1 && (next_page = page_manager.next_page_number)
- = link_to "Fetch more...", fetch_branches_project_branches_path(page: next_page),
- id: 'fetch_more', class: 'btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block',
- data: { disable_with: with_dots('Fetching branches'), remote: true }
+ = link_to url, { method: method,
+ class: "list-group-item #{klass}" }.merge(tooltip_options) do
+ .list-group-item-heading
+ #{branch[:name]}
+ .list-group-separator
+ - if current_project.repository_provider == 'github'
+ - page_manager = GithubPageManager.new(@response_data[:last_response])
+ - if page_manager.all_pages_number > 1 && (next_page = page_manager.next_page_number)
+ = link_to "Fetch more...", fetch_branches_project_branches_path(page: next_page),
+ id: 'fetch_more', class: 'btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block',
+ data: { disable_with: with_dots('Fetching branches'), remote: true }
- - else
- %h2 No branches found! None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
- We were unable to find any branches in the '#{current_project.repository_name}'. That's weird...
- - if @branches
- - if @branches.empty?
- %p
- %h2 No branches found! None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
- We were unable to find any branches in the '#{current_project.repository_name}'. That's weird...
- - else
- %ul.list-group
- .branches
- - @branches.each do |branch|
- %li.list-unstyled
- = link_to branch.branch_name,
- project_branches_path(current_project,
- branch_name: branch.branch_name),
- method: :post,
- class: 'btn btn-raised btn-default btn-custom btn-block m-b-5'
+ - else
+ %h2 No branches found! None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
+ We were unable to find any branches in the '#{current_project.repository_name}'. That's weird...
+ - if @branches
+ - if @branches.empty?
+ %p
+ %h2 No branches found! None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
+ We were unable to find any branches in the '#{current_project.repository_name}'. That's weird...
+ - else
+ %ul.list-group
+ .branches
+ - @branches.each do |branch|
+ %li.list-unstyled
+ = link_to branch.branch_name,
+ project_branches_path(current_project,
+ branch_name: branch.branch_name),
+ method: :post,
+ class: 'btn btn-raised btn-default btn-custom btn-block m-b-5'