Currently implemented are three types of key card doors. Level 1, Level 2 and Boss
Getting a keycards for the specific area and level will unlock all doors tagged with that key level.
Has three keys and not too much to block here and it needs to be quite open to allow passage to other areas.
Locks the gauntlet + Crateria PB's + (Maybe Crateria Supers)
Locks the access to moat. The idea is to block the "main" entrance to WS while allowing the back door from Maridia to stay open through other means. Could lead to interesting routing hopefully.
Locks access to Bomb Torizo which is I guess Crateria's Boss :)
Three keys, also very much a main hub area in places where locking down access might be troublesome.
Blue brin right side
Etecoons + connecting rooms to Pink brinstar
Kraid, enough said
Three keys, not sure what to do here
Green door to ice beam
Bubble mountain access
Crocomire's area? Since we have a separate key for LN
Three keys, not sure what to do here
Blocking the room after mount everest from both sides + aqueduct save
Key into botwoon, and from other side into e-tank room after botwoon
Two keys allocated, not sure if having two makes sense and one might be enough
Bowling Alley + Reserve check door
Two keys, one which is Ridley ofcourse
Access past Writg? Would allow "West side LN" without a key for acess to Mire portal
- Move Crateria Boss key to Guard G4 (done)
- Remove key from Waterway and Maridia Save room (done)
- Change Spospo front key to Brinstar Boss (done)
- Make sure cross-game portals knows about keycard logic! (done)
- Fix ALTTP keycard text (done)
- Add ALTTP Pedestal and Tablet hints for keycards.