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232 lines (218 loc) · 7.39 KB

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232 lines (218 loc) · 7.39 KB

customAlchemy reimpliments vanilla alchemy mechanics to allow batch potion brewing, server side customization and improvement of server performance.

Requires DataManager, GuiFramework, ContainerFramework, LevelingFramework and optionally QuickKeyCleaner, espParser!

Most of the formulas are contained in formulas.lua for (relatively) easy access.

You can find the configuration file in data/custom/__config_CustomAlchemy.json.

  • importESPs whether to parse ESP files on startup. Setting this to true will significantly increase your server starting times and RAM usage overall. It is recommended to use the caimportesps command when necessary. Default false.
  • cmdRank rank required to use the caimportesps command. Default 2 (admin).
  • progressSkill wheter to increase player alchemy skill. Requires LevelingFramework. Default false.
  • disableQuickKeys wheter to restrict adding aclhemy apparatuses to quick key slots. Requires QuickKeyCleaner. Default false.
  • menu is a list of all GUI ids used by customAlchemy. Edit this if some other scripts happen to use the same ones.
  • fail
    • sound plays when potion brewing is failed.
    • messageAttempt is shown when player didn't roll successfully to make any potions.
    • messageTooMany is shown when player puts too many ingredients inside the container.
    • messageUseless is shown when the resulting potion has no effects.
  • success
    • sound plays when potion(s) are brewed.
    • message1 is shown when 1 potion is brewed.
    • message is shown when multiple potions are brewed.
  • burden refId prefix of burden spells applied to the players to offset whatever ingredients are stored in the alchemy apparatuses.
  • container
    • baseId container used as a base. By default it is a dead rat. Currently you can't use actual cotnainers and should pick a creature or an NPC.
    • refId refId of the custom container used by this script. Edit for script compatibility.
    • name how the custom container is called.
    • type should be the same type as baseId
    • location position at which containers are placed in cell
  • potionEffectTreshold the amount of ingredients with the same effect necessary for the potion to have that effect. The default value is 2.
  • maximumIngredientCount how many different ingredients can be added to a potion. Default is 4.
  • apparatuses necessary data about all the alchemy apparatuses used. Can be used to make custom alchemy tools.
  • ingredients necessary data about all the ingredients. By default only contains ingredients from the original game and the expansions, has to be edited to accomodate for mods. Can also be used to make custom ingredients. For information about numeric values consult the table below.
  • effects necessary data for magical effects. For information about numeric values consult the table below.


  • caimportesps load ingredient and apparatus data from ESPs

Potion effects

WaterBreathing = 0,
SwiftSwim = 1,
WaterWalking = 2,
Shield = 3,
FireShield = 4,
LightningShield = 5,
FrostShield = 6,
Burden = 7,
Feather = 8,
Jump = 9,
Levitate = 10,
SlowFall = 11,
Lock = 12,
Open = 13,
FireDamage = 14,
ShockDamage = 15,
FrostDamage = 16,
DrainAttribute = 17,
DrainHealth = 18,
DrainMagicka = 19,
DrainFatigue = 20,
DrainSkill = 21,
DamageAttribute = 22,
DamageHealth = 23,
DamageMagicka = 24,
DamageFatigue = 25,
DamageSkill = 26,
Poison = 27,
WeaknessToFire = 28,
WeaknessToFrost = 29,
WeaknessToShock = 30,
WeaknessToMagicka = 31,
WeaknessToCommonDisease = 32,
WeaknessToBlightDisease = 33,
WeaknessToCorprusDisease = 34,
WeaknessToPoison = 35,
WeaknessToNormalWeapons = 36,
DisintegrateWeapon = 37,
DisintegrateArmor = 38,
Invisibility = 39,
Chameleon = 40,
Light = 41,
Sanctuary = 42,
NightEye = 43,
Charm = 44,
Paralyze = 45,
Silence = 46,
Blind = 47,
Sound = 48,
CalmHumanoid = 49,
CalmCreature = 50,
FrenzyHumanoid = 51,
FrenzyCreature = 52,
DemoralizeHumanoid = 53,
DemoralizeCreature = 54,
RallyHumanoid = 55,
RallyCreature = 56,
Dispel = 57,
Soultrap = 58,
Telekinesis = 59,
Mark = 60,
Recall = 61,
DivineIntervention = 62,
AlmsiviIntervention = 63,
DetectAnimal = 64,
DetectEnchantment = 65,
DetectKey = 66,
SpellAbsorption = 67,
Reflect = 68,
CureCommonDisease = 69,
CureBlightDisease = 70,
CureCorprusDisease = 71,
CurePoison = 72,
CureParalyzation = 73,
RestoreAttribute = 74,
RestoreHealth = 75,
RestoreMagicka = 76,
RestoreFatigue = 77,
RestoreSkill = 78,
FortifyAttribute = 79,
FortifyHealth = 80,
FortifyMagicka= 81,
FortifyFatigue = 82,
FortifySkill = 83,
FortifyMaximumMagicka = 84,
AbsorbAttribute = 85,
AbsorbHealth = 86,
AbsorbMagicka = 87,
AbsorbFatigue = 88,
AbsorbSkill = 89,
ResistFire = 90,
ResistFrost = 91,
ResistShock = 92,
ResistMagicka = 93,
ResistCommonDisease = 94,
ResistBlightDisease = 95,
ResistCorprusDisease = 96,
ResistPoison = 97,
ResistNormalWeapons = 98,
ResistParalysis = 99,
RemoveCurse = 100,
TurnUndead = 101,
SummonScamp = 102,
SummonClannfear = 103,
SummonDaedroth = 104,
SummonDremora = 105,
SummonAncestralGhost = 106,
SummonSkeletalMinion = 107,
SummonBonewalker = 108,
SummonGreaterBonewalker = 109,
SummonBonelord = 110,
SummonWingedTwilight = 111,
SummonHunger = 112,
SummonGoldenSaint = 113,
SummonFlameAtronach = 114,
SummonFrostAtronach = 115,
SummonStormAtronach = 116,
FortifyAttack = 117,
CommandCreature = 118,
CommandHumanoid = 119,
BoundDagger = 120,
BoundLongsword = 121,
BoundMace = 122,
BoundBattleAxe = 123,
BoundSpear = 124,
BoundLongbow = 125,
ExtraSpell = 126,
BoundCuirass = 127,
BoundHelm = 128,
BoundBoots = 129,
BoundShield = 130,
BoundGloves = 131,
Corprus = 132,
Vampirism = 133,
SummonCenturionSphere = 134,
SunDamage = 135,
StuntedMagicka = 136,

// Tribunal only
SummonFabricant = 137,

// Bloodmoon only
SummonWolf = 138,
SummonBear = 139,
SummonBonewolf = 140,
SummonCreature04 = 141,
SummonCreature05 = 142


0 = Block
1 = Armorer
2 = Medium Armor
3 = Heavy Armor
4 = Bluntweapon
5 = Longblade
6 = Axe
7 = Spear
8 = Athletics
9 = Enchant
10 = Destruction
11 = Alteration
12 = Illusion
13 = Conjuration
14 = Mysticism
15 = Restoration
16 = Alchemy
17 = Unarmored
18 = Security
19 = Sneak
20 = Acrobatics
21 = Lightarmor
22 = Shortblade
23 = Marksman
24 = Mercantile
25 = Speechcraft
26 = Handtohand


0 = Strength
1 = Intelligence
2 = Willpower
3 = Agility
4 = Speed
5 = Endurance
6 = Personality
7 = Luck