MS Patterson, [email protected] February 14, 2019
## -- Attaching packages ----------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 --
## v ggplot2 3.1.0 v purrr 0.2.5
## v tibble 1.4.2 v dplyr 0.7.8
## v tidyr 0.8.2 v stringr 1.3.1
## v readr 1.2.1 v forcats 0.3.0
## -- Conflicts -------------------------------------------- tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
The following sample size calculation functions are derived from the work of Foody, G. M. (2009). Sample size determination for image classification accuracy assessment and comparison. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(20), 5273-5291.
Each of the three sample size caclulation functions relates to a particular approach. genSample1()
is an implementation of the typical sample size calcuation, using only the target accuracy (p0), the half-width of the Confidence Interval (h), and the tolerance for Type I error (alpha).
is used when it is desired to be able to reliably test for a result being a certain distance from the target accuracy. It requires the minimum detectable difference (min_diff), and also that tolerance for Type II errors be specified (beta).
is used when a confidence interval is of more interest than testing against a target accuracy. See eq. 22-25. This function requires the specification of the target or expected accuracy (p0), alpha and beta, and the difference in accuracy that can be detected with a power of 1 - beta (d).
The function contCorrect()
performs a continuity correction on sample size estimates. A continuity correction may be necessary when using equations that assume a continious distribution (samples are discrete), which results in a slight underestimate of the necessary sample size. It is most appropriate to apply to the estimate of sample size produced by genSample2()
The function powerEst()
can be used to estimate the power of a sample size, given the minimum difference to be detected (min_diff), the expected accuracy (p0), and alpha.
genSample1 <- function(p0 = 0.85, h = 0.01, alpha = 0.05){
# convert the input probalities into z scores
z_alpha <- qnorm((1 - alpha/2))
# calculate n_prime sample size
n <- z_alpha^2 * (p0 * (1 - p0)) / (h^2)
genSample2 <- function(p0 = 0.85, min_diff = 0.01, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2){
# convert the input probalities into z scores
z_alpha <- qnorm((1 - alpha))
z_beta <- qnorm((1 - beta))
# calculate the actual n prime estimate
p1 <- p0 - min_diff
noom <- (z_alpha * sqrt(p0 * (1 - p0))) + (z_beta * sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1)))
n <- (noom / min_diff)^2
genSample3 <- function(p0 = 0.85, d = 0.1, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2){
z_alpha <- qnorm((1 - alpha/2))
z_beta <- qnorm((1 - beta))
n <- (2 * p0 * (1 - p0) * (z_alpha + z_beta)^2) / d^2
contCorrect <- function(n_prime, min_diff = 0.01, p0 = 0.85){
n <- (n_prime / 4) * (1 + sqrt(1 + 2 / (n_prime * min_diff)))^2
powerEst <- function(n, min_diff, p0, alpha=0.05){
p1 <- p0 - min_diff
z_alpha <- qnorm((1 - alpha) + 0.025)
noom <- sqrt(n) * min_diff - (1 / (2 * sqrt(n))) -
z_alpha * sqrt(p0 * min_diff)
denoom <- sqrt(p1 * (1 - p1))
pow <- pnorm(noom/denoom)
This section relies on work in Wagner J.E. and S.V. Stehman. 2015, Optimizing sample size allocation to strata for estimating area and map accuracy. Remote Sens. Environ. 168:126-133.
This function checks that the area-proportion error matrix is properly formed, and accounts for 100% of the area.
checkErrorMatrix <- function(errorMatrix){
checkRows <- sum(rowSums(errorMatrix))
checkCols <- sum(colSums(errorMatrix))
total <- checkRows + checkCols
message <- ifelse(total == 2, c("Error matrix appears correctly formed."),
c("Errormatrix is not correctly formed."))
This function uses Wagner & Stehman's approach to optimize sample distribution for two strata. The optimization is intended to minimize standard errors while maintaining accuracy of area estimation.
The function requires two inputs: errorMatrix: An area-based error matrix for a two class map (2x2). nTotal: The total sample pool to work with.
optimizeSplit <- function(errorMatrix, nTotal, classes){
# Calculate individual components used for finding proportions.
v11 <- (errorMatrix[1,1] * (sum(errorMatrix[1,]) - errorMatrix[1,1]) /
v21 <- ((errorMatrix[1,1] * errorMatrix[2,1]) *
v22 <- ((errorMatrix[1,1] * errorMatrix[2,1]) *
v31 <- prod(errorMatrix[1,])
v32 <- prod(errorMatrix[2,])
k1 <- sum(c(v11, v21, v31))
k2 <- sum(c(v22, v32))
minV <- ifelse(k1 == 0, k2, ifelse(k2 == 0, k1, min(k1, k2)))
# Calculate the proportions for each class
n1p <- k1/minV
n2p <- sqrt(k2/minV)
np <- sum(c(n1p, n2p))
# Calculate sample sizes for each class
n1 <- round((n1p / np) * nTotal)
n2 <- round((n2p / np) * nTotal)
samples <- c(n1, n2)
names(samples) <- classes
The class of each sample point is collected as an intergers when the sample is generated in Google Earth Engine. These interger codes need to be converted into text (and later, a factor) for building an error matrix.
Land cover class codes
# Adding the Level 2 Classes.
# Note that the codes below are temporary, and for script development,
# and will be replaced when the LULC change product is produced.
convertToClasses <- function(table){
reclassed <- table %>%
MapClass = case_when(
CLASS == 1 ~ "Cultivo",
CLASS == 2 ~ "Cuerpo_de_Agua_Natural",
CLASS == 3 ~ "Area_sin_Cobertura_Vegetal",
CLASS == 4 ~ "Area_Poblada",
CLASS == 5 ~ "Bosque_Nativo",
CLASS == 6 ~ "Cuerpo_de_Agua_Artificial",
CLASS == 7 ~ "Plantacion_Forestal",
CLASS == 8 ~ "Infraestructura",
CLASS == 9 ~ "Vegetacion_Arbustiva",
CLASS == 10 ~ "Vegetacion_Herbacea",
CLASS == 11 ~ "Paramos",
CLASS == 12 ~ "Glaciar",
CLASS == 13 ~ "Manglar",
CLASS == 14 ~ "FF",
CLASS == 15 ~ "GG",
CLASS == 16 ~ "SS",
CLASS == 17 ~ "WW",
CLASS == 18 ~ "OO",
CLASS == 19 ~ "FC",
CLASS == 20 ~ "FG",
CLASS == 21 ~ "FS",
CLASS == 22 ~ "FW",
CLASS == 23 ~ "CG",
CLASS == 24 ~ "CF",
CLASS == 25 ~ "CS",
CLASS == 26 ~ "GC",
CLASS == 27 ~ "GF",
CLASS == 28 ~ "GS",
CLASS == 29 ~ "WC",
CLASS == 30 ~ "WS",
CLASS == 31 ~ "OS",
CLASS == 32 ~ "Catchall"
takes a raw point table produced by Collect Earth Online, and returns that table with a Primary and Secondary class field added. The Primary field is the class with the highest percentage cover, and the Secondary is the class with the second highest. If the plot has been flagged, these fields are marked FLAGGED.Ties return the classes in the order encountered.
addTopClasses <- function(inTable = NULL, plotfield = 1, flagfield = 6,
classfields = NULL){
### inTable should be a point-based classification table (output from CEO),
### plotField should point to the PLOTID field,
### flagfield should point to FLAGGED field,
### classfields should be a vector of the indices of the fields for the
### classes.
classes <- colnames(inTable)[classfields]
plots <- select(inTable, plotfield, flagfield, classfields)
#initialize variables to collect primary and secondary class types
primary <- NULL
secondary <- NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(plots)) {
if (plots[i,2] == "FALSE") {
#produce a version of the table
pl <- plots[i,-1]
pl <- as_vector(pl[-1])
n <- length(unique(pl))
#Is there a tie?
if (length(which(pl == sort(unique(pl))[n])) == 1) {
primary[i] <- classes[which(pl == sort(unique(pl))[n])]
#Does the second highest cover has a score of zero?
secondary[i] <- ifelse(sort(unique(pl))[n - 1] == 0,
#if so, enter max again
#if not enter second highest
classes[which(pl == sort(unique(pl))[n - 1])])
} #in case of tie, add the tied classes,
#primary is just the first field encountered
else {
tie <- classes[which(pl == sort(unique(pl))[n])]
paste("Plot", plots[i,1], "has a tie, with values", tie[1], "and", tie[2])
primary[i] <- tie[1]
secondary[i] <- tie[2]
else {
primary[i] <- "FLAGGED"
secondary[i] <- "FLAGGED"
inTable$Primary <- primary
inTable$Secondary <- secondary
The following functions build on the point-based data collected in CEO after, it has been processed using addTopClasses
. They convert the point-based classes into land use and land cover (LULC) classes, using thresholds devised in the LULC classification system.
(note these will be updated to Spanish class names)
- Primary Forest = Primary tree >= 30%
- Secondary Forest = Secondary tree >= 30%
- Plantation = Plantation tree >= 30%
- Mangrove = Mangrove >= 30%
- Grass/herbland = Herbaceous veg > 0% & Tree < 30% & Shrub < 30%
- Shrubland = Shrub vegetation >= 30%, Tree < 30%
- Paramo = Paramo > 0%
- Cropland = Crops >= 50%
- Water = Natural water >= 50% | Wetland vegetation >= 50%
- Settlement = Houses & Commercial >= 30% | Urban vegetation >= 30%
- Infrastructure = Roads and Lots >= 30% | Infrastructure building >= 30%
- Non-vegetated = barren >= 70%
- Glacier = Snow/Ice >= 70%
# Adding the Level 2 Classes.
addLevel2 <- function(table){
reclassed <- table %>%
LEVEL2 = case_when(
ARBOL_PRIMARIO >= 30 ~ "Bosque_Primario",
ARBOL_SECUNDARIO >= 30 ~ "Bosque_Secundario",
ARBOL_DE_PLANTACION >= 30 ~ "Plantacion_Forestal",
ARBOL_DE_MANGLE >= 30 ~ "Manglar",
VEGETACION_HERBACEA_PASTOS >= 30 ~ "Vegetacion_Herbacea",
VEGETACION_ARBUSTIVA >= 30 ~ "Vegetacion_Arbustiva",
CULTIVOS >= 50 ~ "Cultivo",
VEGETACION_DE_HUMEDALES >= 50 ~ "Cuerpo_de_Agua_Natural",
VEGETACION_DE_HUMEDALES >= 50 ~ "Cuerpo_de_Agua_Artificial",
AGUA_ARTIFICIAL > 0 ~ "Cuerpo_de_Agua_Artificial",
VEGETACION_DE_HUMEDALES >= 50 ~ "Cuerpo_de_Agua_Natural",
CARRETERAS_Y_LOTES >= 30 ~ "Area_Poblada",
ESTRUCTURA_DE_VIVIENDA > 0 ~ "Area_Poblada",
CARRETERAS_Y_LOTES >= 30 ~ "Infraestructura",
CARRETERAS_Y_LOTES >= 30 ~ "Infraestructura",
SUELO_DESNUDO >= 70 ~ "Area_sin_Cobertura_Vegetal",
VEGETACION_DE_ASENTAMIENTOS >= 30 ~ "Infraestructura",
CARRETERAS_Y_LOTES >= 30 ~ "Infraestructurae",
SUELO_DESNUDO >= 70 ~ "Glaciar",
OTRO >= 50 ~ "Otro",
NUBE_ININTELIGIBLE >= 50 ~ "Sin_Datos",
Primary == "FLAGGED" ~ "Sin_Datos",
TRUE ~ "Mosaico"
- Forest Lands = Primary, Secondary, Plantation, Mangrove
- Grasslands = Herbland, Shrubland, Paramo
- Croplands = Cropland
- Wetlands = Aritifical Water, Natural Water
- Settlement = Settlement, Infrastructure
- Other Lands = Glacier, Non-vegetated, Other, Mosaic
- No Data = No Data
# Adding the Level one classes.
addLevel1 <- function(table){
reclassed <- table %>%
LEVEL1 = case_when(
LEVEL2 == "Bosque_Primario" |
LEVEL2 == "Bosque_Secundario" |
LEVEL2 == "Plantacion_Forestal" |
LEVEL2 == "Manglar" ~ "Bosque",
LEVEL2 == "Vegetacion_Herbacea" |
LEVEL2 == "Vegetacion_Arbustiva" |
LEVEL2 == "Paramos" ~ "Vegetacion_Arbustiva_y_Herbacea",
LEVEL2 == "Cultivo" ~ "Tierra_Agropecuaria",
LEVEL2 == "Cuerpo_de_Agua_Natural" |
LEVEL2 == "Cuerpo_de_Agua_Artificial" ~ "Cuerpo_de_Agua",
LEVEL2 == "Area_Poblada" |
LEVEL2 == "Infraestructura" ~ "Zona_Antropica",
LEVEL2 == "Glaciar" |
LEVEL2 == "Area_sin_Cobertura_Vegetal" |
LEVEL2 == "Otro" |
LEVEL2 == "Mosaico" ~ "Otras_Tierras",
LEVEL2 == "Sin_Datos" ~ "Sin_Datos"
The final land cover class is produced from both time steps. If change has taken place, then a change class is assigned. If change has not occurred, then the stable class is retained. The final classes and their numerical codes are listed below (subject to update and change).
Final LULC classes and codes
Stable Level 2 Classes
- Bosque Primario -> Bosque Primario = 0
- Bosque Secundario -> Bosque Secundario = 1
- Plantacion Forestal -> Plantacion Forestal = 2
- Manglar -> Manglar = 3
- Vegetacion Arbustiva -> Vegetacion Arbustiva = 4
- Paramo -> Paramo = 5
- Vegetacion herbacea -> Vegetacion herbacea = 6
- Cultivo -> Cultivo = 7
- Cuerpo de Agua Natural -> Cuerpo de Agua Natural = 8
- Cuerpo de Agua Artificial -> Cuerpo de Agua Artificial = 9
- Area Poblada -> Area Poblada = 10
- Infraestructura -> Infraestructura = 11
- Area sin Cobertura Vegetal -> Area sin Cobertura Vegetal = 12
- Glaciar-> Glaciar = 13
Stable Level 1 Classes (internal change)
- Bosque -> Bosque (FF) = 14 - Vegetacion arbustiva y Herbacea-> Vegetacion arbustiva y Herbacea(GG) = 15
- Zona Antropica -> Zona Antropica (SS) = 16
- Cuerpo de Agua -> Cuerpo de Agua (WW) = 17
- Otros Tierras -> Otros Tierras (OO) = 18
Change Classes
- Bosque -> Tierra Agropecuaria (FC) = 19
- Bosque -> Vegetacion arbustiva y Herbacea (FG) = 20
- Bosque -> Zona Antropica (FS) = 21
- Bosque -> Cuerpo de Agua (FW) = 22
- Tierra Agropecuaria -> Vegetacion arbustiva y Herbacea (CG) = 23
- Tierra Agropecuaria -> Bosque (CF) = 24
- Tierra Agropecuaria -> Zona Antropica (CS) = 25
- Vegetacion arbustiva y Herbacea -> Tierra Agropecuaria (GC) = 26
- Vegetacion arbustiva y Herbacea -> Tierras Forestales (GF) = 27
- Vegetacion arbustiva y Herbacea -> Zona Antropica (GS) = 28
- Cuerpo de Agua -> Tierra Agropecuaria (WC) = 29
- Cuerpo de Agua -> Zona Antropica (WS) = 30
- Otros Tierras -> Zona Antropica (OS) = 31
- Todos los Otros Cambios (Catchall) = 32
# Note that the code below is temporary, and for script development,
# and will be adjusted when the LULC change product is produced.
addFinal <- function(table){
reclassed <- table %>%
refClass = case_when(
T1L2 == T2L2 ~ T2L2,
T1L1 == T2L1 &
T2L1 == "Bosque" ~ "FF",
T1L1 == T2L1 &
T2L1 == "Vegetacion_Arbustiva_y_Herbacea" ~ "GG",
T1L1 == T2L1 &
T2L1 == "Zona_Antropica" ~ "SS",
T1L1 == T2L1 &
T2L1 == "Otras_Tierras" ~ "OO",
T1L1 == T2L1 &
T2L1 == "Cuerpo_de_Agua" ~ "WW",
T1L1 == T2L1 ~ T2L1,
T1L1 == "Bosque" &
T2L1 == "Tierra_Agropecuaria" ~ "FC",
T1L1 == "Bosque" &
T2L1 == "Vegetacion_Arbustiva_y_Herbacea" ~ "FG",
T1L1 == "Bosque" &
T2L1 == "Zona_Antropica" ~ "FS",
T1L1 == "Bosque" &
T2L1 == "Cuerpo_de_Agua" ~ "FW",
T1L1 == "Tierra_Agropecuaria" &
T2L1 == "Bosque" ~ "CF",
T1L1 == "Tierra_Agropecuaria" &
T2L1 == "Vegetacion_Arbustiva_y_Herbacea" ~ "CG",
T1L1 == "Tierra_Agropecuaria" &
T2L1 == "Zona_Antropica" ~ "CS",
T1L1 == "Vegetacion_Arbustiva_y_Herbacea" &
T2L1 == "Tierra_Agropecuaria" ~ "GC",
T1L1 == "Vegetacion_Arbustiva_y_Herbacea" &
T2L1 == "Bosque" ~ "GF",
T1L1 == "Vegetacion_Arbustiva_y_Herbacea" &
T2L1 == "Zona_Antropica" ~ "GS",
T1L1 == "Cuerpo_de_Agua" &
T2L1 == "Tierra_Agropecuaria" ~ "WC",
T1L1 == "Cuerpo_de_Agua" &
T2L1 == "Zona_Antropica" ~ "WS",
T1L1 == "Otras_Tierras" &
T2L1 == "Zona_Antropica" ~ "OS",
TRUE ~ "Catchall"