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Module Cloud Composer Environment (V2)

This module is used to create a Cloud Composer V2 environment.


This module is meant for use with Terraform 1.3+ and tested using Terraform 1.3+. If you find incompatibilities using Terraform >=1.3, please open an issue.


Current version is 4.0. Upgrade guides:

module "simple-composer-environment" {
  source                               = "terraform-google-modules/composer/google//modules/create_environment_v2"
  version                              = "~> 5.0"
  project_id                           = var.project_id
  composer_env_name                    = "test-composer-env"
  region                               = "us-central1"
  composer_service_account             = var.composer_service_account
  network                              = "test-vpc"
  subnetwork                           = "test-subnet"
  pod_ip_allocation_range_name         = "test-subnet-pod-ip-name"
  service_ip_allocation_range_name     = "test-subnet-service-ip-name"
  grant_sa_agent_permission            = false
  environment_size                     = "ENVIRONMENT_SIZE_SMALL"
  enable_private_endpoint              = true
  use_private_environment              = true
  cloud_composer_connection_subnetwork = var.subnetwork_self_link
  enable_privately_used_public_ips     = var.enable_privately_used_public_ips

  scheduler = {
    cpu        = 0.5
    memory_gb  = 1.875
    storage_gb = 1
    count      = 2

  web_server = {
    cpu        = 0.5
    memory_gb  = 1.875
    storage_gb = 1

  worker = {
    cpu        = 0.5
    memory_gb  = 1.875
    storage_gb = 1
    min_count  = 2
    max_count  = 3

  triggerer = {
    cpu       = 1
    memory_gb = 1
    count     = 2



Name Description Type Default Required
airflow_config_overrides Airflow configuration properties to override. Property keys contain the section and property names, separated by a hyphen, for example "core-dags_are_paused_at_creation". map(string) {} no
cloud_composer_connection_subnetwork Subnetwork self-link. When specified, the environment will use Private Service Connect instead of VPC peerings to connect to CloudSQL in the Tenant Project. IP address of psc endpoint is allocated from this subnet string null no
cloud_composer_network_ipv4_cidr_block The CIDR block from which IP range in tenant project will be reserved. Required if VPC peering is used to connect to CloudSql instead of PSC string null no
cloud_data_lineage_integration Whether or not Dataplex data lineage integration is enabled. Cloud Composer environments in versions composer-2.1.2-airflow-..* and newer) bool false no
cloud_sql_ipv4_cidr The CIDR block from which IP range in tenant project will be reserved for Cloud SQL private service access. Required if VPC peering is used to connect to CloudSql instead of PSC string null no
composer_env_name Name of Cloud Composer Environment string n/a yes
composer_service_account Service Account for running Cloud Composer. string null no
enable_ip_masq_agent Deploys 'ip-masq-agent' daemon set in the GKE cluster and defines nonMasqueradeCIDRs equals to pod IP range so IP masquerading is used for all destination addresses, except between pods traffic. bool false no
enable_private_endpoint Configure private access to the cluster endpoint. If true, access to the public endpoint of the GKE cluster is denied bool false no
enable_privately_used_public_ips When enabled, IPs from public (non-RFC1918) ranges can be used for pod_ip_allocation_range_name and service_ip_allocation_range_name. bool false no
env_variables Variables of the airflow environment. map(string) {} no
environment_size The environment size controls the performance parameters of the managed Cloud Composer infrastructure that includes the Airflow database. Values for environment size are: ENVIRONMENT_SIZE_SMALL, ENVIRONMENT_SIZE_MEDIUM, and ENVIRONMENT_SIZE_LARGE. string "ENVIRONMENT_SIZE_MEDIUM" no
grant_sa_agent_permission Cloud Composer relies on Workload Identity as Google API authentication mechanism for Airflow. bool true no
image_version The version of the aiflow running in the cloud composer environment. string "composer-2.10.2-airflow-2.10.2" no
kms_key_name Customer-managed Encryption Key fully qualified resource name, i.e. projects/project-id/locations/location/keyRings/keyring/cryptoKeys/key. string null no
labels The resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the Cloud Composer. map(string) {} no
maintenance_end_time Time window specified for recurring maintenance operations in RFC3339 format string null no
maintenance_recurrence Frequency of the recurring maintenance window in RFC5545 format. string null no
maintenance_start_time Time window specified for daily or recurring maintenance operations in RFC3339 format string "05:00" no
master_authorized_networks List of master authorized networks. If none are provided, disallow external access (except the cluster node IPs, which GKE automatically whitelists).
cidr_block = string
display_name = string
[] no
master_ipv4_cidr The CIDR block from which IP range in tenant project will be reserved for the GKE master. Required when use_private_environment and enable_private_endpoint is true string null no
network The VPC network to host the composer cluster. string n/a yes
network_project_id The project ID of the shared VPC's host (for shared vpc support) string "" no
pod_ip_allocation_range_name The name of the subnet secondary range, used to allocate IP addresses for the pods. string null no
project_id Project ID where Cloud Composer Environment is created. string n/a yes
pypi_packages Custom Python Package Index (PyPI) packages to be installed in the environment. Keys refer to the lowercase package name (e.g. "numpy"). map(string) {} no
region Region where the Cloud Composer Environment is created. string "us-central1" no
resilience_mode Cloud Composer 2.1.15 or newer only. The resilience mode states whether high resilience is enabled for the environment or not. Values for resilience mode are HIGH_RESILIENCE for high resilience and STANDARD_RESILIENCE for standard resilience string null no
scheduled_snapshots_config The recovery configuration settings for the Cloud Composer environment
enabled = optional(bool, false)
snapshot_location = optional(string)
snapshot_creation_schedule = optional(string)
time_zone = optional(string)
null no
scheduler Configuration for resources used by Airflow schedulers.
cpu = string
memory_gb = number
storage_gb = number
count = number
"count": 2,
"cpu": 2,
"memory_gb": 7.5,
"storage_gb": 5
service_ip_allocation_range_name The name of the subnet secondary range, used to allocate IP addresses for the Services. string null no
storage_bucket Name of an existing Cloud Storage bucket to be used by the environment string null no
subnetwork The name of the subnetwork to host the composer cluster. string n/a yes
subnetwork_region The subnetwork region of the shared VPC's host (for shared vpc support) string "" no
tags Tags applied to all nodes. Tags are used to identify valid sources or targets for network firewalls. set(string) [] no
task_logs_retention_storage_mode The mode of storage for Airflow workers task logs. Values for storage mode are CLOUD_LOGGING_ONLY to only store logs in cloud logging and CLOUD_LOGGING_AND_CLOUD_STORAGE to store logs in cloud logging and cloud storage. Cloud Composer 2.0.23 or newer only string null no
triggerer Configuration for resources used by Airflow triggerer
cpu = string
memory_gb = number
count = number
null no
use_private_environment Create a private environment. bool false no
web_server Configuration for resources used by Airflow web server.
cpu = string
memory_gb = number
storage_gb = number
"cpu": 2,
"memory_gb": 7.5,
"storage_gb": 5
web_server_network_access_control The network-level access control policy for the Airflow web server. If unspecified, no network-level access restrictions are applied
allowed_ip_range = string
description = string
null no
worker Configuration for resources used by Airflow workers.
cpu = string
memory_gb = number
storage_gb = number
min_count = number
max_count = number
"cpu": 2,
"max_count": 6,
"memory_gb": 7.5,
"min_count": 2,
"storage_gb": 5


Name Description
airflow_uri URI of the Apache Airflow Web UI hosted within the Cloud Composer Environment.
composer_env Cloud Composer Environment
composer_env_id ID of Cloud Composer Environment.
composer_env_name Name of the Cloud Composer Environment.
gcs_bucket Google Cloud Storage bucket which hosts DAGs for the Cloud Composer Environment.
gke_cluster Google Kubernetes Engine cluster used to run the Cloud Composer Environment.