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File metadata and controls

276 lines (210 loc) · 8.7 KB

BroCon 2018

This repository contains code and slides from our presentation at BroCon 2018.


In the demo, we use Python 3 in conjunction with Broker. At first we setup a virtual Python environment:

export PREFIX=$(pwd)/env
python3 -m venv $PREFIX
source $PREFIX/bin/activate

Then, we install Broker.

git submodule update --recursive --init
cd broker
# The next two steps won't be necessary soon when Broker has the new CAF.
cd 3rdparty/caf
git checkout master
cd -
./configure \
  --generator=Ninja \
  --build-type=Release \
  --prefix=$PREFIX \
cd build
ninja install
cd ../..

Finally, we make sure that we find the Broker Python modules without setting PYTHONPATH to $PREFIX/lib/python:

site_packages=$(python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])")
cp $site_packages

For convenience, we provide a little script that adjust environment variables such that Bro and VAST do not require prefixing/aliasing:

eval `./dev-path path/to/code`

Here, path/to/code is the directory with local builds of VAST and Bro.


The demo illustrates a scenario where Bro asks VAST for historical data via Broker. For ease of exposition, we first model both applications as "stubs" via Broker's Python bindings. We then replace the Bro stub with an actual Bro script, and finally replace the VAST stub with a C++ bridge that translates Bro's events into VAST commands.

From a data flow perspective, we have two Broker endpoints that communicate in a publish/subscribe style:

  1. Both Bro and VAST subscribe to a control and data topic, which default to /vast/control and /vast/data.
  2. The VAST stub listens at a predefined port, which defaults to 43000.
  3. The Bro stub connects to the predefined port and initiates a peering between the two endpoints.
  4. The Bro stub publishes a query to the control topic.
  5. VAST receives the query, and publishes the results to the data channel.
  6. VAST signals query completion by sending a none value.
                 Bro                                      VAST
                  |                                        |
  subscribe:      |                                        |  subscribe:
  - /vast/control |                                        |  - /vast/control
  - /vast/data    |                                        |  - /vast/data
                  |          establish peering             |
                  | -------------------------------------> |
                  | <------------------------------------- |
                  |                                        |
                  |  /vast/control: [UUID, expression]     |
                  | -------------------------------------> |
                  |                                        |  perform lookup
                  |                                        |  for 'expression'
                  |  /vast/data: [UUID, x] for x in xs     |  => 'xs' results
                  | <------------------------------------- |
                  |                                        |
                  |  /vast/data: [UUID, nil]               |  lookup complete
                  | <------------------------------------- |

Example 1: Stub <-> Stub

This scenario mocks VAST and Bro with two Python scripts.

  1. Launch the VAST stub: ./stub vast
  2. Launch the Bro stub: ./stub bro

We also provide straight-line code of the VAST stub and Bro stub for easier consumption.

Example 2: Bro <-> Stub

This scenario mocks VAST with a Python script and makes Bro connect to it.

  1. Launch the VAST stub: ./stub vast
  2. Launch Bro to connect to the stub: bro vast.bro

For (2) to work, you must have a bro binary from the current master branch in your PATH.

Example 3: Bro <-> VAST

This scenario uses the bro-to-vast bridge to connect to a running VAST instance and then makes makes Bro connect to to the bridge.

First, we import some data into an actual VAST instance:

# Start VAST
vast start

# Download a PCAP trace.
wget -o trace.pcap.gz

# Create Bro logs from the trace
mkdir bro
cd bro
zcat ../trace.pcap | bro -C -r -
cd ..

# Import the trace and Bro logs.
zcat trace.pcap | vast import pcap
cat bro/*.log | vast import bro

# Sanity check that we can perform queries:
vast export ascii 'id.orig_h =='

Second, we start the VAST bridge that connects to VAST:


Third, we launch Bro to connect to the VAST bridge:

bro vast.bro

There exists one caveat at the moment. All three tools rely on CAF for the underlying communication. When CAF applications connect with each other, they perform a handshake that requires matching application identifiers. Broker sets this identifier to broker.v<N> where <N> is the Broker version. The bro-to-vast bridge uses this identifier by default, but VAST needs to be told to use it as well. To this end, you can simply create a file vast.ini in your working directory with the following contents:


This repository comes with such a vast.ini already. This workaround will be necessary until CAF supports a list of additional application identifiers.


Our data and tools for analyzing Broker performance are located in the evaluation directory. Our analysis is twofold: we look at latency and throughput.

The following test systems were at our disposal:

  • macOS Mojave 10.14, iMac 18,3, Intel i7-7700K (8) @ 4.20GHz, 16 GiB RAM
  • linux nixos unstable (19.03-pre), Dell XPS13 9343, Intel i7-5500U (4) @ 2.40GHz, 8 GiB RAM
  • FreeBSD 11.2 amd64, Intel Xeon E5-2640 (32) @ 2GHz, 128 GiB RAM
  • OpenSUSE Leap 42.3, AMD Opteron 6376, (2x16) 2.3 GHz, 512 GiB RAM


We measure latency as round-trip time (RTT) in a ping-pong scenario between peered endpoints in separate processes. One process publishes a ping message to which another process responds with a pong message. One RTT is time is the difference between the arrival time of the pong message and the sent time of the ping message.

To better understand how latency changes with a large number of nodes, we also add relay nodes in the middle. They only forward every message to the next node. This diagram illustrates the setup:

      ping node  <-->  relay node  <-->  ...  <--> relay node  <-->  pong node

In our demo, we vary the number of relay nodes from 0 to 10. To generate test data, invoke the latency script as follows:

cd evaluation/latency
./benchmark 0 10

The two arguments to benchmark determine the minimum and maximum number of relays to include. The script generates a file latency.csv. The latency directory includes runs from our test machines.

We also wrote an R script that visualize the generated data. It takes one or more latency files as input and generates PDFs in the same directory of the latency file:

cd evaluation
./visualize.R latency/imac-18-3-mojave.csv


We measure throughput in a similar way as latency: instead of using ping and pong nodes we use broker-pipe, a small message generator that acts as publisher or subscriber:

     broker-pipe   -->  relay node   -->  ...   --> relay node   -->  broker-pipe

We build a pipeline between a broker-pipe publisher and subscriber, with a varying number of relays in the middle. We patched broker-pipe to print rate information instead payload data. You need this patch to run our benchmarks:

cd broker
git apply ../throughput.patch
cd build
ninja && ninja install

Thereafter, you can run the throughput measurements as follows:

cd evaluation/throughput
./benchmark 0 10

As for the latency evaluation, the two arguments to benchmark determine the minimum and maximum number of relays to include. The script generates a file throughput.csv. The throughput directory includes runs from our test machines.

Our R script also understands the throughput CSV files and generates plots accordingly:

cd evaluation
./visualize.R throughput/imac-18-3-mojave.csv

To install dependencies of the script, open the R shell and run:
