CramFS Big Endian (select+detection) TAR VFAT EXT3 BASE EXT4 BASE
Detection of filesystem limitations before writing! Uid/Gid, mode. Scan filesystem: detect elf arch, etc...
Root node mode!..
Android boot image: v3-4 reader v0-4 writer TVIP firmware OpenWRT Legacy multiimage
FIT encryption (AES)
Plugin system
- Change all fs readers/writers to plugin-base system, provided by NyaPlugin class: Provide reader, provide writer
- Change all compressors as plugins
- Change all image formats as plugins
- Change all commands to plugin Editing filesystem: change users, groups, rights Lua scripts as commands: open file, edit, save
Filesystem i/o [optional] Filesystem compression wrapper [cramfs, squashfs has internal compression, additional compression is not needed] [optional] Image
Uboot (TVIP) Secondary bootloader (Android) Recovery DTB (Android) Different resources (TVIP splash)
User/Group id change for all system: from -> to
Access, adding and editing files from exist commanders like mc, WinSCP and other: SCP SFTP FTP NFS
TFTP: return different images based on requested filename