph/graph_schema.pbtxt")
graph_tensor_spec = tfgnn.create_graph_spec_from_schema_pb(graph_schema)
dataset =
lambda serialized: tfgnn.parse_single_example(graph_tensor_spec, serialized))
for i, graph in enumerate(dataset.take(3)):
print(f"Input {i}: {graph}")
The features in the parsed graph
have the shape and dtype declared for them
in the GraphSchema. It supports tf.bool
, (non-quantized) integer types,
(non-quantized, non-complex) floating-point types and tf.string
Be wary of tf.float64
, though: serialization as tf.Example
coerces all
floats to tf.float32
. Parsing a tf.float64
feature from tf.Example
a tf.float64
tensor representing the possibly truncated values.
More advanced dtypes like complex numbers and dtypes for quantization can be
held in features of in-process GraphTensors but cannot be declared in a
GraphSchema and cannot be directly deserialized from a tf.Example
For datasets that have more than one GraphTensor in each example and/or combine
serialized GraphTensor(s) with other data, we recommend to distinguish each
graph tensor by a unique prefix of feature names when creating the tf.Examples
on disk, and to save their graph schemas separately. From the same serialized
input, each GraphTensor can be read out by one call to
(or tfgnn.parse_example()
) with the prefix=
argument set accordingly.
Before we go deeper into preprocessing, let's think ahead to exporting the trained model for inference.
For training, the standard approach is to pull all non-trainable transformations out of the trained model, because it is faster to do them asynchronously in a buffered Dataset than synchronously inside the training loop. Also, some accelerators (notably TPUs) do not allow variable-length or string data inside the trained model. For example, to represent a categorical string feature with a trained embedding, the preprocessing of the dataset maps strings to indices, and the main model looks up each index in the trained embedding table.
For inference, the story is different: The trainer exports one SavedModel, and it depends on the inference platform how much of the preprocessing it should contain. TF Serving recommends to do inference starting from a batch of serialized tf.Example protos. It cannot even accept composite tensor inputs. Also, as an RPC service, it works better if the model's interface is stable (say, allows the original text representation of the categorical feature from the example above) and encapsulates details that may vary from one trained instance of the model to the next (like the mapping from strings to indices).
Therefore, we recommend defining two Keras models: a preprocessing model that
gets applied with
and the main model that gets trained on the
preprocessed dataset. At export time, Keras makes it easy to combine the two,
properly tracking any TensorFlow Resource objects needed for preprocessing
(such as lookup tables) and their initializers (such as vocabularies).
The following code snippet shows the high-level outline of this approach, using
Keras' Functional API to define the models by composing Keras layers, including
which is a thin Keras wrapper around tfgnn.parse_example()
discussed in the
previous section.
# Read the dataset of tf.Example protos for training.
dataset =[...])
dataset = ... # Shuffle, repeat and prefetch as appropriate.
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size) # Expected before preprocessing.
# Parse the GraphTensor values.
graph_schema = tfgnn.read_schema("...")
example_input_spec = tfgnn.create_graph_spec_from_schema_pb(graph_schema)
dataset =
preproc_input_spec = dataset.element_spec
# Define and apply the preprocessing model.
preproc_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(type_spec=preproc_input_spec)
graph = ... # With preprocessed features, see below.
graph = graph.merge_batch_to_components() # See section "Merging a batch".
graph, labels = ... # See section "Splitting the label off ...".
preproc_model = tf.keras.Model(preproc_input, (graph, labels))
dataset =
# Define and train the main model.
model_input_spec, _ = dataset.element_spec # Drop the spec for the labels.
model_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(type_spec=model_input_spec)
logits = ... # Apply the GNN and read out logits.
model = tf.keras.Model(model_input, logits)
# Export the combined SavedModel for serving.
serving_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[], # The batch dim is implied.
dtype=tf.string, name="examples")
preproc_input = tfgnn.keras.layers.ParseExample(example_input_spec)(serving_input)
serving_model_input, _ = preproc_model(preproc_input) # Drop labels.
serving_logits = model(serving_model_input)
serving_output = {"logits": serving_logits}
exported_model = tf.keras.Model(serving_input, serving_output)
This recipe can be varied according to the needs of the deployment platform.
From TensorFlow 2.13 onwards, Model.export()
should cover most use-cases of
exporting to inference. It creates a default serving signature that names inputs
by their Input()
type specs (above: "examples"
) and outputs by their dict
keys (above: "logits"
). If you need to dig deeper, consult our
Model saving guide.
The following sections of this document fill in the missing details regarding
. Building the main model
is discussed in the separate
TF-GNN modeling guide, including the creation of initial
hidden states of the GNN from input features.
Typically, feature preprocessing happens locally on nodes and edges, without
regard for adjacencies in the graph. It can employ a variety of techniques for
different types of data. TF-GNN strives to reuse standard Keras implementations
for these. To that end, the
layer lets you express feature transformations on the graph as a collection of
feature transformations for the various graph pieces (node sets, edge sets, and
context), each constructed by a Python callback.
As an example, here is how you can replace feature "id"
with "hashed_id"
all node sets, and pass through other features unchanged:
def node_sets_fn(node_set, *, node_set_name):
features = node_set.get_features_dict()
# Replace "id" by "hashed_id".
ids = features.pop("id")
num_bins = 100000 if node_set_name == "docs" else 20000
features["hashed_id"] = tf.keras.layers.Hashing(num_bins=num_bins)(ids)
# More features could be handled here.
return features
graph = tfgnn.keras.layers.MapFeatures(
After we get a mutable copy of the dict of input features in the first line,
the rest of the callback is all about transforming a dict of tensors, free from
GraphTensor technicalities. The same callback is used for all node sets, with
the node set name as a side input, so there is a lot of flexibility to structure
the code around feature names (as shown, with the node set merely adjusting the
hyperparameter), or around the separate node sets, or a mix of both.
The body of the callback uses Keras'
Functional API.
The node_set
argument is a Keras tensor wrapping a tfgnn.NodeSet
. You can
call its methods as usual to get (nests of) Keras tensors for its fields and
then apply arbitrary Keras layer to them. Keras will take care of tracking them
as layers of your model.
The MapFeatures layer accepts not only a node_sets_fn(node_set, node_set_name)
but also an edge_sets_fn(edge_set, edge_set_name)
and a context_fn(context)
to define feature transformations on those graph pieces. You can even pass one
function fn(graph_piece, **kwargs)
for all three arguments to centralize all
preprocessing logic in one place. The docstring of MapFeatures has more details
and examples.
We recommend calling MapFeatures once inside your preprocessing model (that is,
from within
) and once more to initialize the hidden states of
the GNN, at the start of the main model (see the
modeling guide), each time with callbacks that work through
the laundry lists of all feature transformations (possibly controlled by some
higher-level configuration).
By default, MapFeatures ignores "_readout"
and other auxiliary node sets
whose name starts with _
. If you need to process some of them (say, to apply
a table lookup to a string-valued label feature), you need to pass a suitable
regular expression
as MapFeatures(..., allowed_aux_node_sets_pattern=r"...")
. Likewise for
edge sets.
There is a subtlety in the code above regarding tensor shapes: Preprocessing
starts on a GraphTensor of shape [batch_size]
, in which the nodes and edges
are indexed separately as 0,1,2,... in each node/edge set for each input
example. The sizes of node sets and edge sets are allowed to vary between the
input examples, so their features become RaggedTensors of shape
[batch_size, (set_size), ...]
with further dimensions (possibly ragged)
according to the per-node/edge shape of the feature.
Most Keras layers for preprocessing "just work" with ragged inputs like these, notably Discretization, Hashing, Rescaling, IntegerLookup and StringLookup.
If not, there are several ways to work around it:
- Temporarily merge
into one dimension to get shape[total_size, ...]
with one less ragged dimension while applying somelayer
. This can be done bytf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(layer)(feature)
(whose name alludes to the use of axis 1 for time steps in a sequence, where we have nodes/edges in a graph), or manually with the tf.RaggedTensor methodsfeature.from_values(layer(feature.values))
, which are also available on the symbolic tensors of Keras' Functional API. This only makes sense for transformations that do not depend on the boundaries between input examples. - Defer the transformation after the call to
described in the next section, which removes the raggedset_size
dimension permanently. This also works best for transformations that do not depend on the boundaries between input examples. - Write a custom Keras layer that calls
tf.map_fn(fn, feature, ...)
to applyfn
separately on the feature for each example in the batch, shaped[set_size, ...]
. It also works for a nest of multiple features. This lets you handle one example at a time. Under the hood, it uses a tf.while_loop over the batch.
For training the model, TF-GNN requires each batch of input graphs to be merged into one single graph in which the nodes of each node set and the edges of each edge set are indexed contiguously as 0, 1, 2, .... across the input examples. This way, broadcasting data from nodes to edges and pooling data from edges to nodes (the key operations for GNNs) can work on one flat index space. No edges are added in the process, so the input graphs remain disconnected from each other.
To keep track of the boundaries between inputs, GraphTensor supports the notion of graph components, which are explained in greater detail by the intro to GraphTensor. In a nutshell, their story is this:
Each graph has some number of components; for input graphs, typically that number is 1. Each NodeSet and EdgeSet stores its size not as one number of nodes/edges per graph, but as a vector with the number of nodes/edges in each component. Merging a batch performs concatenation, not addition, of these sizes.
For example, consider reading three GraphTensors from disk with 4, 5 and 6
nodes, resp., in the NodeSet "docs"
. Parsing them as a batch of size 3 creates
a GraphTensor of shape [3]
with graph.node_sets["docs"].sizes
equal to
[[4], [5], [6]]
. The edges in each graph refer to node indices 0,...,3;
0,...,4; and 0,...,5, respectively. Likewise, node features have a shape
[3, (node_indices), ...]
where (node_indices)
is a ragged dimension.
The result of graph.merge_batch_to_components()
is a new GraphTensor with
shape []
, node set sizes [4, 5, 6]
, node indices 0,...,14, and feature
shape [15, ...]
, with nodes concatenated in order.
The context features in a GraphTensor are stored per component, not per graph. Pooling from nodes/edges to the context and likewise broadcasting from the context to nodes/edges respects the breakdown of node/edge sets per component. This, together with the absence of edges between components, makes sure that the standard building blocks for graph neural networks (broadcast/pool between edges/nodes/context) do not leak information between the examples in a batch of inputs, even after the batch of graphs has been merged into components of a single graph.
TF-GNN's machinery for processing graph data uses GraphTensor
and its
serialization format a lot. Therefore, training labels typically enter the input
pipeline as a feature on some piece of a GraphTensor
. We suggest to transform
training labels alongside features on the graph and split them off at the end
of preprocessing, once the GraphTensor
and its other features have reached
their final shape.
The code for doing this varies with the exact location of the label feature.
If the input data contains a "_readout"
node set, and if the labels have been
stored as feature, say, "class_id"
on that node set, they can be split out
as follows:
labels = tfgnn.keras.layers.Readout(node_set_name="_readout",
graph = graph.remove_features(node_sets={"_readout": ["class_id"]})
assert "class_id" not in graph.node_sets["_readout"].features
The removal of the feature can be skipped if the rest of the code makes sure
that the GNN model does not get to see the "_readout"
node set and its
On the other hand, if the label is stored on an ordinary node set, say "docs"
it needs to be read out from those nodes for which a prediction will
be made. The code pattern for that looks similar to the readout of final
node states from the GNN, which is discussed in more detail in the
modeling guide.
If an auxiliary "_readout" node set is present that references the "seed"
nodes of "docs"
, their labels can be split out like
labels = tfgnn.keras.layers.StructuredReadout("seed", feature_name="class_id")(graph)
graph = graph.remove_features(node_sets={"docs": ["class_id"]})
assert "class_id" not in graph.node_sets["docs"].features
If the input dataset relies on the pre-"_readout"
convention to simply
do readout from the first "docs"
node of each sampled subgraph, the code
would look like
labels = tfgnn.keras.layers.ReadoutFirstNode(node_set_name="docs",
graph = graph.remove_features(node_sets={"docs": ["class_id"]})
assert "class_id" not in graph.node_sets["docs"].features
At serving time, inputs will be missing the "labels"
feature, of course.
The preprocessing model needs to handle that gracefully (maybe based on the
default values supplied by feature parsing), or else needs to be rebuilt for
export with an option to switch off handling the label.
Keras supports data-parallel training through TensorFlow's Distribution Strategy API like this:
strategy = .... # As appropriate for the available hardware.
with strategy.scope():
# The model and all its layers are created under the strategy scope.
model = ...
The dataset
provides the training data for each replica in each step.
There are fundamentally two ways how to do this:
- If
is a
, each element is interpreted as a logical batch of training inputs for all replicas, so Keras needs to go in and rewire the dataset after the fact to produce per-replica batches. This works for tensors of shapes that all start with[batch_size, ....]
. - If
is atf.distribute.DistributedDataset
, it is a tuple of actualDatasets
, one per replica, and their elements provide the ready-to-use training inputs, whatever their shape.
The GraphTensors created by .merge_batch_to_components()
no longer have a
shape starting with [batch_size, ....]
. Still, the first approach can be made
to work: in the absence of the fixed-shape requirement from Cloud TPUs (see
below), the dataset can feed batched GraphTensors to the trained Model, and
is called at the start of the model itself.
For TPUs, users could try to batch, merge and pad per replica, then batch again
with the number of replicas as batch size, and finally get rid of the useless
leading dimension [1, ...]
on each replica. However, this gets complex.
Therefore, the rest of this doc follows the second approach, which is more general and more straightforward. A DistributedDataset is created from a callback that gets invoked for each replica (possibly on different hosts) like so:
def _make_dataset(input_context):
ds = ... # As usual, but from the subset of input files for this replica.
ds = ds.batch(input_context.get_per_replica_batch_size(global_batch_size))
ds =
# Apply preprocessing.
preproc_model = ... # Built in this context, code as above.
ds =
return ds
dataset = strategy.distribute_datasets_from_function(_make_dataset)
TF-GNN supports training on Google's
Tensor Processing Units (TPUv2+) using
the tf.distribute.TPUStrategy
. The just-in-time compiler for TPUs requires
that all component tensors of a GraphTensor are Tensors (not RaggedTensors) and
that their shapes are statically known. (To be precise, the
object at the start of the model may have a somewhat
flexible type_spec to allow different sizes for training, eval and export, but
the Datasets passed to
and .evaluate()
must have
statically known shapes.)
Input graphs typically have variable sizes of node sets and edge sets, and so do
the GraphTensor inputs to a model that are created by merging a batch of input
graphs (see above). Users need to call
on it (or the underlying tfgnn.pad_to_total_sizes()
function) to fill in nodes
etc. until all size constraints are met exactly. All padding items go into a
separate graph component (or multiple ones, if one component is not enough to
fill up the number of components).
If the model expects a minimum number of nodes per component in a particular
node set, say, to use tfgnn.keras.layers.ReadoutFirstNode
, this must hold for
padding components as well. To that end, the size constraints need to be created
with min_nodes_per_component = {node_set_name: min_nodes, ...}
as shown below.
Next to the padded graph, PadToTotalSizes
returns a boolean mask that's True
for input components and False
for padding components. The mask is a
component-indexed Tensor like a context feature, so broadcasting from context to
some node or edge set converts it to a mask on those nodes or edges. In a
training and validation dataset, Keras accepts weights as a third item after
model inputs and labels, and a boolean mask converts automatically to zero/one
weights. In the training code (not shown in this doc), be sure to use
instead of plain metrics=...
so that
the mask takes effect not just for the loss but also for the metrics.
Padding fits as follows into the skeleton code shown above:
def _make_dataset(input_context):
ds = ... # As above.
ds = ds.batch(per_replica_batch_size)
ds =
# Apply preprocessing.
preproc_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(type_spec=preproc_input_spec) # As before.
graph = ... # Feature preprocessing, as before.
graph = graph.merge_batch_to_components() # As before.
graph, mask = tfgnn.keras.layers.PadToTotalSizes(size_constraints)(graph)
graph, labels = ... # Splitting the label off the *padded* tensor.
mask = ... # If necessary, broadcast from context to align with labels.
preproc_model = tf.keras.Model(preproc_input, (graph, labels, mask))
ds =
return ds
dataset = strategy.distribute_datasets_from_function(_make_dataset)
The simplest way to set the size_constraints
for a dataset is to scan all
input examples from the dataset, find for each tensor the maximum size it needs,
and multiply that by the desired batch size. On top of that comes some allowance
for how padding one thing needs room elsewhere (e.g., padding an edge set
requires room for nodes as endpoints and a padding component; adding a padding
component requires adding each node set's minimum number of nodes per
This simple approach is implemented by
tfgnn.find_tight_size_constraints(dataset, target_batch_size=..., min_nodes_per_component=...)
a utility function to be run on the dataset before actual training starts.
This is necessary if you need to accommodate all examples of a dataset
(say, for validation), irrespective of how they come together in batches
(which may vary for Datasets that use a non-deterministic order for speed).
It also works well if the maximum size of each tensor is "close enough" to
the mean size. For a dataset of sampled subgraphs, it may be possible to
tighten the sampler limits towards that.
However, many practical applications have infrequent but important examples with large sizes, and allocating space for the rare coincidence of a whole batch of infrequent large examples is very wasteful: in terms of accelerator memory, but also in terms of all the computation wasted on padding elements. TF-GNN offers two ways around this:
- Dynamic batching:
replaces the usualDataset.batch()
and batches as many consecutive graphs as will fit the constraints. However, it comes with a substantial delay if the effective batch size is large, and we do not recommend it unconditionally at this time. - "Overbooking":
lets you find size constraints that will "almost always" suffice for a batch of a fixed batch_size. You can specify one or more desired success rates and batch sizes and explore the resulting size constraints for each combination (e.g., the size constraint that fits a batch of size 100 with probability 0.99).
Using the fit-or-skip ("overbooking") approach consists of three steps:
At the start of the trainer program, before the actual model training, determine the size constraints from a random sample of the input data, with hparams tweaked to the problem at hand.
sample_dataset = ... # The input examples, not batched yet.
sample_dataset = sample_dataset.shuffle(...) # Need a random sample.
sample_dataset =
size_constraints = tfgnn.learn_fit_or_skip_size_constraints(
sample_dataset, per_replica_batch_size, min_nodes_per_component={...},
success_ratio=0.99, sample_size=20000)
Extend construction of the training dataset with a filter to skip oversized batches that would fail in padding, and pad remaining batches as before, but with the tighter constraints.
def _make_dataset(input_context):
ds = ... # As above.
ds = ds.batch(per_replica_batch_size)
ds =
ds = tfgnn.dataset_filter_with_summary(
ds, functools.partial(tfgnn.satisfies_total_sizes,
# Apply preprocessing.
preproc_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(type_spec=preproc_input_spec) # As before.
graph = ... # Feature preprocessing, as before.
graph = graph.merge_batch_to_components() # As before.
graph, mask = tfgnn.keras.layers.PadToTotalSizes(size_constraints)(graph)
graph, labels = ... # Splitting the label off the *padded* tensor, as before.
preproc_model = tf.keras.Model(preproc_input, (graph, labels, mask))
ds =
return ds
This technique requires careful monitoring of the effects of filtering. Outdated
or incorrect size_constraints could silently discard important parts of the
input data. To that end, the helper function
ds = tfgnn.dataset_filter_with_summary(ds, predicate)
returns ds.filter(predicate)
, but with a side output of the removed fraction
to TensorBoard. Even so, we primarily recommend this approach as a speed
improvement for training, not for testing.