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566 lines (347 loc) · 21.3 KB


lakeformation_permissions represents the aws_lakeformation_permissions Terraform data source.

This package contains functions and utilities for setting up the data source using Jsonnet code.



fn new

new() injects a new data_aws_lakeformation_permissions Terraform data source block into the root module document.

Additionally, this inserts a private function into the _ref attribute that generates references to attributes of the resource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:

# arguments omitted for brevity'some_id')

You can get the reference to the id field of the created using the reference:


This is the same as directly entering "${ }" as the value.

NOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use super, self, or $ to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using local.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block.
  • catalog_id (string): Set the catalog_id field on the resulting data source block. When null, the catalog_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • catalog_resource (bool): Set the catalog_resource field on the resulting data source block. When null, the catalog_resource field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • principal (string): Set the principal field on the resulting data source block.
  • data_location (list[obj]): Set the data_location field on the resulting data source block. When null, the data_location sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • database (list[obj]): Set the database field on the resulting data source block. When null, the database sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • lf_tag (list[obj]): Set the lf_tag field on the resulting data source block. When null, the lf_tag sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • lf_tag_policy (list[obj]): Set the lf_tag_policy field on the resulting data source block. When null, the lf_tag_policy sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • table (list[obj]): Set the table field on the resulting data source block. When null, the table sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • table_with_columns (list[obj]): Set the table_with_columns field on the resulting data source block. When null, the table_with_columns sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • A mixin object that injects the new data source into the root Terraform configuration.

fn newAttrs

newAttrs() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the lakeformation_permissions Terraform data source.

Unlike, this function will not inject the data source block into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the attrs argument for the tf.withData function to build a complete block.

This is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to injecting into a complete block.


  • catalog_id (string): Set the catalog_id field on the resulting object. When null, the catalog_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • catalog_resource (bool): Set the catalog_resource field on the resulting object. When null, the catalog_resource field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • principal (string): Set the principal field on the resulting object.
  • data_location (list[obj]): Set the data_location field on the resulting object. When null, the data_location sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • database (list[obj]): Set the database field on the resulting object. When null, the database sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • lf_tag (list[obj]): Set the lf_tag field on the resulting object. When null, the lf_tag sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • lf_tag_policy (list[obj]): Set the lf_tag_policy field on the resulting object. When null, the lf_tag_policy sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • table (list[obj]): Set the table field on the resulting object. When null, the table sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.
  • table_with_columns (list[obj]): Set the table_with_columns field on the resulting object. When null, the table_with_columns sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • An attribute object that can be used with tf.withData to construct a new lakeformation_permissions data source into the root Terraform configuration.

fn withCatalogId


aws.string.withCatalogId constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the string Terraform data source block to set or update the catalog_id field.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (string): The value to set for the catalog_id field.

fn withCatalogResource


aws.bool.withCatalogResource constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the bool Terraform data source block to set or update the catalog_resource field.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (bool): The value to set for the catalog_resource field.

fn withDataLocation


aws.list[obj].withDataLocation constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the data_location field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the aws.list[obj].withDataLocationMixin function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the data_location field.

fn withDataLocationMixin


aws.list[obj].withDataLocationMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the data_location field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the aws.list[obj].withDataLocation function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the data_location field.

fn withDatabase


aws.list[obj].withDatabase constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the database field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the aws.list[obj].withDatabaseMixin function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the database field.

fn withDatabaseMixin


aws.list[obj].withDatabaseMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the database field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the aws.list[obj].withDatabase function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the database field.

fn withLfTag


aws.list[obj].withLfTag constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the lf_tag field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the aws.list[obj].withLfTagMixin function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the lf_tag field.

fn withLfTagMixin


aws.list[obj].withLfTagMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the lf_tag field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the aws.list[obj].withLfTag function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the lf_tag field.

fn withLfTagPolicy


aws.list[obj].withLfTagPolicy constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the lf_tag_policy field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the aws.list[obj].withLfTagPolicyMixin function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the lf_tag_policy field.

fn withLfTagPolicyMixin


aws.list[obj].withLfTagPolicyMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the lf_tag_policy field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the aws.list[obj].withLfTagPolicy function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the lf_tag_policy field.

fn withPrincipal


aws.string.withPrincipal constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the string Terraform data source block to set or update the principal field.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (string): The value to set for the principal field.

fn withTable


aws.list[obj].withTable constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the table field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the aws.list[obj].withTableMixin function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the table field.

fn withTableMixin


aws.list[obj].withTableMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the table field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the aws.list[obj].withTable function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the table field.

fn withTableWithColumns


aws.list[obj].withTableWithColumns constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the table_with_columns field.

This function will replace the array with the passed in value. If you wish to instead append the passed in value to the existing array, use the aws.list[obj].withTableWithColumnsMixin function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the table_with_columns field.

fn withTableWithColumnsMixin


aws.list[obj].withTableWithColumnsMixin constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the list[obj] Terraform data source block to set or update the table_with_columns field.

This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish to instead replace the array with the passed in value, use the aws.list[obj].withTableWithColumns function.


  • dataSrcLabel (string): The name label of the block to update.
  • value (list[obj]): The value to set for the table_with_columns field.

obj data_location


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the data_location Terraform sub block.


  • arn (string): Set the arn field on the resulting object.
  • catalog_id (string): Set the catalog_id field on the resulting object. When null, the catalog_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the data_location sub block.

obj database


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the database Terraform sub block.


  • catalog_id (string): Set the catalog_id field on the resulting object. When null, the catalog_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • name (string): Set the name field on the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the database sub block.

obj lf_tag


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the lf_tag Terraform sub block.


  • catalog_id (string): Set the catalog_id field on the resulting object. When null, the catalog_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • key (string): Set the key field on the resulting object.
  • values (list): Set the values field on the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the lf_tag sub block.

obj lf_tag_policy


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the lf_tag_policy Terraform sub block.


  • catalog_id (string): Set the catalog_id field on the resulting object. When null, the catalog_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • resource_type (string): Set the resource_type field on the resulting object.
  • expression (list[obj]): Set the expression field on the resulting object. When null, the expression sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the constructor.


  • An attribute object that represents the lf_tag_policy sub block.

obj lf_tag_policy.expression


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the expression Terraform sub block.


  • key (string): Set the key field on the resulting object.
  • values (list): Set the values field on the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the expression sub block.

obj table


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the table Terraform sub block.


  • catalog_id (string): Set the catalog_id field on the resulting object. When null, the catalog_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • database_name (string): Set the database_name field on the resulting object.
  • name (string): Set the name field on the resulting object. When null, the name field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • wildcard (bool): Set the wildcard field on the resulting object. When null, the wildcard field will be omitted from the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the table sub block.

obj table_with_columns


new() constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the table_with_columns Terraform sub block.


  • catalog_id (string): Set the catalog_id field on the resulting object. When null, the catalog_id field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • column_names (list): Set the column_names field on the resulting object. When null, the column_names field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • database_name (string): Set the database_name field on the resulting object.
  • excluded_column_names (list): Set the excluded_column_names field on the resulting object. When null, the excluded_column_names field will be omitted from the resulting object.
  • name (string): Set the name field on the resulting object.
  • wildcard (bool): Set the wildcard field on the resulting object. When null, the wildcard field will be omitted from the resulting object.


  • An attribute object that represents the table_with_columns sub block.