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"/docs/FAQs/web-apps/why-cloud-devices-cannot-access-local-apps/": "Steps to Test Locally Hosted Apps"
+ },
+ "issues-with-ui-Identifiers":{
+ "/docs/troubleshooting/web-apps/issues-with-ui-Identifiers/": "Issues with UI Identifiers"
+ },
+ "test-execution-queued-for-a-long-time":{
+ "/docs/troubleshooting/web-apps/test-execution-queued-for-a-long-time/": "Test Queued for a Long Time"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pages/docs/best-practices/best-practices.md b/src/pages/docs/best-practices/best-practices.md
index 97e339ff..0379461b 100644
--- a/src/pages/docs/best-practices/best-practices.md
+++ b/src/pages/docs/best-practices/best-practices.md
@@ -1,86 +1,206 @@
-title: "Best Practices to Ensure Tests Follow Testsigma Automation Standards"
-page_title: "Best Practices to follow Testsigma Automation Standards"
-metadesc: "Test Automation empowers quality engineers to test more in less time and with minimal effort. This article discusses the best practices to ensure tests follow Testsigma automation standards "
+title: "Testsigma Automation Standards and Best Practices"
+page_title: "Enhance Efficiency with Automated Testing Best Practices"
+metadesc: "Explore best practices for enhancing efficiency and reliability in automated testing through modular design, dynamic waits, and data-driven testing."
noindex: false
order: 27.1
page_id: "Best Practices to follow Testsigma Automation Standards"
warning: false
+- type: section
+ name: "Contents"
+- type: link
+ name: "Test Case Structure and Execution"
+ url: "#test-case-structure-and-execution"
+- type: link
+ name: "Assertions and Verifications"
+ url: "#assertions-and-verifications"
+- type: link
+ name: "Test Case Organization and Management"
+ url: "#test-case-organization-and-management"
+- type: link
+ name: "Customisation and Extensibility"
+ url: "#customisation-and-extensibility"
+- type: link
+ name: "Reusability and Modularity"
+ url: "#reusability-and-modularity"
+- type: link
+ name: "Element Management"
+ url: "#element-management"
+- type: link
+ name: "Variables and Scopes"
+ url: "#variables-and-scopes"
+- type: link
+ name: "Data-Driven Testing"
+ url: "#data-driven-testing"
+- type: link
+ name: "Test Data Types"
+ url: "#test-data-types"
+- type: link
+ name: "Configuration for Test Execution"
+ url: "#configuration-for-test-execution"
+- type: link
+ name: "Execution and Test Plan Run"
+ url: "#execution-and-test-plan-run"
+- type: link
+ name: "Testsigma Recorder Extension"
+ url: "#testsigma-recorder-extension"
+- type: link
+ name: "Third-Party Integration"
+ url: "#third-party-integration"
-Testing applications is a continuous process. Whenever any code is changed for the application under test, we should test different workflows in various machine configurations and operating systems. Manually testing all the possible combinations and user journeys requires enormous testing effort, which is associated with higher costs and time. Test Automation empowers quality engineers to test more in less time and with minimal effort. However, the reusability of automated cases contributes to this and makes the whole testing process faster. To set up all kinds of repetitive, thorough, and data-intensive tests for success, there are several test automation best practices that you need to be aware of.
+Testsigma Automation Standards emphasise the reusability of automated test cases to enhance the testing process and maximise efficiency. Quality engineers can accelerate the overall testing process by leveraging this reusability. Successful implementation requires a solid understanding of test automation best practices, which enable the setup of repetitive, thorough, and data-intensive tests. These best practices ensure reliable and accurate results while optimising testing efforts.
-## **Below are the Best Practices to Ensure Tests Follow Testsigma's Automation Standards**
-- Write small, atomic, independent, and autonomous test cases.
-- Avoid using static waits. Instead, wait for certain actions to be completed.
-- Use soft assertions wherever possible. An assertion is a way you say what you expect out of the automated test case. Like how a sequence of NLPs decides the test steps to be performed on the application under test, verify NLPs tell about the validations to be performed on the application at that specific point in time. The status of the test case depends on the verifications made as part of the test case.
- - NLPs for the assertions in Testsigma are listed under **Test Development > Actions List > Verify**
- - By default, when verification in the test case fails, the status of the test case is marked as Failed, test case execution will be aborted, and the remaining test steps are skipped.
- - If you want to perform soft assertion where you need to execute the remaining steps after a test step fails, you can change it for a specific step
- - **Edit the test step > More details > Uncheck** ```Stop Test Case execution on Test Step failure```
-- Filter, segment, and organize the test cases which helps you to easily identify the test quickly.
- - Add a label or map test case to the relevant requirement which would help the user to filter the tests.
- - One of the main advantages of adding a label or mapping the test case to a requirement is that they make it easier to locate and access test cases. You can filter and save the resulting test cases in a separate well-organized view which helps users to find test cases faster.
- - In Testsigma, you can add a label either by creating the test case or whilst editing it. Labels is the default field in the test case.
- - In the below example, we have saved a view for login-related tests.
- ![Login Steps Page](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/loginrelated.png)
-- If you want to perform any action and you don't see an NLP for the same under the actions list, then you can create your own NLP that is specific to your application by using add-ons. An add-on is a way to extend Testsigma’s built-in repository of actions.
- - You can use the existing add-ons or share your own with the rest of the test automation community through the [Add-ons Community Marketplace](https://testsigma.com/docs/addons/community-marketplace/).
- - An example of an add-on is an NLP to verify text from two DOM elements.
-- We can create and use a common reusable function (```Step Groups```) across test cases to avoid duplicate actions and redundant effort in maintaining tests. It is a good practice to separate the reusable components from the test flow to ease the test maintenance to a greater extent.
- - For example, if there is a change in any of the modules, it should be reflected in all the test cases invoking that module with little to no effort. This is a far better approach than making changes at each place in a non-modular scenario.
- - An example is to have login into the application as a step group.
-- Automate redundant UI actions via REST API steps. This will help in increasing the stability of the test and reduce the duration of the test since API actions are less time-consuming than performing the same action in UI.
-- When you create an element manually, follow the proper naming convention that will help in reusing the same element in multiple test cases.
-- When you create an element that is inside an iFrame or Shadow DOM context, map the add the appropriate context details.
-![Mapping Details](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/mapdetails.png)
-- To easily access elements, you can save filters and create a view based on the screen name. This filter might help the user to check for the presence of elements in Testsigma’s repository before recreating it again.
-![Add filters](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/addfilters.png)
-- Use Test Data Profiles to maintain project configuration data, database connection details or project settings, etc. A test data set inside a test data profile is like a JSON key-value pair where each key is the header of the row in the data set.
- - In the below example, ```Login Credentials``` is the Test Data Profile that can be linked to any test case in the current application inside the project.
- - When you link the test data profile and test data set to the test case, you can use the type ```@paramater``` test-data type in NLP to select the column.
- ![Test Data Profile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tdp.png)
- ![Test Data Profile Example](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tdpex.png)
-- Use Test Data Profile for data-driven testing.
- - When you want to perform the same action for a different set of test data, you can create the test case, link it to the test data profile, and enable a data-driven toggle.
- - There is an NLP to even update any column in the test data profile that is linked to the test case.
- ![Update TDP](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/updatetdp.png)
-- Use variables at the relevant scope. The scope of a variable is its lifetime in test execution.
It can be accessed from any test case in any test suite.
It holds the same value throughout the execution.
Values assigned to an environment variable cannot be overwritten.| **Test development → Environments → Create**
**Example:** ![Environment](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/env.png)| Use ```*|Environment|``` data type for test-data during test step creation.
Use ```*|Environment|``` inside locator value while creating the element.
**Example:** ```//button[text()=’*|username|’]```|
-|[Runtime](https://testsigma.com/docs/elements/dynamic-elements/with-runtime-test-data/)| It holds the same value throughout the test run when you run the tests sequentially.
When you run the tests in parallel, every session holds different value (value that is assigned as part of test run)
Value of a runtime variable can be updated from any other tests.|**Test development → Actions List → Store**
**Example:** ![Run Time Variables](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/variables.png)| Use ```$|Runtime|``` data type for test-data during test step creation. An overlay appears from where we can select the runtime variable.
Use ```*|Runtime|``` inside locator value while creating the element.
**Example:** ```//button[text()='$|divText|']``` |
-|[Test Data Profile](https://testsigma.com/docs/elements/dynamic-elements/with-parameter-test-data/)| Test Data Profile and sets in it can be linked to any testcase.
Values in test data profile can be updated from any other tests.|**Test development → Test Data Profiles → Create**
**Example:** ![Create TDP](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tdplogin.png)| Use ```@|Parameter|``` data type for test-data during test step creation. An overlay appears from where we can select the test data set.
Use ```@|Parameter|``` inside locator value while creating the element.
**Example:** ```//input[@id='@|elementName|']```|
-- Use relevant [test data types](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-data/types/overview/) that are supported in Testsigma at the right place.
-|**Data Type**|**Usage**|
-|Plain Text|Use when the input is constant|
-|Parameter|Use when the input is data driven|
-|Run Time|Use when the input cannot be initialized but retrieved during runtime|
-|Environment|Use when the input is constant and it is setting that might get changed|
-|Random|Use to select one from the range of input|
-|Data Generator|Use to generate fake data|
-|Phone Number|Configure a phone number and use for OTP, 2FA which requires phone number that actually receives SMS|
-|Mailbox|Configure a mailbox and use for activation link, OTP which requires actual mailbox that receives email|
-- When you need to use attachments, upload them in **Test Development > Uploads**, copy the path and use it in the test step.
- - Max file size allowed is 300 MB
- - The latest version of the uploaded file is always considered
-- When you want to perform cross-browser testing with certain [capabilities](https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/legacy/desired_capabilities/) set to browsers, use ```Desired Capabilities```.
- - You can set ```Desired Capabilities``` to both ad-hoc runs and test plans.
-- Make sure that test cases are in ```Ready``` state so that they can be added to Test Suite. Relevant tests can be grouped into a test suite.
-- Run the test plan in a headless mode which helps in reducing the time taken for execution and gets rid of the element loading time.
-- Exclude consistently failing test suites from run by selecting ```Partial Run```from Test Plan.
-- You can exclude tests from the test plan or disable tests for execution from **Test Plan > Test Machines & Suites Selection**.
-![Test Machines & Suites Selection](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tstm.png)
-- Use the ```Schedule``` feature to run the test plan without manual intervention.
-- When you need to record the tests and debug step-by-step execution, launch the test in debugging mode.
-- Avoid interacting directly with third-party plugins via UI actions. Depending on the third party’s UI makes the test feeble. We can either use their APIs or a mock server to set the actual scenario in AUT.
\ No newline at end of file
+## **Test Case Structure and Execution**
+1. Write small, atomic, independent, and autonomous test cases to focus, modularise, and maintain them easily.
+2. Use **Soft Assertions** wherever possible. Soft assertions allow test execution to continue even if a verification step fails and provide more comprehensive test results.
+3. Use **Dynamic Waits** to improve test efficiency and reduce the chances of false positives or negatives in test results.
+4. You should structure your test cases in the AAA pattern with three distinct sections: **Arrange**, **Act**, and **Assert**. In the arranged section, you set the preconditions for the test. In the act section, you perform the tested actions; in the assert section, you verify the expected outcomes.
+## **Assertions and Verifications**
+1. You define the expected outcomes of automated test cases and specify the validations to be performed at specific points in time as verifications to understand the concept of assertions.
+2. Navigate to **Help** > **Actions List** on the Test Case details page to find **NLPs** with assertions in Testsigma. ![Action Lists](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/action_list.png)
+3. A failed verification in a test case marks the overall test case as failed by default. If validation fails, the remaining test steps will be skipped, and the test case execution will be aborted.
+4. To implement soft assertions for scenarios that require execution of remaining steps after a test step failure, follow the steps below and for more information, refer to [Test Step Settings](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-cases/create-test-steps/actions-and-options-recorder/step-settings/):
+ - Hover over the test step, click **Option**, and choose **Step Settings** from the dropdown.
+ - Uncheck **Stop Test Case execution on Test Step failure** and click **Update**.
+ - You can configure specific steps to continue executing even if verification fails.
+## **Test Case Organization and Management**
+1. Filter, segment, and organise test cases for easy identification to streamline test management processes and quickly locate specific tests.
+2. **Label or map relevant requirements** to test cases to facilitate filtering and improve accessibility. Users can filter and save test cases in separate views based on labelled or mapped requirements.
+3. During test case creation or editing, you can add labels. The label field is available by default in the test case. ![Requirements and Labels](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/req_labels.png)
+4. You can **Save Filters** to quickly access and manage test cases associated with a particular functionality or scenario, such as those related to login. For more information, refer to [Save Test Case Filter](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-cases/manage/list-actions/#save-test-case-filter).
+## **Customisation and Extensibility**
+1. You can use **add-ons to extend Testsigma's repository** of actions and create custom NLPs for specific actions that are not available in the built-in Actions List.
+2. Share your add-ons or leverage existing ones with the test automation community through the Add-ons Community Marketplace. You can use add-ons to provide additional functionality and expand the capabilities of Testsigma. For more information, refer to [Create an Add-on](https://testsigma.com/docs/addons/create/).
+[[info | Example:]]
+| You create an add-on for verifying text from two DOM elements.
+## **Reusability and Modularity**
+1. To avoid duplication and simplify test maintenance, use **Step Groups** as common reusable functions across test cases. Step Groups promote modular test design and easy maintenance by separating reusable components from the test flow. Any changes made to a Step Group will be reflected in all test cases that invoke it. For more information, refer to [Step Groups](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-cases/step-types/step-group/).
+[[info | Example:]]
+| Create a Step Group to reuse login functionality in multiple test cases.
+2. Use **REST API Steps** to automate redundant UI actions. Performing these actions through REST API steps will improve test stability and reduce test execution time compared to using the UI. For more information, refer to [Rest API](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-cases/step-types/rest-api/).
+## **Element Management**
+1. Create elements with proper naming conventions to enable reuse in multiple test cases. For more information, refer to [Create an Element](https://testsigma.com/docs/elements/web-apps/create-manually/).
+[[info | Example:]]
+| Use descriptive names such as "UsernameInput" or "LoginButton" to make them easy to identify.
+2. You should map appropriate context details when you create elements inside **iFrames** or **Shadow DOM** contexts. Mapping context details will ensure you correctly identify and interact with elements within specific contexts. For more information refer to Shadow DOM Element. For more information, refer to [Create a Shadow DOM element](https://testsigma.com/docs/elements/web-apps/shadow-dom/#create-element-for-shadow-dom).
+3. You can easily access elements by saving filters and creating views based on screen names. They can check for the presence of elements in Testsigma's repository before recreating them. Element management is facilitated by adding filters. For more information, refer to [Save Element Filters](https://testsigma.com/docs/elements/overview/#save-element-filter).
+[[info | Example:]]
+| Create a view that displays elements related to the ''Login'' screen for quick reference.
+## **Variables and Scopes**
+|**Environment**|The value stays constant during the test execution. The environment variable's values cannot be overwritten.Any test case in any test suite can be accessed.To create an Environment, navigate to **Test Data** > **Environments** > **Create**. For more information, refer to [Environments](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-data/create-environment-data/)|Define base URLs or configuration settings specific to the environment.Create test steps using the data type * url.Example: //button[text()=’*\|url\|’]|
+|**Runtime**|The values are the same throughout a sequential test run; other tests can update them. For more information, refer to [Runtime Variable](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-data/types/runtime/).|During test execution, store session-specific data or dynamic values.Create test steps using the data type $ divText.Example: //button[text()=’$\|divText\|’] |
+|**Test Data Profile**|You can link specific test cases. You can update the values in test data profiles from other test cases.To create a Test Data Profile, navigate to **Test Data** > **Test Data Profile** > **Create**. For more information, refer to [Test Data Profile](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-data/create-data-profiles/)|Use data-driven testing and maintain test data sets.Create test steps using the data type **@ username**.Example: //button[text()=’@\|username\|’]|
+## **Data-Driven Testing**
+1. Enable the data-driven toggle in test cases and use Test Data Profiles to perform the same action with different test data sets for data-driven testing. For more information, refer to [Data-Driven Testing](https://testsigma.com/tutorials/test-cases/data-driven-testing/).
+2. Test Data Profiles use key-value pair format to store project configuration data, database connection details, and project settings for easy access and reuse of test data.
+[[info | Example:]]
+| Create a Test Data Profile named "ConfigData" to store configuration-related test data.
+3. Linking test cases to test data profiles and data sets using the **@ parameter** test-data type in NLP allows you to use specific columns from the test data set in your test steps.
+[[info | Example:]]
+| Link login credentials to a test data profile and use it to test different user logins in a test case.
+## **Test Data Types**
+|Data Type|Usage|Examples|
+|**Plain Text**|Used for storing general textual data.|“Hello World", “Test123”|
+|**@ Parameter**|Dynamically changeable values in a test case.|@ username, @ password|
+|**$ Runtime**|Values assigned/updated during test execution.|$ name, $ currenttime|
+|* Environment|Stores information about the current environment.|* url, * website|
+|**~ Random**|Generates random values within specified constraints.|Random item from a list|
+|**! Data Generator**|Generates test data based on predefined rules.|! TestDataFromProfile :: getTestDataBySetName|
+|**% Phone Number**|Stores phone numbers|% +123456789|
+|**& Mail Box**|Stores email addresses.|& automation@name.testsigma.com|
+## **Configuration for Test Execution**
+1. Upload attachments for test steps in **Test Data** > **Uploads** and follow the maximum file size limit of **1024 MB**. The system always considers the latest version of the uploaded file. For more information, refer to [Uploads](https://testsigma.com/docs/uploads/upload-files/).
+2. Configure **Desired Capabilities** for cross-browser testing with specific browser configurations. You can configure Desired Capabilities for ad-hoc runs and test plans. For more information, refer to [Desired Capabilities](https://testsigma.com/docs/desired-capabilities/overview/).
+[[info | Example:]]
+| Specify the desired capabilities of the targeted testing, such as browser version or device type.
+3. Ensure you put test cases in the Ready state before adding them to a Test Suite. Organise relevant tests into test suites for better organisation and execution. For more information, refer to [Test Suites](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-management/test-suites/overview/).
+[[info | Example:]]
+| Create a "Login Suite" and add all relevant login-related test cases for efficient execution.
+## **Execution and Test Plan Run**
+1. Run test case and test plan in **Headless** mode to reduce execution time and eliminate element loading time. For more information, refer to [Headless Browser Testing](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-management/test-plans/headless-testing/).
+[[info | Example:]]
+| To achieve faster test execution, execute the test plan without a visible browser.
+2. Use the **Partial Run** option in the Test Plan to exclude consistently failing test suites from runs; you can exclude or disable tests for execution from the Test Machines & Suites Selection in the Test Plan. For more information, refer to [Partial Run](https://testsigma.com/docs/runs/test-plan-executions/#partial-test-runs).
+3. Use the **Schedule** feature to run the test plan automatically without manual intervention. For more information, refer to [Schedule a Test Plan](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-management/test-plans/schedule-plans/).
+[[info | Example:]]
+| Schedule unattended testing during non-business hours by executing the test plan.
+## **Testsigma Recorder Extension**
+1. Use the Testsigma Recorder Extension to record user interactions on web applications. Customise and modify the recorded test steps to align with the desired test case behaviour. For more information, refer to [Recording Test Steps](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-cases/create-steps-recorder/web-apps/overview/).
+2. Use the **Automatic Element Identification** feature of the recorder extension to easily capture elements and apply validations and verifications during recording to ensure that test steps include necessary assertions.
+## **Third-Party Integration**
+Avoid relying on third-party UI elements for UI actions and instead use APIs or a mock server to simulate actual scenarios in the Application Under Test (AUT). This reduces the fragility of tests.
diff --git a/src/pages/docs/configuration/generate-wda-file.md b/src/pages/docs/configuration/generate-wda-file.md
index 23324caf..392e17f9 100644
--- a/src/pages/docs/configuration/generate-wda-file.md
+++ b/src/pages/docs/configuration/generate-wda-file.md
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ WebDriverAgent (WDA) plays an important role in automating iOS tests. It bridges
[[info | **NOTE**:]]
| Replace **** with the actual **UDID** (Unique Device Identifier) of the iOS device or simulator where you want to run the tests.
-5. Create a Zip Archive from the Products Folder
+5. Create a Zip Archive from the Products Folder
Locate the **Products** folder within the Xcode derived data directory. The path looks like this:
diff --git a/src/pages/docs/configuration/ios-settings.md b/src/pages/docs/configuration/ios-settings.md
index bd97041b..745b4706 100644
--- a/src/pages/docs/configuration/ios-settings.md
+++ b/src/pages/docs/configuration/ios-settings.md
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-title: "Configure your Local iOS Device"
-order: 19.3
-page_id: "iOS Settings"
-metadesc: "Testsigma allows you to run tests on your Local iOS devices in addition to Testsigma Cloud machines/devices. Learn how to configure your local iOS Devices"
+title: "Configuring Local iOS Device with Provisioning Profile"
+page_title: "Configure Local iOS Device Provisioning Profile for Testing"
+metadesc: "Effortlessly configure your local iOS device with a provisioning profile to start. Follow steps for error-free testing and elevate your mobile app development."
+order: 19.5
+page_id: "creating-provisioning-profile-for-ios-app-testing"
noindex: false
search_keyword: ""
warning: false
@@ -10,8 +11,8 @@ contextual_links:
- type: section
name: "Contents"
- type: link
- name: "iOS Native Setting"
- url: "#ios-native-setting"
+ name: "Steps to Create Provisioning Profile"
+ url: "#steps-to-create-provisioning-profile"
- type: link
name: "Troubleshooting Errors"
url: "#troubleshooting-errors"
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ contextual_links:
-Testsigma allows you to test local iOS devices and Testsigma Cloud machines/devices. To do this, you need to configure your provisioning profiles on Testsigma. This document provides a step-by-step guide for configuring your provisioning profiles and troubleshooting errors on Testsigma.
+Testsigma allows you to seamlessly test your applications on local iOS devices as well as on Testsigma Cloud machines. To achieve this, you need to properly configure your provisioning profiles or WebdriverAgent (WDA) on the Testsigma platform. This guide provides the step-by-step process for configuring your provisioning profiles and troubleshooting any potential errors encountered within Testsigma.
@@ -30,33 +31,35 @@ Before configuring your local iOS devices, ensure you have a valid [Apple Develo
-## **iOS Native Setting**
-You must generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and upload it to the Apple Developer portal to run Testsigma tests on your local iOS device. Here's how to do that:
-1. Navigate to **Settings** > **iOS Settings**. ![iOS Setting in Testsigma](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/iosprofile_ts.png)
-2. Click **+New Profile** in the top-right corner of the screen, and enter **Profile Name** in the field. ![Enter Profile name](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/generate_csr_dwnld.png)
-3. Click **Generate Request** to create a **Certificate Signing Request** (CSR) and click **Download Request** to download the CSR. ![Generate CSR and Download](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/download_csr_ts.png)
-4. Go to the [Apple Developer](https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/certificates/) portal and navigate to the **Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles** section. ![Apple Developer Website](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/certificate_apple.png)
-5. Click on **+** next to **Certificates** in the **Certificates** section, then select **iOS App Development**. Finally, click on **Continue**. ![Select iOS App Developer](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/newiosapp_continue_apple.png)
-6. Click **Continue** after uploading the **CSR file** downloaded from **Testsigma**. ![Upload CSR file](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/uploadcsr_continue_apple.png)
-7. Click **Download** in the screen's top-right corner to download the certificate file from the Apple Developer Portal. ![Download Certificate from Apple](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/download_certificate_apple.png)
-8. Click **Upload Certificate** next to **Certificate** in **Testsigma** and select the certificate downloaded from the Apple Developer Portal. ![Upload CSR file in Testsigma](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/upload_certificate_ts.png)
-9. Create your **Mobile Provisioning Profile** by returning to the **Apple Developer** Portal and the **Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles** > **Profiles** section. ![Select Profiles in Apple Portal](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/select_profiles_apple.png)
-10. Click on **+** next to **Profiles** in the **Profiles** section, then select **iOS App Development**. Finally, click on **Continue**. ![Select iOS App Developer and click continue](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/newiosapp_continue_profile_apple.png)
-11. Click on the drop-down menu and select a **Wildcard App ID** in **Select an App ID**, then click **Continue** to proceed to the next step. ![Select App ID from Profiles](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/appid_profiles_apple.png)
-12. Select a **Certificate** downloaded from the **Apple Developer** Portal, upload it to **Testsigma**, and include it in this provisioning profile. Afterwards, proceed to the next step by clicking on **Continue**. ![select certificate](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/selectcerftificate_profiles_apple.png)
-13. Select the **Devices** that you want to include in this provisioning profile. ![select devices](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/selectdevices_profiles_apple.png)
-14. Enter the **Provisioning Profile Name** in the field and click **Generate**. ![Generate Provisioning Profile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/generate_profiles_apple.png)
-15. Click **Download** in the screen's top-right corner to download the **Provisioning Profile** from the Apple Developer Portal. ![Download Certificate from Apple](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/download_profiles_apple.png)
-16. Click **Upload Certificate** next to **Provisioning Profile** in Testsigma and select the Provisioning Profile downloaded from the Apple Developer Portal. ![Upload Provisioning Profile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/upload_provisioningprofile_ts.png)
-17. Click **Provisioning Profile Details** to view **Provisioned Devices** and **Re-signing Uploads Status**. ![Provisioning Profile Details](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/provisional_profiles_details_ts.png)
+## **Steps to Create Provisioning Profile**
+Follow these steps to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and upload it to the Apple Developer portal to run Testsigma tests on your local iOS device:
+1. Navigate to **Settings** > **iOS Settings**.
+2. Under the **Provisional Profile** tab, click on **Create New Profile** located in the top-right corner. ![iOS Setting in Testsigma](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/create_new_profile_pro.png)
+3. Enter a name for the profile in the provided field.
+4. Click **Generate Request** to create a **Certificate Signing Request** (CSR), and then click **Download Request** to save the CSR file. ![Generate CSR and Download](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/download_csr_ts.png)
+5. Visit the [Apple Developer](https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/certificates/) portal and go to the **Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles** section. ![Apple Developer Website](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/certificate_apple.png)
+6. Click on the **+** next to **Certificates** in the **Certificates** section, select **iOS App Development**. Click **Continue**. ![Select iOS App Developer](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/newiosapp_continue_apple.png)
+7. After you upload the **CSR** file downloaded from **Testsigma**, click **Continue**. ![Upload CSR file](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/uploadcsr_continue_apple.png)
+8. Click **Download** in the top-right corner to download the certificate file from the Apple Developer Portal. ![Download Certificate from Apple](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/download_certificate_apple.png)
+9. In **Testsigma**, click **Upload Certificate** next to **Certificate** and select the downloaded certificate file. ![Upload CSR file in Testsigma](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/upload_prof_pro_ts.png)
+10. Go back to the **Apple Developer** Portal and navigate to the **Certificates**, **Identifiers** & **Profiles** > **Profiles** section. ![Select Profiles in Apple Portal](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/select_profiles_apple.png)
+11. Click on the **+** next to **Profiles** in the **Profiles** section, select **iOS App Development**. Click **Continue**. ![Select iOS App Developer and click continue](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/newiosapp_continue_profile_apple.png)
+12. Click on the drop-down menu and select a **Wildcard App ID** in **Select an App ID**, then click **Continue** to proceed to the next step. ![Select App ID from Profiles](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/appid_profiles_apple.png)
+13. Select a **Certificate** downloaded from the **Apple Developer** Portal, upload it to **Testsigma**, and include it in this provisioning profile. Afterwards, proceed to the next step by clicking on **Continue**. ![select certificate](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/selectcerftificate_profiles_apple.png)
+14. Select the **Devices** that you want to include in this provisioning profile. ![select devices](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/selectdevices_profiles_apple.png)
+15. Enter a name for the **Provisioning Profile** and click **Generate**. ![Generate Provisioning Profile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/generate_profiles_apple.png)
+16. Click **Download** in the top-right corner to download the **Provisioning Profile** from the Apple Developer Portal ![Download Certificate from Apple](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/overview/download_profiles_apple.png)
+17. In Testsigma, click **Upload Certificate** next to **Provisioning Profile** and select the downloaded Provisioning Profile file. ![Upload Provisioning Profile](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/upload_profpro_testsigma.png)
+18. Finally, you click **Create** to complete the **Provisioning Profile** setup. ![Provisioning Profile Details](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/create_ios_prof_ts.png)
[[info | NOTE:]]
| 1. You should download the iTunes exe installer from Apple's website for Windows. If you have installed it from Microsoft Store, please uninstall it.
| 2. If you have installed iTunes, ensure that Apple Mobile Device Service runs in Task Manager. If it is not running, open iTunes and check again if the service starts running.
-Now that you have set up everything, you can record your iOS tests and run them on your iOS device(s).
+You can further manage your certificates by downloading CSR and Provisioned certificates for viewing and checking the validity of the Provisioning Profile certificate. If necessary, you can remove Provisioning Profile certificates by clicking Delete.
Now that you have set up everything, you can record your iOS tests and run them on your iOS device(s).
diff --git a/src/pages/docs/configuration/reset-password.md b/src/pages/docs/configuration/reset-password.md
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-order: 19.4
+order: 19.3
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metadesc: "Learn steps in detail on how to reset username and password in Testsigma Community Edition. Follow these steps to reset username and password."
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title: "Storage Types Supported in Testsigma"
page_title: "How to configuration Storage Types in Testsigma Community Edition"
-order: 19.5
+order: 19.4
page_id: "Storage Types Supported in Testsigma"
metadesc: "Storage allows you to store files on your integrated cloud storage provider. How to configuration Storage Types in Testsigma Community Edition"
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@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
title: "Common Desired Capabilities"
-metadesc: "Learn about most commonly used Desired Capabilities for Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Execution Timeouts Specific and Environment Customizations in Testsigma Labs in Testsigma"
+page_title: "Streamline Testing Processes with Advanced Capabilities"
+metadesc: "Enhance efficiency with common desired capabilities in testing. Optimise workflows, boost collaboration, and ensure quality with cutting-edge testing features."
noindex: false
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@@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ contextual_links:
- type: link
name: "Android Specific"
url: "#android-specific"
+- type: link
+ name: "iOS Specific"
+ url: "#ios-specific"
@@ -114,15 +118,15 @@ Below are a few of the most commonly used Desired Capabilities in executions usi
|Description|Capability|Data Type|Value|
|Persist App data in local Android devices across Hybrid Test sessions|noReset|boolean|true|
+|Automatically grant required app permissions based on the [Android manifest](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro) during installation.|autoGrantPermissions|boolean|true|
+## **iOS Specific**
+|Description|Capability|Data Type|Value|
+|Automatically approve all permission pop-ups, including privacy access requests for location, contacts, and photos.|autoAcceptAlerts|boolean|true|
+|Automatically dismiss all permission pop-ups, including privacy access permissions like location, contacts, and photos.|autoDismissAlerts|boolean|true|
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-title: "Azure DevOps"
-page_title: "Azure DevOps"
-metadesc: "Azure DevOps integration with Testsigma helps you to link Test Cases. Learn how to integrate Azure DevOps with Testsigma Application"
-noindex: false
-order: 16.39
-page_id: "Azure DevOps"
-warning: false
-- type: section
- name: "Contents"
-- type: link
- name: "Steps to enable the Azure DevOps plugin"
- url: "#steps-to-enable-the-azure-devops-plugin"
-- type: link
- name: "Steps to integrate Azure DevOps with Testsigma"
- url: "#steps-to-integrate-azure-devops-with-testsigma"
-The following article discusses how to Integrate Azure DevOps with Testsigma.
-Here is a quick GIF demonstrating how to integrate Azure DevOps and link Test Cases to Testsigma.
-![Azure DevOps GIF](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/AzureDevOps.gif)
-To integrate Azure DevOps, you need the following information:
-1. **Organization URL**: Your account URL from Azure DevOps.
-(Your Organization URL is https://dev.azure.com/<username>)
-2. **Access Key**: Access Key from Azure DevOps.
-Here is a quick gif to help you find the access key from Azure DevOps.
-![Token GIF](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/token.gif)
-## **Steps to enable the Azure DevOps plugin**
-1. Navigate to **Settings > Plugins**.
-2. Click on the **Disabled** icon on the **Azure DevOps Boards** widget.
-3. On the **Azure Details** pop-up window,
- - Enter the following details-
- - Account URL
- - API Key
- ![Click on Create](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/clickoncreate.png)
- - Click on **Create**
-4. You can see the plugin enabled.
-![Plugin Enabled](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/pluginenabled.png)
-## **Steps to integrate Azure DevOps with Testsigma**
-1. Navigate to **Test Development > Test cases**.
-![Test Cases](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/testcases.png)
-2. Hover over the test case for which you want to link Azure DevOps Test Case.
-![Hover Over](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/testcasescreate.png)
-3. Enter the **Azure DevOps Test Case ID**.
-![Enter ID](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/enterid.png)
-[[info | **NOTE**:]]
-|You'll get the Test Case ID from Work items in your Azure DevOps account.
-|![Test Case ID](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/workitems.png)
-4. Click on the **Link**.
-![Link TC](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/clickonlink.png)
-5. You can see the Azure DevOps Test Case linked to the Test Case.
-![Linked TC](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/testcaselinked.png)
-[[info | **NOTE**:]]
-|You can edit and delete the linked Azure Devops Test Cases by clicking on the respective icons.
\ No newline at end of file
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name: "Prerequisites"
url: "#prerequisites"
- type: link
- name: "Integrate Azure DevOps With Testsigma"
- url: "#integrate-azure-devops-with-testsigma"
+ name: "Steps to Integrate Azure DevOps with Testsigma"
+ url: "#steps-to-integrate-azure-devops-with-testsigma"
- type: link
name: "Creating Work Item on Azure from Testsigma"
url: "#creating-work-item-on-azure-from-testsigma"
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--- a/src/pages/docs/integrations/bug-reporting/xray.md
+++ b/src/pages/docs/integrations/product-management/xray.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: "Xray Integration with Testsigma"
page_title: "Xray Integration with Testsigma"
metadesc: "Xray is a Test Management tool that gives the structure to organize, plan, and report the progress of testing. Learn how to integrate Xray with Testsigma"
noindex: false
-order: 16.37
+order: 16.56
page_id: "Xray Integration with Testsigma"
warning: false
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ With Xray integration, you can link:
- A working JIRA integration. For more information, refer to [jira bug reporting](https://testsigma.com/docs/integrations/bug-reporting/jira/).
- A working Xray integration.
- JIRA Account URL
- Client ID
- Client Secret
*For more information, refer to [global settings](https://docs.getxray.app/display/XRAYCLOUD/Global+Settings%3A+API+Keys).*
@@ -50,16 +52,16 @@ With Xray integration, you can link:
## **Steps to Integrate Xray with Testsigma**
1. Navigate to **Settings > Integrations**.
-2. Enable toggle on **Xray** widget.
-![Xray Toggle](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/xraytoggle.png)
+1. Enable toggle on **Xray** widget.
+![Xray Toggle](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/xraytgl.png)
-3. On the **Xray Details** prompt, enter **Jira Account URL**, **Client Id** and **Client Secret**.
-![Xray Details](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/xraydetails.png)
+1. On the **Xray Details** prompt, enter **Jira Account URL**, **Client Id** and **Client Secret**.
+![Xray Details](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/xraydtls.png)
-4. Click on **Save & Enable**.
-![Save & Enable](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/detailsxray.png)
+1. Click on **Save & Enable**.
+![Save & Enable](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/xraadtls.png)
[[info | **NOTE**:]]
| If you want to add attachments like logs, screenshots, and videos of execution for the test executions, please check the **Add Attachments to Test**.
@@ -70,24 +72,26 @@ Here's a quick GIF demonstrating how to integrate Xray with Testsigma.
## **Steps to Link an Xray Test Case to a Testsigma Test Case**
-1. Get the ID of an already created test from Xray. For example, if my test url on Xray is https://testserver.atlassian.net/browse/test75, then the ID would be: ***test75***
+1. Get the ID of an already created test from Xray. For example, if my test url on Xray is https://testserver.atlassian.net/browse/PT-10, then the ID would be: **PT-10**
2. Navigate to the test case details page corresponding to the test case you want to link with.
-![Test Case Details](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/xraytcsbox.png)
3. Enter **Xray ID** and click on click on the link button.
-![Xray Link](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/xrayidlink.png)
+![Xray Link](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/xraylink2.png)
## **Steps to Link an Xray Test Set to a Testsigma Test Suite**
-1. Get the ID of an already created test set from Xray. For example, if my test set url on Xray is https://testserver.atlassian.net/browse/ts85, then the ID would be: ***ts85***
+1. Get the ID of an already created test set from Xray. For example, if my test set url on Xray is https://testserver.atlassian.net/browse/PT-11, then the ID would be: **PT-11**
2. Navigate to the test suite details page corresponding to the test suite you want to link with.
-![Test Suites](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/testsuitenav.png)
3. Enter **Xray ID** and click on click on the link button.
+![Test Suite Link](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tspt11.png)
[[info | **NOTE**:]]
| For the test execution of all the test cases inside the test suite, the test cases should also be linked to appropriate test cases on Xray.
@@ -95,13 +99,16 @@ Here's a quick GIF demonstrating how to integrate Xray with Testsigma.
## **Steps to Link an Xray Test Plan to a Testsigma Test Plan**
-1. Get the ID of an already created test plan from Xray. For example, if my test plan URL on Xray is: https://testserver.atlassian.net/browse/tp95, then the ID would be: ***tp95***
+1. Get the ID of an already created test plan from Xray. For example, if my test plan URL on Xray is: https://testserver.atlassian.net/browse/PT-12, then the ID would be: **PT-12**
2. Navigate to the test plan details page corresponding to the test plan you want to link with.
-![Test Plans](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tpnav.png)
-3. Enter **Xray ID** and click on click on the link button.
-![Test Plan Xray ID](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tplink.png)
+3. Enter **Xray ID** and click on the link button.
+![Test Plan Xray ID](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tppt12.png)
[[info | **NOTE**:]]
| When you execute a Test Plan in Testsigma, the execution status will be updated for the linked test sets in Xray.
@@ -109,6 +116,16 @@ Here's a quick GIF demonstrating how to integrate Xray with Testsigma.
Here's a quick GIF demonstrating how to link Xray IDs with Test Cases, Test Suites & Test Plans with Testsigma.
![Xray Links](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tcstsstpsxray.gif)
\ No newline at end of file
+Refer to the screenshot below, which displays the test execution details in Xray.
+![Xray Execution Details](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/xrayimgn.png)
diff --git a/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/docker.md b/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/docker.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac2841bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/docker.md
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+title: "Testsigma Docker Setup"
+page_title: "Testsigma Community Edition Docker Setup"
+metadesc: "Learn how to set up Testsigma Server and MySQL as docker containers using Docker Compose | Easiest way to set up Testsigma on your local machines"
+noindex: false
+order: 28.3
+page_id: "Testsigma Docker Setup"
+warning: false
+- type: section
+ name: "Contents"
+- type: link
+ name: "Prerequisites"
+ url: "#prerequisites"
+- type: link
+ name: "Setting up Testsigma Community Edition with Docker"
+ url: "#setting-up-testsigma-community-edition-with-docker"
+- type: link
+ name: "Verifying the installation"
+ url: "#verifying-the-installation"
+- type: link
+ name: "Connecting to External MySQL"
+ url: "#connecting-to-external-mysql"
+- type: link
+ name: "Update to new Version(Testsigma Server)"
+ url: "#update-to-new-versiontestsigma-server"
+- type: link
+ name: "Update to new Version(Testsigma Agent)"
+ url: "#update-to-new-versiontestsigma-agent"
+- type: link
+ name: "Troubleshooting"
+ url: "#troubleshooting"
+- type: link
+ name: "Next Steps"
+ url: "#next-steps"
+This guide will help you setup [Testsigma Server](https://github.com/testsigmahq/testsigma) and MySQL as docker containers using **Docker Compose**. This is the easiest way to set up Testsigma on your local machines.
+## **Prerequisites**
+ * [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/)
+ * [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
+## **Setting up Testsigma Community Edition with Docker**
+Create a folder called **Testsigma** where you would like to install Testsigma and store the logs and runtime data.
+**cd** cmd into this installation folder (Testsigma)
+## **Step 1: Download docker-compose.yml file**
+Download docker-compose.yml file into the Testsigma installation folder from [here](https://github.com/testsigmahq/testsigma/tree/dev/deploy/docker). Download the appropriate file based on your OS.
+[[info | NOTE:]]
+| - If you are using Apple M1 machines then you should replace the testsigmahq/server image version in docker-compose.yml with the M1 docker image tag. For example if the version is v1.0.0 then you should add "-m1" and make it v1.0.0-m1. So the final image name looks like this "testsigmahq/server:v1.0.0-m1"
+## **Step 2: Run Testsigma Server**
+The following command will run Testsigma along with a MySQL database to store data.
+$ docker-compose up -d
+Check if the containers are running using the following commands
+$docker ps
+580db1ec9ad1 testsigmahq/server:m1 … …. 443->443/tcp, 9090->9090/tcp, 9090/tcp testsigma\_server
+318c46259b15 mysql:5.7 … …. 33060/tcp, 55581->3306/tcp testsigma\_mysql
+You should see a message: “Testsigma is Running!” once the container is ready.
+Your Testsigma server should be up and running now. Testsigma server will be accessible at https://local.testsigmaos.com/ui
+## **Verifying the installation**
+By default folders db\_data, ts\_data will be created in the installation folder to store the application data and MySQL data. If you want to change this folder path you can open **docker-compose.yml** and change the db\_data volume path under mysql service and ts\_data path under testsigma_server.
+## **Connecting to External MySQL**
+If you want to connect to an external/existing MySQL database, add the below environment variables
+MYSQL\_HOST\_NAME = < mysql \_host\_name> where mysql\_host\_name is your database url
+MYSQL\_PORT = < port\_number> where mysql is running
+MYSQL\_DB\_NAME = < db\_name> where you want to save data
+MYSQL\_USER = < username>
+MYSQL\_PASSWORD = < password>
+## **Step 3: Install and configure Testsigma Agent**
+When we run the Testsigma server using Docker it runs in a separate container(child process), where it cannot access the applications installed in the host machine. But in order to automate Web and Mobile Apps the Testsigma Server (running in docker) has to access Browsers and Mobile Devices connected to the host machine.
+To achieve this we use Testsigma Agent that connects the Testsigma Server with the host machine to access the browsers and mobile devices connected.
+### **Download and Install Testsigma Agent**
+Login to https://local.testsigmaos.com/ui and follow the steps mentioned here([Setup: Windows, Mac, Linux](https://testsigma.com/docs//agent/setup-on-windows-mac-linux/)) to Install and configure the the Agent
+## **Update to new Version(Testsigma Server)**
+ 1. Stop the Docker images/container with name Testsigma in Docker Desktop, alternatively you can use the below commands to kill the processes
+ a. `sudo su`
+ b. `docker container kill $(docker ps -q)`
+ 2. Download the latest version of docker-compose.yml file into the Testsigma installation folder from [here](https://github.com/testsigmahq/testsigma/tree/dev/deploy/docker).
+ 3. Run
+ `
+ $ docker-compose up -d
+ `
+ 4. Verify the status by running `$docker ps` command
+ 5. Now login to check the updated version of Testsigma Server here https://local.testsigmaos.com/ui
+## **Update to new Version(Testsigma Agent)**
+ 1. Stop the running agent by executing the stop.sh
+ 2. Delete the TestsigmaAgent folder
+ 3. Login to https://local.testsigmaos.com/ui
+ 4. Go to Agents menu to download the latest version of Testsigma Agent
+ 5. Now start the Agent by executing start.sh
+[[info | NOTE:]]
+|- If you are facing any issues after updating Testsigma Agent refer to [Agent - Startup and Registration Errors](https://testsigma.com/docs/agent/troubleshooting/setup-issues/) .
+|- If you are still facing the issue, delete the [agent manually](https://testsigma.com/docs/agent/force-delete/) and install again.
+## **Troubleshooting**
+- If you encounter any errors during this process, check out our guide on [debugging deployment errors](https://testsigma.com/docs/troubleshooting/setup/server-docker-deployment-errors/) and for [logs](https://testsigma.com/docs/troubleshooting/setup/server-docker-deployment-errors/#checking-logs)
+- If you are still facing any issue, please reach out to [support@testsigma.com](mailto:support@testsigma.com) or join our [Discord Server](https://discord.com/invite/5caWS7R6QX) to speak to the Testsigma team directly!
+## **Next Steps**
+1. [Get Started with Automating Web Applications](https://testsigma.com/tutorials/getting-started/automate-web-applications/)
+2. [Get Started with Automating Mobile Web Applications](https://testsigma.com/tutorials/getting-started/automate-mobile-web-applications/)
+3. [Get Started with Automating Android Apps](https://testsigma.com/tutorials/getting-started/automate-android-applications/)
+4. [Get Started with Automating iOS Apps](https://testsigma.com/tutorials/getting-started/automate-ios-applications/)
+5. [How to automate tests for Android Apps using local devices](https://testsigma.com/tutorials/test-cases/mobile-apps/build-tests-using-local-android-devices/)
+6. [How to automate tests for iOS Apps using local devices](https://testsigma.com/tutorials/test-cases/mobile-apps/build-tests-using-local-ios-devices/)
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diff --git a/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/introduction-community.md b/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/introduction-community.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e73a592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/introduction-community.md
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+title: "Intro: Testsigma Community Edition"
+metadesc: "Testsigma Community Edition is an open-source automation platform | This article discusses installing Testsigma on your workstation & start test automation"
+noindex: false
+order: 28.1
+page_id: "Introduction to Testsigma Community Edition"
+warning: false
+- type: section
+ name: "Contents"
+- type: link
+ name: "Introduction"
+ url: "#introduction"
+- type: link
+ name: "Setup Testsigma Community Edition"
+ url: "#setup-testsigma-community-edition"
+- type: link
+ name: "Getting help"
+ url: "#getting-help"
+- type: link
+ name: "Telemetry Opt-In"
+ url: "#telemetry-opt-in"
+Testsigma Community Edition is an open-source end-to-end test automation platform. It packages libraries, APIs, classes, and more that you can install on your workstation and use to start test automation without building a test framework from scratch.
+## **Setup Testsigma Community Edition**
+- [Deploy Testsigma on my workstation](https://testsigma.com/docs/getting-started/setup/overview/)
+## **Getting help**
+- Learn how to use, build, and extend the platform. Visit [documentation](https://testsigma.com/docs/).
+- Connect with product experts on the team and in the Community on our [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/5caWS7R6QX).
+- Troubleshooting problems? Report bugs as [Github issues](https://github.com/testsigmahq/testsigma/issues).
+- Refer to our [FAQs](https://testsigma.com/docs/getting-started/faqs/) section for answers to commonly asked questions.
+- Reach out to us at [support@testsigma.com](mailto:support@testsigma.com).
+## **Telemetry Opt-In**
+As a standard practice, we collect anonymous telemetry data during and after Testsigma is installed on your local machine. You can learn more about Telemetry data and opt-in [here](https://testsigma.com/docs/getting-started/telemetry/).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/reset-password.md b/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/reset-password.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26978862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/reset-password.md
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+title: "Reset Password"
+page_title: "How to reset password in Testsigma Community Edition"
+order: 28.4
+page_id: "Reset password"
+metadesc: "Learn steps in detail on how to reset username and password in Testsigma Community Edition. Follow these steps to reset username and password."
+search_keyword: "Reset password"
+warning: false
+- type: section
+ name: "Contents"
+- type: link
+ name: "Prerequisite (zip)"
+ url: "#zip-prerequisite"
+- type: link
+ name: "Reset password (zip)"
+ url: "#zip-reset-passwrod"
+- type: link
+ name: "Reset User Name (zip)"
+ url: "#zip-reset-user-name"
+- type: link
+ name: "Prerequisite (Docker)"
+ url: "#docker-prerequisite"
+- type: link
+ name: "Reset password (Docker)"
+ url: "#docker-reset-passwrod"
+- type: link
+ name: "Reset User Name (Docker)"
+ url: "#docker-reset-user-name"
+## [(I). Via Downloadable package](#)
+## [Prerequisite](#zip-prerequisite)
+ 1. Download the testsigma_opensource latest build [click here](https://testsigma.com/docs/getting-started/setup/downloadable-package/)
+ 2. Run nginx server
+ 3. Run testsigma server
+ 4. Register with username and password
+## [If you want to reset the password follow the steps below:](#zip-reset-passwrod)
+ 1. Stop all the servers currently running.(i.e, nginx and testsigma server)
+ 2. Navigate to testsigma server folder from downloads
+ 3. Go to authentication properties
+ 4. And Change the password (authentication.form.password = type your new password)
+ 5. Save the file
+ 6. Start the nginx
+ 7. Testsigma servers and login with new credentials.
+## [If you want to reset the username :](#zip-reset-user-name)
+ 1. Stop all the servers currently running.(i.e, nginx and testsigma server)
+ 2. Navigate to testsigma server folder from downloads
+ 3. Go to authentication properties
+ 4. Change the username (authentication.form.username = enter new user name)
+ 5. Save the file
+## [(II). Downloaded Via Docker](#)
+## [Prerequisite](#docker-prerequisite)
+ 1. Download the docker [click here](https://testsigma.com/docs/getting-started/setup/docker/)
+ 2. Register with username and password
+## [If you want to reset the password follow the steps below:](#docker-reset-passwrod)
+ 1. Go to docker the folder
+ 2. Go to the ts-data folder
+ 3. Edit the Authentication properties file
+ 4. Change the password (authentication.form.password = type your new password)
+ 5. Save the file
+## [If you want to reset the username :](#zip-reset-user-name)
+ 1. Go to docker the folder
+ 2. Go to the ts-data folder
+ 3. Edit the Authentication properties file
+ 4. change the username (authentication.form.username = enter new user name)
+ 5. Save the file
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diff --git a/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/testsigma-community-cloud.md b/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/testsigma-community-cloud.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9c532ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/docs/open-source-docs/testsigma-community-cloud.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+title: "Testsigma Community Cloud"
+metadesc: "Integrate self-hosted open-source platform with Testsigma Community Cloud. This will provide free access to test labs, addons, visual testing, our discord, etc."
+noindex: false
+order: 28.2
+page_id: "Testsigma Community Cloud"
+warning: false
+- type: section
+ name: "Contents"
+- type: link
+ name: "Registering for Testsigma Community Cloud"
+ url: "#registering-for-testsigma-community-cloud"
+As a Testsigma CE user, you can integrate your self-hosted open-source platform with our Community Cloud and get free access to:
+- **Test Lab**: Up to 200 minutes/month access to 800+ browsers/OS and real Android and iOS devices.
+- **Storage**: Store up to 5GB of your data on the cloud monthly, including your apps, attachments, screenshots, video recordings, logs, and more.
+- **Visual Testing**: Compare up to 1000 application screens per month to ensure the pixel-level quality of your UI by saving baseline visuals and comparing all future app versions against it.
+- **iOS App Testing**: You can create a Provisioning Profile in Testsigma cloud and run your automated iOS app tests on your physical device.
+- **Add-ons Marketplace**: Cover a wide range of automation and test scenarios by installing a comprehensive set of custom add-ons built and tested by the Testsigma community and engineering team.
+- **Testsigma Discord Community**: Connect with some of the most experienced and creative test automation practitioners worldwide.
+## **Registering for Testsigma Community Cloud**
+On your Testsigma application,
+- Go to **Settings**.
+- Click on **Testsigma Cloud (CE)** option.
+- Register using one of the options provided.
+You’re now connected to the Cloud!
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diff --git a/src/pages/docs/test-data/types/mailbox.md b/src/pages/docs/test-data/types/mailbox.md
index acc1f802..ddec5b81 100644
--- a/src/pages/docs/test-data/types/mailbox.md
+++ b/src/pages/docs/test-data/types/mailbox.md
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ contextual_links:
- type: link
name: "Creating Test Case for 2FA Using MailBox"
url: "#creating-test-case-for-2fa-using-mailbox"
+- type: link
+ name: "Setup the Email Forwarding for Automation Mailbox"
+ url: "#setup-the-email-forwarding-for-automation-mailbox"
@@ -189,3 +192,67 @@ Two-factor authentication provides additional protection for your application. W
![Run TC](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/mb2farun.png)
+## **Setup the Email Forwarding for Automation Mailbox**
+In some cases, app restrictions will prevent the delivery of OTPs to the Testsigma Mailbox. In this case, you can use the Testsigma SMS Forwarder App, which forwards messages to a designated mailbox and allows you to retrieve OTPs conveniently.
+### **Prerequisites**
+- You should have [Testsigma SMS Forwarder](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/smsforward.apk) application.
+- You should know how to use [mailbox](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-data/types/mailbox/) & [data generator](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-data/types/data-generator/) test data types.
+- You need to have a dedicated Mailbox for your account. Contact **support@testsigma.com** for more information.
+### **Setting Up Forwarding Rules (Gmail)**
+**Access Gmail Settings**
+- Open your **Gmail account**.
+- Click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner.
+- Select **See all settings**.
+![All Settings](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/gmsgear.png)
+**Navigate to Filters and Blocked Addresses**
+- From the settings, click on the **Filters and Blocked Addresses** tab.
+- Create a filter to forward emails with specific content or subject. In this case, we can have text that is constant and is present in all emails that we want to forward.
+![Filters & Blocked Addresses](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/fabgmstgs.png)
+**Create a New Filter**
+- Click on **Create a new filter**.
+- Specify the criteria for the filter:
+ - **Subject:** Define the subject of the email that you wish to forward.
+ - **Has the words/Doesn’t have words:** Include text that is present in all emails you want to forward.
+![New Filter](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/hwsetgsa.png)
+**Configure Forwarding Address**
+- After creating the filter, click on **Add forwarding address** on **When a message is an exact match for your search criteria** overlay.
+- Click on **Add Forwarding address** and add the designated automation email ID.
+- Complete the setup by entering the OTP.
+![Add Forwarding Address](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/afeagmstgs.png)
+[[info | **NOTE**:]]
+| - You can contact the support team for OTP retrieval, which involves fetching data from the backend.
+| - For a sample test case associated with the Testsigma SMS Forwarder app, refer to [setup & use message forwarding](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-data/types/phone-number/#set-up-and-use-message-forwarding).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pages/docs/troubleshooting/agent/mobile-device-not-displayed-recorder.md b/src/pages/docs/troubleshooting/agent/mobile-device-not-displayed-recorder.md
index dc9de8d9..a92a7597 100644
--- a/src/pages/docs/troubleshooting/agent/mobile-device-not-displayed-recorder.md
+++ b/src/pages/docs/troubleshooting/agent/mobile-device-not-displayed-recorder.md
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Testsigma agent may be unable to detect your local mobile device for the test re
Disabled Developer Options and USB Debugging: Follow the steps to set up a local Android device to enable Developer Options and USB debugging.
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Recognition Failure: Verify the ADB recognition by following the steps below if ADB does not recognize the device connected to the system .
Desired Capabilities Not Modified: Use the guide on desired capabilities to modify desired capabilities according to your device or application.
-Driver installation error: If you encounter a Failed to install drivers message, follow these steps:
+Driver installation error: If you encounter a Failed to install drivers message, follow these steps:
- Allow time for the driver installation to finish.
- Check device memory for sufficient space.
diff --git a/src/pages/docs/troubleshooting/web-apps/chrome-settings.md b/src/pages/docs/troubleshooting/web-apps/chrome-settings.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7fc5b1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/docs/troubleshooting/web-apps/chrome-settings.md
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: "Missing Elements in the Recorder"
+metadesc: "There might be instances where you miss elements on the recorder screen while recording | This article discusses troubleshooting steps for missing elements "
+noindex: false
+order: 23.6
+page_id: "Troubleshooting Missing Elements in the Recorder"
+warning: false
+- type: section
+ name: "Contents"
+- type: link
+ name: "Prerequisites"
+ url: "#prerequisites"
+- type: link
+ name: "Troubleshooting Steps"
+ url: "#troubleshooting-steps"
+While recording test steps, you may encounter situations where the recorder displays a blank screen, preventing you from interacting with the expected elements. You can follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue.
+## **Prerequisites**
+- You should have the [Testsigma chrome extension installed](https://testsigma.com/docs/test-step-recorder/install-chrome-extension/).
+## **Troubleshooting Steps**
+**1. Navigate to Chrome Settings**
+- Open **Google Chrome**.
+- Click on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner to access the menu.
+- Select **Settings**.
+![Chrome Settings](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tvdcset.png)
+**2. Privacy and Security**
+- In the left sidebar, choose **Privacy and security**.
+![Privacy & Security](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/prasetcs.png)
+**3. Third-party cookies**
+- Scroll down to find the **Third-party cookies** section.
+- Click on it to expand the options.
+![Third Party Cookies](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/tpccset.png)
+**4. Block Third-Party Cookies in Incognito**
+- Enable the option to **Block third-party cookies in Incognito mode**.
+![Block TP Cookies](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static-docs.testsigma.com/new_images/projects/applications/btpckscs.png)
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