diff --git a/3.x/_gen/data/main.libsonnet b/3.x/_gen/data/main.libsonnet index db1e2187..e8e6c0b3 100644 --- a/3.x/_gen/data/main.libsonnet +++ b/3.x/_gen/data/main.libsonnet @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); mariadb_server: (import 'mariadb_server.libsonnet'), marketplace_agreement: (import 'marketplace_agreement.libsonnet'), mobile_network: (import 'mobile_network.libsonnet'), + mobile_network_attached_data_network: (import 'mobile_network_attached_data_network.libsonnet'), mobile_network_data_network: (import 'mobile_network_data_network.libsonnet'), mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane: (import 'mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane.libsonnet'), mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane: (import 'mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane.libsonnet'), diff --git a/3.x/_gen/data/mobile_network_attached_data_network.libsonnet b/3.x/_gen/data/mobile_network_attached_data_network.libsonnet new file mode 100644 index 00000000..230d11fb --- /dev/null +++ b/3.x/_gen/data/mobile_network_attached_data_network.libsonnet @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +local tf = (import 'github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/main.libsonnet'); +local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); +{ + '#':: d.pkg(name='mobile_network_attached_data_network', url='', help='`mobile_network_attached_data_network` represents the `azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network` Terraform data source.\n\n\n\nThis package contains functions and utilities for setting up the data source using Jsonnet code.\n'), + '#new':: d.fn(help="\n`azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new` injects a new `data_azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network` Terraform `data source`\nblock into the root module document.\n\nAdditionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the\nresource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:\n\n # arguments omitted for brevity\n azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new('some_id')\n\nYou can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network` using the reference:\n\n $._ref.data_azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network.some_id.get('id')\n\nThis is the same as directly entering `\"${ data_azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network.some_id.id }\"` as the value.\n\nNOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`,\nor `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`.\n\n**Args**:\n - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block.\n - `mobile_network_data_network_name` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field on the resulting data source block.\n - `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field on the resulting data source block.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting data source block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n- A mixin object that injects the new data source into the root Terraform configuration.\n", args=[]), + new( + dataSrcLabel, + mobile_network_data_network_name, + mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id, + timeouts=null, + _meta={} + ):: tf.withData( + type='azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network', + label=dataSrcLabel, + attrs=self.newAttrs(mobile_network_data_network_name=mobile_network_data_network_name, mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id=mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id, timeouts=timeouts), + _meta=_meta + ), + '#newAttrs':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `mobile_network_attached_data_network`\nTerraform data source.\n\nUnlike [azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `data source`\nblock into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the\n[tf.withData](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withdata) function to build a complete block.\n\nThis is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to\ninjecting into a complete block.\n\n**Args**:\n - `mobile_network_data_network_name` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field on the resulting object.\n - `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withData](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withdata) to construct a new `mobile_network_attached_data_network` data source into the root Terraform configuration.\n', args=[]), + newAttrs( + mobile_network_data_network_name, + mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id, + timeouts=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + mobile_network_data_network_name: mobile_network_data_network_name, + mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id: mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id, + timeouts: timeouts, + }), + timeouts:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `timeouts`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `read` (`string`): Set the `read` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `timeouts` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + read=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + read: read, + }), + }, + '#withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform data source block to set or update the mobile_network_data_network_name field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field.\n', args=[]), + withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName(dataSrcLabel, value): { + data+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [dataSrcLabel]+: { + mobile_network_data_network_name: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform data source block to set or update the mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field.\n', args=[]), + withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId(dataSrcLabel, value): { + data+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [dataSrcLabel]+: { + mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withTimeouts':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.obj.withTimeouts` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj`\nTerraform data source block to set or update the timeouts field.\n\nThis function will replace the map with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead merge the\npassed in value to the existing map, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin](TODO) function.\n\n**Args**:\n - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field.\n', args=[]), + withTimeouts(dataSrcLabel, value): { + data+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [dataSrcLabel]+: { + timeouts: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withTimeoutsMixin':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj`\nTerraform data source block to set or update the timeouts field.\n\nThis function will merge the passed in value to the existing map. If you wish\nto instead replace the entire map with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeouts](TODO)\nfunction.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field.\n', args=[]), + withTimeoutsMixin(dataSrcLabel, value): { + data+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [dataSrcLabel]+: { + timeouts+: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, +} diff --git a/3.x/_gen/main.libsonnet b/3.x/_gen/main.libsonnet index 06796e9f..e3a4c2e4 100644 --- a/3.x/_gen/main.libsonnet +++ b/3.x/_gen/main.libsonnet @@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); function_app_slot: (import 'resources/function_app_slot.libsonnet'), gallery_application: (import 'resources/gallery_application.libsonnet'), gallery_application_version: (import 'resources/gallery_application_version.libsonnet'), + graph_account: (import 'resources/graph_account.libsonnet'), hdinsight_hadoop_cluster: (import 'resources/hdinsight_hadoop_cluster.libsonnet'), hdinsight_hbase_cluster: (import 'resources/hdinsight_hbase_cluster.libsonnet'), hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster: (import 'resources/hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster.libsonnet'), @@ -541,6 +542,7 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); media_streaming_policy: (import 'resources/media_streaming_policy.libsonnet'), media_transform: (import 'resources/media_transform.libsonnet'), mobile_network: (import 'resources/mobile_network.libsonnet'), + mobile_network_attached_data_network: (import 'resources/mobile_network_attached_data_network.libsonnet'), mobile_network_data_network: (import 'resources/mobile_network_data_network.libsonnet'), mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane: (import 'resources/mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane.libsonnet'), mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane: (import 'resources/mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane.libsonnet'), diff --git a/3.x/_gen/resources/graph_account.libsonnet b/3.x/_gen/resources/graph_account.libsonnet new file mode 100644 index 00000000..15eba791 --- /dev/null +++ b/3.x/_gen/resources/graph_account.libsonnet @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +local tf = (import 'github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/main.libsonnet'); +local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); +{ + '#':: d.pkg(name='graph_account', url='', help='`graph_account` represents the `azurerm_graph_account` Terraform resource.\n\n\n\nThis package contains functions and utilities for setting up the resource using Jsonnet code.\n'), + '#new':: d.fn(help="\n`azurerm.graph_account.new` injects a new `azurerm_graph_account` Terraform `resource`\nblock into the root module document.\n\nAdditionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the\nresource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:\n\n # arguments omitted for brevity\n azurerm.graph_account.new('some_id')\n\nYou can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.graph_account` using the reference:\n\n $._ref.azurerm_graph_account.some_id.get('id')\n\nThis is the same as directly entering `\"${ azurerm_graph_account.some_id.id }\"` as the value.\n\nNOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`,\nor `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`.\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block.\n - `application_id` (`string`): Set the `application_id` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `resource_group_name` (`string`): Set the `resource_group_name` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.graph_account.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n- A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n", args=[]), + new( + resourceLabel, + application_id, + name, + resource_group_name, + tags=null, + timeouts=null, + _meta={} + ):: tf.withResource( + type='azurerm_graph_account', + label=resourceLabel, + attrs=self.newAttrs( + application_id=application_id, + name=name, + resource_group_name=resource_group_name, + tags=tags, + timeouts=timeouts + ), + _meta=_meta + ), + '#newAttrs':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.graph_account.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `graph_account`\nTerraform resource.\n\nUnlike [azurerm.graph_account.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `resource`\nblock into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the\n[tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) function to build a complete block.\n\nThis is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to\ninjecting into a complete block.\n\n**Args**:\n - `application_id` (`string`): Set the `application_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `resource_group_name` (`string`): Set the `resource_group_name` field on the resulting object.\n - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.graph_account.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) to construct a new `graph_account` resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n', args=[]), + newAttrs( + application_id, + name, + resource_group_name, + tags=null, + timeouts=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + application_id: application_id, + name: name, + resource_group_name: resource_group_name, + tags: tags, + timeouts: timeouts, + }), + timeouts:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.graph_account.timeouts.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `timeouts`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `create` (`string`): Set the `create` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `create` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `delete` (`string`): Set the `delete` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `delete` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `read` (`string`): Set the `read` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `update` (`string`): Set the `update` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `update` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `timeouts` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + create=null, + delete=null, + read=null, + update=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + create: create, + delete: delete, + read: read, + update: update, + }), + }, + '#withApplicationId':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withApplicationId` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the application_id field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `application_id` field.\n', args=[]), + withApplicationId(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_graph_account+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + application_id: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withName':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the name field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `name` field.\n', args=[]), + withName(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_graph_account+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + name: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withResourceGroupName':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withResourceGroupName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the resource_group_name field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `resource_group_name` field.\n', args=[]), + withResourceGroupName(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_graph_account+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + resource_group_name: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withTags':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.obj.withTags` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the tags field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `tags` field.\n', args=[]), + withTags(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_graph_account+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + tags: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withTimeouts':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.obj.withTimeouts` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field.\n\nThis function will replace the map with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead merge the\npassed in value to the existing map, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin](TODO) function.\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field.\n', args=[]), + withTimeouts(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_graph_account+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + timeouts: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withTimeoutsMixin':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field.\n\nThis function will merge the passed in value to the existing map. If you wish\nto instead replace the entire map with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeouts](TODO)\nfunction.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field.\n', args=[]), + withTimeoutsMixin(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_graph_account+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + timeouts+: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, +} diff --git a/3.x/_gen/resources/mobile_network_attached_data_network.libsonnet b/3.x/_gen/resources/mobile_network_attached_data_network.libsonnet new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b1c6c6b --- /dev/null +++ b/3.x/_gen/resources/mobile_network_attached_data_network.libsonnet @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +local tf = (import 'github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/main.libsonnet'); +local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); +{ + '#':: d.pkg(name='mobile_network_attached_data_network', url='', help='`mobile_network_attached_data_network` represents the `azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network` Terraform resource.\n\n\n\nThis package contains functions and utilities for setting up the resource using Jsonnet code.\n'), + network_address_port_translation:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `network_address_port_translation`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `icmp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `icmp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `icmp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `pinhole_maximum_number` (`number`): Set the `pinhole_maximum_number` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `pinhole_maximum_number` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `tcp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `tcp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tcp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `tcp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `tcp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tcp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `udp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `udp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `udp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `udp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `udp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `udp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `port_range` (`list[obj]`): Set the `port_range` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `port_range` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.port_range.new](#fn-network_address_port_translationport_rangenew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `network_address_port_translation` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + icmp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds=null, + pinhole_maximum_number=null, + port_range=null, + tcp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds=null, + tcp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds=null, + udp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds=null, + udp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + icmp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds: icmp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds, + pinhole_maximum_number: pinhole_maximum_number, + port_range: port_range, + tcp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds: tcp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds, + tcp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds: tcp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds, + udp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds: udp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds, + udp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds: udp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds, + }), + port_range:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.port_range.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `port_range`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `maximum` (`number`): Set the `maximum` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `maximum` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `minimum` (`number`): Set the `minimum` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `minimum` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `port_range` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + maximum=null, + minimum=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + maximum: maximum, + minimum: minimum, + }), + }, + }, + '#new':: d.fn(help="\n`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new` injects a new `azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network` Terraform `resource`\nblock into the root module document.\n\nAdditionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the\nresource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:\n\n # arguments omitted for brevity\n azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new('some_id')\n\nYou can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network` using the reference:\n\n $._ref.azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network.some_id.get('id')\n\nThis is the same as directly entering `\"${ azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network.some_id.id }\"` as the value.\n\nNOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`,\nor `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`.\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block.\n - `dns_addresses` (`list`): Set the `dns_addresses` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `location` (`string`): Set the `location` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `mobile_network_data_network_name` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` (`list`): Set the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` (`list`): Set the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_plane_access_name` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_name` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_name` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `network_address_port_translation` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network_address_port_translation` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `network_address_port_translation` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.new](#fn-network_address_port_translationnew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n- A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n", args=[]), + new( + resourceLabel, + dns_addresses, + location, + mobile_network_data_network_name, + mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id, + network_address_port_translation=null, + tags=null, + timeouts=null, + user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes=null, + user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes=null, + user_plane_access_ipv4_address=null, + user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway=null, + user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet=null, + user_plane_access_name=null, + _meta={} + ):: tf.withResource( + type='azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network', + label=resourceLabel, + attrs=self.newAttrs( + dns_addresses=dns_addresses, + location=location, + mobile_network_data_network_name=mobile_network_data_network_name, + mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id=mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id, + network_address_port_translation=network_address_port_translation, + tags=tags, + timeouts=timeouts, + user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes=user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes, + user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes=user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes, + user_plane_access_ipv4_address=user_plane_access_ipv4_address, + user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway=user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway, + user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet=user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet, + user_plane_access_name=user_plane_access_name + ), + _meta=_meta + ), + '#newAttrs':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `mobile_network_attached_data_network`\nTerraform resource.\n\nUnlike [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `resource`\nblock into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the\n[tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) function to build a complete block.\n\nThis is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to\ninjecting into a complete block.\n\n**Args**:\n - `dns_addresses` (`list`): Set the `dns_addresses` field on the resulting object.\n - `location` (`string`): Set the `location` field on the resulting object.\n - `mobile_network_data_network_name` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field on the resulting object.\n - `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` (`list`): Set the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` (`list`): Set the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `user_plane_access_name` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_name` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_name` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `network_address_port_translation` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network_address_port_translation` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `network_address_port_translation` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.new](#fn-network_address_port_translationnew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) to construct a new `mobile_network_attached_data_network` resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n', args=[]), + newAttrs( + dns_addresses, + location, + mobile_network_data_network_name, + mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id, + network_address_port_translation=null, + tags=null, + timeouts=null, + user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes=null, + user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes=null, + user_plane_access_ipv4_address=null, + user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway=null, + user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet=null, + user_plane_access_name=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + dns_addresses: dns_addresses, + location: location, + mobile_network_data_network_name: mobile_network_data_network_name, + mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id: mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id, + network_address_port_translation: network_address_port_translation, + tags: tags, + timeouts: timeouts, + user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes: user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes, + user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes: user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes, + user_plane_access_ipv4_address: user_plane_access_ipv4_address, + user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway: user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway, + user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet: user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet, + user_plane_access_name: user_plane_access_name, + }), + timeouts:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `timeouts`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `create` (`string`): Set the `create` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `create` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `delete` (`string`): Set the `delete` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `delete` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `read` (`string`): Set the `read` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `update` (`string`): Set the `update` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `update` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `timeouts` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + create=null, + delete=null, + read=null, + update=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + create: create, + delete: delete, + read: read, + update: update, + }), + }, + '#withDnsAddresses':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list.withDnsAddresses` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the dns_addresses field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list`): The value to set for the `dns_addresses` field.\n', args=[]), + withDnsAddresses(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + dns_addresses: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withLocation':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withLocation` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the location field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `location` field.\n', args=[]), + withLocation(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + location: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the mobile_network_data_network_name field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field.\n', args=[]), + withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + mobile_network_data_network_name: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field.\n', args=[]), + withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withNetworkAddressPortTranslation':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withNetworkAddressPortTranslation` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the network_address_port_translation field.\n\nThis function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the\npassed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withNetworkAddressPortTranslationMixin](TODO) function.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `network_address_port_translation` field.\n', args=[]), + withNetworkAddressPortTranslation(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + network_address_port_translation: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withNetworkAddressPortTranslationMixin':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withNetworkAddressPortTranslationMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the network_address_port_translation field.\n\nThis function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish\nto instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withNetworkAddressPortTranslation](TODO)\nfunction.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `network_address_port_translation` field.\n', args=[]), + withNetworkAddressPortTranslationMixin(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + network_address_port_translation+: if std.isArray(v=value) then value else [value], + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withTags':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.obj.withTags` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the tags field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `tags` field.\n', args=[]), + withTags(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + tags: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withTimeouts':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.obj.withTimeouts` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field.\n\nThis function will replace the map with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead merge the\npassed in value to the existing map, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin](TODO) function.\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field.\n', args=[]), + withTimeouts(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + timeouts: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withTimeoutsMixin':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field.\n\nThis function will merge the passed in value to the existing map. If you wish\nto instead replace the entire map with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeouts](TODO)\nfunction.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field.\n', args=[]), + withTimeoutsMixin(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + timeouts+: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withUserEquipmentAddressPoolPrefixes':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list.withUserEquipmentAddressPoolPrefixes` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list`): The value to set for the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field.\n', args=[]), + withUserEquipmentAddressPoolPrefixes(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withUserEquipmentStaticAddressPoolPrefixes':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list.withUserEquipmentStaticAddressPoolPrefixes` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list`): The value to set for the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field.\n', args=[]), + withUserEquipmentStaticAddressPoolPrefixes(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Address':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Address` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the user_plane_access_ipv4_address field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field.\n', args=[]), + withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Address(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + user_plane_access_ipv4_address: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Gateway':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Gateway` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field.\n', args=[]), + withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Gateway(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Subnet':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Subnet` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field.\n', args=[]), + withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Subnet(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withUserPlaneAccessName':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withUserPlaneAccessName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the user_plane_access_name field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `user_plane_access_name` field.\n', args=[]), + withUserPlaneAccessName(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + user_plane_access_name: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, +} diff --git a/3.x/_gen/resources/postgresql_flexible_server.libsonnet b/3.x/_gen/resources/postgresql_flexible_server.libsonnet index d93e4c5d..2e3e3a2c 100644 --- a/3.x/_gen/resources/postgresql_flexible_server.libsonnet +++ b/3.x/_gen/resources/postgresql_flexible_server.libsonnet @@ -15,11 +15,15 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); }), }, customer_managed_key:: { - '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.postgresql_flexible_server.customer_managed_key.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `customer_managed_key`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `key_vault_key_id` (`string`): Set the `key_vault_key_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `key_vault_key_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `primary_user_assigned_identity_id` (`string`): Set the `primary_user_assigned_identity_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `primary_user_assigned_identity_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `customer_managed_key` sub block.\n', args=[]), + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.postgresql_flexible_server.customer_managed_key.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `customer_managed_key`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `geo_backup_key_vault_key_id` (`string`): Set the `geo_backup_key_vault_key_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `geo_backup_key_vault_key_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `geo_backup_user_assigned_identity_id` (`string`): Set the `geo_backup_user_assigned_identity_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `geo_backup_user_assigned_identity_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `key_vault_key_id` (`string`): Set the `key_vault_key_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `key_vault_key_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `primary_user_assigned_identity_id` (`string`): Set the `primary_user_assigned_identity_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `primary_user_assigned_identity_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `customer_managed_key` sub block.\n', args=[]), new( + geo_backup_key_vault_key_id=null, + geo_backup_user_assigned_identity_id=null, key_vault_key_id=null, primary_user_assigned_identity_id=null ):: std.prune(a={ + geo_backup_key_vault_key_id: geo_backup_key_vault_key_id, + geo_backup_user_assigned_identity_id: geo_backup_user_assigned_identity_id, key_vault_key_id: key_vault_key_id, primary_user_assigned_identity_id: primary_user_assigned_identity_id, }), diff --git a/3.x/_gen/resources/site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.libsonnet b/3.x/_gen/resources/site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.libsonnet index 306419ab..76819c45 100644 --- a/3.x/_gen/resources/site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.libsonnet +++ b/3.x/_gen/resources/site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.libsonnet @@ -16,7 +16,117 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); recovery_zone: recovery_zone, }), }, - '#new':: d.fn(help="\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.new` injects a new `azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan` Terraform `resource`\nblock into the root module document.\n\nAdditionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the\nresource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:\n\n # arguments omitted for brevity\n azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.new('some_id')\n\nYou can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan` using the reference:\n\n $._ref.azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.some_id.get('id')\n\nThis is the same as directly entering `\"${ azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.some_id.id }\"` as the value.\n\nNOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`,\nor `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`.\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `recovery_vault_id` (`string`): Set the `recovery_vault_id` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `source_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `source_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `target_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `target_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `azure_to_azure_settings` (`list[obj]`): Set the `azure_to_azure_settings` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `azure_to_azure_settings` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.azure_to_azure_settings.new](#fn-azure_to_azure_settingsnew) constructor.\n - `recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `recovery_group` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.recovery_group.new](#fn-recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n- A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n", args=[]), + boot_recovery_group:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `boot_recovery_group`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `replicated_protected_items` (`list`): Set the `replicated_protected_items` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `replicated_protected_items` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `post_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `post_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `post_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.post_action.new](#fn-boot_recovery_grouppost_actionnew) constructor.\n - `pre_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `pre_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `pre_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.pre_action.new](#fn-boot_recovery_grouppre_actionnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `boot_recovery_group` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + post_action=null, + pre_action=null, + replicated_protected_items=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + post_action: post_action, + pre_action: pre_action, + replicated_protected_items: replicated_protected_items, + }), + post_action:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.post_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `post_action`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object.\n - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `post_action` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types, + name, + type, + fabric_location=null, + manual_action_instruction=null, + runbook_id=null, + script_path=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + fabric_location: fabric_location, + fail_over_directions: fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types: fail_over_types, + manual_action_instruction: manual_action_instruction, + name: name, + runbook_id: runbook_id, + script_path: script_path, + type: type, + }), + }, + pre_action:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.pre_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `pre_action`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object.\n - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `pre_action` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types, + name, + type, + fabric_location=null, + manual_action_instruction=null, + runbook_id=null, + script_path=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + fabric_location: fabric_location, + fail_over_directions: fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types: fail_over_types, + manual_action_instruction: manual_action_instruction, + name: name, + runbook_id: runbook_id, + script_path: script_path, + type: type, + }), + }, + }, + failover_recovery_group:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `failover_recovery_group`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `post_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `post_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `post_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.post_action.new](#fn-failover_recovery_grouppost_actionnew) constructor.\n - `pre_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `pre_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `pre_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.pre_action.new](#fn-failover_recovery_grouppre_actionnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `failover_recovery_group` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + post_action=null, + pre_action=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + post_action: post_action, + pre_action: pre_action, + }), + post_action:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.post_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `post_action`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object.\n - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `post_action` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types, + name, + type, + fabric_location=null, + manual_action_instruction=null, + runbook_id=null, + script_path=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + fabric_location: fabric_location, + fail_over_directions: fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types: fail_over_types, + manual_action_instruction: manual_action_instruction, + name: name, + runbook_id: runbook_id, + script_path: script_path, + type: type, + }), + }, + pre_action:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.pre_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `pre_action`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object.\n - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `pre_action` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types, + name, + type, + fabric_location=null, + manual_action_instruction=null, + runbook_id=null, + script_path=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + fabric_location: fabric_location, + fail_over_directions: fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types: fail_over_types, + manual_action_instruction: manual_action_instruction, + name: name, + runbook_id: runbook_id, + script_path: script_path, + type: type, + }), + }, + }, + '#new':: d.fn(help="\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.new` injects a new `azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan` Terraform `resource`\nblock into the root module document.\n\nAdditionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the\nresource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:\n\n # arguments omitted for brevity\n azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.new('some_id')\n\nYou can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan` using the reference:\n\n $._ref.azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.some_id.get('id')\n\nThis is the same as directly entering `\"${ azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.some_id.id }\"` as the value.\n\nNOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`,\nor `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`.\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `recovery_vault_id` (`string`): Set the `recovery_vault_id` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `source_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `source_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `target_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `target_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `azure_to_azure_settings` (`list[obj]`): Set the `azure_to_azure_settings` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `azure_to_azure_settings` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.azure_to_azure_settings.new](#fn-azure_to_azure_settingsnew) constructor.\n - `boot_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `boot_recovery_group` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `boot_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.new](#fn-boot_recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `failover_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `failover_recovery_group` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `failover_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.new](#fn-failover_recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `recovery_group` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.recovery_group.new](#fn-recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `shutdown_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `shutdown_recovery_group` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `shutdown_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.new](#fn-shutdown_recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n- A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n", args=[]), new( resourceLabel, name, @@ -24,7 +134,10 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); source_recovery_fabric_id, target_recovery_fabric_id, azure_to_azure_settings=null, + boot_recovery_group=null, + failover_recovery_group=null, recovery_group=null, + shutdown_recovery_group=null, timeouts=null, _meta={} ):: tf.withResource( @@ -32,29 +145,38 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); label=resourceLabel, attrs=self.newAttrs( azure_to_azure_settings=azure_to_azure_settings, + boot_recovery_group=boot_recovery_group, + failover_recovery_group=failover_recovery_group, name=name, recovery_group=recovery_group, recovery_vault_id=recovery_vault_id, + shutdown_recovery_group=shutdown_recovery_group, source_recovery_fabric_id=source_recovery_fabric_id, target_recovery_fabric_id=target_recovery_fabric_id, timeouts=timeouts ), _meta=_meta ), - '#newAttrs':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan`\nTerraform resource.\n\nUnlike [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `resource`\nblock into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the\n[tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) function to build a complete block.\n\nThis is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to\ninjecting into a complete block.\n\n**Args**:\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `recovery_vault_id` (`string`): Set the `recovery_vault_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `source_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `source_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `target_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `target_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `azure_to_azure_settings` (`list[obj]`): Set the `azure_to_azure_settings` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `azure_to_azure_settings` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.azure_to_azure_settings.new](#fn-azure_to_azure_settingsnew) constructor.\n - `recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `recovery_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.recovery_group.new](#fn-recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) to construct a new `site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan` resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n', args=[]), + '#newAttrs':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan`\nTerraform resource.\n\nUnlike [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `resource`\nblock into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the\n[tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) function to build a complete block.\n\nThis is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to\ninjecting into a complete block.\n\n**Args**:\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `recovery_vault_id` (`string`): Set the `recovery_vault_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `source_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `source_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `target_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `target_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `azure_to_azure_settings` (`list[obj]`): Set the `azure_to_azure_settings` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `azure_to_azure_settings` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.azure_to_azure_settings.new](#fn-azure_to_azure_settingsnew) constructor.\n - `boot_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `boot_recovery_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `boot_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.new](#fn-boot_recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `failover_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `failover_recovery_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `failover_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.new](#fn-failover_recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `recovery_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.recovery_group.new](#fn-recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `shutdown_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `shutdown_recovery_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `shutdown_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.new](#fn-shutdown_recovery_groupnew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) to construct a new `site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan` resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n', args=[]), newAttrs( name, recovery_vault_id, source_recovery_fabric_id, target_recovery_fabric_id, azure_to_azure_settings=null, + boot_recovery_group=null, + failover_recovery_group=null, recovery_group=null, + shutdown_recovery_group=null, timeouts=null ):: std.prune(a={ azure_to_azure_settings: azure_to_azure_settings, + boot_recovery_group: boot_recovery_group, + failover_recovery_group: failover_recovery_group, name: name, recovery_group: recovery_group, recovery_vault_id: recovery_vault_id, + shutdown_recovery_group: shutdown_recovery_group, source_recovery_fabric_id: source_recovery_fabric_id, target_recovery_fabric_id: target_recovery_fabric_id, timeouts: timeouts, @@ -117,6 +239,60 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); }), }, }, + shutdown_recovery_group:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `shutdown_recovery_group`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `post_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `post_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `post_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.post_action.new](#fn-shutdown_recovery_grouppost_actionnew) constructor.\n - `pre_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `pre_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `pre_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.pre_action.new](#fn-shutdown_recovery_grouppre_actionnew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `shutdown_recovery_group` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + post_action=null, + pre_action=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + post_action: post_action, + pre_action: pre_action, + }), + post_action:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.post_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `post_action`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object.\n - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `post_action` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types, + name, + type, + fabric_location=null, + manual_action_instruction=null, + runbook_id=null, + script_path=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + fabric_location: fabric_location, + fail_over_directions: fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types: fail_over_types, + manual_action_instruction: manual_action_instruction, + name: name, + runbook_id: runbook_id, + script_path: script_path, + type: type, + }), + }, + pre_action:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.pre_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `pre_action`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object.\n - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object.\n - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `pre_action` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types, + name, + type, + fabric_location=null, + manual_action_instruction=null, + runbook_id=null, + script_path=null + ):: std.prune(a={ + fabric_location: fabric_location, + fail_over_directions: fail_over_directions, + fail_over_types: fail_over_types, + manual_action_instruction: manual_action_instruction, + name: name, + runbook_id: runbook_id, + script_path: script_path, + type: type, + }), + }, + }, timeouts:: { '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.timeouts.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `timeouts`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `create` (`string`): Set the `create` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `create` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `delete` (`string`): Set the `delete` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `delete` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `read` (`string`): Set the `read` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `update` (`string`): Set the `update` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `update` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `timeouts` sub block.\n', args=[]), new( @@ -151,6 +327,46 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); }, }, }, + '#withBootRecoveryGroup':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withBootRecoveryGroup` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the boot_recovery_group field.\n\nThis function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the\npassed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withBootRecoveryGroupMixin](TODO) function.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `boot_recovery_group` field.\n', args=[]), + withBootRecoveryGroup(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + boot_recovery_group: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withBootRecoveryGroupMixin':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withBootRecoveryGroupMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the boot_recovery_group field.\n\nThis function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish\nto instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withBootRecoveryGroup](TODO)\nfunction.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `boot_recovery_group` field.\n', args=[]), + withBootRecoveryGroupMixin(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + boot_recovery_group+: if std.isArray(v=value) then value else [value], + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withFailoverRecoveryGroup':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withFailoverRecoveryGroup` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the failover_recovery_group field.\n\nThis function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the\npassed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withFailoverRecoveryGroupMixin](TODO) function.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `failover_recovery_group` field.\n', args=[]), + withFailoverRecoveryGroup(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + failover_recovery_group: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withFailoverRecoveryGroupMixin':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withFailoverRecoveryGroupMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the failover_recovery_group field.\n\nThis function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish\nto instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withFailoverRecoveryGroup](TODO)\nfunction.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `failover_recovery_group` field.\n', args=[]), + withFailoverRecoveryGroupMixin(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + failover_recovery_group+: if std.isArray(v=value) then value else [value], + }, + }, + }, + }, '#withName':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the name field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `name` field.\n', args=[]), withName(resourceLabel, value): { resource+: { @@ -191,6 +407,26 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); }, }, }, + '#withShutdownRecoveryGroup':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withShutdownRecoveryGroup` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the shutdown_recovery_group field.\n\nThis function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the\npassed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withShutdownRecoveryGroupMixin](TODO) function.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `shutdown_recovery_group` field.\n', args=[]), + withShutdownRecoveryGroup(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + shutdown_recovery_group: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withShutdownRecoveryGroupMixin':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withShutdownRecoveryGroupMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the shutdown_recovery_group field.\n\nThis function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish\nto instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withShutdownRecoveryGroup](TODO)\nfunction.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `shutdown_recovery_group` field.\n', args=[]), + withShutdownRecoveryGroupMixin(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + shutdown_recovery_group+: if std.isArray(v=value) then value else [value], + }, + }, + }, + }, '#withSourceRecoveryFabricId':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withSourceRecoveryFabricId` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the source_recovery_fabric_id field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `source_recovery_fabric_id` field.\n', args=[]), withSourceRecoveryFabricId(resourceLabel, value): { resource+: { diff --git a/3.x/_gen/resources/spring_cloud_service.libsonnet b/3.x/_gen/resources/spring_cloud_service.libsonnet index 114f8156..c4f70c0e 100644 --- a/3.x/_gen/resources/spring_cloud_service.libsonnet +++ b/3.x/_gen/resources/spring_cloud_service.libsonnet @@ -110,25 +110,39 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); container_registry_name: container_registry_name, }), }, + marketplace:: { + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.spring_cloud_service.marketplace.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `marketplace`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `plan` (`string`): Set the `plan` field on the resulting object.\n - `product` (`string`): Set the `product` field on the resulting object.\n - `publisher` (`string`): Set the `publisher` field on the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `marketplace` sub block.\n', args=[]), + new( + plan, + product, + publisher + ):: std.prune(a={ + plan: plan, + product: product, + publisher: publisher, + }), + }, network:: { - '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.spring_cloud_service.network.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `network`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `app_network_resource_group` (`string`): Set the `app_network_resource_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `app_network_resource_group` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `app_subnet_id` (`string`): Set the `app_subnet_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `cidr_ranges` (`list`): Set the `cidr_ranges` field on the resulting object.\n - `read_timeout_seconds` (`number`): Set the `read_timeout_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read_timeout_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `service_runtime_network_resource_group` (`string`): Set the `service_runtime_network_resource_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `service_runtime_network_resource_group` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `service_runtime_subnet_id` (`string`): Set the `service_runtime_subnet_id` field on the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `network` sub block.\n', args=[]), + '#new':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.spring_cloud_service.network.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `network`\nTerraform sub block.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `app_network_resource_group` (`string`): Set the `app_network_resource_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `app_network_resource_group` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `app_subnet_id` (`string`): Set the `app_subnet_id` field on the resulting object.\n - `cidr_ranges` (`list`): Set the `cidr_ranges` field on the resulting object.\n - `outbound_type` (`string`): Set the `outbound_type` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `outbound_type` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `read_timeout_seconds` (`number`): Set the `read_timeout_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read_timeout_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `service_runtime_network_resource_group` (`string`): Set the `service_runtime_network_resource_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `service_runtime_network_resource_group` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `service_runtime_subnet_id` (`string`): Set the `service_runtime_subnet_id` field on the resulting object.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that represents the `network` sub block.\n', args=[]), new( app_subnet_id, cidr_ranges, service_runtime_subnet_id, app_network_resource_group=null, + outbound_type=null, read_timeout_seconds=null, service_runtime_network_resource_group=null ):: std.prune(a={ app_network_resource_group: app_network_resource_group, app_subnet_id: app_subnet_id, cidr_ranges: cidr_ranges, + outbound_type: outbound_type, read_timeout_seconds: read_timeout_seconds, service_runtime_network_resource_group: service_runtime_network_resource_group, service_runtime_subnet_id: service_runtime_subnet_id, }), }, - '#new':: d.fn(help="\n`azurerm.spring_cloud_service.new` injects a new `azurerm_spring_cloud_service` Terraform `resource`\nblock into the root module document.\n\nAdditionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the\nresource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:\n\n # arguments omitted for brevity\n azurerm.spring_cloud_service.new('some_id')\n\nYou can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.spring_cloud_service` using the reference:\n\n $._ref.azurerm_spring_cloud_service.some_id.get('id')\n\nThis is the same as directly entering `\"${ azurerm_spring_cloud_service.some_id.id }\"` as the value.\n\nNOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`,\nor `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`.\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block.\n - `build_agent_pool_size` (`string`): Set the `build_agent_pool_size` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `build_agent_pool_size` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `location` (`string`): Set the `location` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` (`bool`): Set the `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `resource_group_name` (`string`): Set the `resource_group_name` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `service_registry_enabled` (`bool`): Set the `service_registry_enabled` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `service_registry_enabled` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `sku_name` (`string`): Set the `sku_name` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `sku_name` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `zone_redundant` (`bool`): Set the `zone_redundant` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `zone_redundant` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `config_server_git_setting` (`list[obj]`): Set the `config_server_git_setting` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `config_server_git_setting` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.config_server_git_setting.new](#fn-config_server_git_settingnew) constructor.\n - `container_registry` (`list[obj]`): Set the `container_registry` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `container_registry` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.container_registry.new](#fn-container_registrynew) constructor.\n - `default_build_service` (`list[obj]`): Set the `default_build_service` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `default_build_service` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.default_build_service.new](#fn-default_build_servicenew) constructor.\n - `network` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `network` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.network.new](#fn-networknew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n - `trace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `trace` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `trace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.trace.new](#fn-tracenew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n- A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n", args=[]), + '#new':: d.fn(help="\n`azurerm.spring_cloud_service.new` injects a new `azurerm_spring_cloud_service` Terraform `resource`\nblock into the root module document.\n\nAdditionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the\nresource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using:\n\n # arguments omitted for brevity\n azurerm.spring_cloud_service.new('some_id')\n\nYou can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.spring_cloud_service` using the reference:\n\n $._ref.azurerm_spring_cloud_service.some_id.get('id')\n\nThis is the same as directly entering `\"${ azurerm_spring_cloud_service.some_id.id }\"` as the value.\n\nNOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`,\nor `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`.\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block.\n - `build_agent_pool_size` (`string`): Set the `build_agent_pool_size` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `build_agent_pool_size` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `location` (`string`): Set the `location` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` (`bool`): Set the `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `resource_group_name` (`string`): Set the `resource_group_name` field on the resulting resource block.\n - `service_registry_enabled` (`bool`): Set the `service_registry_enabled` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `service_registry_enabled` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `sku_name` (`string`): Set the `sku_name` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `sku_name` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `zone_redundant` (`bool`): Set the `zone_redundant` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `zone_redundant` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `config_server_git_setting` (`list[obj]`): Set the `config_server_git_setting` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `config_server_git_setting` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.config_server_git_setting.new](#fn-config_server_git_settingnew) constructor.\n - `container_registry` (`list[obj]`): Set the `container_registry` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `container_registry` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.container_registry.new](#fn-container_registrynew) constructor.\n - `default_build_service` (`list[obj]`): Set the `default_build_service` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `default_build_service` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.default_build_service.new](#fn-default_build_servicenew) constructor.\n - `marketplace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `marketplace` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `marketplace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.marketplace.new](#fn-marketplacenew) constructor.\n - `network` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `network` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.network.new](#fn-networknew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n - `trace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `trace` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `trace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.trace.new](#fn-tracenew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n- A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n", args=[]), new( resourceLabel, location, @@ -139,6 +153,7 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); container_registry=null, default_build_service=null, log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled=null, + marketplace=null, network=null, service_registry_enabled=null, sku_name=null, @@ -157,6 +172,7 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); default_build_service=default_build_service, location=location, log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled=log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled, + marketplace=marketplace, name=name, network=network, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, @@ -169,7 +185,7 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); ), _meta=_meta ), - '#newAttrs':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.spring_cloud_service.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `spring_cloud_service`\nTerraform resource.\n\nUnlike [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `resource`\nblock into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the\n[tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) function to build a complete block.\n\nThis is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to\ninjecting into a complete block.\n\n**Args**:\n - `build_agent_pool_size` (`string`): Set the `build_agent_pool_size` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `build_agent_pool_size` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `location` (`string`): Set the `location` field on the resulting object.\n - `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` (`bool`): Set the `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `resource_group_name` (`string`): Set the `resource_group_name` field on the resulting object.\n - `service_registry_enabled` (`bool`): Set the `service_registry_enabled` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `service_registry_enabled` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `sku_name` (`string`): Set the `sku_name` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `sku_name` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `zone_redundant` (`bool`): Set the `zone_redundant` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `zone_redundant` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `config_server_git_setting` (`list[obj]`): Set the `config_server_git_setting` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `config_server_git_setting` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.config_server_git_setting.new](#fn-config_server_git_settingnew) constructor.\n - `container_registry` (`list[obj]`): Set the `container_registry` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `container_registry` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.container_registry.new](#fn-container_registrynew) constructor.\n - `default_build_service` (`list[obj]`): Set the `default_build_service` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `default_build_service` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.default_build_service.new](#fn-default_build_servicenew) constructor.\n - `network` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `network` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.network.new](#fn-networknew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n - `trace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `trace` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `trace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.trace.new](#fn-tracenew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) to construct a new `spring_cloud_service` resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n', args=[]), + '#newAttrs':: d.fn(help='\n`azurerm.spring_cloud_service.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `spring_cloud_service`\nTerraform resource.\n\nUnlike [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `resource`\nblock into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the\n[tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) function to build a complete block.\n\nThis is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to\ninjecting into a complete block.\n\n**Args**:\n - `build_agent_pool_size` (`string`): Set the `build_agent_pool_size` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `build_agent_pool_size` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `location` (`string`): Set the `location` field on the resulting object.\n - `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` (`bool`): Set the `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object.\n - `resource_group_name` (`string`): Set the `resource_group_name` field on the resulting object.\n - `service_registry_enabled` (`bool`): Set the `service_registry_enabled` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `service_registry_enabled` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `sku_name` (`string`): Set the `sku_name` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `sku_name` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `zone_redundant` (`bool`): Set the `zone_redundant` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `zone_redundant` field will be omitted from the resulting object.\n - `config_server_git_setting` (`list[obj]`): Set the `config_server_git_setting` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `config_server_git_setting` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.config_server_git_setting.new](#fn-config_server_git_settingnew) constructor.\n - `container_registry` (`list[obj]`): Set the `container_registry` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `container_registry` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.container_registry.new](#fn-container_registrynew) constructor.\n - `default_build_service` (`list[obj]`): Set the `default_build_service` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `default_build_service` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.default_build_service.new](#fn-default_build_servicenew) constructor.\n - `marketplace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `marketplace` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `marketplace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.marketplace.new](#fn-marketplacenew) constructor.\n - `network` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `network` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.network.new](#fn-networknew) constructor.\n - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor.\n - `trace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `trace` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `trace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.trace.new](#fn-tracenew) constructor.\n\n**Returns**:\n - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) to construct a new `spring_cloud_service` resource into the root Terraform configuration.\n', args=[]), newAttrs( location, name, @@ -179,6 +195,7 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); container_registry=null, default_build_service=null, log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled=null, + marketplace=null, network=null, service_registry_enabled=null, sku_name=null, @@ -193,6 +210,7 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); default_build_service: default_build_service, location: location, log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled: log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled, + marketplace: marketplace, name: name, network: network, resource_group_name: resource_group_name, @@ -317,6 +335,26 @@ local d = (import 'github.com/jsonnet-libs/docsonnet/doc-util/main.libsonnet'); }, }, }, + '#withMarketplace':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withMarketplace` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the marketplace field.\n\nThis function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the\npassed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withMarketplaceMixin](TODO) function.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `marketplace` field.\n', args=[]), + withMarketplace(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_spring_cloud_service+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + marketplace: value, + }, + }, + }, + }, + '#withMarketplaceMixin':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.list[obj].withMarketplaceMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the marketplace field.\n\nThis function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish\nto instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withMarketplace](TODO)\nfunction.\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `marketplace` field.\n', args=[]), + withMarketplaceMixin(resourceLabel, value): { + resource+: { + azurerm_spring_cloud_service+: { + [resourceLabel]+: { + marketplace+: if std.isArray(v=value) then value else [value], + }, + }, + }, + }, '#withName':: d.fn(help='`azurerm.string.withName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string`\nTerraform resource block to set or update the name field.\n\n\n\n**Args**:\n - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update.\n - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `name` field.\n', args=[]), withName(resourceLabel, value): { resource+: { diff --git a/docs/3.x/README.md b/docs/3.x/README.md index 066ab702..2b5fdc71 100644 --- a/docs/3.x/README.md +++ b/docs/3.x/README.md @@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ project. * [function_app_slot](function_app_slot.md) * [gallery_application](gallery_application.md) * [gallery_application_version](gallery_application_version.md) +* [graph_account](graph_account.md) * [hdinsight_hadoop_cluster](hdinsight_hadoop_cluster.md) * [hdinsight_hbase_cluster](hdinsight_hbase_cluster.md) * [hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster](hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster.md) @@ -551,6 +552,7 @@ project. * [media_streaming_policy](media_streaming_policy.md) * [media_transform](media_transform.md) * [mobile_network](mobile_network.md) +* [mobile_network_attached_data_network](mobile_network_attached_data_network.md) * [mobile_network_data_network](mobile_network_data_network.md) * [mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane](mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane.md) * [mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane](mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane.md) diff --git a/docs/3.x/data/index.md b/docs/3.x/data/index.md index d177a79d..ee20eb6f 100644 --- a/docs/3.x/data/index.md +++ b/docs/3.x/data/index.md @@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ permalink: /data/ * [mariadb_server](mariadb_server.md) * [marketplace_agreement](marketplace_agreement.md) * [mobile_network](mobile_network.md) +* [mobile_network_attached_data_network](mobile_network_attached_data_network.md) * [mobile_network_data_network](mobile_network_data_network.md) * [mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane](mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane.md) * [mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane](mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane.md) diff --git a/docs/3.x/data/mobile_network_attached_data_network.md b/docs/3.x/data/mobile_network_attached_data_network.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..974cb8f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/3.x/data/mobile_network_attached_data_network.md @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +--- +permalink: /data/mobile_network_attached_data_network/ +--- + +# data.mobile_network_attached_data_network + +`mobile_network_attached_data_network` represents the `azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network` Terraform data source. + + + +This package contains functions and utilities for setting up the data source using Jsonnet code. + + +## Index + +* [`fn new()`](#fn-new) +* [`fn newAttrs()`](#fn-newattrs) +* [`fn withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName()`](#fn-withmobilenetworkdatanetworkname) +* [`fn withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId()`](#fn-withmobilenetworkpacketcoredataplaneid) +* [`fn withTimeouts()`](#fn-withtimeouts) +* [`fn withTimeoutsMixin()`](#fn-withtimeoutsmixin) +* [`obj timeouts`](#obj-timeouts) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-timeoutsnew) + +## Fields + +### fn new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new` injects a new `data_azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network` Terraform `data source` +block into the root module document. + +Additionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the +resource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using: + + # arguments omitted for brevity + azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new('some_id') + +You can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network` using the reference: + + $._ref.data_azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network.some_id.get('id') + +This is the same as directly entering `"${ data_azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network.some_id.id }"` as the value. + +NOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`, +or `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`. + +**Args**: + - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block. + - `mobile_network_data_network_name` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field on the resulting data source block. + - `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field on the resulting data source block. + - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting data source block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. + +**Returns**: +- A mixin object that injects the new data source into the root Terraform configuration. + + +### fn newAttrs + +```ts +newAttrs() +``` + + +`azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `mobile_network_attached_data_network` +Terraform data source. + +Unlike [azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `data source` +block into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the +[tf.withData](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withdata) function to build a complete block. + +This is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to +injecting into a complete block. + +**Args**: + - `mobile_network_data_network_name` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field on the resulting object. + - `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field on the resulting object. + - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.data.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withData](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withdata) to construct a new `mobile_network_attached_data_network` data source into the root Terraform configuration. + + +### fn withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName + +```ts +withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform data source block to set or update the mobile_network_data_network_name field. + + + +**Args**: + - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field. + + +### fn withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId + +```ts +withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform data source block to set or update the mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id field. + + + +**Args**: + - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field. + + +### fn withTimeouts + +```ts +withTimeouts() +``` + +`azurerm.obj.withTimeouts` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj` +Terraform data source block to set or update the timeouts field. + +This function will replace the map with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead merge the +passed in value to the existing map, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin](TODO) function. + +**Args**: + - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field. + + +### fn withTimeoutsMixin + +```ts +withTimeoutsMixin() +``` + +`azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj` +Terraform data source block to set or update the timeouts field. + +This function will merge the passed in value to the existing map. If you wish +to instead replace the entire map with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeouts](TODO) +function. + + +**Args**: + - `dataSrcLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field. + + +## obj timeouts + + + +### fn timeouts.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `timeouts` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `read` (`string`): Set the `read` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `timeouts` sub block. diff --git a/docs/3.x/graph_account.md b/docs/3.x/graph_account.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30b413ae --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/3.x/graph_account.md @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +--- +permalink: /graph_account/ +--- + +# graph_account + +`graph_account` represents the `azurerm_graph_account` Terraform resource. + + + +This package contains functions and utilities for setting up the resource using Jsonnet code. + + +## Index + +* [`fn new()`](#fn-new) +* [`fn newAttrs()`](#fn-newattrs) +* [`fn withApplicationId()`](#fn-withapplicationid) +* [`fn withName()`](#fn-withname) +* [`fn withResourceGroupName()`](#fn-withresourcegroupname) +* [`fn withTags()`](#fn-withtags) +* [`fn withTimeouts()`](#fn-withtimeouts) +* [`fn withTimeoutsMixin()`](#fn-withtimeoutsmixin) +* [`obj timeouts`](#obj-timeouts) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-timeoutsnew) + +## Fields + +### fn new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.graph_account.new` injects a new `azurerm_graph_account` Terraform `resource` +block into the root module document. + +Additionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the +resource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using: + + # arguments omitted for brevity + azurerm.graph_account.new('some_id') + +You can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.graph_account` using the reference: + + $._ref.azurerm_graph_account.some_id.get('id') + +This is the same as directly entering `"${ azurerm_graph_account.some_id.id }"` as the value. + +NOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`, +or `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`. + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block. + - `application_id` (`string`): Set the `application_id` field on the resulting resource block. + - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting resource block. + - `resource_group_name` (`string`): Set the `resource_group_name` field on the resulting resource block. + - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.graph_account.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. + +**Returns**: +- A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration. + + +### fn newAttrs + +```ts +newAttrs() +``` + + +`azurerm.graph_account.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `graph_account` +Terraform resource. + +Unlike [azurerm.graph_account.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `resource` +block into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the +[tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) function to build a complete block. + +This is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to +injecting into a complete block. + +**Args**: + - `application_id` (`string`): Set the `application_id` field on the resulting object. + - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object. + - `resource_group_name` (`string`): Set the `resource_group_name` field on the resulting object. + - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.graph_account.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) to construct a new `graph_account` resource into the root Terraform configuration. + + +### fn withApplicationId + +```ts +withApplicationId() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withApplicationId` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the application_id field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `application_id` field. + + +### fn withName + +```ts +withName() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the name field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `name` field. + + +### fn withResourceGroupName + +```ts +withResourceGroupName() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withResourceGroupName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the resource_group_name field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `resource_group_name` field. + + +### fn withTags + +```ts +withTags() +``` + +`azurerm.obj.withTags` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj` +Terraform resource block to set or update the tags field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `tags` field. + + +### fn withTimeouts + +```ts +withTimeouts() +``` + +`azurerm.obj.withTimeouts` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj` +Terraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field. + +This function will replace the map with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead merge the +passed in value to the existing map, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin](TODO) function. + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field. + + +### fn withTimeoutsMixin + +```ts +withTimeoutsMixin() +``` + +`azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj` +Terraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field. + +This function will merge the passed in value to the existing map. If you wish +to instead replace the entire map with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeouts](TODO) +function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field. + + +## obj timeouts + + + +### fn timeouts.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.graph_account.timeouts.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `timeouts` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `create` (`string`): Set the `create` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `create` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `delete` (`string`): Set the `delete` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `delete` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `read` (`string`): Set the `read` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `update` (`string`): Set the `update` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `update` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `timeouts` sub block. diff --git a/docs/3.x/mobile_network_attached_data_network.md b/docs/3.x/mobile_network_attached_data_network.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e00b03c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/3.x/mobile_network_attached_data_network.md @@ -0,0 +1,448 @@ +--- +permalink: /mobile_network_attached_data_network/ +--- + +# mobile_network_attached_data_network + +`mobile_network_attached_data_network` represents the `azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network` Terraform resource. + + + +This package contains functions and utilities for setting up the resource using Jsonnet code. + + +## Index + +* [`fn new()`](#fn-new) +* [`fn newAttrs()`](#fn-newattrs) +* [`fn withDnsAddresses()`](#fn-withdnsaddresses) +* [`fn withLocation()`](#fn-withlocation) +* [`fn withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName()`](#fn-withmobilenetworkdatanetworkname) +* [`fn withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId()`](#fn-withmobilenetworkpacketcoredataplaneid) +* [`fn withNetworkAddressPortTranslation()`](#fn-withnetworkaddressporttranslation) +* [`fn withNetworkAddressPortTranslationMixin()`](#fn-withnetworkaddressporttranslationmixin) +* [`fn withTags()`](#fn-withtags) +* [`fn withTimeouts()`](#fn-withtimeouts) +* [`fn withTimeoutsMixin()`](#fn-withtimeoutsmixin) +* [`fn withUserEquipmentAddressPoolPrefixes()`](#fn-withuserequipmentaddresspoolprefixes) +* [`fn withUserEquipmentStaticAddressPoolPrefixes()`](#fn-withuserequipmentstaticaddresspoolprefixes) +* [`fn withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Address()`](#fn-withuserplaneaccessipv4address) +* [`fn withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Gateway()`](#fn-withuserplaneaccessipv4gateway) +* [`fn withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Subnet()`](#fn-withuserplaneaccessipv4subnet) +* [`fn withUserPlaneAccessName()`](#fn-withuserplaneaccessname) +* [`obj network_address_port_translation`](#obj-network_address_port_translation) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-network_address_port_translationnew) + * [`obj network_address_port_translation.port_range`](#obj-network_address_port_translationport_range) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-network_address_port_translationport_rangenew) +* [`obj timeouts`](#obj-timeouts) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-timeoutsnew) + +## Fields + +### fn new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new` injects a new `azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network` Terraform `resource` +block into the root module document. + +Additionally, this inserts a private function into the `_ref` attribute that generates references to attributes of the +resource. For example, if you added a new instance to the root using: + + # arguments omitted for brevity + azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new('some_id') + +You can get the reference to the `id` field of the created `azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network` using the reference: + + $._ref.azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network.some_id.get('id') + +This is the same as directly entering `"${ azurerm_mobile_network_attached_data_network.some_id.id }"` as the value. + +NOTE: if you are chaining multiple resources together in a merge operation, you may not be able to use `super`, `self`, +or `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using `local`. + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block. + - `dns_addresses` (`list`): Set the `dns_addresses` field on the resulting resource block. + - `location` (`string`): Set the `location` field on the resulting resource block. + - `mobile_network_data_network_name` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field on the resulting resource block. + - `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field on the resulting resource block. + - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` (`list`): Set the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` (`list`): Set the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_plane_access_name` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_name` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_name` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `network_address_port_translation` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network_address_port_translation` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `network_address_port_translation` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.new](#fn-network_address_port_translationnew) constructor. + - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. + +**Returns**: +- A mixin object that injects the new resource into the root Terraform configuration. + + +### fn newAttrs + +```ts +newAttrs() +``` + + +`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.newAttrs` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `mobile_network_attached_data_network` +Terraform resource. + +Unlike [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.new](#fn-new), this function will not inject the `resource` +block into the root Terraform document. Instead, this must be passed in as the `attrs` argument for the +[tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) function to build a complete block. + +This is most useful when you need to preprocess the attributes with functions, conditional, or looping logic prior to +injecting into a complete block. + +**Args**: + - `dns_addresses` (`list`): Set the `dns_addresses` field on the resulting object. + - `location` (`string`): Set the `location` field on the resulting object. + - `mobile_network_data_network_name` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field on the resulting object. + - `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` (`string`): Set the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field on the resulting object. + - `tags` (`obj`): Set the `tags` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tags` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` (`list`): Set the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` (`list`): Set the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `user_plane_access_name` (`string`): Set the `user_plane_access_name` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `user_plane_access_name` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `network_address_port_translation` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network_address_port_translation` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `network_address_port_translation` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.new](#fn-network_address_port_translationnew) constructor. + - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that can be used with [tf.withResource](https://github.com/tf-libsonnet/core/tree/main/docs#fn-withresource) to construct a new `mobile_network_attached_data_network` resource into the root Terraform configuration. + + +### fn withDnsAddresses + +```ts +withDnsAddresses() +``` + +`azurerm.list.withDnsAddresses` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list` +Terraform resource block to set or update the dns_addresses field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list`): The value to set for the `dns_addresses` field. + + +### fn withLocation + +```ts +withLocation() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withLocation` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the location field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `location` field. + + +### fn withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName + +```ts +withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withMobileNetworkDataNetworkName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the mobile_network_data_network_name field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `mobile_network_data_network_name` field. + + +### fn withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId + +```ts +withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlaneId` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `mobile_network_packet_core_data_plane_id` field. + + +### fn withNetworkAddressPortTranslation + +```ts +withNetworkAddressPortTranslation() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withNetworkAddressPortTranslation` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the network_address_port_translation field. + +This function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the +passed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withNetworkAddressPortTranslationMixin](TODO) function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `network_address_port_translation` field. + + +### fn withNetworkAddressPortTranslationMixin + +```ts +withNetworkAddressPortTranslationMixin() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withNetworkAddressPortTranslationMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the network_address_port_translation field. + +This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish +to instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withNetworkAddressPortTranslation](TODO) +function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `network_address_port_translation` field. + + +### fn withTags + +```ts +withTags() +``` + +`azurerm.obj.withTags` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj` +Terraform resource block to set or update the tags field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `tags` field. + + +### fn withTimeouts + +```ts +withTimeouts() +``` + +`azurerm.obj.withTimeouts` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj` +Terraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field. + +This function will replace the map with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead merge the +passed in value to the existing map, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin](TODO) function. + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field. + + +### fn withTimeoutsMixin + +```ts +withTimeoutsMixin() +``` + +`azurerm.obj.withTimeoutsMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `obj` +Terraform resource block to set or update the timeouts field. + +This function will merge the passed in value to the existing map. If you wish +to instead replace the entire map with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.obj.withTimeouts](TODO) +function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`obj`): The value to set for the `timeouts` field. + + +### fn withUserEquipmentAddressPoolPrefixes + +```ts +withUserEquipmentAddressPoolPrefixes() +``` + +`azurerm.list.withUserEquipmentAddressPoolPrefixes` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list` +Terraform resource block to set or update the user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list`): The value to set for the `user_equipment_address_pool_prefixes` field. + + +### fn withUserEquipmentStaticAddressPoolPrefixes + +```ts +withUserEquipmentStaticAddressPoolPrefixes() +``` + +`azurerm.list.withUserEquipmentStaticAddressPoolPrefixes` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list` +Terraform resource block to set or update the user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list`): The value to set for the `user_equipment_static_address_pool_prefixes` field. + + +### fn withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Address + +```ts +withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Address() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Address` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the user_plane_access_ipv4_address field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `user_plane_access_ipv4_address` field. + + +### fn withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Gateway + +```ts +withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Gateway() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Gateway` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `user_plane_access_ipv4_gateway` field. + + +### fn withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Subnet + +```ts +withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Subnet() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withUserPlaneAccessIpv4Subnet` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `user_plane_access_ipv4_subnet` field. + + +### fn withUserPlaneAccessName + +```ts +withUserPlaneAccessName() +``` + +`azurerm.string.withUserPlaneAccessName` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `string` +Terraform resource block to set or update the user_plane_access_name field. + + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `user_plane_access_name` field. + + +## obj network_address_port_translation + + + +### fn network_address_port_translation.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `network_address_port_translation` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `icmp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `icmp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `icmp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `pinhole_maximum_number` (`number`): Set the `pinhole_maximum_number` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `pinhole_maximum_number` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `tcp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `tcp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tcp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `tcp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `tcp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `tcp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `udp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `udp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `udp_pinhole_timeout_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `udp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` (`number`): Set the `udp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `udp_port_reuse_minimum_hold_time_in_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `port_range` (`list[obj]`): Set the `port_range` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `port_range` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.port_range.new](#fn-network_address_port_translationport_rangenew) constructor. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `network_address_port_translation` sub block. + + +## obj network_address_port_translation.port_range + + + +### fn network_address_port_translation.port_range.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.network_address_port_translation.port_range.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `port_range` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `maximum` (`number`): Set the `maximum` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `maximum` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `minimum` (`number`): Set the `minimum` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `minimum` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `port_range` sub block. + + +## obj timeouts + + + +### fn timeouts.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.mobile_network_attached_data_network.timeouts.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `timeouts` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `create` (`string`): Set the `create` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `create` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `delete` (`string`): Set the `delete` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `delete` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `read` (`string`): Set the `read` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `update` (`string`): Set the `update` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `update` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `timeouts` sub block. diff --git a/docs/3.x/postgresql_flexible_server.md b/docs/3.x/postgresql_flexible_server.md index 38063372..5228414b 100644 --- a/docs/3.x/postgresql_flexible_server.md +++ b/docs/3.x/postgresql_flexible_server.md @@ -714,6 +714,8 @@ Terraform sub block. **Args**: + - `geo_backup_key_vault_key_id` (`string`): Set the `geo_backup_key_vault_key_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `geo_backup_key_vault_key_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `geo_backup_user_assigned_identity_id` (`string`): Set the `geo_backup_user_assigned_identity_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `geo_backup_user_assigned_identity_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. - `key_vault_key_id` (`string`): Set the `key_vault_key_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `key_vault_key_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. - `primary_user_assigned_identity_id` (`string`): Set the `primary_user_assigned_identity_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `primary_user_assigned_identity_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. diff --git a/docs/3.x/site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.md b/docs/3.x/site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.md index 786f7551..b9cc6d55 100644 --- a/docs/3.x/site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.md +++ b/docs/3.x/site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.md @@ -17,22 +17,46 @@ This package contains functions and utilities for setting up the resource using * [`fn newAttrs()`](#fn-newattrs) * [`fn withAzureToAzureSettings()`](#fn-withazuretoazuresettings) * [`fn withAzureToAzureSettingsMixin()`](#fn-withazuretoazuresettingsmixin) +* [`fn withBootRecoveryGroup()`](#fn-withbootrecoverygroup) +* [`fn withBootRecoveryGroupMixin()`](#fn-withbootrecoverygroupmixin) +* [`fn withFailoverRecoveryGroup()`](#fn-withfailoverrecoverygroup) +* [`fn withFailoverRecoveryGroupMixin()`](#fn-withfailoverrecoverygroupmixin) * [`fn withName()`](#fn-withname) * [`fn withRecoveryGroup()`](#fn-withrecoverygroup) * [`fn withRecoveryGroupMixin()`](#fn-withrecoverygroupmixin) * [`fn withRecoveryVaultId()`](#fn-withrecoveryvaultid) +* [`fn withShutdownRecoveryGroup()`](#fn-withshutdownrecoverygroup) +* [`fn withShutdownRecoveryGroupMixin()`](#fn-withshutdownrecoverygroupmixin) * [`fn withSourceRecoveryFabricId()`](#fn-withsourcerecoveryfabricid) * [`fn withTargetRecoveryFabricId()`](#fn-withtargetrecoveryfabricid) * [`fn withTimeouts()`](#fn-withtimeouts) * [`fn withTimeoutsMixin()`](#fn-withtimeoutsmixin) * [`obj azure_to_azure_settings`](#obj-azure_to_azure_settings) * [`fn new()`](#fn-azure_to_azure_settingsnew) +* [`obj boot_recovery_group`](#obj-boot_recovery_group) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-boot_recovery_groupnew) + * [`obj boot_recovery_group.post_action`](#obj-boot_recovery_grouppost_action) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-boot_recovery_grouppost_actionnew) + * [`obj boot_recovery_group.pre_action`](#obj-boot_recovery_grouppre_action) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-boot_recovery_grouppre_actionnew) +* [`obj failover_recovery_group`](#obj-failover_recovery_group) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-failover_recovery_groupnew) + * [`obj failover_recovery_group.post_action`](#obj-failover_recovery_grouppost_action) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-failover_recovery_grouppost_actionnew) + * [`obj failover_recovery_group.pre_action`](#obj-failover_recovery_grouppre_action) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-failover_recovery_grouppre_actionnew) * [`obj recovery_group`](#obj-recovery_group) * [`fn new()`](#fn-recovery_groupnew) * [`obj recovery_group.post_action`](#obj-recovery_grouppost_action) * [`fn new()`](#fn-recovery_grouppost_actionnew) * [`obj recovery_group.pre_action`](#obj-recovery_grouppre_action) * [`fn new()`](#fn-recovery_grouppre_actionnew) +* [`obj shutdown_recovery_group`](#obj-shutdown_recovery_group) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-shutdown_recovery_groupnew) + * [`obj shutdown_recovery_group.post_action`](#obj-shutdown_recovery_grouppost_action) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-shutdown_recovery_grouppost_actionnew) + * [`obj shutdown_recovery_group.pre_action`](#obj-shutdown_recovery_grouppre_action) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-shutdown_recovery_grouppre_actionnew) * [`obj timeouts`](#obj-timeouts) * [`fn new()`](#fn-timeoutsnew) @@ -70,7 +94,10 @@ or `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using - `source_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `source_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting resource block. - `target_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `target_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting resource block. - `azure_to_azure_settings` (`list[obj]`): Set the `azure_to_azure_settings` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `azure_to_azure_settings` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.azure_to_azure_settings.new](#fn-azure_to_azure_settingsnew) constructor. + - `boot_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `boot_recovery_group` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `boot_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.new](#fn-boot_recovery_groupnew) constructor. + - `failover_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `failover_recovery_group` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `failover_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.new](#fn-failover_recovery_groupnew) constructor. - `recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `recovery_group` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.recovery_group.new](#fn-recovery_groupnew) constructor. + - `shutdown_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `shutdown_recovery_group` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `shutdown_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.new](#fn-shutdown_recovery_groupnew) constructor. - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. **Returns**: @@ -100,7 +127,10 @@ injecting into a complete block. - `source_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `source_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting object. - `target_recovery_fabric_id` (`string`): Set the `target_recovery_fabric_id` field on the resulting object. - `azure_to_azure_settings` (`list[obj]`): Set the `azure_to_azure_settings` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `azure_to_azure_settings` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.azure_to_azure_settings.new](#fn-azure_to_azure_settingsnew) constructor. + - `boot_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `boot_recovery_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `boot_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.new](#fn-boot_recovery_groupnew) constructor. + - `failover_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `failover_recovery_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `failover_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.new](#fn-failover_recovery_groupnew) constructor. - `recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `recovery_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.recovery_group.new](#fn-recovery_groupnew) constructor. + - `shutdown_recovery_group` (`list[obj]`): Set the `shutdown_recovery_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `shutdown_recovery_group` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.new](#fn-shutdown_recovery_groupnew) constructor. - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. **Returns**: @@ -144,6 +174,80 @@ function. - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `azure_to_azure_settings` field. +### fn withBootRecoveryGroup + +```ts +withBootRecoveryGroup() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withBootRecoveryGroup` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the boot_recovery_group field. + +This function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the +passed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withBootRecoveryGroupMixin](TODO) function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `boot_recovery_group` field. + + +### fn withBootRecoveryGroupMixin + +```ts +withBootRecoveryGroupMixin() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withBootRecoveryGroupMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the boot_recovery_group field. + +This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish +to instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withBootRecoveryGroup](TODO) +function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `boot_recovery_group` field. + + +### fn withFailoverRecoveryGroup + +```ts +withFailoverRecoveryGroup() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withFailoverRecoveryGroup` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the failover_recovery_group field. + +This function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the +passed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withFailoverRecoveryGroupMixin](TODO) function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `failover_recovery_group` field. + + +### fn withFailoverRecoveryGroupMixin + +```ts +withFailoverRecoveryGroupMixin() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withFailoverRecoveryGroupMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the failover_recovery_group field. + +This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish +to instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withFailoverRecoveryGroup](TODO) +function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `failover_recovery_group` field. + + ### fn withName ```ts @@ -213,6 +317,43 @@ Terraform resource block to set or update the recovery_vault_id field. - `value` (`string`): The value to set for the `recovery_vault_id` field. +### fn withShutdownRecoveryGroup + +```ts +withShutdownRecoveryGroup() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withShutdownRecoveryGroup` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the shutdown_recovery_group field. + +This function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the +passed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withShutdownRecoveryGroupMixin](TODO) function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `shutdown_recovery_group` field. + + +### fn withShutdownRecoveryGroupMixin + +```ts +withShutdownRecoveryGroupMixin() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withShutdownRecoveryGroupMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the shutdown_recovery_group field. + +This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish +to instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withShutdownRecoveryGroup](TODO) +function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `shutdown_recovery_group` field. + + ### fn withSourceRecoveryFabricId ```ts @@ -307,6 +448,175 @@ Terraform sub block. - An attribute object that represents the `azure_to_azure_settings` sub block. +## obj boot_recovery_group + + + +### fn boot_recovery_group.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `boot_recovery_group` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `replicated_protected_items` (`list`): Set the `replicated_protected_items` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `replicated_protected_items` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `post_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `post_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `post_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.post_action.new](#fn-boot_recovery_grouppost_actionnew) constructor. + - `pre_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `pre_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `pre_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.pre_action.new](#fn-boot_recovery_grouppre_actionnew) constructor. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `boot_recovery_group` sub block. + + +## obj boot_recovery_group.post_action + + + +### fn boot_recovery_group.post_action.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.post_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `post_action` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object. + - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object. + - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object. + - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `post_action` sub block. + + +## obj boot_recovery_group.pre_action + + + +### fn boot_recovery_group.pre_action.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.boot_recovery_group.pre_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `pre_action` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object. + - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object. + - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object. + - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `pre_action` sub block. + + +## obj failover_recovery_group + + + +### fn failover_recovery_group.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `failover_recovery_group` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `post_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `post_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `post_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.post_action.new](#fn-failover_recovery_grouppost_actionnew) constructor. + - `pre_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `pre_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `pre_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.pre_action.new](#fn-failover_recovery_grouppre_actionnew) constructor. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `failover_recovery_group` sub block. + + +## obj failover_recovery_group.post_action + + + +### fn failover_recovery_group.post_action.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.post_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `post_action` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object. + - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object. + - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object. + - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `post_action` sub block. + + +## obj failover_recovery_group.pre_action + + + +### fn failover_recovery_group.pre_action.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.failover_recovery_group.pre_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `pre_action` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object. + - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object. + - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object. + - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `pre_action` sub block. + + ## obj recovery_group @@ -379,6 +689,90 @@ Terraform sub block. +**Args**: + - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object. + - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object. + - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object. + - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `pre_action` sub block. + + +## obj shutdown_recovery_group + + + +### fn shutdown_recovery_group.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `shutdown_recovery_group` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `post_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `post_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `post_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.post_action.new](#fn-shutdown_recovery_grouppost_actionnew) constructor. + - `pre_action` (`list[obj]`): Set the `pre_action` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `pre_action` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.pre_action.new](#fn-shutdown_recovery_grouppre_actionnew) constructor. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `shutdown_recovery_group` sub block. + + +## obj shutdown_recovery_group.post_action + + + +### fn shutdown_recovery_group.post_action.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.post_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `post_action` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object. + - `fail_over_types` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_types` field on the resulting object. + - `manual_action_instruction` (`string`): Set the `manual_action_instruction` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `manual_action_instruction` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `name` (`string`): Set the `name` field on the resulting object. + - `runbook_id` (`string`): Set the `runbook_id` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `runbook_id` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `script_path` (`string`): Set the `script_path` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `script_path` field will be omitted from the resulting object. + - `type` (`string`): Set the `type` field on the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `post_action` sub block. + + +## obj shutdown_recovery_group.pre_action + + + +### fn shutdown_recovery_group.pre_action.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.site_recovery_replication_recovery_plan.shutdown_recovery_group.pre_action.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `pre_action` +Terraform sub block. + + + **Args**: - `fabric_location` (`string`): Set the `fabric_location` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `fabric_location` field will be omitted from the resulting object. - `fail_over_directions` (`list`): Set the `fail_over_directions` field on the resulting object. diff --git a/docs/3.x/spring_cloud_service.md b/docs/3.x/spring_cloud_service.md index a6f598bf..5dc765e7 100644 --- a/docs/3.x/spring_cloud_service.md +++ b/docs/3.x/spring_cloud_service.md @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ This package contains functions and utilities for setting up the resource using * [`fn withDefaultBuildServiceMixin()`](#fn-withdefaultbuildservicemixin) * [`fn withLocation()`](#fn-withlocation) * [`fn withLogStreamPublicEndpointEnabled()`](#fn-withlogstreampublicendpointenabled) +* [`fn withMarketplace()`](#fn-withmarketplace) +* [`fn withMarketplaceMixin()`](#fn-withmarketplacemixin) * [`fn withName()`](#fn-withname) * [`fn withNetwork()`](#fn-withnetwork) * [`fn withNetworkMixin()`](#fn-withnetworkmixin) @@ -52,6 +54,8 @@ This package contains functions and utilities for setting up the resource using * [`fn new()`](#fn-container_registrynew) * [`obj default_build_service`](#obj-default_build_service) * [`fn new()`](#fn-default_build_servicenew) +* [`obj marketplace`](#obj-marketplace) + * [`fn new()`](#fn-marketplacenew) * [`obj network`](#obj-network) * [`fn new()`](#fn-networknew) * [`obj timeouts`](#obj-timeouts) @@ -100,6 +104,7 @@ or `$` to refer to the root object. Instead, make an explicit outer object using - `config_server_git_setting` (`list[obj]`): Set the `config_server_git_setting` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `config_server_git_setting` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.config_server_git_setting.new](#fn-config_server_git_settingnew) constructor. - `container_registry` (`list[obj]`): Set the `container_registry` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `container_registry` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.container_registry.new](#fn-container_registrynew) constructor. - `default_build_service` (`list[obj]`): Set the `default_build_service` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `default_build_service` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.default_build_service.new](#fn-default_build_servicenew) constructor. + - `marketplace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `marketplace` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `marketplace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.marketplace.new](#fn-marketplacenew) constructor. - `network` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `network` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.network.new](#fn-networknew) constructor. - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. - `trace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `trace` field on the resulting resource block. When `null`, the `trace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.trace.new](#fn-tracenew) constructor. @@ -138,6 +143,7 @@ injecting into a complete block. - `config_server_git_setting` (`list[obj]`): Set the `config_server_git_setting` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `config_server_git_setting` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.config_server_git_setting.new](#fn-config_server_git_settingnew) constructor. - `container_registry` (`list[obj]`): Set the `container_registry` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `container_registry` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.container_registry.new](#fn-container_registrynew) constructor. - `default_build_service` (`list[obj]`): Set the `default_build_service` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `default_build_service` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.default_build_service.new](#fn-default_build_servicenew) constructor. + - `marketplace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `marketplace` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `marketplace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.marketplace.new](#fn-marketplacenew) constructor. - `network` (`list[obj]`): Set the `network` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `network` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.network.new](#fn-networknew) constructor. - `timeouts` (`obj`): Set the `timeouts` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `timeouts` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.timeouts.new](#fn-timeoutsnew) constructor. - `trace` (`list[obj]`): Set the `trace` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `trace` sub block will be omitted from the resulting object. When setting the sub block, it is recommended to construct the object using the [azurerm.spring_cloud_service.trace.new](#fn-tracenew) constructor. @@ -305,6 +311,43 @@ Terraform resource block to set or update the log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled - `value` (`bool`): The value to set for the `log_stream_public_endpoint_enabled` field. +### fn withMarketplace + +```ts +withMarketplace() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withMarketplace` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the marketplace field. + +This function will replace the array with the passed in `value`. If you wish to instead append the +passed in value to the existing array, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withMarketplaceMixin](TODO) function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `marketplace` field. + + +### fn withMarketplaceMixin + +```ts +withMarketplaceMixin() +``` + +`azurerm.list[obj].withMarketplaceMixin` constructs a mixin object that can be merged into the `list[obj]` +Terraform resource block to set or update the marketplace field. + +This function will append the passed in array or object to the existing array. If you wish +to instead replace the array with the passed in `value`, use the [azurerm.list[obj].withMarketplace](TODO) +function. + + +**Args**: + - `resourceLabel` (`string`): The name label of the block to update. + - `value` (`list[obj]`): The value to set for the `marketplace` field. + + ### fn withName ```ts @@ -717,6 +760,31 @@ Terraform sub block. - An attribute object that represents the `default_build_service` sub block. +## obj marketplace + + + +### fn marketplace.new + +```ts +new() +``` + + +`azurerm.spring_cloud_service.marketplace.new` constructs a new object with attributes and blocks configured for the `marketplace` +Terraform sub block. + + + +**Args**: + - `plan` (`string`): Set the `plan` field on the resulting object. + - `product` (`string`): Set the `product` field on the resulting object. + - `publisher` (`string`): Set the `publisher` field on the resulting object. + +**Returns**: + - An attribute object that represents the `marketplace` sub block. + + ## obj network @@ -737,6 +805,7 @@ Terraform sub block. - `app_network_resource_group` (`string`): Set the `app_network_resource_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `app_network_resource_group` field will be omitted from the resulting object. - `app_subnet_id` (`string`): Set the `app_subnet_id` field on the resulting object. - `cidr_ranges` (`list`): Set the `cidr_ranges` field on the resulting object. + - `outbound_type` (`string`): Set the `outbound_type` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `outbound_type` field will be omitted from the resulting object. - `read_timeout_seconds` (`number`): Set the `read_timeout_seconds` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `read_timeout_seconds` field will be omitted from the resulting object. - `service_runtime_network_resource_group` (`string`): Set the `service_runtime_network_resource_group` field on the resulting object. When `null`, the `service_runtime_network_resource_group` field will be omitted from the resulting object. - `service_runtime_subnet_id` (`string`): Set the `service_runtime_subnet_id` field on the resulting object.